The Alpha Saved Me (Editing A...

By ChocoholicLover

847K 16.4K 907

Sometimes life doesn't go as planned. At times, you get dragged down to the deepest pits of your mind, the un... More

Chapter 1 (Pic Of Blake)
Chapter 2 (Pic Of Alexis)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Pic Of Isabella)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 31

14.9K 286 15
By ChocoholicLover


Travis clutched my closer to him before lying on his side so I was facing him. My legs tangled in his. He stroked my cheek, giving me a small kiss. “It’s going to be okay. We’ll fight though this. You’ve been fighting against Than for 5 years, what’s to say you can’t do it now. You’ll also have people backing you up this time, don’t think you can get rid of us because we’re staying whether you like it or not.”

I couldn’t hide the happiness at his last sentence, the panic slowly leaving me as I realised he was right. I wasn’t alone, I had Travis and everyone else. 

Although I couldn’t shake the feeling of dread in me. Yes, I may not be alone. They would be there for me and Alec, I know that. We weren’t solitary anymore, we had gotten what we had always dreamed of and wanted. But what did we have to sacrifice in return...

Chapter 31:

“What do you think he’s going to do?” I stressed to Blake. He groaned, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t know. I don’t know what Than is capable of.” Hayden had said that he’d come for us. But how? And when? I don’t want anyone else to get hurt. 

“We need some sort of protection. He’s gonna come back for them, he’s hell bent on revenge. He will kill them if he gets the chance.” I worried. Hayden and Alec already seem like family, and we protect family. Because sometimes in the end, when everything is gone, all you have left is them. 

“Come on,” I inclined my head as I stood up. He gave me a confused look but followed as I made my towards the bedroom. It was quiet in the house, no sign of anyone else. Opening the door, I led Blake towards the bed before lying down. 

Wrapping my arms around his waist, tangling our legs together and snuggling onto his chest. Sighing, I relaxed as we both just cleared our heads. 

It was nice. To just lay there, next to Blake. Away from all the troubles and worries, even if just for a moment. “We’ll start patrolling, but I’m not sure what else we can do. He hasn’t actually threatened us or done anything to incline so.” 

I nodded slowly, frowning. What was Than planning? I was so afraid. More than when father hit me or when mother died.  No. This was worse. All these friends and family--people I’ve come to love--they’re lives are in danger. 

That they’re lives could be threatened so easily, and I couldn’t do a damn thing about it. In a second, they could be dead. I whimpered at the thought, no.

 I couldn’t let that happened. To have this happiness torn away from me, ripped like it meant nothing. 

“Hey, I won’t let that happen.” Blake comforted, hugging me tighter. “I’ll protect you.” I didn’t say anything. I wasn’t the one that needed protection. “So lets take a break, stop thinking about it okay?” Hesitating slightly, but I agreed, knowing that he was only thinking of my wellbeing. 

“So...” I questioned, wondering what we were going to do today when the doorbell rang. Raising my head in surprise, who could that be? 

Blake’s eyes widened, before he cursed, running a hand through his hair. “Blake, who’s that?” I asked, worry growing in me. He noticed and chuckled, easing me slightly but not sating my curiosity. He pulled me up so I was sitting cross legged in front of him, my hands in his. 

“Today I had decided to invite--,” he started, hesitating slightly before continuing. “My parents to officially meet you.” I stilled, shocked as I hadn’t expected that answer. I was going to meet...Blake’s parents...? 

Instantly my shock changed into worry as I wasn’t sure if I was ready to meet them. Blake grimaced, seeing my expression. “I know, I’m sorry. I meant to tell you but I forget after the whole Alec and Hayden thing...” He trailed off at the end, eyes darkening at the reminding of what had occurred earlier, hands curling into a fist. 

Immediately wanting to comfort him, I put my hand on his shoulder, an understanding half-smile on my face. Blake looked at me, relaxing right away as I reassured him. 

Chuckling softly, “I guess its time to properly meet your parents.” Looking down at myself, making sure what I wore was appropriate I grasped Blake’s hand, give it a squeeze. He returned the squeeze, eyes lighting up. “They’ll love you.” He promised. Knowing exactly why I was worried even when I didn’t say anything. 

“Yeah...lets hope so.” I muttered. This meant a lot, his parents approval. Especially since I couldn’t introduce Blake to my parents properly, it had to be perfect. Just knowing that his parents liked me, would make me so happy. 

I’ve never truly met his parents before as his mate because soon after me living here, they moved to live in a separate house, away from the pack house. It made me wary, did they dislike me that much? Opening the door, we headed downstairs. All I could hear was my heart thudding in my chest, my pulse quickening. 

I wanted to rip my hand out of Blake’s and run but...that would be wrong. I know this means a lot to Blake too and...I don’t want to disappoint him. I could hear laughter, and words being spoken coming from the living room. It sounded sort of like his mother...!

I could feel myself unintentionally slowing down as to prolong the moment when I would enter the room. I breathed in and out slowly. I have to calm down, it’s going to be alright. We stopped at the entrance to the living room, I took notice Blake’s parents on one side of the couch and a pack member on the opposite. 

Suddenly they stopped talking and looked up, taking note of me and Blake. Blake’s dad seemed quite stern, with black hair and brown eyes. His mother on the other hand seemed nicer, but I could feel her eyes assessing me. 

I nervously smiled, clutching Blake’s hand tighter. The pack member stood up, “I’ll be leaving now, Alpha.” He said towards Blake, bowing his head slightly before leaving the room. 

I looked down, following Blake towards the couch. I couldn’t look up, I was so scared. “Hmm so you’re the person we’ve heard all about from Blake and Alexis?” Peeking slightly from the corner of my eyes, I nodded slowly. I could feel my eyes widen slightly as I noticed her eyes. She had the same grey eyes as Blake! But with blonde hair. 

A soft smile was on her face and I couldn’t help but smile back uncertainly. “Well,” She sighed. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” She out out a hand for me to shake. Taking her hand in mine, I gently shook it. 

“ are you?” She asked. I uncomfortable fidgeted, knowing the last time she saw me was when father had beaten me. “I-I’m good. It’s all thanks to Blake.” Blake grinned, pulling me closer to his side. “No, I didn’t do anything. You were the one who made it happen.” 

I blushed at his praise. No...Blake did a lot. Without him, I don’t think I would be here. I think...I would’ve given up. Blake’s father had been quiet this whole time, does he dislike me? 

“Oh! I’ve forgotten, how rude of me. I’m Marie and this is--” She pointed to Blake’s dad. “John.” 

“Hi, I’m Isabella.” I responded, giggling softly. It was so awkward, and yet I was enjoying it. Most of my worries had disappeared, they seemed really nice! I could tell Blake was glad we were getting along, from the smile on his face. “U-um, Marie--” 

“Call me mom.” She interrupted, eyes sparkling. My heart stopped for a second. Call her mom? I’ve...I haven’t called anyone that in a long time. I...wasn’t sure about this. I barely know her and yet I already get to call her that? 

“Bella,” Blake’s soft voice broke me out of my thoughts. “You don’t have to.” His hand was on my shoulder, eyes worried. “I-it’s okay... M-mom.” I barely got out. It was a bit uncomfortable for me, but if it made her happy then...I guess it’s okay. It made me a bit happy too, it meant that she fully accepted me into the family. 

“John, why don’t you get us some drinks? Blake you too.” She said expectantly, innocent. But I could see excitement hidden in her eyes. John shrugged, getting up and going with Blake towards the kitchen. 

The second they left the room, her gaze returned to me. A huge grin on her face as she produced what seemed like an album from her bag. “Come here,” she patted the spot next to her. Confused, I did as she wanted, comfortably settling in the seat. 

Opening the album, I gasped. I couldn’t believe it! I never ever thought I would get to see this! He looks so cute! There were pictures of Blake when he was a baby! “He’s adorable isn’t he?” Her eyes were bright. I giggled, nodding my head as I agreed. 

Flipping another page, I cooed as I saw him naked, playing in a bath. He had on a wide grin, teeth showing as he splashed the water. My heart melted, he was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I wanted to keep every single one of the pictures! 

They were his childhood, his memories. They were precious. I wanted to know everything about Blake, from his childhood to even his favourite colour! Suddenly I heard a cough coming from the doorway. 

Looking up,  I saw Blake’s curious gaze. Guilty, I glanced away, sheepish. “And what is that?” He asked, coming towards us. “Er...nothing?” I nervously answered. 

He stopped, a metre away from me. Before suddenly bounding forward and snatching the album from my hands before I had realized what he had even done. I opened my mouth about to protest when I felt myself being lifted up. “Blake!” I exclaimed, “W-wait! No...” I laughed as I felt his fingers digging into my sides, tickling me. Trying to wiggle away, I pushed at his hands but to no avail. I burst out in laughs, feeling out of breath. Laying there, puffing as his fingers stopped. 

He hovered above me on the floor, touching his forehead with mine, his grey eyes staring into mine. His breath on my lips, and mine on his. He leaned down, and I lifted my head up slightly. Wanting to feel his lips, the intoxicating feeling. But just as his lips were about to capture mine, I heard foot steps coming our way. 

Scrambling up franticly, nearly head butting Blake, as I realized I had completely forgotten about Mari--mum! Blushing I whipped my head towards her and found her smiling widely, a happy expression on her face. 

W-what? Didn’t she mind? I mean...she did just see her son nearly kiss a girl she barely knew. But I guess I am his mate, and thing worked differently in the werewolf world. Blake stood up, holding out a hand for me which I gladly took and pulled myself up. 

“Mom!” Blake groaned. “Why did you have to show her my baby pictures?” Mum avoided his stare, twiddling her thumbs. “B-but, you were so cute!” Her lips pouted. 

It was nice. To just watch them interact like that, a family. Alexis wasn’t home though. John cleared his throat loudly, gaining the attention from us. “We have to go now, we didn’t mean to stay long.” He said firmly as he saw Mum about to complain. 

Sighing, she walked over to his side. “Blake, don’t let her get away. She seems like a wonderful young woman.” He said, to my astonishment. He approves of me? I smiled widely, rejoicing at the news. “Alright, you take care now okay?” Mum said reluctantly as she waved goodbye. “Yeah, okay.” I didn’t want her to go yet, I had just only met her and she seemed like a wonderful person. I want to get to know her more. To my surprise just as she left, she turned to face us and gave Blake an exaggerated wink before giggling and leaving. 

...What? What was that wink for? Is there something I don’t know? “Blake...” I drawled. “Is there something I show know?” Blake winced, sighing. “Mother!” He huffed. “This was supposed to be a surprise.” 

“Well it’s not much of a secret anymore so...tell me!” I jokingly threatened, feeling a bit excited. He grinned, pretending to think about it, eyes lighting up. “Okay, okay.” He laughed as I got ready to tackle him. “For this weekend, we’re going on a trip!” 

“Just the two of us?” I whispered, happiness bubbling in me. ‘Yeah, just the two of us.” He promised. 

I squealed, swinging my arms around his neck. Yes! It would be like a romantic getaway! Just us. It sounded amazing. I couldn’t wait! Although it may not be the best time, it was important to spend as much time as we could together. This was perfect. 


An uneventful chapter but I have to say there are only about 3-4 chapters left before TASM is finished. I am so sorry for the long wait, life gets to you and you’re just so busy. I would like to say a few shout-outs to some people that have really encouraged me and their words mean a lot. They made me realize that there are actually some people who really do like my story, which gave me a little confidence boost. Once again, THANK YOU!!!! I'm sorry if I've missed anyone. 

These are in no specific order: 





This chapter is dedicated to nomz22 for giving me that lovely banner on the side-------> 

It's absolutely perfect and I love it! 

QUESTION!!!: the external link on the side leads to a oneshot I had written and I would like you to check it out. YOU DON’T HAVE TO READ IT! Although I would like you to :) But all you need to do is look at the spacing, when I finish TASM, would you prefer the spacing I use now, or the one in the oneshot? 

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