Mercy and the Merciless Alpha

By hooodster

82K 3.6K 558

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you really going to put your own mate in prison?" I wrapped my hands a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Seven

5.1K 218 61
By hooodster

Despite the fact that I'd fallen asleep virtually in the middle of the day after the failed rescue mission, I slept the entire rest of the day and didn't wake up until the next morning. Even then, when I cracked open my eyes in the dark jail cell I was still completely spent.

Beside me was a neat stack of clothing and it was then that I realized I was still only wearing Luke's shirt. I didn't even bother wondering how they got there and I slipped them on without any resistance. It was a simple outfit that consisted of under garments, shorts and a shirt, I looked beside me and noticed that Mallory was clad in the same outfit; no doubt the uniform of the jail.

I wanted to cry some more, maybe even wallow in misery but I knew deep down that a pity party was the farthest thing from what I needed right now.

There was also a part of me that was still completely baffled by Weston. I didn't understand how it was possible, the odds alone were astronomical that we would end up in the same place after all this time...but he was really here, I hadn't imagined it.

This indubitably meant he probably had already run his mouth to Azrael and exposed our packs secret, not that I hadn't done a grand job at exposing myself as well. Like the wallowing and crying, worrying about Weston would do me no good at this point.

It was completely silent in the jail, not even a maniacal peep out of Mallory. I wondered if there were more people down the long hallway of cells, I wouldn't doubt it but there were no audible indications.

Swinging my legs over the side of the cot I stood up gingerly, rubbing the back of my neck before stretching my arms above my head sleepily.

Just as I dropped my arms the door to the jail swung open loudly, instantly from beside me Mallory came to life.

"No no no no no no no." She mumbled frantically and scurried to the back of her cell. "Please no."

I frowned and squinted through the now illuminated cell and saw a figure make their way down the stairs. Azrael stopped promptly in front of my cell and I heard Mallory let out a relieved sigh to my side.

"Good luuuckk." She sung out softly.

I contorted my face in her direction, shooting her an annoyed look before I turned back around and faced Azrael.

For the longest time he didn't say anything, we just stood there in some kind of a bizarre stare off. Azrael's eyes bored into my very soul, he took in every inch of me and then some.

And for the first time, I was able to truly take in the man before me. Azrael had the typical aloha wolf build, he was exceptionally tall and exceptionally muscled—drool worthy even. His hair was the deepest shade of black which looked even more dramatic against his ghostly pale skin; it was so white it almost looked ghostly. Azrael's eyes were even more dramatic if that was possible with an icy blue grey coloring. All in all his appearance was a mixture of terrifying and hot all bundled into one.

Not what I'd imagined ending up with in the slightest that was for sure.

My wolf was going crazy and as a result so was I, all of me instinctually wanted to just leap into his arms and go off into the sunset; but I knew better than that so as hard as it was going against my wolf, I had to fight her desire.

Finally, Azrael broke the trance stepping forward and unlocking the door to my cell. I stood there frozen, not sure if this was some kind of test or if I was going to regret leaving the cell.

I took a cautious step closer to the door, his words from the day before ringing through my head and instilling my apprehension even further.

He frowned tiredly, "Come off it, let's go."

Quickly I listened and slipped out of the cell and into the hallway, the open door was calling my name to just bolt out of here and try to escape again. There was no way I'd be successful in this close proximity to him though and I wasn't trying to get myself into any more trouble than I already seemed to be by Azrael's standards.

I cleared my throat quietly, shifting from foot to foot in front of him. "Change of heart?" I queried with the slightest inkling of mockery in my tone.

"Listen, you're more than welcome to stay here if you want to keep this up." He warned.

My eyes widened and I instantly shook my head in compliance. Azrael rolled his eyes before walking towards the door, waving behind his back for me to follow him. Just like before, walking out of the jail into the light was blindingly painful. I squinted through the light and continued after my mate.

He seemed slightly different today. Don't get me wrong, he was still crazy, kidnapping, megalomaniac but he didn't seem as hell bent on my demise as before. I wondered if the mate bond was taking a toll on him as well.

He walked ahead of me not bothering to check behind to make sure I was still following because I think we both knew deep down that it would not bode well for me. Azrael guided me away from the jailhouse and away from the courthouse, towards a regal looking dark mansion at the center of the grounds.

Upon walking in, it was obvious that this was his home. Only an alpha wolf would have an establishment as grand as this. It made me miss home.

My friends and other pack members ventured beyond the walls of our pack all to save me and what did I do about it? Basically shat in their faces. It haunted me.

"I had our elders working all night for you."

His voice brought me back into reality once more. For me? What could that possibly mean.

Azrael led me into a large sitting room where there was a table at the very center. He walked over and picked up a small box from the edge before returning back to me.

He held out the box and placed it into my hesitant hands. I lifted the lid slowly, half expecting something to spring out and kill me based off of Mallory's behavior in the cells earlier. But it wasn't some kind of trap, lying in the box was a delicate bracelet. It was a slim golden band with a shiny black stone at the center. I'd never seen a rock like that before in my life, it was almost glowing with a black aura around it but surely I was mistaken.

I stared down at the bracelet in utter and complete confusion before directing my puzzled and slightly terrified face back to Azrael. "Why?" It was all I could manage at the moment.

Why would someone who so vocally announced his disdain towards me suddenly offer me such a beautiful piece of jewelry.

"You're my mate." He shrugged innocently, "I'll admit, thing got off to a rocky start yesterday. This is the least I can do to try and begin to make up for my behavior."

This was getting even more weird...

I opened my mouth once to try and formulate some kind of proper response but I lacked the right words. He thought a bracelet would make up for: kidnapping me, almost sentencing me to death, hurting my friends and having me thrown in jail multiple times?

And he said I was the daft one, this was complete lunacy.

I shook my head and closed the lid to the box, I felt my wolf literally whimper within me. "No thanks."

Azrael's face instantly contorted into a glare before just as suddenly he wiped the expression off of his face with a quick smile. "Like I said, it's only a start. I am more than aware that it will take more than a little golden trinket to properly atone for my actions."

I raised an eyebrow quizzically. He seemed genuine enough but was it foolish of me to believe him to have such a complete turn around? I didn't know.

Again, I opened the box and stared down at the bracelet. It was just a piece of jewelry, worst case scenario I take the bracelet and keep on hating him like normal. Slowly, I lifted the band up out of the box and Azrael was keen to come to my side. "Here let me help."

He deftly took the band from my hands and gently worked on clasping it around my wrist; his hands lingering on my skin for longer than I would've wolf however was having the time of her life.

The resolute clicking sound of securing the bracelet rang out in the quiet room. I gazed at the bracelet with my wrist still in Azrael's tender grasp. I couldn't take my eyes off of that black gem stone, it definitely was doing this weird shadow glowy thing which could only mean one thing...

This wasn't an ordinary bracelet at all. It was magic.

Almost instantly after I made the connection, a searing pain tore through my body. My knees instantly buckled but Azrael's hold on my arm prevented me from faking completely down.

"What the f:ck did you do to me?" I gritted out through my clenched jaw, I worried if I even relaxed it a bit that I would embarrass myself by crying out.

Azrael lifted my limp body and placed me down in a chair at the table, my hands instantly latched on to the arms of the chair as I tried to fight through the pain.

I didn't know which was more alarming, the excruciating pain or the fact that I had absolutely no idea what kind of magic was being inflicted on me.

Azrael folded his arms and stood in front of my chair, looming over me without a single sign of emotion in regards to seeing their mate in the current state that I was in. "Relax." He sighed out slowly, "It will only last a little while longer."

I glared up at him and attempted to push myself up and out of the chair but he placed a hand on my shoulder and pushed me back down with virtually no effort exerted. "

He wasn't lying to me because right after he spoke all of the pain disappeared from my body. I was left only with an all consuming rage but it through me. I was angry at myself more than anything for falling for his little charade, definitely should have seen that from a mile away. I was also angry at Azrael, obviously. The twisted bast:rd literally must be getting off on causing me pain and agony.

I released my death grip on the arms of the chair, my white knuckles slowly returning back to their normal coloration. "What did you do to me?"

The bizarre thing was that I felt absolutely normal, there were no signs of damage on my body and I didn't feel anything that I needed to heal. I felt fine which was probably even scarier than if I'd felt something immediately after all the pain.

"Like I said, I had my people working all night on that little thing." Azrael completely ignored me. "The original plan was to torture you, break you down until there was nothing left of you which meant no more magical meddling for you and no suffering for my wolf. However, there were some complications to that plan and this was the next best option."

Complications in trying to torture me?

I shook my head quickly, "I don't understand what's happening." I admitted breathlessly as I began to feel more and more helpless, completely in the hands of the grim man before me.

Azrael leaned forward and took hold of my wrist that held the bracelet, instantly my skin came to life just as before but this time I tried to retract it away from him immediately. He scowled at me and tightened his hold, "There was a time when bracelets like this were a normal tool. Before magic was accepted amongst werewolves, those who possessed the unnatural abilities would be forced to wear these anti-magic bands. It was a time beyond me, only the elders could remember how to forge the bracelet anymore."

I blinked slowly, hoping that when I opened my eyes that Azrael would no longer be in front of me and that all of this was just some wack dream. He was still there, of course.

"Anti-magic?" I repeated grimly.

"Mortal Pack was established through the money made by mining the underworld stones necessary for the bracelets." Azrael ran his thumb over the black stone, "You see, in the underworld there is no magic. The very ground there blocks every magical channel that a soul might've possessed during their life."

I sucked in a breath as I put two and two healing. Instantly I flew out of the chair again, my movements surprising Azrael enough to release my wrist. I desperately tried to yank the thing off of me but it wouldn't budge at all.

Azrael actually laughed in front of me, watching my struggling as if it pleased him. "Done yet?"

Giving the bracelet one last tug, defeatedly I dropped my hand back to my side. He ran his hand across his pale jaw, a ghost of a smile. "Only someone who has been to the other side can remove it." He explained coyly, clearly savoring the moment. He pretended to count on his fingers, dropping a finger until he only had his pointer finger up. "Which would be me?"

I balled my fists at my sides, "What is wrong with you?"

Azrael's face did a double take, "What is wrong with me?" His soft chuckle turned into a cold laugh that sent shivers through me. "I think I've made my position quite clear on who the problem is here."

He ran a hand through his dark hair, "Truth be told, you should be thanking me right about now."

I recoiled instantly, my face contorting in confusion and utter disgust after hearing him. "Excuse me? Thanking you?"

Azrael nodded slowly, "If I hadn't done this, there would have been no other option."

"No other option for what? Rejecting me? Throwing me out?" I stammered out, I felt my wolf begin to panic within me but in the moment I was so angry I didn't even care to try and calm her.

Azrael chuckled lowly as if what I'd said was the silliest thing he'd ever heard. "No other option but to have you executed."

My eyes widened and I immediately stepped away, clumsily moving backwards as far as possible. "Kill me?" It wasn't so much as a question as it was a statement of utter and complete disbelief. How could one person be so callous and cruel to think about taking someone's life so casually?

"Your very existence is not only a danger and an abomination to the werewolf population and the rules of nature." He explained lowly, "But, i was a good mate and found a solution that kept you alive."

I shook my head, looking down at the bracelet which felt in that moment, heavier than ever. I was conflicted. Well, not me personally but there was definitely internal conflict that my wolf was having.

She still wanted Azrael more than anything, I could feel her longing for him despite everything that's happened. He was my mate but considering killing someone and then deciding not to, didn't make him a good person in the slightest; and I couldn't let my wolf's instinctual desires sway me from the truth.

Azrael advanced towards me, with every step he took I fumbled backwards trying to keep the distance until my back hit the wall. When he reached me, Azrael put an arm on wall beside my head, caging me in essentially and with the other he grasped my neck gently.

"Now we have nothing standing in the way between us. We can focus on each other, you're finally my mate." He murmured against the side of my head and I stiffened as my body came alive to his touch.

He tilted his head ever so slightly and trailed kissed from my temple to my jaw and I felt my breathing becoming more and more ragged.

Azrael was bad, he was evil. Azrael was bad, he was evil. I kept on reminding myself in my head so that I held onto my composure for dear life. My eyes widened and my mouth parted slightly when he suddenly tightened his grasp around my neck while pressing our lower bodies together tightly.

I was frozen to my spot, unable to form a coherent thought let alone boot away from his tough. Because as much as I hated to admit it, I felt myself getting turned on against my will as he choked me.

He moved his face away from me ever so slightly, staring at me straight on. Azrael's eyes were dark like they had been in the court room but now it was a different kind of dark—it was full of lust instead of malice.

Again, Azrael tightened his hold and this time and my hands moved up and grasped his forearm even though deep down I knew that the last thing I wanted to do in my hazy state was for him to stop.

He smiled lowly, he knew what he was doing to me and was playing me like a fiddle. Or rather, playing my wolf. "You're my mate, Mercy." Azrael spoke evenly, his gaze boring into me. "And we can't deny our wolves any longer."

Azrael moved his face closer to mine, his eyes flickering to my lips and then back to my eyes. I knew what was coming, "No." I whispered out, still holding onto his arm but my grip was half hearted at best.

"No?" He questioned with a smirk, "You want me to stop?"

My breathing hitched as I felt himself press his hips against me so that we were practically grinding against one another. Azrael removed his hand from my neck and trailed it down, slowly moving between my breasts and down my stomach until he reached the waist band of my shorts.

He trailed his finger along it dangerously, Azrael glanced up at me with that same small smirk plastered across his face. "Tell me to stop." He commanded.

I couldn't tell him to stop. Every inch of my body felt like it was on fire, I felt this burning sensation radiating from my lower half and through the rest of my body. I was completely transfixed by the moment, there was nothing else on my mind besides this second in time.

I didn't realize it until it was too late but my head nodded on its own cognition without me even noticing I was inviting him. It was a primal need that even my resolve couldn't bear to tell Azrael to stop.

Azrael craned his head back towards my neck, planting kisses and lightly biting against my skin as his hand slipped underneath my waist band. He trailed his finger across the outside of my underwear and to my disbelief I felt myself already wet for him. He smiled against my skin as I gasped out when he moved his thumb in a slow circle through my underwear.

"You're already so wet for me, Mercy." He nipped at my neck and lightly sucked the skin, no doubt leaving marks all along my neck. "Tell me you want me." Azrael commanded once more to me.

He moved away from my neck and placed his forehead against mine, "Say it."

I didn't say it at first and Azrael instantly started to remove his hand out of my pants but I quickly stammered out, "I want you."

It was all of a sudden a blur, at the same moment he slipped his hand underneath my underwear and began to play with my clit, his lips came crashing down upon mine. Instead of moving away, which I would have done perhaps even an hour ago I moaned against him and grasped at the collar of his shirt tightly.

Involuntarily i moved my hips against his hand as Azrael slipped a finger inside of me with complete ease because of the dripping state i was in. He pressed his lips hard against mine but I didn't complain, everything felt so good. Azrael picked up speed, adding another finger and began fingering me with equal fervor. My arms popes around his neck, instantly I cling to him as I felt my legs begin to shake from the building pressure within me.

Just as quickly as the moment began, Azrael removed his hand from me and leaned his head away from me and our kiss. He held his two fingers up to my lips and without even having to say a word, I took them into my mouth, tasting myself—my lust.

Azrael took his hand away once more and stepped away from me with a smug smile as he walked towards the door without sparing me a second glance. Once he arrived, Azrael propped the door open and gestured me to follow him just as he did in the jail.

I was left disheveled and completely bewildered, my legs were complete noodles at this point and the only anger I felt in the moment was that he didn't let me finish.

I was certain that once the fog cleared from my brain I would hate myself for this moment, I would loathe my every existence no doubt. But right now, without a second to waste I trailed after him and slipped my hand into his outstretched palm.

I glanced down at our hands and the bracelet glinted up at me and my stomach churned.

What the hell just happened?


many many many apologies for the tardiness of this chapter! i started uni again and it got crazy. buuutttt things should be normal now and updates WILL be regular which is exciting.

next chapter will be when the story hits 230 votes overall : - ]

i hope you enjoyed it! pls comment and vote it up...maybe even tag a friend ; )

also just a humble brag...this chapter is 3.7k words long AYYY

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