Bloom (Various x reader imagi...

By SparklyFlamingTrash

345 10 6

Basically, I write about anything that I am obsessed with at the moment (which is everything and anyone) I ta... More

Request Form
1. A Demon and A Dean Winchester
2. Love Triangle - Ethan and Grayson Dolan
4. Lil Skies - Shower Scene
5. Miles Heizer
6. Carl Gallagher (Shameless Imagine)
7. Ybn Cordae "You left a dent"

3. Ian Gallagher (Shameless Imagine)

40 1 0
By SparklyFlamingTrash

*** Y/n is your name***

I was dancing, jumping up and down, grinding and all sorts of different embarrassing moves, accompanied by me singing along. It started by me just sitting, reading a book blasting music from my iPod, when Brokenhearted by Kalin and Myles came through. My book was long forgotten on the floor as I hit repeat, turning the song into an endless loop.

"Hey! Trin!" A voice called from my door was drowned out from my music. I would later know that the voice walked through my unlocked door.

"Now it's time to give your loving to the next man," I sang along with Myles, while I made a slight thrusting motion.

"I can be your next man" a voice whispered in my ear with their hands on my waist.

I whip my head back creating distance from the hands on my waist "Holy shit Gallagher!" I see my familiar redheaded neighbour. "Jesus Ian you scared the shit outta me!" I place my hand over my chest in a way of calming down my heart as I turn my music off.

"Heh sorry" he sheepishly smiles, while rubbing the back of his neck "but if I didn't come over and do something, lip would of." He pauses " and we both know how that would have turned out" I chuckle.

"Since your here I have a lot of cookies left over can I possibly pass them off on you?" I offer, my cheeks turning red from the lack of space we shared. I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear wanting it to help hide my red cheeks. He seemed to get closer and my cheeks almost turned as red as his hair.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He asks, I know for sure he got closer. Was shy, innocence Ian Gallagher flirting?

I square my shoulders "No" I respond "Stay here and make yourself at home, I'll be back with your cookies" As I leave the living room I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I lean against the wall, why am I so flushed? Was he getting to me? I feel my cheeks they're so hot. I rinse my hands with cold water and press them against my face to bring the colour down. I inhale and exhale before I grab the Tupperware of cookies out of the fridge. I exit the kitchen and practically shoved the cookie container in his face "So If that's everything" I refuse to look at his face.

"Yeah? Umm, see you around" He squints looking at me confused by my sudden behaviour and quite frankly as am I. He salutes me and walks out my door, I make sure to lock it behind him.

~ A few weeks later ~

"Douglas! I swear if you don't get your ass in some clothes.." I chase my two-year-old brother around the house with a onesie in my hand. He squeals in delight and terror knowing my threat needs no ending because it would be empty. Just as I grab his squirming legs and get the one on his ankles there a knock on the door. "Can someone get that?!" I yell in the middle of catching his chubby legs with the onesie. Another knock sounds on the door "Hey! Can someone get the goddamn door? I'm busy!" I yell again this time the onesie is up past his baby butt. No one answers, I sigh and roll my eyes as the person knocks on the door again, Douglas sees that I'm distracted and starts to wiggle and flail around trying to escape his prison which is clothes. The knocker starts to tap a tune and I roll my eyes as I finish trapping my brother in his clothes. "Alright, you're free. Go play." I get off the floor and wave him off. I chuckle as he screams and runs into the other room. The knocking gets louder " I'm coming" I shout at the door, I open the door and see a smug Lip Gallagher.

"That's what she said" He greets me, I groan and roll my eyes, I might have a problem.

"What do you want lip?" I stare uninterestedly into his face, as I lean against the doorframe.

"AAHHHH" Doug screams behind me, I close my eyes inhaling hoping he'll stop "AAHHH" He screams again. I turn around to see Ainsley chasing him with a pair of scissors.

"Hey!" I yell at them "What the hell do you think you're doing?" They freeze in mid-chase. "Ains give me the scissors" I demand my hand outstretched, she places them in my hand and I ripped them out of her little fingers "We've talked about this, go play with your brother without anything sharp kay?" I smile ruffling her hair and pocketing the scissors in my jean pockets. She smiles and runs off "I'm going to have to lock up all the knives and scissors" I sigh turning to Lip.

"Yeah, I hear you" he mutters "Anyway we're having a party tonight and Ian wanted me to make sure to invite you"

"Since when do I need an Invite to a Gallagher party?" I cock my eyebrow placing my hand on my hip.

He chuckles " I don't know, apparently Ian wants to make sure you'll come cause you've been avoiding him" I look at my shoes embarrassed because its true. Ever since the weird in counter with Ian a couple weeks ago I've been everywhere he's not. Lip notes my silence "Listen he's a good kid I don't know what he did but he seems to feel pretty bad"

"Yeah..." I mutter to ashamed to face him.

"I'm going to go. Hope to see you there" He pats my shoulder and leave, closing the door behind him.

"AHHHH" Doug screams again.

"AINSLEY! You better not be chasing Doug" I shout at the stomping footsteps upstairs. Another scream erupts and I stomp up the stairs not in the mood to deal with my siblings.

~That Night~

I clicked down the street tugging my dress to my knees, it kept riding up my thighs and I was cold. The Gallagher home was only a couple house down from mine, so I didn't bother with grabbing a coat, a decision I now regret. By the time I walked into the warm Gallagher house mid-party swing with my arms moving up down each other trying to regain body warmth. Sliding through people as they held up their drunken arms and alcohol in cups. I headed towards the kitchen so I could grab a beer, I would need to be a least a little buzzed before I sought out the redheaded Gallagher. Chugging three bottles of beer I led my way through the house with new alcohol-fueled confidence. I spotted Ian leaning against one of the upstairs walls, drinking a red solo cup, solo. His eyebrows raise as he sees me, he takes a swing of his drink. Just as he was about to push off of the wall, I was already standing in front of him.

"Hi Y/n" He settles back against the wall.

"Hi Ian"

"Long time no see, Hows Doug?" Ian avoids the topic of the last few weeks but I'm too drunk to drop what is going on inside my head.

"He's good" I slurred "Let's go get some more drinks" I take his had and lead the way into the kitchen. I chickened out on the stairs explaining my feelings to him so I thought a couple more beverages would help keep my fading confidence alive.

I grab a couple of bottles of beer, and then a whole bottle of dark liquid. Ian eyes my bottles of alcohol but doesn't question it "here follow me I have a place where we can talk more privately" he takes some of my bottles and holds my now free hand leading me to this place. My heart flutters, my cheeks turn red and I feel the warmth of his palm against mine, heating me up to the core. We passed the bedrooms filled with squeaky mattress and grunting until we reach a small little window. He pushes up the glass and holds it so that I can carefully climb through, once I'm situated on the roof I take the bottles that he was holding so he can get passed the pane. I cracked open a beer bottle and then opened another on, passing it to Ian.

"So..." he starts, I get panicked and chug the beer before any confrontation could start. "You're hammering back those beers pretty quickly" he points out after I am halfway done my second beer. I just chuckled "You must either really hate being with me or you have something on your mind"

I sobered up a little bit with what he said about me hating being with him and that couldn't be further from the truth "Ian I don't hate being with you, I really like you and that's why I've been avoiding you"

"You like me and that's why you've been avoiding me?" He repeats back to me, pointing out how weird it sounds.

I take a deep breath " Growing up I had to take care of all my siblings, older and younger. I'd never complained and I'm not starting now but I'd never had/ let myself have strong friendships or feelings for anyone, except for my family. Yet, somehow..." I chuckle " somehow I have developed very strong feelings for..." I take a deep breath, shaking my head " I really like you and by 'like' I mean I have feelings for you as more than a neighbour or friend" I become quiet after my confession, I notice Ians looking down at his beer. I become cagey and start to fill the silence " You don't have to respond or say anything, I'm just going to go, its late and..." I trail off standing up and heading over to the window we came through.

"Y/n?" he calls me just as one of my legs is through the windowpane, I look up at him hoping for my feelings to be returned. "I'm... uh... I'm gay"

"Oh!" my mouth takes the shape of the word I said. I hurry through the window and rush down the stairs trying to hide the hot tears from my face, I brush past a very concerned looking Lip and practically run all the way home. Crumbling into a ball against the door, 'how could I have been so stupid?' I curse myself. 

An: 1733 Words. Thank you for reading! Please, Dm for requests!

I wish you all a happy New year!

Love, Imagination, Power, joy and 

~ Trash

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