A Persistent Lover

By elizpua

181K 4.7K 3K

The gang has failed to kill Klaus and Caroline decides she needs to get out of Mystic Falls. She hardly suspe... More

Off to London
Two Can Play the Game
The First Date Part 1
Of Dreams and Reality
Patience is a Virtue
Signs of Love
So Beautiful
All For the First Time
Another Persistent Lover
Kisses and Tears
And So It Begins
The Vampire's Weakness
The Werewolf
A Sacrifice
In Your Arms
Home Sweet Home
Love and Hardships
Dates and Pranks
Off to Rome
One Year later

The First Date Part 2

10.6K 301 364
By elizpua

Klaus hadn't realized how much he had missed her.

Watching her now, taking small hesitant bites from her plate and trying so hard not to meet his gaze, he finally felt at ease, something he hadn't felt since the last time they were alone together.

It had taken all his years of will power not to pin her against the wall and kiss her when he had seen her in the lobby. The dress showed off every curve, exhibited her strong legs, and whatever she had done with her hair....lord she was irresistible.

He would eventually have her. He knew that. He needed her in his life. She was the light that Klaus craved so desperately, and he was certainly not going to let such a light escape from his sight. Caroline was also a challenge, a very beautiful challenge, and Klaus could only imagine what a reward he would have once he won her over. He meant to be her everything and give her the world. She deserved it all and more.

Across the table, Caroline was having very different thoughts.

She hated this. She hated the fact that Klaus had made her speechless with his stupid declaration. She hated the way he was staring at her, with that adoring and slightly lustful look.

"You need to stop staring at me like that," she finally spoke.

Klaus gave her his obnoxious smile. "Well then you really should not have worn that dress tonight sweetheart".

Caroline rolled her eyes before stabbing her fork into some pasta.

"And you should not make comments like that," she glared before stuffing the pasta in her mouth in a very unladylike fashion.

Klaus resisted the urge to call her adorable, sensing the tantrum he would get if he said anything else bordering flattery.

Caroline looked at him and seeing the amused glint in his eyes, she suddenly become angry. Angry in his certainty of owning her and in his control of her emotions. So in classic Caroline fashion she attempted to put the situation back into her advantage.

"It is really too bad you didn't meet me a year ago. If you were into me then, we'd be making out in the bathroom by now."

Klaus was not prepared for this.

Seeing his shocked look, Caroline felt herself take the reins of the situation and continued...resentment slowly taking hold. "Actually first time I met Damon, we were in the bed before any first date. Obviously I didn't know he had plans for making me his personal blood bag, being a little naïve human and all, but maybe I had it coming. He compelled me to forget everything. The sex, the abuse, his ownership of me. Once I become a vampire, I remembered it all. I learned my lesson. You are 10 times more powerful and dangerous than Damon ever was, so don't think for one second that you have any chance of convincing me that you are any different. Your words mean nothing," suddenly too angry to remain seated, she rose and started to leave the room.

Klaus was too quick for her.

He stood in front of her and gazed for a moment, as if trying to make her words clearer. She tried to move past him, but his hand caught her arm, gentle but firm.

"How could he?" he demanded, more to himself than to her. Caroline was stunned to hear the pain and sadness in his voice. "How could he defile something as... as perfect as you?"

Caroline was not to be unfocused from his obvious suffering. "I was a stupid, shallow human being who craved attention. I was very far from perfect. I'm sure you would have done the same thing if you met me back then."

"I'm sure I would not have done so," his voice full of certainty. "It is very lucky for Damon that we are not in Mystic Falls. He would be dead as of now. How dare he possess you as if you were nothing but a toy!"

"But that is exactly what you want of me! Did you not just say you wish to own me and possess me? You are no better than him!"

"Then you were not listening love," Klaus spoke evenly, though she could hear slight anger in his voice. "I spoke of belonging, not possessing. I would never use you to my advantage, as if you were one of my hybrids. You are far too precious for that. If I ever won you, I would give you everything you asked for. Whatever you desired, I would make it my goal to find your desires and relieve you. You would be my partner, you would belong to me and in this way I would belong to you. You are no prize Caroline, not made for possession but for continuous privilege and royalty. I aim to give it all to you. Have I not made myself clear? Do you not understand your value?"

Caroline was silent. It was a moment before she opened her mouth and said one word, "No."

Klaus took her hand and held it to his chest. It pained him that she could not see her own beauty.

"Caroline," he said. "Caroline, look at me,"

She finally looked up at him, staring with fire in her eyes. She was radiant.

"I once asked you to take a chance and get to know me. Let me prove to you that what I said is the truth. Caroline...take this chance with me."

They stood staring at one another, one with hope, the other with anger and confusion.

Klaus finally whispered in a very low voice, praying that this would be the key to changing her mind. "I dare you..."

That shook her. A fresh look of a challenge sparked in her eyes. She gave him a final look before removing her hand from his and moving towards the opening of the restaurant.

"I hear dance music," she said simply.

Relieving his lungs of air he didn't know he was holding, he followed her.

Caroline never said no to a dare, even if it was Klaus. He spoke as if he really did value her and her wishes, but somehow Caroline could not fully believe him. Being valued was new to her, even her friends didn't ever put this much appreciation out towards her. She also couldn't help but suspect Klaus had to be up to something. His romantic speeches confused her; they sounded so real, yet so different coming from the evil hybrid she first knew him as.

"You distrust me," Klaus' voice shook her away from her thoughts.

Her hands rested lightly on his shoulders. His hands around her waist. The soft music was creating a peaceful atmosphere, as the other couples swayed together on the dance floor.

"Yes," she replied honestly. No use hiding anything from him. "But I did agree to take a chance, didn't I?"

"That you did, love," a genuine smile crossed his features, making him look much handsomer than before. Caroline gave her head a shake. She had promised not to let him win tonight, hadn't she?

"So, I think that it is only fair that since I agreed to one of your suggestions, you agree to one of mine," Caroline said with an air of superiority.

Klaus smiled. Here was the girl he fancied, with her loveable charm. He hoped her wave of hurtful memories had passed.

"So we are going to play a get to you know you game."

"A what?" Klaus looked at her puzzled.

"You know! A game that people use to know people better...you seriously don't know?"

Klaus shook his head.

Caroline groaned. "Okay so for example you ask me, 'Vanilla or chocolate?' and I would answer, 'Vanilla,' because that is what I prefer of the two. And tada! You know one more thing about me! Understand?"

"Dogs or cats?"

"Dogs! See, it's easy! But you don't get to ask me, you've already learned your share about me for tonight," Caroline smiled as Klaus' mouth formed a tight line. She sensed she had won this round as he remained silent, indicating she could ask away.

"Paris or Rome?"


"20s or 50s?"


"Pizza or French Fries?"

"French Fries."

"Stefan or Damon."

"Excuse me?" he broke out baffled.

"You heard me! Who do you prefer?"

Klaus was silent, before he muttered in an irritated manner, "...Stefan."

"Awww how cute!"

"Don't push your luck sweetheart...." He was annoyed and she was loving it.

"Movies or theatre?"


"Drums or guitar?"

"I don't play either one..."

"Doesn't matter, answer!"


Caroline paused before asking her last question, "Vampire or werewolf?"

"Vampire," he replied. "Seeing that I'm dancing with one."

"Whatever," Caroline smirked.

"Now you," Klaus began to ask her, but she stopped him with a finger to her lips.

"No no no! I told you, no more about me tonight! Oh, here's a good one...."

Klaus smiled as Caroline began to ask him more questions. He loved the way her brow crinkled as she pondered up new ideas.

Caroline was pleased for the most part. She had saved herself from more questioning by Klaus and had safely kept her distance away from more personal matters. She realized her anger could get her into more personal confessions than she wanted. She hoped she'd be more careful in the future....seeing that Klaus wouldn't be leaving her alone any time soon.

He walked her into the lobby before she turned to quickly say, "Well, this has been an interesting evening..."

"Yes indeed," he replied watching in fascination as she looked her lips nervously. How could the sight of this simple movement be such a turn on for him?

"Oh, I forgot," she blushed taking off Klaus' jacket. He had insisted she wear it as they had walked outside the restaurant, seeing as the air had turned chilly.

"I'm taking you to the theatre tomorrow," Klaus stated as he took the jacket from her.

"And if I say no?" Caroline challenged.

"I could always come into your room and drag you out..."

Caroline stuttered. "No...I mean...that won't be necessary because I have previous engagements."

"Ouch, another rejection sweetheart! You're making this whole courting scheme of mine very difficult." He put a hand to his chest with a hurtful look.

"Maybe that's the point!"

"Remember sweetheart, I'm never going to stop trying. Might as well get used to my presence."

"And you might as well get used to rejection," Caroline scoffed.

Klaus simply smiled and before Caroline could react, he planted a kiss on her forehead. He smirked at her stunned reaction. "I don't plan on it, love." He looked down at her suggestive dress with a lustful glance and stated, "And you should be thankful I didn't act on any ideas of things I could have done to you in that dress."

And then in one blink, he was gone.

In the limo, Klaus held his cell, waiting for his nuisance of a brother to pick up.

"Ah Klaus, you miss me, how sweet!" Kol answered the phone with a layer of sarcasm.

"Hello to you too brother...I have some business I need accomplished, and as I'm preoccupied here, I will need you to play it out."

"Can you not use one of your hybrids?"

"No, I'm afraid this is a little more personal...do you remember a Damon Salvatore?"

"Oh God! Not that pain in the arse...thinks he owns this town..."

"Well then I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear what I have planned for you to do to him."

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