The Leaking Heart

By Leonette23

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Jason Clifton is a young boy at the age of 17. He is in Drifton Highschool where he recieves a lot of attenti... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chaper Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chaper Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Twelve

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By Leonette23

Jason was sleeping next to Lucy the next morning when her fingers suddenly moved.
He jolted and looked at her with wide eyes while leaning over her.
"Lucy? Can you hear me?" He asked.
She moaned and slowly opened her eyes and reached out her hand towards Jason, who took hold of it.
Feeling his hand she smiled, knowing it's him.
"J-Jason..." Sue said.
"Yes, I'm here. I never left you." He said as he held onto her hand.
"Where's my mom and dad?" She asked.
Jason helped her to push the button on the bed so she could sit up.
"I'll go get them." He said, but she grabbed his sleeve.
"No, don't leave." She whispered.
He smiled and sat back down next to her.
Lucy's parents came in a few minutes later.
"Oh honey, we're so happy the pain is better." Allison said.
"What's my diagnosis?" She asked.
Suddenly the room went cold and everyone felt uncomfortable.
Jason smiled at her as he rubbed her hand with his.
"I'm sorry Lucy, but it's not good news." He said.
"What is it?" She asked.
"It's four different types of cancer and..." Her father said, but struggled to finish.
"It's terminal." Jason finished.
Allison started to cry and so did Bill.
"Guys, don't cry please. I don't want my last few moments alive to be sad." She said with a weak little smile.
After a few minutes alone with her parents, she asked for Jason to come back.
"Hey My Lady, how far do you want my love to reach you?" He asked and she smiled at him.
"Through the depths of my soul and back." She answered.
Jason walked over to her and sat down next to her, holding her hand in his.
"You're missing school, being here." She said.
"I know."
"It doesn't bother you?" She asked.
"When the love of my life needs me, nothing else matters so no, it doesn't bother me." He replied with a wide smile on his face.
"Jason... I'm sorry I didn't tell-"
"Please...don't. I know why you didn't and it's alright, you didn't want me to pity you and make it worse for you to enjoy life." He said and she chuckled.
"You know me so well."
"Nick's here if you want-"
"No, I just want to be with you." She said.
Jason smiled and nodded slightly.
"I have no hair now..." She said sadly.
"It doesn't matter, you're still beautiful to me." He replied causing her to laugh out loud.
"Yeah, sure. I wouldn't know." She said with a smile.
"Aren't you sad that you have limited time?" He asked.
"A little, but I knew this was coming. I stopped my chemo when I was thirteen and the treatment wasn't done yet, so I knew this was coming back to bite me. I guess, I was just sick of throwing up everything I ate and looking like a skeleton." She joked.
"I have something for you, a little gift. It took me four days to get it and to prepare. I didn't plan on giving it to you like this, but..." He said as he pulled out two small bottles from his person.
He handed her one little bottle, she felt the texture and smiled.
"What is it?" She asked.
"It's a flower, a very special flower. It's a Dicentra Spectabilis - Jettus Black, but the more common name for it is a Leaking Heart. It's black and has a heart shaped form with a leaky liquid. I've encased it in resin so that it could last forever and stay beautiful." He explained.
"It's beautiful... Thank you."
"I also have one, it's pink and reminds me of you. The Jettus Black is me since my life always had something missing... Until you came into my life." He said.
Jason looked at her smiling face before he leaned down to kiss her lips.
"My love will last like this flower... Always eternal and never fading." He said as he placed his forehead against hers.
Lucy kissed Jason back and he sat with her until she fell asleep.
A few days passed and Lucy was doing well, she was eating through a tube since she couldn't swallow her food or digest it.
She was still throwing up here and there, they gave her morphine for the pain and checked her regularly.
"How is she doing today?" Nick asked as Jason walked to get some coffee.
"Good, a lot better." Ge answered.
"She doesn't look too well, but that's to be expected right." He said and paid for the coffee.
Nick walked with him whenhe suddenly got a call.
"Jason Clifton." He answered.
"It's me."
Jason frowned as he heard the voice.
"Who?" He asked.
"Christopher, Your brother."
"Oh... You. What do you want?"
"Why do I have to want something when I talk to you?" He asked.
"Because the last time we spoke wasn't pleasant and why would a filthy rich bastard like you call someone like me?" Jason asked.
Nick sensed it was a tense conversation so he excluded himself and walked to the waiting area.
"Listen, I'm really sorry about what happened between us and I want to make it right if you will let me."
"And how will you be making it right?"
"I heard the news and I'm terribly sorry Jason."
"What news?" He questioned.
"About your girl?"
"You have no right to talk about her! Not after what you did!"
"So let me rectify the mistake I made... Please, I understand she doesn't have much time."
"Who told you about what happened?"
"I'm well informed, please."
"No, forget it."
"Look, I've gained respect for that little blind girl after she told me what I was and I'm ashamed of that. I have my own private hospital, any treatment she needs, I can provide."
"Looks like you're not that well informed... Its terminal."
"Jason... I'm sorry. Bring her here, the two of you can stay in the mansion. I'll hire the best doctor I know to make her last few moments bearable."
"I'll consider it and keep you updated. It doesn't change the fact that you're an asshole. You need to get Lucy's forgiveness as well." Jason said before handing up the phone.
He walked over to Lucy's room and informed her about the phone call he got from his brother.
"So if you don't forgive him, we're not going and only if you choose to go." He said.
Lucy smiled and reached for his hand.
"Jason...I only have a few months left and I don't have time to hold a grudge against anyone. I want to go, away from hospitals and to be in tue open air without having to worry my parents." She said.
Jason nodded and held her hand tightly.
"Could you call my parents so I could inform them." She asked.
"Sure." He said and walked out of the room to get her parents so she could talk to them alone.
Jason watched them burst into tears as she told them about her decision.
Lucy was smiling, like she was going to be free for the first time.
Even though she couldn't see her parents, she still told them it'll be fine.
They arranged with doctor Shelton and he agreed to it, but on one condition, if something happens they need to come back straight away.
Lucy's things were packed and Jason rolled her out of the hospital in a wheelchair.
"Bye mom, dad." She said giving them both a hug.
Jason smiled once he saw the flower he gave her, hanging around her neck.
"Bye Nick." She said.
"Take care of yourself." He said crying.
Jason helped her in the car his parents lend him and closed the door.
"What happened to the lock of hair?" He asked once he got in the car.
Lucy frowned, looking a little confused.
"The hair-necklace you carried around your neck." He reminded.
"Oh, this flower is more important." She answered.
"What was the hair for, if I may ask?"
"It's to remind me of how my hair looked like. When I was going through chemo, it was hard for me. It was kind of like my good luck charm to tell me that I will get through treatment and have hair again." She said.
"Well, what about your Sneak Peekers?" Jason asked and she laughed,lifting up her leg.
"I'll be wearing them all the time now." She stated.
"Here." Jason said handing her a MP3 palyer.
"There's only two songs on there. I want you to know how much I care for you." He said.
Lucy nodded and smiled.
They arrived at Christopher's place two hours later.
"Welcome." He said as Jason helped Lucy into the wheelchair.
"Your rooms are already prepared as well as the nurses. They are on standby if something should go wrong." He said.
"Don't you think you should say something Chris?" Jason asked a little annoyed.
"Lucy, I'm terribly sorry for how I acted last time you saw me." He said.
She took off her dark glasses and smiled at him.
"I don't hold it against you and I accept your apology." She said.
He seemed relieved.
"Let me escort you inside." He offered.
Jason followed him as he pushed Lucy's wheelchair.
The mansion was beautiful inside as well as outside, huge garden and lovely paintings.
"This is Doctor Boyle, he specializes in Cancer and is the top medical doctor in his field. He flew in all the way from Australia to come here and take care of you." Christopher said to Lucy.
She reached out and shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you, thank you for your troubles." She said and Jason followed his brother to Lucy's room.
"Make yourselves comfortable." He said before leaving.
"I'm guessing you don't want to lay down or be on a drip right now?"
"No, not really but I could use some morphine." She said.
Jason nodded and got out a morphine vile from her bag with a cringe.
He watched how the doctors injected her and applued the knowledge to tye action.
Using the rubber band to tighten her arteries and inject the morpbine.
She groaned in relieve as the pain on her body subsided.
"Thank you." She said softly and Jason just gave a quick nod.
That night they watched an old movie together and Lucy was laying on his chest.
"You don't think I'm ugly?" She asked out of the blue.
"Hey, don't you ever say that again."
"Prove it."
"How?" He asked.
"Make love to me... Right now." She said.
Without question or another word, Jason kissed her passionately.
"My love for you will remain unchanged and no matter how you look like... I love the Lucy that's inside here." He said as he pointed at her chest.
The night that followed, they both shared a passionate moment together and feeling the warmth of her skin, made him appreciate it more.
Knowing that he should treasure every moment from now on and never regret meeting her.
They shared they're love and listened to the music while doing so.
May I hold you as you fall yo sleep, when the world is closing in, and you can't breathe. May I love you? May I ve yoyr shield? When no one can be found, may I lay you down.
All that's made me, is all worth trading.
Just to have one moment with you.
So, I will let go all that I know.
Knowing that you're here with me, for your love, is changing me.
Jason woke up the next morning, seeing Lucy laying next to him.
Her bald head and the scar with stitches didn't bother him,as his fingers moved down her smooth back.
She smiled and turned around.
"Good morning." She said.
"My love... How do you feel?" He asked.
"A little better, headache and slightly nauseous." She answered.
"Do you want your protein?" He asked and Lucy nodded.
Jason was about to get out of bed when she stopped him.
"Just stay here for a few minutes." She said and ran her fingers over his shirtless body.
He smiled and pulled her closer to him.
"You know what's strange... I didn't get a call from Clive since I was in the hospital." She said.
Jason took a deep breath.
"Yeah, he came by."
"He did? What did he want?" She asked with a little frown on her face.
"He wanted to see you, but your parents wouldn't allow it. So, he sneaked in and tried to kill you as to put you out if your misery." Jason explained.
Lucy pulled back and mover so that she was laying on top of Jason  her milky eyes were staring at him.
"That's not new, what happened?"
"I went home to take a shower and when I came back to the hospital, I found Clive and Nick struggling outside the hospital doors. I had to pull them apart, so I gave them a speech."
"They were fighting!?"She asked.
" No no, they were just pulling at one another. I've seen fights and experienced them. They weren't hurting each other. "Jason explained.
"And then?" She asked.
"Then, Clive said it would ve better if you were dead, so I knocked him out."
"Don't worry he'll be alright in a few months."
Lucy giggled and playfully hit his chest.
Suddenly the door flung open and Christopher stood in the doorway.
"I just came to... Oh..." He said once he lifted his head and his eyes fell on the two of them.
"Maybe, knocking next time would prevent this... Awkward moment." Jason said with a smile.
"Yeah... I should knock." He said and closed the door.
Then there was a knock on the door.
"Come in." Jason said as he held back a laugh.
"Ummm... I thought-"
"No... Not like this dude." Jason interrupted Chris and laughed.
Lucy giggled as she retreated under the covers.
"I'll just wait downstairs or come back later."
Jason nodded in agreement and laughed once Christopher left.
"You are so mean." Lucy said.
Jason smiled and rolled her over before hovering above her.
"There's a lake nearby, we could take a little boat ride under the flower trees." He suggested as he kissed her jaw.
The two of them got out of bed and met Christopher downstairs.
Lucy went for a checkup with Doctor Boyle.
"Well, other than the cancer, does it hurt anywhere else?" He asked.
"No, I just have pain every two hours if I don't inject the morphine." She said.
"It's understandable." He said and used his stethoscope to listen to her heart and breathing.
"Now two nurses will accompany you everywhere you go just for precaution."
Lucy nodded and was finished in fifteen minutes.
"Shall we go?" Jason asked and she nodded.
Jason took Lucy to the lake, they borrowed one of Christopher's cars and drove ten minutes to the lake.
Jaso  helped Lucy on the boat and proceeded to the lake.
The nurses were standing on the ground and waited for them to come back.
"We're under tye flower trees." He said.
"Describe it to me." She said and he smiled as he looked up.
"The water is clear anf the trees are all different colors, petals falling from the top, like a rain shower of flowers falling." He said.
She closed her eyes and tilted her head back.
A flower petal rested on her nose and she took it off, holding it between her fingers.
"It's lovely." She commented.
The two of them spebd a nice day together, not even talking about her illness or about the time she had left.
Lucy made it clear that the last thing she wants is the sadness hanging around her when everyone around her knew she was dying.
Which is one or the reasons she wanted to get away from her parents.
Jason took the boat back and helped her out of it, where the nurses waited patiently.
Suddenly Lucy took hold of Jason's arm and held ger throat in her hand.
"J-J-Jas-" She said before she tripped and fell into the water.
Without thinking, he jumped in after ger and the nurses came rushing to their aid.
He swam and swam, until he saw her body in the water.
His hand clasped over her wrist as he pulled her out if the water.
He placed her on the ground and used two fingers to check if she had pulse.
"Sir, stand aside." The nurses said.
"Go away!" He shouted.
Jason immediately started to imply CPR.
He breathed air into her as well and continued to do CPR.
"Come on, don't leave like this." He said.
Suddenly Lucy coughed and spit out all the water.
Jason helped her to sit up and pulled her close to him.
"It's alright now."
Jason took her to Doctor Boyle and informed him of the situation.
"It looks like her chest was shutting tight, repressing the air, causing pressure on her lungs. That's why she felt like she was suffocating." He explained after checking on her.
"I would advise against any outdoor activities from now on." He said and Jason nodded sadly.

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