Episode 3: Surprise

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Ethan was looking at Annabelle for the past half an hour. He had seen Annabelle entering the Great Hall with Glenna. But, his eyes lay only on Annabelle. Whenever Annabelle came in his sight, he didn't see anything else. Nothing appealed to his senses more than her.

Annabelle was tall with a slender frame. Her oval shaped face had wide forehead, a thick pair of brows, arched subtly in the middle, heavily lashed green eyes, a long straight nose with luscious pink full lips. Unlike other highlander women who had pale porcelain white skin, Annabelle's skin was slightly bronzed which showed her great love for outdoors.

Ethan's heart leapt at the sight of Annabelle. The ruby red gown clung to her figure defining each and every curve of hers. Her deep mahagony locks settled on her well endowed bosom. Over her gown, she wore a snug kirtle, made out of the sinclair plaid. It was laced tightly in the front accentuating both her assets and tiny waist even more. The long wide sleeves of her gown swayed from both her sides. She wore a deep round neckline which was considered a bit risqué, taken the fact that she still was a maiden. Maidens dressed up modestly. But, Annabelle didn't care. She never really cared much about the norms created by other people. She did whatever pleased her and ignored what didn't suit her.

Annabelle, looked every bit a vision.

"She looks ethereal", Ethan mumbled to himself.

Ethan had known Annabelle since she was five and he was seven. Annabelle never really liked to play with the other girls of her age. When all the other girls played with dolls and learned to sew, Annabelle loved playing with wooden swords and riding a horse, much like the other young boys of her age. Ethan would become her partner in mischief. They would often sneak out in the woods, climb trees and get dirty in the mud. When, exactly did this childhood friendship turn into love, he didn't know. He just knew that there was only one lass his heart ever came upon. It was Annabelle. He knew that to woo her wouldn't be that easy. Annabelle couldn't be won over with boyish charm. The only trait she admired the most in a man was bravery. She even held a contempt for weak women. She despised being weak and dependent. She always loved holding the reigns of her life in her own hands. This unconventional disposition of hers had spell bounded Ethan and he had decided to join the Sinclair's army. He knew this was the only way he could win his lady love. He bested each and every warrior in the army. Over the years, he had proven his worth and as a result, he got appointed as the chief commander of the Sinclair army.

Ethan had earned a respect from both the former and present Lairds, William and Aaron. He was of course a brave warrior. There was hardly any reason why Annabelle could reject him, he thought to himself. The only problem lied in his courage. He lacked the courage to express his feelings to Annabelle. But, tonight he thought he would do it. Come what may, he will confess his love to Annabelle. It had been so long that he had kept his feelings locked in his heart. But no more. He will do it tonight.

"Tonight, aye, tonight it will be", Ethan said to himself.

He saw her sitting next to Glenna on the dininig table. Glenna said something in Annabelle's ear, and she smiled shyly. The apple of her cheeks seemed to match the scarlett red of her gown. God, how could she glow so much today? What was it that made her blush so much? She seemed to outshine every single lass present there in the hall.


Annabelle gorged heavily on the roasted venison.

"You know what, I hardly ate anything this past week. This excitement of the celebration killed my appetite severely", Annabelle spoke to Glenna, gulping her wine.

"Go easy Bella, you look like a hungry cat", Glenna giggled at her. It was because of these antics of her, that Glenna found her adorable. In one moment, she would be the alluring temptress and the very other, she would be an innocent child squealing in delight at the mere sight of sumptuous meal. She could never really understand her completely, Glenna thought.

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