My Heartless Lover

De honeybee1221

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Annabelle fell in love with "The Beast", ever since she was twelve years old. Although, she was warned by man... Mai multe

Episode 2: The Feast
Episode 3: Surprise
Episode 4: Betrothed
Episode 5: Attack
Episode 6: Escape
Episode 7: Responsibility
Episode 8: A Dangerous Game

Episode 1: Resolution

911 21 11
De honeybee1221

A note for the readers -

"The following work is purely a figment of imagination. It is in no way an authentic depiction of the history."

That being said, I am no expert on the Scottish Highlands and their clans. I may be right somewhere and may not be. So, if you like it, please give a vote up. If you find any loopholes, please feel free to suggest any kind of edits. I am open to constructive criticism.

I hope you enjoy this story :)

"Stop it! Annabelle, this is the tenth time you are repeating this plan since last night", said Glenna irritatingly who was tired of listening to Annabelle's never ending schemes about how she would sweep away Arthur Mcleod off his feet by her charm this evening.

From the past one week, Glenna had seen Annabelle, leaving no stone unturned to make sure that she looked the most beautiful lass this evening.

She had been preparing herself more for Arthur's arrival than the grand celebration held in honour of her sister-in-law, Glenna, that evening. Although Aaron and Glenna married three months ago, it was only now that they could host a celebration for all their Highland allies.

They had a very intimate and private wedding devoid of any pomp and show because Aaron and Annabelle's father passed away just a day before the wedding day.

The celebration this evening was to be attended by all their neighbouring clans - The Gunns, The Sutherlands, The Mcleod's and even the Mclean's from far south as Glenna came from that clan.

Annabelle had rejected fifteen gowns sewn by the poor seamstress on a such a short notice before choosing the ruby red one on Glenna's insistence. Glenna had to come up with hundred and more excuses just to get her convinced for this piece.

Three months into the Sinclair clan, and Glenna came to know how much of a labour was it to please Annabelle. She had known she was stubborn, moody and very hard to please from their very first meeting. Glenna even conjectured that she would never really get along with Annabelle. She seemed vain to the much simple - minded Glenna initially.

Never in her wildest dreams, did Glenna imagine, that she will grow so fond of Annabelle. There was something so enchanting about her that one couldn't easily ignore her.

But some times, like at this moment, even Glenna lost her cool and didn't mind mildly chastising Annabelle.

Kyla suppressed a giggle lest she invite a rebuke from her lady, Annabelle. She had been serving her as a maid for the past seven years and was quite used to her mood swings. Annabelle eyed her in a disapproving way and she quickly diverted her attention saying-

"Oh........milady, I was just wondering exactly how did you fall in love with the man who is feared on almost all of the realm? You hardly met him once when you were merely a child, more or less, twelve years old. And he is more than ten years older than you. Don't you think he would be a little misfit for you?"

She regretted the word 'misfit' as she knew it would draw the wrath out of her. But, fortunately Annabelle didn't pay any attention to it. She went merry almost at all the times when 'Arthur'was mentioned.

"Misfit?", Annabelle raised her brows in surprise. "He is the only man that can ever fit me. And as for falling in love with him, it happened long, long time ago, when I was just a little girl of twelve years." Annabelle immediately started reminiscing about that cold winter night of Christmas eve.

Kyla now done with Annabelle's dress, moved to her back to braid her soft deep mahogany locks.

"Milady, I would certainly like to hear about it", said Kyla smiling brightly, "and I am sure that our new lady", she waved her hands towards Glenna, who was also getting her hair done by her maid, Isla, "Lady Glenna would also want to know."

"Yes, Bella", said Glenna with an amused smiled. She used to call her Bella just like her husband, Aaron. "Carry on, even I would love to know to the reason behind this foolish obsession of yours", she teased her. Annabelle ignored, she too was getting fond of Glenna and didn't mind her sister-in-law making fun of her openly and that too infront off the maids.

Annabelle knew she would never have been able to come out of the deep sorrow of loosing her father, if it wasn't for Glenna. Glenna's company had a great impact on her. After her father's death, Annabelle had spent several nights weeping in her arms. Glenna had soothed her and helped her largely to come back to her normal self. Over the period of these three months, there was a certain amount of respect, that Glenna had earned in Annabelle's heart.

Being five years older than her, she was far more mature than her. Her demeanour was calm and peaceful.

Annabelle often had a feeling that Glenna possessed a great intuition. She had noticed that her keen eyes always made a right opinion. Therefore, very often Annabelle looked up to her advice.

Annabelle continued, "Well, it happened about eight years ago when I was locked up in my chamber after incessantly crying and pleading so that I be permitted to attend the Christmas celebrations. A grand party was organised in the castle premises much grander than the one which is going to take place this evening. I was bed-ridden for the past three days because of a broken leg after I tripped from a horse. The physician had advised me not to step out of the bed for a whole month. I had cried all day so that I could attend the dinner, but no one wanted to compromise with my health. The pain was severe but also my desire to attend the celebrations. Papa knew that I would definitely try to sneak away from my chamber."

"And, therefore I had to be locked."

She smiled mischievously and continued, "Hardly did papa and Aaron know that no lock could tame this untamed child." she bought both her hands to her chest pointing at herself.

Glenna let out a little grin when Annabelle spoke in third person. Isla took leave as Glenna was all prepared. Now, both Kyla and Glenna gave an inquisitive ear to Annabelle as her childhood adventure started getting interesting.

Annabelle continued, "They forgot that my bedchamber had an inbuilt secret tunnel which connected to all the places, big and small, of this castle to my room. It even leads outside this well fortified castle to a safe hideout in the woods."

"There Kyla", she pointed towards an obsolete trunk kept at the far right corner of her chamber, "if you push aside the trunk, you will see a secret trapdoor. Passing through the narrow stairs, you can reach the tunnel."

Annabelle knew it was a family secret and only her family members need to know about it, but she trusted Kyla enough to give confidential details about her family home, this castle. Kyla too considered this castle as her home and even the thought of doing anything against her Sinclair clan was sacrilegious to her. She was undoubtedly the most faithful servant of the castle which is why Annabelle kept her as her personal maid. All these years, owing to her faithfulness, Kyla had gained the liberty to get friendly and even like family with Annabelle, a privilege which other servants didn't have. She was the closest friend and confidante Annabelle had since her childhood.

"Is it? I always thought, why you didn't throw away that odd piece containing nothing more than your childhood toys and clothes."Kyla was amused.

"Although in excruciating pain, I had managed to push the old trunk aside and uncover the trap door. Papa had constructed a secret tunnel from both mine and Aaron's chamber. Several times had I revised my way through the secret passageway with papa just to train myself in escaping if any unforeseen circumstance arises."

"On that day, I used it to escape the locked room", Annabelle giggled.

"What happened next Bella? Did you go through that tunnel with that broken leg of yours?" Glenna was surprised.

"Yes, of course. It hurt me initially but then the I heard hoots and cheers from the Great Hall. I could not hold my excitement." Annabelle smiled brightly. "So, I forgot about the pain and moved ahead with a limp leg hardly paying any attention to the pain."

"You are a fool, Bella. I don't call you that for no reason", said Glenna and shook her head.

"Yes, I did it. Crossing all the way from the northern wing of our castle, I managed to reach a staircase which brought me right next to the Great Hall. Reaching the top of the staircase, I slowly opened the trapdoor ahead. It was a secluded spot purposely covered up by a non functional fireplace. I extinguished the candle I had brought along with me from my bed stand and secretly slid into a sack kept to the fireplace 's side." said Annabelle.

"Didn't anyone notice you in the hallway, milady ?" asked Kyla who now kneeled down before her stool as her hair was perfectly done.

"No, no one seemed to bother passing a spare look here and there. Each and every servant of the holding was busy serving the deluge of guests." Bella smiled mischievously.

"And after that? "asked Glenna impatiently.

"Well after that, taking the advantage of the crowd present there, I managed to reach the window which opened up to the Great Hall. All I did was peeping through the tiny hole of the sack. I rested my chin on the low sill of the window while being in the sack. My leg was so sore, but my heart felt more sore at the sight of everyone enjoying and having fun. I went green with envy."

"Here I was lying in an abandoned sack which smelled of stale ale. And everybody out there weren't even a bit affected by my absence."

"I can't believe that even Aaron rejoiced in your absense." Glenna gave an incredulous expression. She knew how Bella was a beloved of her brother ever since she first opened her eyes.

After her mother's and now father's death, her brother Aaron, was her sole guardian. The reason why Annabelle was so spoiled was because Aaron pampered her a lot. She was his weakness. She was also a weakness for her father, but time and again, her father did put a restraint on her. But, Aaron had never had the heart to say 'no' to her sister. And he would always make sure that anything she wishes be present before her even before she utters it. Such was his love for his sister, his baby sister, ten years younger than him.

"Well, he didn't seem to enjoy that much. But, you know Glenna, papa's word was a law in this castle and nobody challenged it. He did feel sorry for me though and would have spent the whole evening by my side just to give me company had it not been for Arthur."

"The Beast", said Kyla and Glenna in unison raising their eyebrows.

"Yes, Aaron was to discuss something crucial related to a particular clan rebellion against them with Arthur." said Annabelle.

"So, there you saw Arthur for the first time." said Kyla excitedly.

"No, I didn't just see him. I fell in love with him", Annabelle smiled widely. Kyla and Glenna smiled back at her.

"For the first time in my life, had I seen a man with such imposing figure etched with such perfection. He towered above almost all of the men present there.

"He is above six feet, Aaron told me." Glenna cut her in between.

"His muscles swelled up from beneath the covers of his plaid wrapped around his torso. A dagger hung from his side where he tied his plaid at the waist. His eyes were dark, ominously dark, just like his raven unruly hair, which came down till his neck. The lower half of his face was covered in a thick stubble which hardly gave any view of his thin lips, the only soft feature of his face." She stopped for a second and continued, "His stare was dangerous enough to send shivers down the body of the beholder." Annabelle giggled looking at the bewildered faces of both of them.

"That is it, you saw him and fell in love with him. I thought there was more to this story", said Kyla.

"Well there is, my dear. I was mesmerised with this dark handsome", she stopped and emphasised on the word, "beast ", and they all laughed out loud, "as you would love to call him when I suddenly realized that I was lifted up in the air."

"At first, I was unable to comprehend as to what was happening, but then I heard a voice calling from behind."

"Who was it ?", asked Kyla startled.

"It was one of our servants directing the one who picked me up thinking it as an abandoned sack. He asked him to throw the sack along with the other clutter out down the loch passing by our castle and clear up the mess."

"I got scared and didn't know what to do and before I could scream to alert him, out was I thrown from the topmost window of the passageway. I was swayed out in the wind."

"But, fortunately I managed to slip from the mouth of the sack and got hold a ledge protruding out from the middle length of the tower." said Annabelle.

Both Kyla and Glenna sighed and Annabelle smiled in her usual mischievous way.

"Then".....said Kyla.

"Well, If I wasn't indisposed with a broken leg at that moment, I could have easily climbed back the ledge and would have tried to get back into the tower from the adjacent window safely. You know, my tree climbing skills are quite honed." She smiled widely.

"But, my bad luck, with a broken leg out in the bitter cold of Christmas eve hanging from a ledge at the height of thirty feet was a sight to kill even the skillfull climber out of me."

"So, I screamed at the top of my voice and the man who threw me heard and noticed me hanging from the window. Below was the loch, running with icy cold water and above was the ledge whose grip I was loosening with each passing second. The water in the loch was running madly that night gushing straight towards the open sea."

"My fractured leg made me incapable of dragging my leg upwards. The bitter cold paralysed me and I could feel my legs and arms getting numb. I thought this the end of me. My grip on the ledge loosened and I fell directly into the deep cold loch. I immidiately got carried away by the fast currents of the loch further into the sea and lost my consciousness."

"When I came back to senses, I felt myself completely soaked in water and cuddled into the arms of a man who then pressed my belly to squeeze out the sea water out of my body. A man who didn't seem to be Aaron or even papa. Who else could it be? Brave enough to rescue me from the fast current of the loch endangering his own life too. I opened my eyes and got a clear view of him."

"It was him. Arthur."

"He brought me back to the safety of my chamber."

"Papa later told me how Arthur jumped into the icy cool depths to save my life. Aaron told me how even before they reached, he had already dived into the loch. And before my father and Aaron could do anything, Arthur had rescued me."

"Had it been a little late, I wouldn't have survived."

"I didn't see Arthur after that night again. He left the castle early that morning. How much I wish I could have at least thanked him in person for saving my life. He just didn't save my life that night, he stole my heart too."

Annabelle stopped and glanced upon both Glenna and Kyla. They both sat there, their eyes wide open in disbelief or amazement, as Annabelle liked to believe.

Annabelle continued while narrowing her eyes towards Glenna.

"So, Lady Glenna. You still think I suffer from a foolish childhood obsession. I have my own reasons to be in awe of him. He is the only man till now who has been able to win my heart. I have never found anyone else like him."

"Well, I know you are smitten by him, Bella" said Glenna, "but you do know he is a difficult man. Life will never be a bed of roses with him. He is a beast, afterall!"

"That I know. And, I also know that he would always need a woman who matches his fiery "beast" temperament, which I possess in abundance. If his stare kills, then so does mine. "Annabelle concluded with a wink.

And all the three women broke into a huge laughter together.

Glenna and Annabelle finally stood up to make a grand entry into the Great Hall below. Followed by their maids, Isla and Kyla, they made their way together taking in the hustle bustle of the celebration through the hallway. Every nook and corner was bustling in the mood of celebration. As they neared the Great Hall, Kyla said in Annabelle's ear -

"Arthur is going to be a big challenge for you, milady?"

"No, he won't be a challenge Kyla. He is my first love. He is my man. He is my resolution." said Annabelle gleefully with bold confidence sticking up her right eyebrow high while they entered the Great Hall.


" To your extreme right, picture of Annabelle!"

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