Chasing Ghosts (under constru...

By imhereinspirit

35.4K 1K 539

Set a few chapters before the end of Queen of air and darkness. So don't read if you haven't read qoaad becau... More

chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six


1.7K 52 10
By imhereinspirit

Kit and Ty stay clung to each other for a long while afterwards. Kit didn't want to let go first, afraid Ty might fall apart all over again. Kit knew Ty was stronger than he was giving him credit for, but he couldn't help but worry. The last time Ty had reacted like this was when Livvy had been injured at the Shadow market. Ty didn't even let go when the infirmary door opened once more, and the entire Blackthorn clan came filtering in. From the corner of his eye, Kit saw Julian and Mark stopping Dru, Tavvy, and Helen from bombarding them. Kit nudged Ty's head with his own, and Ty looked up questioningly. He smiled down at Ty, now that he could see the redness in his eyes had begun to disappear. He ducked his head down a little, entirely too aware of everyone watching them, and whispered to Ty.

"Your family is here... for some reason." Kit wasn't sure why they were all there, as they certainly hadn't come to check on him. Ty's head shot up, but he didn't jerk away from Kit like he thought he would. Kit felt Ty's heart rate increase to pounding beats so aggressively Kit could feel them against his chest. Kit drew tiny, comforting circles on Ty's back with his index finger.

"Hello," Ty said. Helen burst out from Mark's arms and dropped to her knees by the bed, looking wildly at Kit.

"Are you alright, Kit? Are you in any pain?" She asked. Kit froze, unsure how to act at this sudden display of concern from a woman he barely knew.

"Um...I'm alright, thanks." Helen patted him on the arm.

"You gave us all a proper scare," she said. Kit smiled awkwardly.

"So I've been told." Helen stood up, ruffling Ty's hair as she went to stand back beside Mark. Julian stepped forward, his hand on Tavvy's shoulder.

"We just came to see how you were doing, Kit. And we assumed Ty would be here."

Kit shrugged. "Just a bit sore, that's all," Kit said. Julian nodded once, and ran a hand through his hair, looking slightly out of place.

"We need you both to come downstairs. Magnus and Alec are waiting and they have news!" Dru said excitedly. Ty nodded firmly and disentangled him from Kit, running his hands over his face and through his hair. Kit felt the absence of Ty's warmth immediately.

Mark ushered Tavvy and Dru out of the room with the promise of sugar, giving Kit a meek wave. Helen followed them, leaving Julian alone. He stood rigid, unsure of himself.

"Ty, do you want to go down to the kitchen with everyone?" He asked. Ty looked like he wanted to protest, but nodded instead and slipped off the bed. He turned at the doorway to look once at Kit. Kit gave him a small wave.

Julian stayed where he was for a moment, before choosing to sit on the plastic chair by Kit's bed. Kit fiddled nervously with the bed covers, bracing for the worst. Julian was scary at the best of times, and, without Emma there, Kit feared for his life.

Julian didn't talk for a while. Whether he was unsure what to say, or trying to choose the best way to phrase, 'I want you out of this Institute immediately, and you're never allowed to see Ty again,' Kit didn't know.

"So... what is this?" Julian finally asked.

"What is...what?"

"You know. You and Ty. That." Kit had never seen Julian look so out of his depth. It was like Kit's dad teaching him the birds and the bees all over again.

"I... don't know."

Julian nodded. "Do you care about him?" It was a stupid question; Kit cared about a lot of people. It was vague and Kit wanted to say as much.

"Of course I do."

Julian gnawed at his bottom lip.

"Do you love him?" he asked. Kit had the answer to that. It had sat in the back of his mind for months. But he hadn't even admitted it to himself; did he really want Julian to be the first to hear it?

"I...yes," Kit said hesitantly. Julian's eyes softened with understanding. He had really been through some shit, Kit knew that. Loving Emma all these years, knowing they couldn't be together. Kit only prayed that Julian would understand how Kit felt. But Ty was his baby brother, and if whatever this thing he had with Ty ever went awry, Kit didn't want to be on the receiving end of angry Julian. Kit knew he;d never hurt Ty, but Julian didn't.

"Are you in love with him?" Kit stopped in his tracks. Was he in love with Ty? What did it mean to be in love with someone?

Before Kit could even begin to formulate a response, there was a knock at the door, and Emma entered. She was dressed casually, jeans and a white tank top. She could've been a mundane, if not for the runes inked across her arms. Once upon a time, Kit would have been attracted to a girl like Emma, but not so much anymore. She rested her hands on Julian's shoulders, and Kit watched the visible tension release from him.

"I hope you aren't interrogating the poor boy," Emma said, winking at Kit. Julian smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"We were just talking," he responded innocently. Emma rolled her eyes.

"You think you're well enough to get out of bed?" She asked Kit. he nodded and Emma gave him two thumbs up.

"Great. Go get dressed and meet us downstairs. Come, Julian." She pulled him up and they both left. Kit sighed and pulled himself out of bed, wobbling slightly. He moved a little haphazardly out of the infirmary and to his room. He was pleased to find none of his belongings had been moved. He made a beeline to the closet and pulled out a pair of black jeans, a plain blue tee, and his denim jacket for good measure. He examined himself in the mirror. He looked a little worse for wear; skinny, hollowed cheeks. A bandage had been wrapped around his torso, securing his ribs in place. He winced and pulled his shirt over his head, hiding most of the damage. He couldn't find his shoes, so he traipsed down the corridor barefooted. He heard the soft chatter of everyone as he rounded the corner to the kitchen. Alec, Magnus, Jace, and Clary were all seated at the kitchen table, chatting to Mark and Helen. Aline was kneading her palms into Helen's shoulders. Julian cooked at the stove, a wooden spoon in one hand, and a fork in the other. Tavvy sat on Dru's lap as she read him a story on the sofa. Emma and Cristina were whispering to each other on the other end of the sofa. Nobody looked up when he entered, as his feet made no noise on the tiled floor. He made his way to Dru and Tavvy, the former looking up at him with a huge grin.

"Hiya," she said. Tavvy waved a sticky hand at him.

"Hi, what's going on?" Kit asked.

"Alec and Magnus have an announcement," she said cheerily. Kit nodded, peering into the library. Dru sighed.

"Calm yourself, he'll be back in a minute."

With nothing else to do, Kit slumped onto the sofa next to Dru.

"Where'd he go?" He asked, trying his best not to appear antsy about Ty's absence. Dru shrugged.

"How should I know? He doesn't tell me much. I'm no Livvy. And no Kit," she smiled. Kit felt his heart sink. He felt for Dru. All she wanted was to be a bigger part of Ty's life. He nudged her shoulder playfully.

"Well, we had fun. You're my friend, Dru." She rested her head on his shoulder.

Magnus clapped his hands, gaining the attention of the room. Kit looked up and noticed Ty standing in the doorway, headphones on, hands in his pockets, a vacant look in his eyes.

"We have some news," Magnus announced. He walked to Alec's side and slung an arm over his shoulder.

"We're getting married. In an hour."

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