The Next Step

By lollipop2035

52.8K 895 106

my story is about the next step!! pls note I have not invented this. in the next step there is drama, disaste... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Authors Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
authors note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors Note
Another authors note
Hi I know...

Chapter 29

981 21 4
By lollipop2035


sorry I've not updated for ages.

* 1 week later *

Chloe's POV

Emily : I can't believe we only have a week left.

Stephanie : i know. we are going to the BBQ restaurant tonight.

I'm in the shower first I shout and run into the bathroom.

I have a shower and put my black long drees with black slip-on's and curl my hair and put it in a 'messy' bun. I put on light pink lip gloss, mascara and light blue eye shadow.

I go out of the bathroom and Emily rushes in.

Riley's POV

I put on my purple dress which has flowers on with purple high heels and I curl my fringe and put it up in a pony tail.

Stephanie's POV

I put on my short light green dress with white heels. I put my hair in a bun and I grab my bow and place it in.

I put Ella's red spoty dress on her and I straighten her hair. I put 'mini' heels on her.

Emily's POV

I have no idea what to wear! in the end I just put on a dark blue short dress and a red headband

we walk to the boys room and we all go to the BBQ restaurant.

After that we decide to do some late night shopping.

* 6 days later *

Stephanie's POV

I can't believe we are going home today! I pack up all my clothes and shoes and accessories and close my case. once everybody has done that we go to the limo that is waiting outside. we all get in and we go to the airport. we show them our passports and hand them our luggage.  we go through security and this airport you just go straight to the plane. we all sat in the same places as last time but Riley and Emily are sat next to a old man instead.

* 3 hours later *

Still Stephanie's POV

We are back in England. we walk to the waiting area and we see Michelle, Gizelle, Daniel and Eldon are stood there waiting.

Emily : hey she says and runs up and hugs Gizelle.

Chloe : so how's the baby she whispers to Michelle.

Michelle : it's fine.

James : hey Eldon what have you been upto.

Eldon : just practising my solo for nationals.

thanks for reminding me Eldon. I have not even got a routine for my solo yet I say.

Hunter : I don't really have to practice my duet cus it is the same as last time.

Daniel : so what have you guys been doing in Spain.

Riley : Well...

* 3 days later *

Michelle's POV

Eldon : so what are we gonna call the baby.

I'm not sure. What about Danielle if it is a girl I suggest.

Eldon : maybe. but what about if it is a boy.

Um. I am not sure.

Eldon : what about Josh

yeah I like that name.

Eldon : well we will find out this afternoon if it is a girl or a boy.

* on the other side of town *

Hunter's POV

I need to get back together with Emily. But she won't answer my calls she is completely egnoring me. I need to speak to her.

Kate : Hunter is that you.

oh Hi miss Kate.

Kate : how is the duet going.

the duet I ask confused.

Kate : the duet for nationals.

Well miss Kate. me and Emily aren't really speaking to each other.

Kate : well when you come to the studio tomorrow I want to see it.

Miss Kate she won't even speak to me.

* Meanwhile *

Stephanie's POV

Oh Ella

Ella : sorwy mummyy

It's ok Ella.

Aunty Chloe and Aunty Emily are coming round this afternoon.

Ella : yey.

* at a random café *

nobody's POV

Daniel : hey.

Unknown : hi how are you.

Daniel : good. how about you.

unknown : fine.

James's POV

me and Riley walk into a café. And we see Daniel and a person in a hoddie. I wonder who it is.

Riley and me : Hi Daniel.

Daniel : hi.

So who is this I say.

This is Samantha. remember the girl I met at the pool.

Oh yeah I remember her.

She takes down her hood and a beautiful face appears.

Samantha : hi she says blushing.

West : wow she's pretty. Hey who is she.

Riley : West you nearlly made me have a heart attack.

Daniel : this is Samantha. you know the girl I met at the pool.

Yeah I know.

Riley : you just said you don't know who she is.

West : hi I am West pleased to meet you.

Samantha : hi.

West : well me James, Riley and my other friend Hunter are going to the cinema tonight. Wanna come?

Samantha : sure but can Daniel come too.

West : ok. I will pick you both up at Daniel's house.

Riley : I'm just gonna take this call.


Riley's POV

Hi I say into the phone.

Beth and Emily : Hi.

Riley : hey do you wanna come to the cinemas with us tonight.

Emily : who's us.

Me, James, West, Daniel and Samantha Daniel's new girlfriend. I don't mention Hunter cus if I do I know she won't come.

Beth : oh ok what time.

7:00pm tonight.

Emily : ok she says and she ends the call.


James : who was that.

it was Emily and Beth I tell him and I have invited them to the Cinema with us.

* at the studio *

Chloe's POV

it's not dance today but the studio is open every day so I decided to come and Dance when Suddenly I get a text.

Michelle : meet me at the hospital.

I finish the dance I was doing and I walk to my car and I turn on the radio and Cheryl Cole's new song comes on which is called crazy stupid love. I love this song!

I get to the hospital and I park my car I walk over to the pay and display machine and it costs a $5! I walk into the hospital and I see Michelle and Eldon.

Michelle : hi Chloe.

um how long our we gonna be I ask.

Eldon : why do you need to know.

cus I am meeting Steph, Ella and Em.

Michelle : oh. I'm not sure.

we walk into the baby scan room.

* half way through the scan *

The doctor : would you like to know if it is a girl or a boy.

Michelle : yes please.

the doctor : it is...


Do you think it will be a girl or a boy.

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