You Can't Cuddle With The Res...

By SheWhoOwnsThesky14

71.7K 2.5K 772

*written in 2012 at 14* *Follow my new account for the new version of You Can't Cuddle With A Zombie titled:... More

You Can't Cuddle With The Resistance
Chapter 1- Nice Killers?
Chapter 2- Secrets Untold
Chapter 3 - Ex's are crazy
Chapter 4 - They're Not Missing
Chapter 5 - Something's Wrong
Chapter 6 - Kiss Me
Chapter 7 - Birthday present
Chapter 8 - I Barely Told Them Anything
Chapter 9 - Stage 1: Breakdown
Chapter 10- Stage 2: Hallucinating
Chapter 11- I Wanna Ask Ya Something...
Chapter 12- The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 13 - Are you Quoting me?
Chapter 14 - I lost her
Facebook Page...? (Important!)
Chapter 15 - My lost (Shane's POV)
Chapter 16 - Playing Melody
Chapter 17 - It's Over
Chapter 18 - The Return of The Killer Gummy Worms
Chapter 19 - Girls with Knifes and Boys that Lie
Chapter 20 - You're Immune
Chapter 21- Shane To The Rescue... Not
Chapter 22 - Blood Doesn't Make You Family
Chapter 23 - Escaping
Chapter 24 - PookieBear
Chapter 25 - What Would I Do Without You?
Chapter 27: One Word... Prom
Epilogue * Alternate Ending
You Can't Cuddle With The Immune
You Can't Cuddle With The Immune *Contest*

Chapter 26 - Once You Go Bad, You Can't Go Back

1.9K 77 31
By SheWhoOwnsThesky14

**Dedicated to HaileyandShay because I miss them :)*

This is pretty much a filler, sorry ;D

Chapter 26


“Did you get it?” Shane asked, as I walked up to him with my hands in my pocket.

I smirked.

“Of course I got it,” I said, giving him the yellow envelope, “Chicks love bad guys,” I added. To prove my point I turned around and waved at the girls in the counter, getting them to giggle and wave back.

It was way too easy.

“Let’s just go before your girlfriend stabs me with a fork,” Shane said, hiding the envelope inside his sweater. I raised my eyebrow.

“Why would she stab you with a fork?” I asked.

“Because she said, and I quote, ‘If one of them kiss him, I’m stabbing you with a fork.’”

The look on his face told me he was completely scared and actually believed her.

I laughed and Shane frowned.

“It’s not funny!” He said, getting me to laugh harder. “She’s scary when she wants to be!”

“Trust me, I know,” I said, patting him on the back as we started heading back to the hideout.

I noticed as we were walking, both wearing hoodie’s to stop from being recognized, that there were teens everywhere, wearing fancy dresses and tuxedos.

Aw fuck.

“Shit,” I said, stopping. “I know why Alyssa’s in her bitchy mood,” I said, looking at Shane.

“Why?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Today’s prom,” I said.

He still looked confused.

“Dude do you not know how important Prom is for chicks?” I asked, finding his face kindof a amusing.

“Um dude,” he mocked, getting me to glare at him, “do you not know how I never went to school and or like had friends, let alone girlfriend?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Well played,” I said, making him laugh.

But then I frowned. “But she’s probably wicked mad about missing it.”

And she’s probably wicked mad at me for forgetting. But with the whole new plan we were making, prom was just way in the back of my head. “She’s been waiting for this since I met her,” I added, probably more for my sake.

“How long have you known her?”

It was at that moment I realized, we may know everything about Shane, but he doesn’t know us.

“Since Junior year,” I said, as we walked.

“I just noticed, the only thing I know about you guys are what I read on the files. And the files said nothing about you knowing Alyssa when you were 16,” Shane said, looking at me.

“Well what do you want to know?” I asked.

“Well let’s start with you and Alyssa,” he said, as we past some girl crying because her date dumped her.


“Well,” I said, putting my hands inside my pocket. “I had some problems and had to stay in Alyssa’s house for the Summer-”

“The whole Summer?” Shane asked, shocked. I laughed, remembering the best Summer of my life.

“Well what can I say? Once you go bad, you can’t go back,” I said, smirking. Shane shook his head, laughing.

“Alright, now Jeremy.”

“Ah, yes, the little brother,” I said. I still couldn’t wrap my head around it, even after a week. But they did like similar things. Ella being one of them.

“He moved from Florida to North Carolina before school started. He moved in next door and we became friends fast. Mostly because of his dad,” I said.

“Why his dad?” Shane asked, as we turned the corner and soon the sound of every sound of the town was slowly fading.

“Well because he beat the shit out of my dad one time and let me stay at his house,” I explained, as the gym came to view a few yards away.

“Damn, everyone just loves to let you into their home, don’t they?” Shane smirked.

“It’s because I’m sexy, I mean have you looked at me?”

Shane rolled his eyes. “And now Ella.”

I watched him carefully as I spoke. “Well I didn’t really know her until our town got attacked. I mean she was always so quiet-”

“Quiet?” Shane repeated, shocked. I nodded.

“Hard to believe, I know. I think she let her boyfriend do all the thinking for her,” I said, shrugging. I really didn’t know. The only time I talked to Ella before was to help her off the floor when Melody tripped her thinking she was Alyssa. But it was barely two words.

“You know-”

“I’m not after Ella, Dominic,” Shane said, cutting me off. I raised my eyebrow.

“You’re not?” I asked, looking at him skeptically. He was totally lying.

He shook his head. “Not anymore,” he cleared. “I think I kind of like someone else...” He decide to drift off. I smiled. I knew who he was talking about, but I had to mock him about it.

“Hey Shane you’re a great guy and everything, but I don’t roll for that team,” I said, looking at him seriously.

Shane looked at me confused for a second, until he finally understood the joke.

“Dominic! I’m not gay!” He said, playfully punching me on the shoulder.

“I know, I’m joking,” I said, “It’s Ashley, isn’t?” I asked.

“No, it’s Alyssa,” he said, seriously.

I glared at him. “Not funny,” I said. Alyssa was mine.

He laughed. “Man, for a second I thought you were going to eat me,” Shane said, laughing.

I growled but didn’t respond.

He started opening the front door when I had an idea.

“Wait,” I said, making Shane raise his eyebrow.

“I have an idea.”



My god, I love Dominic.... 

ANYWAYS... I know, this was boring right? But I'm kindof mad -_- I haven't even gotten a comment about the actual STORY in like a lot of chapters.... am I boring you guys? I mean all I get are "love it, upload soon" um... how do I even know u read it? LOL come on guys I miss the comments I get ABOUT the story.... 

Like what do you think Dominic's idea is? How do you feel about Shane's and Dominic friendship? 


Do it for the zombies ;D




P.S don't forget to check out the prequel that will be uploaded in seconds :)

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