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"Who is this Alistair?" the girl asked. She was wrapped around one of Alistair's arms like an anaconda. Beautiful petite woman with honey colored hair, must be one of Star's friends. I call Alistair, Star, because He my northern star, my bright shining light that could show me the way, when it was dark.

I felt like taking a crowbar and prying her away from him, but I stood still. I wanted Star to answer. I wanted to know what she was to him to be clinging on to him like this.

"Oh, hey Sally...Meet Isabella Maine...." he replied, looking uncomfortable. My chest clenched.

"You are out with your maid... Alistair?" I flinched... did she say...maid? I was stunned for a moment, but one look at Alistair, my heart fell, after all these years....I straightened...

If that's what I was, then that what I would pretend to be.

"She is cute I must say?"

"I prefer butler please and thank you for the compliment" I said with a smile on my face.

Alistair looked like he could kill someone. He had not wanted to come out. Here he was in front of his "friend" trying to justify why he was out with a person like me.

"Sally..." He tried to start to say something.

I cut in. "Oh Master Alistair asked me to check some decorations for his room."

"My work here is done. I should be leaving. Nice meeting you miss Sally. Will be seeing you later master Alistair" I bowed and turned towards the curb before things escalated.

I did not want to be there. I could not breathe.

I walked till my feet hurt, my heart was bleeding and my mind was blank, tears running down my cheeks. I thought at least my star would care, I would mean something in his life.

I had loved him from the day I knew how to... I guess when we got engaged I thought my dream came true. I guess I was wrong. I trusted too soon.

Stupid Girl....

Now I have no one, no parents, no friends, no fiancé, no place to call home, no one to call my own. I have become alone...... again.

I had to leave.....

Picking up the PiecesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora