Beautiful Scars (Kakashi Love...

By Gojou_Satoru_wife69

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[COMPLETE] When Sataki was really young she was tortured for unknown reasons by the guy known as the archer... More

hidden scrolls part 1
second hidden scroll
First hidden scroll
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four


438 10 1
By Gojou_Satoru_wife69

Sataki pov

The following morning I was told to visit the Hokage. On my way there, however, his voice boomed in my head. He sounded like he was struggling and I knew what was wrong before he even spoke a word.

"Sataki, I am having trouble keeping him at bay. Help me, please." His voice was mixed with Shukaku's and it was still frightening to hear.

"Where are you, Gaara?" I asked already heading in the direction of the hotel on knew they competitors for the chunnin exams were staying.

"At the inn. Room 127." He was still struggling with the one tails and I was actually fearful for him.

I linked the Hokage telling him of this before heading to help Gaara. He said to just be quick about it. That what he wants of me is urgent and to not take my time.

I thanked him before shutting off the link and teleported to Gaara. Instantly, I was surrounded by sand and I was somehow in Gaara's conscience.

I looked over and saw a scared Gaara and a pissed Shakaku.

"You." The tailed beasts voice boomed laced with venom.

"Whattup." I spoke calmly.

"Why are you here again? The last time you were around Gaara, he was void of any hate! I feed on his hate!" He was really pissed and absolutely loathed me being there.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't feed on that. I hear it isn't good for you. Too many calories." I said waving my hand back and forth nonchalantly with my other hand behind my neck and my eyes closed.

He just scoffed rolling his eyes? I think they are eyes, but I could be wrong. There's too much sand for my liking to be honest. When I opened them, he was inches from my face glaring at me.

"You know, I could always do what I did last time?" I suggested. Gaara's eyes widened at this as he flinched. Heck even the tailed beast flinched at my words.

I had effectively put him in a coma last time so that Gaara could be in peace for a while, but when he woke up. Well, let's just say that the tailed beast was pissed.

Eventually I got the tailed beast to calm down enough that I could leave him and head back to the Hokage. When I knocked on the door and I heard him say come in, I entered with a smile.

"So I guess that means all is well?" He asked.

"Yes, Lord Third," I said nodding my head.

"Alright then," he started as he puffed smoke out of his pipe. "I need you to be one of the projectors aiding Ibiki."

I nodded my head as I thought, but was interrupted baby him speaking up. "I need you to get information on all chakra signatures there. I believe something is going to happen other than the sand shinobi." He said rather calmly.

I bowed my head in respect and went to the sight where I would meet with Ibiki. Once there I was told that I would be undercover as to see how many I could eliminate from the competition.

On the way there, we teleported to the room. I had my hands behind my neck as I looked up sensing all the different chakra signatures. I could see Naruto and his team along with my team as they all had a shocked look on their faces. They all felt screwed. Especially Naruto.

As I was focused on putting faces with chakra signatures, I kept a close eye on the sound ninja and that Kabuto character. He visibly flinched when he saw me and for good reason.

He is Orochimaru's loyal puppet. We had fought before. I only kept a close eye on the sound ninja because they flinched as well. If they're here, then Orochimaru must be as well, I thought.

Not good. I mind linked the Hokage this information before taking my spot.

Halfway through the first part, I had taken out quite a few, but then I noticed my team getting their fourth strike.

I was a little angry at this, but I chose not to comment on it because no one noticed them, so I decided unless someone else pointed them out, I wouldn't say anything. I know I'm not supposed to, but I couldn't help it. I'm only here for information after all.

I mean if the others can't see that then they were horrible chunnin. Brats, I tell ya.

At the end, as everyone was walking out, I decided to go talk to team Sakashi.

I gave them a job well done before I used my bonding jutsu on them. I linked us all immediately telling them of the reason why I was there.

I also scolded my students. I caught them ten times but told them that thankfully the others didn't notice.

With that I proofed away to where the other jounin are currently.

"Sataki, where were you?" Asked a worried Kakashi.

"I was one of the jounin to help Ibiki. As an undercover job to sense all chakra signatures." I explained of the reasons and what I found. When I was done, I used the bonding jutsu on all of them so I could keep in touch. As we made it to the site of the second part, I used the jutsu on Guy as well, which moments later started to regret as he wouldn't shut up. So, I blocked him out.

When we got there, I was worried. I had a bad feeling about this. I walked around the tower for a while in search of anything suspicious. On the way, Sakura linked me.

"Sataki-sensei, I need help. Sasuke is out and has a mark on his neck-" my eyes widened at hearing her words. "And Naruto is out as well, and I don't know what to do?"

"Stay calm. Take them to a place where you can set traps and is near water. Just one question, was it-"

"It was Orochimaru. He said his goons are supposed to fight Sasuke at sunrise." She sounded panicked and I could tell she thought she was useless.

I shut the link heading to where I sense her chakra. I went at full speed. When I got there, I instantly started healing her and checking on Naruto. I checked his seal to see there is another set of seals on it. I countered it the seal undoing it. Then I used the counter curse seal on Sasuke undoing the curse mark.

I turned to Sakura. "Thank you for linking me when you did. If you should have waited longer, I wouldn't have been able to undo the curse mark."

She had tears in her eyes as she hugged me. I hugged her back, but then I sensed the sound ninja.

"Sakura. The sound ninja are waiting. What traps do you have set up?"

"The one on the ground I covered in grass and then there is the log I have set up."

"Recheck them, make sure they are hidden. Put one more trap to be on the safe side, and make sure you use the self healing jutsu if you have to."

"I already did."

"Let me see the sapphires."

She handed me all three of their gems, and I infused my chakra in it once more before telling her how everything was going to be alright before I left once more. I stayed nearby staying hidden as I waited. When the sun came up, true to her word, the sound ninja showed up ready to attack. At that moment, Naruto woke up.

"Sakura, you okay?"

She looked over to him nodding her head before giving him his chakra gem back. He nodded his head suddenly and I knew they were linking each other.

Suddenly, "Sataki, where are you?"

It was Asuma. "Yeah. Orochimaru was here. He is apparently after Sasuke. I had taken the appropriate measures while healing him, Sakura and Naruto. Orochimaru sent three of his goons after them and I am only watching as of right now." I explained as I watched the fight happen. I could feel Kakashi trying to contact me so I reassured him that they are okay.

"I'm not talking about them." He said coolly as I sucked in a breath.

"I'm fine." I told him. I could hear him sigh.

"Okay, I love you Sataki."

"Aww, I love you too, Kakashi."

I could feel him smile at my comment as I heard Asuma chuckle. Oh yeah, I forgot to undo his link. Suddenly, "ow! Kakashi Hatake. What was that for?"

I heard Kakashi scoff just before I shut the link off.

I watched as Sakura and Naruto fought the sound ninja when Sasuke couldn't. I watched just as they thought it was over as Lee helped. I watched as Lee got badly injured. I also watched as Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji came in to help out a little. As I watched the fight go on, everyone was hurt and I watched as Sakura use fire flower to heal everyone, but it took too much of her chakra so she passed out. I never taught her that jutsu, I thought to myself. I was surprised, yet when I look at Naruto, he has this look of pride in his eyes. So he showed her that jutsu from the scroll, clever Naruto. I thought all this just as Sasuke woke up and helped take them all out.

I came back down so I could give Sakura some of my chakra, but to my surprise, Naruto used the self healing jutsu and used it to heal Sakura.

Huh, I didn't know that was possible. Luckily, they didn't notice me, well, except Neji of course, so I just left and went back to the tower. When I got there, I sensed him instantly. Oorochimaru, he is here. My mood instantly became foul as the tension in the air became so thick, that a sushi knife couldn't slice through it.

I looked over to see Guy and I gave him a nod of assurance that it wasn't him. I reopened the link with him telling him I sense Orochimaru and he gave me his usual pose with his usual smile before running off.

I walked back to where the main room is and came to stand by Kakashi. My students are here luckily. I told Kakashi I would see him in a little. He gave me a nod and I went report to the Hokage.

I told him of everything and he sent for Anbu members to meet him for protection duty. I came back to Kakashi and told him everything that happened so far, and he just hugged me. I blushed a little hugging him back. A moment later he gave me a masked peck on the cheek.

I blushed a little more causing him to chuckle a little.

Kakashi pov

When I gave her a peck on her cheek she blushed a little. I chuckled. She still gets shy when I do that, it's so cute, I thought to myself. She looked up at me with worry in her eyes. I wonder what happened in the ten years we didn't speak? I have a feeling it has to do with Oorochimaru, but she won't tell. I often wonder, though. I had heard rumors of a fourth sannin. It is said that the fourth sannin disappears in a burst of flower petals whenever she attacks. Only, no one who has seen "Sona's" face has lived to tell the tell. And I know Sataki's kekki genkai is rose's just got me curious as to why she hasn't told me is all.

She suddenly starts looking at the sound ninja. Oh, yeah, the sound ninja are in with Oorochimaru, I thought to myself. I could hear Guy say something, but because I was lost in thought, I didn't hear him.

"Hmm, you said something?" I asked looking at Guy. I could tell he thought I was purposely ignoring him, so I just shrugged it off. Maybe he would stop challenging me this way.

Sataki pov

"Eternal rivals, wonder why he doesn't just admit he enjoys the challenges. It is training after all," I said more to myself while looking at the jounin for the three sound ninja trying to get his chakra signature, but it kept changing, so I couldn't tell if it was Oorochimaru or not.

My face stern, I decided to focus on the match that is going on below. Sasuke was going up against this ninja that had his face covered and glasses like Shino. I heard Naruto tell at Sasuke about letting this guy get to him. Sasuke then used a move he borrowed from Lee. He admitted to borrowing it before he used lions barrage on him and eventually won. I jumped over to heal Sasuke just as I heard that the next is about to begin. I brought him to Kakashi as I continued to watch the sound jounin. Sure enough, as soon as Kakashi had left with Sasuke, he left to follow. I decided to shadow and just as I thought, it was Orochimaru.

"My have you grown, Kakashi." I could see Kakashi and an unconscious Sasuke, I could see as the curse mark has now disappeared completely.

"You can come out too, Sataki. I know you're there. You just have to be after eyeing me so much in the stands."

"I just wanted confirmation that it was you, Orochimaru. Your chakra signature kept changing." I said coolly as I gave him my death glare. This guy pisses me off, so much so it is hard not to hit him with my rose petals I have hidden around the room. I must have patience. As I thought this chakra flowed through me raising my hair. My eyes white with a tick mark on my forehead. I could see Kakashi gulp loudly as I seen amusement in Oorochimaru's eyes with a hint of fear. He had a drop of sweat slide down his face as he looked at me with a nervous smile. He looked to the left and then the right. Damn, he found out about the petals. Just then I pulled them to strike at him. It grazed his arm and his cheek as he jumped back to avoid them. Behind him, Kakashi tried using lightning blade on him, but failed. I used that to punch him in the face causing a snap to be heard from his nose. Good I broke his nose, I thought as I glared at him just to have him disappear. "Damn."

"Sataki?" I looked to Kakashi as he looked me in the eyes. I sighed.

"The rumors are only partially true. I don't use my petals that much, it takes up way too much chakra to stay in that form for more than a few hours a day." I explained.

"So, you are the-"

"Fourth sannin, yes. But only because Tsunade and Jiraya thought I could help in taking the serpent down. I was ordered to keep it a secret from everyone, though." I could see him give me a look that said 'now it all makes sense.' I gave a light chuckle.

"Lets get Sasuke to the hospital for now." Kakashi nodded as we picked up Sasuke and teleported to the hospital where he got medical help. The jutsus used for the curse mark and his condition just were too much for him to handle. He needs lots of rest, for the rest of the day Kakashi and I talked while in Sasuke's hospital room. I told him of my training and of my summons.

I promised that when we are on a mission together to show him them. He nodded in approval as the sun began to set. Kakashi decided to start looking for a trainer for Kakashi as I thought about who would be best.

He chose Ebisu, but I was thinking more Jiraya since he is his godfather I decided to wait because I knew he would be here any day now.

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