Picking up the Pieces

By jiszan

328 44 0

18 years, engaged to the most eligible bachelor in town, What happens when you find out that the dream you we... More



20 2 0
By jiszan


I moved out of my apartment a week after Bella had left. I had bought Bella's house, as it was out for auction. I wanted to keep it, in-case she ever came back. So when I moved out, that house made sense. At least I would be there with her memories. I converted her room into the master room.

I kept her bank accounts safe. I kept her parent's business running. I kept her company as a sister company to our housing projects. But I made father transfer his share of the business to me. I did not want my mother to mess up the business.

Dad had always known I loved Bella...

"You love her don't you?" He had asked....

"Yes Dad, but isn't it wrong? I mean I am so much older than her, she is just growing up, I do not want to burden her with my feelings"

"Feelings are feeling Al, give it time, things would work out... you will see..."

"Thanks dad... I love you, you know right, old man..."

"I know you big ape" he chuckled

I gave him a hug...Dad and I have always had a good relation, I know he sometimes suffers because of Mom, She is way too cold for him, but he sticks to her... "Love my dear boy, what can you do?"

I had stopped visiting home. I met Dad outside but never mother. Mother had come to see me, 2 weeks after Bella went away,

"Well? Where is she?" she asked

"I don't know Ma; I don't know where she is. I cannot track her down"

"You look like you have been thru a storm, pick yourself up. Not that she meant anything to you"

"What if she did Ma, what if she was more than just a responsibility, what if she meant more than anything else to me?"

"Oh shut it. Don't be an emotional fool like your father. She was nothing, Good she went away on her own."

I stared at her numb; she was her friend's daughter. The least she could do was be a little worried.

"Why did you let me to get engaged to her, Ma?"

"I didn't want you to, your dad forced me and It was just business, we would have lost a lot of money if the partnership dissolved, Al, don't drag it more than it really is"

"She was your friend's daughter...."

"Oh please, Annette and Oliver were not friends. I was just courteous because they made business sense"

I just nodded, got up and opened the door for her, without anymore word. That's my mother? I did not want her in the house anymore. This house was mine and my Bella's. I won't have anyone who thinks anything but good about her to stay.

"You are being rude Al, for that girl you are ready to give up family"

"Who knows, Even I am business deal for you too ma. You tried to sell me off to Sally's father, because he had more money.... Ma, please leave, I am done with you"

"Alistair Darren Beaufort, you don't talk to your mother that way"

"I am sorry Ma, but I cannot help myself. Please leave before it becomes uglier than this. Please leave while I am still sane"

She walked out. That was the last I saw her in 2 years.


I looked out the glass window of my office on the 10th floor; it was a beautiful sun set. What is she doing right now? Has she found someone to love her? Has she moved on? Was she safe?

I toyed with the engagement ring round my neck. I have had it ever since she had left. It was as if that kept me sane. I died a little every day worrying how she was, out in this big bad world, all alone, because of me.

I looked for her, hired PI to look at her. But none came up with solid evidences,

Where are you Bella? How are you? Do you even remember me sometimes? I miss you my Buttercup. Please come back.

Angela my assistant walked in bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Sir you got this in the mail. It was different so brought it up to you"

"Thank you, Angela. Have you confirmed the meeting with the Masons?" I said taking the mail from her.

"Yes sir, it's next Friday and your interview with the TV station is coming up"

"Oh, I had completely forgotten about it. Thank you Angela"

I looked at the mail. It was an invite from a class mate. He was celebrating 5 years of a successful restaurant.

I smiled. I have not met Luke and gang since we left college. We were in touch on and off over the internet or calls, but rarely in person. He settled a few miles away from here. It would be fun to get together with the boys. Luke was French; we met in college in France.

He came here to visit, but stayed back. "The American dream mom ami" he used to say. I smiled at all the crazy memories we had.

I guess I was going.........

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