Picking up the Pieces

By jiszan

328 44 0

18 years, engaged to the most eligible bachelor in town, What happens when you find out that the dream you we... More



19 3 0
By jiszan

The grueling training had started the very next day, Chef Adam started with the basics, I slowly worked my way up. I was now at the soup station. I smiled; one more station and I would have the pasta station.

I look at the watch; it's going to dinner service soon. I am tired till my bones. There had been more service than usual. I am not complaining. I learnt a lot of things today. I never wanted the meat section, but I guess I have to do as of now, Chef Luke says,

"You have to learn everything, Mon Amour, it is a strong basic foundation that would help you when you want to go big"

So he gruel's me into learning, making me do things over and over again till I perfect it.

And if I make something he likes he just makes me do another thing. I have very rarely heard praise from him. I guess he was that way. He never praised anyone, just a nod.

I smiled, looked up. The sun was setting. It was a beautiful hue of orange and red.

What was Star doing right now? Did he miss me? Did he move on? Was he ok? He never remembered to take food on time... was he taking it now, who was looking after his diet? I miss you Star.

"Hey, you ok, peanut?" Chef Adam asked bringing me out of the trance.

"Yes chef, just a little tired" I said rubbing and cracking my neck

"I know doll, just a few more hours, then we would be free, hey you know what, go rest a bit. We have already prepped everything for the dinner service. There are only 50 reservations for tonight, so we are ok"

"Oh thank you, thank you chef. I just need 20 minutes" I squeaked, gave him a peck on his cheeks and ran to the changing room, for a quick nap.




The dinner service was as usual busy, with Chef Luke calling out orders, the entire kitchen running around following orders like headless chickens. We cannot falter, not under Chef Luke's watch. It had become second nature.




Main Course


We belt it out in military precision. Chef Adam doing the first check, then it passed to Chef Luke then to the customers.

After 3 hours of grueling dinner service, Chef Luke gave us a round of applause.

"Well, as you all know we would be 5 years old soon"

"I want to thank all of you for making it work. We would have a celebration soon. We would be entertaining about 75 guests, all my close friends and family and a few invitees. I want it to be spectacular."

"I want each one of you to come up with a dish, get it approved. If it does, we put it on the menu."

"Yes chef..." everyone hollered together. There was a whole lot of cheer. We get to get our recipes tasted and approved. For apprentices it was a huge opportunity to grow, so every one of us was excited.

"Excited...Peanut?" Chef asked throwing his hands around my shoulder

"Oui chef" I grinned like a goof...




Three weeks to D-day,

All of us were busy building our recipes. We were 9 of us; each wanted at least one dish to be selected. I wanted a pasta dish and hors-d'oeuvres to be selected, so that meant I had to at least create 4 different dishes.

By the time we finish every day we were famished. We stayed back each day a little extra to make new recipes. I had bought a few food magazines to look up for new recipes. They would serve as a guide.

I opened the door to my space, cleaned up; changed into my shorts and Tee and just dropped. I don't have a life outside the restaurant. Not that there was ever a dearth of boys who wanted to take me out, but I never could make myself to go out with anyone of them.

I guess I was still engaged to Star in my mind; Its been two years, I never did move on.

I really should move on, but every time I look at a guy to even start liking, all I would do is compare him with Star.

Chef Adam had tried once..."Go out on a date with me Izzy"

I was shocked... but hung my head

"You are still in love with him aren't you?"

I nodded... "How did you know?"

"It's hard to forget your first... I haven't forgotten mine too, but don't you want to move on...I have never seen you go out with anyone; you just finish work and go home. You are only 18, Izzy...You cannot be waiting for him forever."

"...................." I could not say anything. He was right...

"I care for you Izzy, can we not give ourselves a chance at least....give me a chance....

c-c- can I kiss you?"

I was shocked.... but I thought... What's the harm; I can always give it a try. He is a nice guy, a pleasant person to be with and he acts like a protective gorilla when he is around me.

... So we kissed....

When we broke away we just stared at each other....

"Nope..." He said shaking his head violently,

"That just felt wrong, that felt like kissing my little sister"

"Me too...."

Both of us laughed so hard. We forgot the episode soon enough but Chef Adam never gave up caring for me. It was just friendlier, more brotherly.

I looked at the magazines I had bought. There was also a gossip magazine I bought on impulse. It had Alistair's picture on it with the heading....The most eligible bachelor is engaged.

My breath had caught in my throat. He went ahead and got engaged....he moved on, I guess I never mattered. I wanted to read the entire interview, so I bought it...it had so many pictures of him.... Made me miss him even more..... Why was life so cruel... why me????

He was so different before I had moved to his house. Why did he have to change so much?


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