Short Stories

By lonelynugget43

593 1 0

Says it all in the title. More

Short Story #1: The Child and His Mother
Short Story #2: Wrong Email Address
Short Story #3: The Comic Strip
Short Story #4: A Way Of Love
Short Story #5: The Wrong Room
Short Story #6: A Love Story between Ben and Annabelle
Short Story #7: The Most Awkward Gynecologist Vist Ever
Short Story #8: A Love Story Between Thomas and Ethel
Short Story #9: How to say you have to go the bathroom when you are on a date
Short Story #10: He Saw a Dog Dying in a Hot Car
Author's Note
Short Story #11: The End of the Shah
Short Story #12: Police Officer Didn't Give Him Enough Time To Explain
Short Story #13: Parents Tell Their Kids They're Getting Divorced
Short Story #14: A Taxi Driver
Short Story #15: What Gets Bigger?
Short Story #16: 85-Year-Old Man Had to Take a Sperm Count For his Physical.
Short Stories #17: Mom Suspects Her Son Of Sleeping With His Roommate
Short Stories #18: The Crow-Biddy
Short Stories #19: They didn't know I speak Chinese too
Short Stories #20: Woman Decides To Test Her Husband's Love
Short Stories #21: The Old Woman and The Doctor
Short Stories #22: Don't Wait
Short Stories #23: Spring
Short Story 24: Extract From Teachers in Love
Short Story #25: His Neighbors Were Annoyed That He Was Cooking Steak
Short Story #26: The Pains of Childbirth
Short Story #27: Student Too Smart For First Grade
Short Story #28: Female vs. Male Friendships
Short Story #29: Bend, but Don't Break
Short Story #31: Husband Gets Too Drunk
Short Story #32: Different Types Of Barbies
Short Story #33: Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes
Short Story #34: Man Starts To Tell A Blonde Joke In A Bar Full Of Girls
Short Story #35: Day Dreaming Yolanda
Short Story #36: Story Of A Blind Girl
Short Story Part 37: Stranger Tries To Talk A Coversation With A Little Girl.
Short Story Part 38: Three Drunk Guys Take An Taxi
Short Story Part 39: Work, Work, Work
Short Story #40: Love And Time
Short Story #41: A Glass Of Milk
Short Story #42: A True Love Story
Short Story #43: Could Have Done Better
Short Story #44: The Woman Asked the Pilot For a Favor
Short Story #45: The Gay Flight Attendant
Short Story #46: How My Husband and I Terrified a Cab Driver
Short Story #47: Joke About a Bed
Short Story #48: My Wife Can't Hear

Short Story #30: Killing Insects

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By lonelynugget43

While playing in the backyard, Little Susie kills a honeybee. Her father sees her killing the honeybee and angrily says, "No honey for you for one month!"

Later that afternoon, Susie's dad catches him tearing the wings off a butterfly. "That's it! No butter for you for one month!"

Later that evening, as Susie's mother was cooking dinner, a cockroach runs across the kitchen floor.

She jumps and stomps on it, and then looks up to find Little Susie and her husband says, while covering Susie's ears, "That it! No cock for you for a month!" 

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