tempo ยป baekhyun โœ“

Da xxbyunhyun

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โ The bigger the risk, the bigger the rush. โž She was given a proposition that she couldn't refuse: stay in p... Altro

playlist & aesthetics
the motorcycles
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14

chapter 15

4.6K 277 254
Da xxbyunhyun

the type of kisses where teeth collide

when she laughs, the heavens hum a stun gun lullaby


One last wild ride, snitch.

Are you ready?

Things at the Angels's racing track, were starting to get chaotic and the gang's leader Namjoon was clearly already regretted letting us in to his home. We were thankful for his hospitality, kindness and help, but for us Aces, it wasn't that easy to just let go of our often barbaric ways. I was having the time of my life sipping a much needed bottle of soju and watching things get more and more out of hand, all because of the deadly combination of Kang Seulgi and Park Chanyeol. Not to mention Felix, who got offended because the duo purposely left him out when they went to get Baekhyun and I out of trouble back at Kim Haejin's club.

'' Why are we hanging out in this dump? '' Seulgi asked with boredom and inspected her perfectly manicured nails. Felix got dragged away by a group of girls who instantly got charmed by his adorable face, while the rest of us occupied one of the tables in the half garage, half bar where the Angels resided. I was sipping my soju, Chanyeol was eyeing the motorcycles and the girl's goal seemed to be to start a fight.

'' You're welcome for letting you in to our home, '' Yoongi lowly murmured and crossed his arms on his chest. He was switching between glaring at Seulgi and Chanyeol. He seemed to be almost struggling to decide which one of the two bikers he disliked more.

Chanyeol frowned and glanced at the dark haired girl. '' You're right. This place sucks. ''

Yoongi slowly clenched his fingers in to fists. Veins appeared on his skin and he was starting to get angry.  '' You're lucky that I'm kind. ''

'' Everyone glares at us. And then when I start glaring back, I heard them calling me a bitch. How is that fair? '' Seulgi continued and pursed her lips. '' I say we have a little fun and ask someone for a game of poker, arm wrestling match or something else similar that we can beat them at and remind them who's the real boss. They should feel honoured to have us in their home. ''

It was clear that Seulgi and Chanyeol were purposely talking over Yoongi and completely ignoring what he was saying. His knuckles began to turn white because he was clenching his fists so tight and some people turned their heads towards our table. The leader of their gang ordered them to be kind to us, but no one would try to stop Yoongi if he would raise his fist and get in to a fight. '' I'm kind, but you are really starting to test my patience. I didn't drink enough soju to be prepared to listen to this type of bullshit. Screw the boss's orders. ''

Seulgi's dark eyes landed on Yoongi for the first time and her lips curved in to an evil smirk. She looked directly at him, but she still addressed Chanyeol, as if the other guy wasn't even there or worthy of her attention and now I knew that she really was being mean on purpose. Everything that happened was really starting to get to her and this was her way of letting off some steam. Playing with people, toying with their emotions. '' It's not like glaring at us is going to make them better at riding their motorcycles than we are. ''

'' That's it! ''

Yoongi smashed his half empty bottle of soju, raised she sharp glass in the air and prepared to attack the smirking girl. Hoseok managed to appear just in time to grab him and pull him back before a fight would break out. I was a little disappointed when Seulgi, Chanyeol, Felix, Baekhyun and I arrived to the gang's racing track and there was no sign of him. The two of us truly bonded the last time that I was here, so I was hoping to see him again. It turned out that he was gone because he was doing a job for Namjoon and he just got back from it, but he didn't come alone. 

On the way to the gang's racing track, he ran in to a motorcycle accident. He was already about to call an ambulance and then disappear in to the night again, when he recognised the person that was laying on the asphalt. Her purple motorcycle was near her and it seemed like she passed out while sitting on it.


We were waiting for her to get to the Angels's racing track, but none of us thought that she could be late because something bad happened to her. She was unconscious when Hoseok brought her and there was a gunshot wound on her leg, but the gang's doctor quickly confirmed that she wasn't in life threatening danger. He said that she lost consciousness while riding her motorcycle because of the blood loss, but she wasn't going too fast and her helmet prevented her from receiving any horrible injuries. She was lucky.

'' That's it, '' Baekhyun screamed and clenched his fingers in to fists. Him, Seulgi and I were standing in the hallway outside of the gang's infirmary room, while Chanyeol was watching over the sleeping Hwasa. The biker was clearly furious and he could barely keep himself from punching somebody. '' I am going back to the club, so that I can figure out what the fuck is going on and kill whoever dared to shoot Hwasa. ''

'' Don't be stupid, '' Seulgi lowly warned and crossed her arms on her chest. Her face was serious and her gaze cold, insensitive. She was purposely annoying Yoongi earlier, but the sight of Hwasa, covered in blood, made her remember the situation that we were in. Someone had to remain calm and seemingly rational in these times and she decided that she was going to be that person, even if she was just pretending and she wanted to do something stupid too. '' What makes you think that we would come to save you again? Like we did when you went to Kim Haejin's club like a complete idiot? Or do you think that you would be welcomed back to the club with open arms? ''

Baekhyun tightened his lips and glared at the girl. '' I never asked you to come save me in the first place. ''

'' That's right, you didn't. You never thanked us either. '' Her lips twisted in to an amused smirk. '' Perhaps that makes us the real idiots, huh? For going there and risking our own lives to save a friend. Come on, say it. I know that you are thinking it right now and I'm looking for a reason to punch you. ''

He was still clenching his fists and glaring at the girl until I suddenly stepped between them and raised my hands in defence. I let out a nervous laugh and tried to think of a way to make them calm down. They were both dominant people, with strong personalities, so it wasn't surprising that they clashed. '' Okay, can we just establish that you are both idiots for fighting with each other instead of thinking about how you'll destroy Kim Haejin? Wouldn't it be better to stop wasting your energy with each other like that and save your anger for the real deal? ''

Baekhyun's gaze moved from Seulgi and landed on me. His eyes darkened when we looked at each other, then he turned around and stormed down the hallway without saying another word. My awkward smile slowly lowered and I stared after him with a grim expression on my face. I was about to rush after Bhim, but Seulgi stopped me by suddenly grabbing my wrist. I lowered my head and tried to pull my hand away, but she only tightened her grip.

'' I should go after him. He needs someone. I might not be as good as Hwasa, Chanyeol or anyone else that he trusts, but he definitely needs someone. ''

Seulgi's voice was as cold as ice when she ordered: '' Turn around and look at me before I make you, Rei. ''

I nervously gulped and slowly turned around to face her. Once my gaze met her alluring dark eyes, I couldn't help it but to think of the kiss that we shared. Her expression remained blank, but something in the way her gaze darkened, made me wonder if she was able to tell that something happened between Baekhyun and I too. I still clearly remembered the fogged up mirrors of that car, his hands roaming over my body and his warm lips on my bare skin.

'' Are you okay? ''

Seulgi's tone was sharp and demanding, but I caught the hint of worry that was in her voice. She kept watching me, searching through my eyes and trying to figure out what I was thinking about. '' I... Don't worry about me. I'm fine. I only got hit a couple of times. Baekhyun is the one who got stabbed... Because of me... You know, when I think of it like that, things really aren't looking in my favour. There's not much that I bring to the table besides the possibility of you getting stabbed because of me or me lying to you... Anyway, I'm fine. ''

She gritted her teeth with irritation, let go of my wrist and took a step towards me instead. I tried to back away, but I ended up hitting the wall behind me. She took another step forward and put her hands against it, to make sure that I wouldn't escape from her. She brought her face closer to mine and hissed: '' Did I ask you about Baekhyun? No. I asked you about yourself. So answer honestly and stop being annoying... ''

'' I'm fine- ''

A curse rolled off her tongue and she slammed her palm against the wall beside my head. '' Annoying stupid girl. You'll never get it, will you? You can't save him or any of us if you can't even save yourself. ''

She sighed with frustration when I didn't say anything, stepped back and stormed down the hallway, just like Baekhyun did earlier. These days, I was really starting to get used to the sight of people's backs while they were walking away from me.

Saving myself was never part of the plan to begin with.

I didn't deserve her and I didn't deserve him either.

I found Baekhyun in the room that we were given by the gang leader Namjoon. He was sitting in front of a table lamp, struggling with a first aid kit and trying to fix the poor job that he did on the bandages on his arm. He wasn't wearing his shirt and I could see the flying crow tattoo that was covering the upper part of his back and stretching over his muscles. The inked black eyes seemed to be watching me, warning me. 

Baekhyun's gaze was wary when I leaned against the table that was in front of him and took the bandages from his hands. His eyes slightly narrowed with suspicion, but he didn't try to push me away. He watched me wrap the bandages around his wounded arm, like he thought that I was secretly planning to pull out a second knife and stick it in to his back. That was how he felt when I told him the truth about being a snitch. He didn't forgive me for my lies, not at all and I didn't know if he ever even would.

He lowered his head and sighed in frustration. '' You know, I never really figured you out. It's starting to become really obvious why. This is why I tend not to trust people. But... ''

He slowly raised his head and I stopped bandaging his arm to look at him with confusion. My eyes slightly widened when he held his hand in my direction and mumbled: '' I get it. You held on to your friend's hand and watched them die right in front of your eyes. Your freedom was taken away from you and you went to prison for a crime that you didn't even commit. As much as I want to hate you for lying to me, I can't help it but to get why you did it, so I have to try to give you another chance. Come on. This is us starting over. ''

I continued staring at him with a stunned expression on my face until he lost his patience and grabbed my hand on his own. I felt his skin on mine and he gripped it as tight as he could. Then my eyes shined in the faint light and the corner of my mouth twitched up in amusement. '' Does this mean that you are finally going to let go the fact that I stole your motorcycle when we first met? ''

'' Are you trying to make me change my mind about giving you a second chance? Come on. '' He shook my hand like we were meeting for the first time. Things could never go back to how they used to be, but there was still a chance for us to find a new type of happiness. '' My name is Baekhyun. ''

'' Rei. ''

'' R... That's too difficult to remember. I think I'm going to call you Riri. ''

It took a couple of hours for Hwasa to wake up from her slumber, but once she did, she was still so panicked that two people had to hold her in place, while Baekhyun kept assuring her that she was safe. She was shaking with fear and she could barely bring herself to explain what happened to her. It turned out that a group of armed people stormed in to the garage of the club and started shooting. Hwasa barely managed to run away on her motorcycle and go to Kim Haejin's club, which was where the boss Junmyeon went for a meeting. She wanted to tell him that the gang was in trouble, but soon after arriving there, she realised that it was the drug lord himself who sent the armed people to take care of the Aces. Our recent visit to his club made him angry and he thought that Junmyeon was secretly plotting something against him too. Instead of risking it and taking his chances, he decided to take care of it before anything could go wrong.

Baekhyun was absolutely furious when he heard her story, but he wasn't the only one. The rest of us could also barely believe her words, but we knew that we couldn't act irrationally. No one was really sure what to do until I told them what I happened to overhear during our last visit to Haejin. He had a meeting with the friend from China, the owner of the luxury jewellery stores that helped him think of the whole theft scheme. I caught them talking about how they were planning to move the smuggled gold out of Seoul.

I looked around Hwasa's infirmary room and crossed my arms on my chest. Everyone was watching me with anticipation. '' Three trucks. Tomorrow. A little after sundown. Heading east. From what I heard, they're planning to transport the gold out of the country on a private plane... I am certain that Junmyeon is going to be on one of those trucks too. Perhaps him and his bodyguards didn't come back to the club, but I'm sure that Kim Haejin won't kill him. The drug lord cares about his money and our boss is too popular in the crime world to just get shot and dumped somewhere. Yes, he's definitely going to be on one of those trucks... You know what this means... ''

Chanyeol cringed and asked us: '' You really want to do this? Why? ''

'' For Junmyeon. ''

'' For the gold. ''

'' For revenge. ''

Chanyeol scowled and glared at Baekhyun and I. '' For gold and for revenge? You two have some really wicked priorities. ''

Baekhyun cringed at the sight of the furious expression on Hwasa's face. She was clearly angry that the two of us didn't think of Junmyeon's safety before anything else. Then he pointed at me and protested: '' But she said that she's doing it for the money! That's much worse than revenge! ''

I gasped and stared at him with an offended expression on my face. '' Hey! Why do you have to put me on the spot like that? ''

He ran through his messy dark brown hair with his hand and smirked. His gaze travelled over our faces before it stopped on Chanyeol. The gang's mechanic was clearly worried, so he knew that he had to say something to convince him to stay on our side. '' Hwasa's right. I know that it sounds dangerous, but we have to do this for Junmyeon. He can be annoying, stupid, delusional... Well, let's just say that he has a lot of bad qualities, but he's still the boss. He is the reason that we're this strong. He's our support. He leads us. Without him, we would be lost... We have to save him. ''

Chanyeol lowered his head and sighed, clearly still a little unsure about everything. Baekhyun stepped closer to me and lowly murmured: '' I gave him the first attack to his heart by appealing to his emotions, now it's time for you to appeal to his materialistic side. Come on. This is your time to shine! ''

I narrowed my eyes and hissed in protest: '' Will you just let it go? I don't really care about the gold that much! I just said the first thing that I could think of! ''

He was trying to hide how amused he was because of the way I instantly gave in to his tricks. He was purposely trying to mock me and say things that would get a reaction out of me, but I didn't notice. His face got serious once again when Seulgi appeared on the doorway, stepped inside the infirmary room and leaned back against the wall. Her arms stayed crossed on her chest and she was looking anywhere but at me. I was hoping that she cooled down after the conversation that we had earlier, but it seemed like she was still annoyed with my way of thinking. '' Am I hearing all of you right? You want to go back to the club? Right now? We are totally going to get killed before you'll even get to ask 'hi bitches, did you miss me'?  ''

Chanyeol raised his eyebrows in amusement and repeated in disbelief: '' We? ''

Seulgi scrunched up her nose in disgust and looked around before she answered: '' You thought that I would let you leave me behind in this place? The Angels are driving me crazy. There's no way that I'm staying here, but I'm definitely standing behind one of you and using you as a shield once we get back to the club. ''

My head snapped up all of the sudden and I quietly asked: '' Hold on... Aren't we forgetting someone? Where's Felix? ''

A group of girls from the Angels gang dragged him away as soon as we got to the race track and they didn't seem to be planning to let him go any time soon. They were still trying to convince him to leave the Aces and join them instead and their persuasive methods almost worked, but he was too awkward to really let himself get swayed by them.

Seulgi wasn't exaggerating when she said that we would run in to trouble once we would get back to the club. We were all worried that we would find out that one of our close friends got killed, but luckily there were no casualties in the attack on the gang. A lot of the members were wounded, angry and thirsty for revenge, but there were also others that were scared and worried about what would happen in the future. Junmyeon disappeared without a trace, Hwasa was laying in the infirmary of their rival gang and their second in command supposedly betrayed them. The gang was going through a major crisis and they felt lost.

My heart sped up and started beating faster when we stepped in to the club and a few members instantly pointed their guns at us. Seulgi cringed and hid behind me, mumbling something about how she didn't do anything bad and that it wasn't fair how they automatically put her in the same pile as us, just because she helped us. People were calling her, Chanyeol and Felix traitors too now, but Baekhyun got involved before someone could try to hurt them. 

He jumped on one of the tables in the club and kicked a glass off it. The sound of shattering silenced the people in the large room and everyone's gazes were immediately directed at him. In that moment, he really looked like a proper second in command. His face was serious, eyes filled with fire and he seemed ready to be their rock until Junmyeon would come back. '' Don't hurt my friends. I am the one that you really hate, so if you want to shoot anyone, then shoot me. ''

I winced and glanced at him. '' Don't encourage them. I am pretty sure that some of them are way too eager to take you up on your offer. ''

He rolled his eyes at my warning and I let my gaze wander over the crowd. Some guy really did already raise his gun, but then Yixing signalled him to lower it again. He was part of his crew of fighters, so he obeyed him without a second thought. He didn't look too happy about it, but Yixing was a very well respected member of the gang. No one would dare to question the man with the black fur coat and two large rifle guns.

If Baekhyun would convince Yixing, he would convince everyone.

My gaze moved forward from Yixing and stopped on other familiar faces. Kyungsoo was sitting somewhere on the back of the club. He was half hidden by the shadows, but I could still see the dark purple bruise on his right eye and the furious expression on his face. The gang's weapon supplier Hyungwon was sitting on the bar and watching Baekhyun with a smile that clearly showed how he was hoping that somebody would crack and actually shoot him.

I couldn't even imagine being in Baekhyun's place and having to convince a room full of bikers in to believing that he was a honest person, but somehow he managed to do it. Their faces immediately changed when they were promised a truck full of gold and my eyes shined in amazement when their looks of hostility got replaced by determination. Then one of them threw his arms in the air and screamed: '' We're the aces! When one of us is in trouble, we don't walk away! We fight for them and bring them back home! Let's do this! ''

My lips stretched in to a wide smile and the bikers started cheering in determination and excitement, one after another. Baekhyun was stunned by the response that he got and even Seulgi seemed surprised that no one tried to shoot us yet. She hung her arm around my shoulders, leaned closer to me and lowly murmured: '' It's been a while since I've seen the gang this united. Usually we fight with each other about the smallest things. Last week there was a full blown battle for the last bottle of soju from the bar's storage room. It's sad that the boss's disappearance was what it took to light everyone's souls on fire again and remind them who we are, but at least it happened. ''

I flinched with worry when Yixing suddenly raised his gun and fired a shot at the ceiling. For a moment I thought that the next bullet would be directed at Baekhyun, but he did it only so that he make everyone quiet down and he wouldn't have to scream. His eyes were glistening in excitement and he was smiling when he looked at Baekhyun and said: '' Prove to us that you really are still the same Baekhyun that we used to know. ''

Baekhyun challengingly raised his eyebrows. '' How am I supposed to do that? ''

Yixing continued smiling as he rested his rifle gun on his shoulder. '' A race. ''

The racers stared at each other and tension filled the air. Then Baekhyun smirked, jumped off the table that he was standing on and high-fived Yixing. The gang who was always excited about a race, erupted in to cheers.

They route that they decided on, was a short lap around the neighbourhood. The streets that were included in it, were all busy and everything would depend on their speed and ability to watch the road in front of them. I was standing in the middle of the crowd that was standing outside and watching. Everyone was excited and ready to cheer for their favourite and I was prepared to do the same, until Baekhyun suddenly turned his head and called me over. He was sitting on a borrowed motorcycle, revving up the engine and watching Yixing with a serious expression on his face and I wasn't sure if I heard him right when he reluctantly asked: '' Do you want to come along? ''

'' Why? '' I blurted out in confusion. He turned his head towards me, raised an eyebrow and I quickly started mumbling: '' It's not that I don't want to do it, I am just confused. And a little bit overly suspicious. Why would you want me with you? ''

'' I wonder why... '' he repeated and rolled his eyes. He revved up the engine of his motorcycle again and I felt tingles under my skin. '' It's because of you, Riri. You barged in to my life all of the sudden, everything that I did, I did it because of you. ''

I stared at Baekhyun with shock until Yixing glanced towards us, grinned in amusement and asked: '' What is it going to be, Rei? Are you down for the ride or not? ''


I snapped out of my thoughts, winked at him and quickly climbed on the back of Baekhyun's motorcycle. '' I am always down for the ride. ''

The race was going well at first and we were instantly in the lead. Car lights were flashing next to us, my arms were around his waist and the night wind was blowing through my hair. I didn't get to see Baekhyun race very often, because he was always either hurt or doing other things, so I forgot how good at it he actually was. Fighting was another one of his talents, but it paled in comparison to how he got when he was on the road.

Fast, precise, completely alert and focused. Quick thinking was key when it came to races on actual streets that were filled with other cars and people and that was his speciality. He always knew how to watch the road and find openings at the last moment, whether it was between cars or by briefly replacing the road for the sidewalk. The only problem was that this time, he was too slow while doing it. Or at least his motorcycle was. His black one got lost at the bottom of the sea of Incheon, so he had to borrow someone else's and it didn't go as fast as he was hoping that it would. '' Shit! We're going to lose! ''

'' Not on my watch, '' he hissed, made a sharp turn to the left and decided to take a shortcut through a shopping mall. My eyes widened in panic when we almost smashed right in to the sliding doors of the building and some people screamed at the sight of the motorcycle that appeared between the shops.

We barely dodged an ice cream cart and a line of benches. '' A shopping mall? This is totally not going to end horribly. ''

'' I see you're as supportive as ever, '' he lowly hissed and rolled his eyes. '' I hope that your eyesight is a little better than mine because I can't tell where exactly in front of us are the sliding doors to get out of the building and where is just the wall made of glass. ''

'' You can totally count on me to be your eyes- '' I seriously began before I noticed something that caught my attention. '' Oh wait! There's a sale at my favourite makeup store! Can you just- ''

I stopped in the middle of my sentence when I noticed the way that Baekhyun was watching me in the side mirrors of the motorcycle. My lips curved in to an awkward smile and my cheeks tinted red in embarrassment. '' I mean... What was it that you asked me again? ''

His gaze narrowed in warning and I rolled my eyes in frustration. '' I'm joking, of course... But we are totally going to crash right through a glass wall if you don't go a little more to the left in the next ten seconds. Make that nine. Eight. Seven- ''

I let out a scream and tightened my grip on Baekhyun when we flew down some stairs and joined a busy road again. Someone started hitting the honk of their car because of the way we appeared out of nowhere and almost caused an accident on the road. I glanced over my shoulder and waved at them with an apologetic expression on my face, while Baekhyun continued accelerating and speeding forward. 

The next evening we were all getting ready to head out, go rescue Junmyeon and get our gold. The garage of the Ace of spades club was full of motorcycles and everyone was talking over each other and repeating different parts of the plan. I took a moment to step away from the others and quickly dial someone's number. '' It's me, Jackson. Trace this phone number. ''

'' Rei? Is that you? What do you mean? Why? ''

'' I don't have time to talk, '' I mumbled and looked around. '' Just trace this phone number. I know it's not right for me to say something like 'trust me', but... trust me. What I have for you is gold. Actual gold. ''

With those words, I hung up the call and joined the others again. My heart was racing in my chest, but I managed to hide my nervousness somehow. I could feel Baekhyun watching me, but he didn't ask me any questions. Our gazes met for a moment, then we both turned out heads and looked at Seulgi, who was elbowing Kyungsoo with a teasing smirk on her lips. '' You're freaking out, aren't you, strategist? ''

The gang's strategist was as serious as ever, but he couldn't hide his worry. He didn't like plans like the one that we had for tonight. He didn't have complete control over everything and there was no way to say what would happen. '' I'm not. ''

'' Yes, you are. ''

'' I'm not. I just can't wait for all this to be over, so that I can take a nice bubble bath. '' Kyungsoo let out a deep sigh before he noticed the looks that we were all giving him and frowned. He revved up the engine of his motorcycle and scowled. '' What? Bubble baths are cool. ''

The road was full of motorcycles that evening, with engines roaring like beats that were getting ready to attack. I was riding a little bit behind Baekhyun and Seulgi's familiar red bike. There were twenty one of us on the road that day and we already split up in to three different teams. Seven of us were supposed to hit each truck full of smuggled gold. 

We were speeding down a lonely forest road and trying to catch up with our targets. The slowest truck already appeared in front of us and one of the groups sped forward. They were going to go far ahead and stretch out a metallic rope across the road. It was supposed to make the trucks flip over once they would reach it and it was our job to find Junmyeon before that would happen.

I tightened my grip on the handlebars of my motorcycle. I borrowed it from someone else that didn't join us for this job and I didn't really like how it performed on the road, but I had no other choice but to use it. I was so focused on trying to figure out how to do something on it, that I almost didn't notice the truck driver that opened his window and started shooting us. A startled scream escaped my lips, I barely managed to dodge the rain of bullets and I heard Seulgi yell in my direction: '' Hey! Are you going to sleep or are you going to ride?! ''

'' I call the blue truck! The driver was the first one to open fire! He must be carrying something extra special! Like a certain gang leader! '' I screamed and waved through the air.

Chanyeol, who also ended up on my team, loudly replied: '' There's a chance that he's just happens to get irritated really easily, like a certain someone that I know, but alright! ''

Baekhyun raised his arm in the air and announced at the members of our team: '' The blue truck's ours! Let's do this! Let's find the boss! ''

Him and another biker left the main road, while the rest of us accelerated and tried to get closer to the blue truck. It was the slowest one between all of them and I saw the other bikers surround the yellow and red ones that were in the front. I was speeding behind the truck and eyeing the bridge that was going over the road ahead of us. Baekhyun and another biker were planning to use the side of it to jump and get on to the vehicle, but in the end, he was the only one that actually managed to do it. I watched his motorcycle fly through the air and I couldn't help it but to hold my breath in anticipation when he pushed himself off it. The bike crashed against the ground, he landed on the roof of the truck and held on to something. He barely managed not to fall off.

Baekhyun was somehow able to stand up, pull out his gun and start firing. He was aiming at the roof under him and he almost fell off it when the driver suddenly started turning the vehicle left and right. I watched him in preoccupation while he began slamming his foot against the bullet holes that he just did. All of the sudden, the roof gave out, he disappeared from my sight and fell right in to the back of the large blue truck.

After that everything started happening extremely fast. I had no idea what was going on inside the truck, but out of nowhere, the back door opened and I found myself face to face with two men with guns. I almost hit the breaks of my motorcycle to get away from them, then I saw Baekhyun, who managed to push down a loading ramp, that would allow us to ride our bikes right in to the back of the vehicle. Him and the armed guys started fighting and I followed Yixing, who speed forward and crashed right in to them with his motorcycle.

Baekhyun disappeared somewhere towards the front of the large truck and Yixing started punching the guy that seemed to be in charge of guarding a very stunned and beaten up Junmyeon. The tied up gang leader looked like he couldn't believe his eyes that we were actually there. I lifted myself on my feet, grabbed the gun that someone was about to point at me, pushed it away and kicked my attacker's knee.

Yixing raised his motorcycle up again and Junmyeon climbed on the back of it. The two of them speed off the truck and I prepared to do the same. I left the truck filled with gold, made a turn and rode around it. I saw Seulgi, who abandoned her motorcycle somewhere and was now half hanging through the window on the driver's side of the vehicle and kicking him. The man that was sitting there was trying to fight her, while at the same time shooting at Baekhyun, who was blocking his view and laying on the front of the truck.

'' He got shot! '' Seulgi screamed when she saw me speeding forward by her side and my eyes grew wide in panic. '' You need to get him from there as soon as possible! ''

I sped up and got to the front of the truck before I dropped back on the other side of it. I was glancing towards Baekhyun and trying to get as close as possible. The driver suddenly started turning the steering wheel in my direction and trying to hit me with the side of his truck, but I managed to dodge his attempts and keep my gaze focused on the road. '' Nice try, but you're not going to get rid of me so easily! Baekhyun! I'm going to get as close as I can and then you are going to have to jump! ''

With that I got dangerously close to the truck and Baekhyun slipped off the front of it. I felt him grab my shoulders and the motorcycle almost flipped over under his weight, but I managed to keep it straight. He leaned forward against my back and the blood from his wounded arm smeared over my shirt. I clenched my teeth together and used all my strength to make sure that we wouldn't crash.

Seulgi just knocked the driver out, sat behind the wheel o and I heard her slamming the honk of the truck in enthusiasm and victory. I hit the breaks, stopped my motorcycle by the road and Baekhyun slipped right of it. My heart was racing in my chest when I heard his body hit the ground, then I saw that he was still okay and let out a breath of relief. He was trembling, gasping for air and struggling to lift himself up on his feet again, but he was okay. His entire body was covered with scratches and I couldn't even bring myself to look at the part of his arm where he got shot, but he was going to survive.

I stopped by his side and looked around the road. Someone was trying to crawl out of a truck that got flipped over, but it didn't seem like they would get far. The second truck was stopped in the middle of the road and the knocked out driver was sleeping with his forehead on the steering wheel, blissfully unaware of the police that was about to get here. The third truck, the blue one that got targeted by us, was already disappearing on the horizon, guarded by loud motorcycles. I was hoping that the Aces would use the smuggled gold inside it to stop doing things like drug runs and go back to what they did best, which was racing with other bikers.

Baekhyun lifted himself on his feet and I held the keys of my motorcycle in his direction. His eyebrows furrowed together with confusion and he reluctantly took them from my hands. '' You feel like sitting in the back for a while? ''

I turned away from him and lowered my head. My face wasn't showing any emotions, but on the inside, I could almost feel my heart splitting apart. '' You know that I'm not coming with you. ''

'' Why did things have to turn out this way?! '' He let out a loud sigh and buried his fingers in his hair with frustration. '' I know, but I was hoping that you would change your mind. You realise what you're doing, right? I know that you're a spy for the cops. You don't have to pretend in front of me anymore. I know that you will get in trouble if they'll find out that you helped me. ''

I stubbornly shook my head and clenched my fingers in to fists. The sound of police sirens was getting louder and louder. It seemed like Jackson did as I said and traced the number of the phone that I was carrying in my pocket. I couldn't help it but to wonder how many cars were approaching. Did they send a helicopter too? '' I'm not pretending. With you, I never really was. I was trying to lie to myself for a while and convince myself that I was only doing certain things because of my mission, but it was all real. I love the road, I love motorcycles and I love... I love... I love... ''

I bit my lower lip and shook my head. I couldn't bring myself to finish that sentence. Not in a moment like this one. Not when we were saying goodbye to each other. '' Just go before the cops get here! I'm not giving a dramatic speech if you're still gonna stay and let yourself get arrested.''

I wrapped my arms around myself and looked in to the distance. I was squinting my eyes and trying to see better, but there was no doubt about it. I could already spot the blue and red flashing sirens of the police cars that were approaching the scene. There were a lot of them, a lot more than I was expecting. Detective Jackson was too nice for trusting me and bringing such a big backup even after I betrayed him.

Baekhyun didn't say anything at first and I was hoping that he would keep it at that and go, but instead he suddenly grabbed me, turned me towards him and placed his lips on mine. My eyes grew wide with surprise before I moved closer to him, began to respond to his kiss, only for him to pull back and smirk. '' Easy there. If you keep going then I really won't be able to stop myself and leave before the cops get here. We could go together, but I know that you already made up your mind, Riri. ''

My cheeks slightly reddened and the corners of my lips curved in to a faint smile. '' I did. They've been looking for a reason to arrest you, but I can get out of this again. I've done it before after all. I have a plan. ''

That was a lie, but I was sure that I would come up with something.

'' You better, '' he mumbled and ruffled my hair before he rushed towards my abandoned motorcycle and lifted it up from the ground. He sat on it, turned on the engine and glanced over his shoulder again. I was watching the cops that were approaching, until I heard him call my name and I looked back towards him. '' Oh yeah. I almost forgot. I love the road, the motorcycles and you too! ''

My eyes slowly grew wide with surprise when he showed me one of his rare smiles. They always managed to make my heart race and it wasn't any different that time. I was still looking after him with a stunned expression, long after he disappeared on the horizon and cop cars stopped all around me. The sound of sirens was so loud that I could barely hear the police officer that pulled out a megaphone and ordered me to put my hands on the back of my head and kneel down. He didn't give me any warnings about what would happen if I would try to fight back. I didn't know if it was because he knew that I heard them enough times to already memorise them or because he was hoping that I would give him a reason to shoot me.

Should I do it? Should I try to provoke him, just to see if he would really do it?

I looked directly in to Jackson's eyes and smirked before he put me in handcuffs and dragged me away. Just like that, I was back in the same situation as when I got arrested years ago. The Aces and all traces of them completely disappeared out of Seoul and I spent my court hearings spacing out and wondering if they used the truck full of smuggled gold to run somewhere far away, where they were racing with their motorcycles next to sandy bitches, through deserts or jungles and having the time of their lives. I wished that I could be having fun with them, but someone had to stay behind and make sure that the police would get the drug lord Kim Haejin and all the people that he was involved with.

I was sitting in the back of detective Jackson's car and listening to the crackling sound of music that was coming from the old radio. He was behind the wheel, going on and on about something and desperately trying to keep a conversation going. He didn't say it out loud, but I knew that he felt guilty because of the way that things turned out in the end. There was nothing that he could really do for me in court, so I tried not to blame him, at least not out loud, but a part of him still felt like he should've protected me, because in the end I still stuck to my part of the deal. Perhaps not the way that he was hoping that I would. The criminals that I helped him arrest weren't bikers, but they were even worse.

One of the three trucks full of smuggled gold disappeared and I ended up getting charged with a crime that I didn't really commit.


I couldn't help it but to behave a little childishly and spew out one too many passive aggressive comments when I was in court. Not that it mattered. I knew that it was over for me, as soon as I saw the judge that was in charge of my trial. It was the same man as years ago, when I was blamed for a murder that I didn't do, only eighteen years old and still hoping that in the end everything would work out somehow. 

Jackson lowered the volume of his radio and adjusted the rear view mirror, so that he could look at me. My handcuffs let out a quiet rattling sound and my eyes stayed mischievous when I met his gaze. As if we weren't on our way to prison, where I would have to stay for the rest of my life. '' I would never imagine that you would take the blame for what happened. At least not without complaining about it. ''

'' Me neither, but here we are, '' I mumbled, playfully smirked and looked out the window. I was a little worried about returning to prison and all the enemies that I had there, but I tried not to show it on my face. As a criminal, showing weakness was one of the worst things that you could do.

'' You protected them. Even after everything that happened, you still protected them. '' Jackson let out a deep sigh and focused his gaze on the road in front of him again. '' You're a good person, Rei. ''

You're damn right I am.

I did something good, so I was hoping that the universe and my unlucky nature would spare me at least for a while. Perhaps wait until the end of my first week back in prison before someone would beat me up? That wasn't too much to ask, was it?

'' Am I? '' I jokingly asked and carelessly shrugged. '' Who knows? To tell you the truth, running around with those bikers and breaking the law with them, was pretty fun. ''

The detective and I fell in to silence again and that was when it happened. I heard that familiar sound in the distance and my heart began to beat faster in anticipation. Could it be? Or was I just imagining it? Even detective Jackson seemed surprised and confused when he glanced in the rear view mirror. He was watching something on the road behind us, then his lips slowly curved in to an amused smile. '' You have got to be kidding me. ''

I glanced over my shoulder, still unsure if I was hearing things or dreaming. My gaze focused on the horizon and my eyes shined in disbelief. There was no doubt about it. There they were, first just dots on the road, but as they got closer, you could clearly see and hear it.

Loud engines, dark clothing, vicious glares, hidden guns, tattoos of ace cards, eyes filled with fire.


They came back to save the snitch.

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