Unexpected Love

By EAODonnell

33.8K 756 12

A story about a young girl finding it hard to trust people after she leaves her father back in New York to st... More

Chapter 1 - Saying Goodbye is hard
Chapter 2 - Arriving into my new life
Chapter 3 - The start of my life in San Antonio
Chapter 4 - What i didn't want to happen
Chapter 5 - The feelings begin to star
Chapter 6 - I've missed you Aidan
Chapter 7 - Do you feel the same?
Chapter 8 - The work life
Chapter 9 - When the past comes back to haunt you
Chapter 10 - The start of the night to remember?
Chapter 11 - My view before dinner
Chapter 12 - Austin's not ready yet
Chapter 13 - New York Talk
Chapter 14 - It was a night to remember
Chapter 15 - Flight to New York now boarding
Chapter 16 - New York We're Here
Chapter 17 - Preparation for dad's big day
Chapter 18 - Dad's wedding day is just beginning
Chapter 19 - Dads married
Chapter 20 - may i have this dance?
Chapter 21- You don't have to be scared anymore Abi
Chapter 22 - Day in the big city with Aidan
Chapter 23 - It's not a friendly outing
Chapter 24 - I wanna stay in San Antonio
Chapter 25 - Is it going to be a normal movie night?
Chapter 27 - Bringing back the past
Chapter 28 - Do they know about us?
Chapter 29 - We're Official Babe!

Chapter 26 - Why can't he just leave and never come back?

812 20 0
By EAODonnell

I opened the door and it wasn't Austin standing in front of me.....

I was in complete shock. I thought he left here, i thought he went back to New York. It was Noah standing to front of me, i was so speechless i couldn't speak, i just wanted to slap him in the face for everything that he had done to me. But i couldn't, i couldn't move, i was frozen on the spot with fear. 

Noah: Hello Abigail

Abigail: N-Noa-Noah? What are you doing here? why are you here?

I started to back away as he come close to me. He slamed the door behind him. He turned around and did something and started walking closer to me again. I was afraid of what he would do to me.

Noah: so you thought you could hind from me,did you?

Abigail: why are you here Noah?! 

Noah: i knew it was you at the restaurant that day, i knew it was you i saw at the other side of the street and i knew it was you i saw through the window

Abigail: What do you want Noah?!

Noah: i knew i'd get you back

Abigail: your not getting me back!

I kept moving back when i hit the wall. Noah come up to be and pinned my arms up to the wall. I tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong

Noah: you can't get out now Abi doll!

Abigail: Don't call me that!

Noah: awh come on, you used to love it when i called you that

Abigail: i didn't, i hated you! i still do! let go of me!

Noah: No, i'm going to get what i wanted 2 years ago!

Abigail: no, your not!

I kneed him in his privates and run towards the door, i tried opening it but it was locked. I kept turning the handle but it wouldn't bung. Noah was still on the ground but he was getting up. I ran past him but he grabbed my leg and i fell to the floor. I screamed in pain and heard someone knock on the door. It was Austin this time. Noah got up and stumbled towards the door. I screamed at Austin to run.

Abigail: Austin! Run!

Austin: Abigail!? what?! What's wrong?!

Noah: Abi doll, shut up now! or i'll hurt him!

I stayed quite. Noah opened the door but Austin wasn't there. He took my advice. But when Noah closed the door and started to walk slowly to me, the door slowly opened, It was Austin. I started to seat up and crawl towards the kitchen. As i was doing this, Austin put a finger to his mouth, symbolizing me to not say anything. As i entered the kitchen, Noah was still walking towards me. As i hit my back on the table, Austin jumped onto Noah's back and started to punch him in the stomach and the face but Austin didn't know Noah like i know him. Noah started to punch back. He got on top of Austin and started punching him in the eye and mouth. I got up, and the first thing i say on the table was a big plate. I grabbed the plate and aimed for Noah's head and hit him. I run over to Austin.

Abigail: Austin? Austin, are you okay?

Austin: yeah, just a few bruises that's all Abi

Abigail: come on we have to leave

Noah: no you don't 

Noah was right behind me and grabbed me from behind, he covered my mouth with his hand and kicked Austin which make him pass out. I bite Noah's hand and kicked him in the balls again and kick him over the head. I quickly grabbed the house phone and dialed 911. 

Voice: Hello, how can i help you?

Abigail: police please!

I quickly gave them my address, why i needed them and hang up. I went over to Austin. I grabbed his hand and tried to wake him up.

Abigail: Austin please wake up, please! Austin!

Austin: Ab-Abi?

Abigail: Austin? thank god your okay. can you move?

I tried helping Austin up and when he finally stood up, the police came running in, but as that happened i never noticed Noah had woken up and had a knife in his hand. He grabbed me once again and held the knife to my neck.....

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