Not Alive

By books_are_my_tardis

16.5K 909 987

Seán. Marzia. Mark. Three stories. Three characters. One revolution to free them all. More

Gone With the Wind
Rescue Mission
False Alarm
On the Run
New Team
True Colors
Life or Death
Safe Space
The Calvary
Two Evils
Freedom March
Friend or Foe
Android Camp


438 22 21
By books_are_my_tardis

"So, Robbie...we're escaping the country, do you want to go with us?" Felix questioned, the android's colorless eyes seeming to light up with excitement.

"Robbie travel with friends? Robbie go!" Robbie cheered, bolting up out of his bed and hugging me and Felix.

"How're we gonna get out of the country?" Felix whispered to me as Robbie retracted from the embrace and returned to bed, murmuring something about friends before closing his eyes.

"We take the train, you say that that I'm your sister or something and that Robbie is our brother." I stated, Felix's expression shifting into a frown.

"We'll have to get Robbie's LED off and fix him up enough so they don't see the blue blood." Felix replied.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it." I assured him, already thinking of how to disguise the scar on Robbie's neck.

Felix laid down by the fire near Robbie, closing his eyes as I laid down next to him.

Felix moves closer to me and let out a sigh of content, my back pressed against his as he started to snore softly in his sleep.

"Marzi, look at this!"

Marzia's eyes snapped open as she sat up, poking her head out of the shelter and looked at what Felix was pointing to.

Two police officers were dragging a brown haired male out of a house and forcing him into the backseat, his blue eyes filled with tears.

"Jack!" Robbie blurted, barreling past Felix and Marzia to get to the android.

"Wait, how do you know that human?" I interjected, holding the zombie back as the car sped off.

"It Jack, Jack human like you!" Robbie replied, poking Felix's arm.

"Lets follow them." Felix hissed to me, running out of the shelter and climbing the fence.

I took Robbie's arm and dragged him along with me, the android stumbling towards the fence.

"Hold onto my back." I instructed, Robbie clinging onto my back like a monkey as I scaled the fence and landed on the other side.

"C'mon!" Felix called out over his shoulder, urging me to go faster while Robbie struggled to keep up.

I could see the car was pulling into an airport, the officers talking to the male before zapping him with a taser and throwing him over their shoulder.

"What are they doing with him?" I wondered aloud, Felix starting to sneak away from me towards the officers.

"Felix!" I whispered sharply, the Swede ignoring me.

Before I could run out and stop him, Felix kicked one of the officers behind their knees with enough force to make them fall to their knees, the other officer holding the male turning just in time for Felix to punch him square in the face.

Dazed, the punched officer stumbled back and dropped the male, giving me time to run out of the shadows and knock out the other officer while Felix knocked out the first officer.

"You okay?" I asked Felix, the Swede nodding as he glanced over at the unconscious male.

"Wait, that's not a human." I murmured, kneeling by the brown haired figure and lightly tapping the LED light on their head.

"Put this on." Felix directed, tossing a police uniform at me while he dressed in his own uniform.

I drug the unconscious bodies behind a bunch of crates and followed Felix onto the jet with Robbie, the pilot ignoring us as we boarded with Robbie and the other android.

"Wha...wh-where am I? What's going on?" The unconscious android stammered as they woke up, their pale blue eyes fluttering open and focusing on me.

"My name's Felix, that's Marzia and Robbie, and we're getting out of the country and rescuing you." Felix spoke up with a grin, Robbie tackling the android in a hug.

"Robbie found Jack! Robbie miss you!" Robbie exclaimed, the android apparently called Jack shooting me a confused look.

"I don't know you, I just want to be back home with Signe." Jack replied, pulling his knees into his chest.

"Why? You're free now, like us." I argued quietly, gesturing at myself and Robbie.

"I don't want freedom if it's like this." Jack protested, his chin resting on his knees.

"We're almost to LA officers!" The pilot shouted back to me and Felix, the two of us snapping to attention in case they looked back.

"Their security sucks." Felix murmured to me as he and I sat on the ground next to Jack and Robbie.

"So...what's in LA?" Jack prompted me.

"There's am android rebellion group called the Resistance, we're going to try and see if they can help us." I explained quietly.

The plane soon began descending, signaling our arrival at LA where a large group of officers was waiting below.

"God, why are they doing this to me? I was just protecting her." Jack groaned as he rubbed his face with his hands.

"Stay quiet, we're going to get you outta here." Felix instructed as the ramp lowered, Felix shoving Jack in front of him while I took care of Robbie.

We all got in a police car and rode to the LA police station, Jack escorted into an interrogation cell while Robbie was put in another cell.

Felix and I quickly escaped out of the station before we could be caught, Felix going in to a nearby clothes store and buying us new disguises.

"We need to find a way to get back in there and help Robbie." I told Felix once I changed into the new black dress he had gotten me.

"What about Jack?" Felix countered.

Rescue Jack and Robbie (risky)?

Rescue Robbie only (safer)?

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