The Wanted Fan-Fic: 'She is m...

By TW_Fanmily

2.1K 14 0


The Wanted Fan-Fic: 'She is my Weakness'
PART 10:
PART 11:
PART 12:
PART 13:
PART 14:
PART 15:
PART 16:
PART 17:
PART 18:
PART 19:
PART 20:
PART 21:
PART 22:
PART 23:
PART 24:
PART 25:
PART 26:
PART 27:
PART 28:
PART 29:
PART 30:
PART 31:
PART 32:
PART 33:
PART 34:
PART 36:
PART 38:
PART 40:
PART 41:
PART 42:
PART 43:

PART 39:

30 0 0
By TW_Fanmily

Jay looked at me,

' look beautiful.' He grinned at me, sitting beside me on my bed. I grinned back, curling my legs up to my chest and shuffling closer to him. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in to his side. Then he handed me a padded envelope. I looked at him, confusion evident on my face. He nodded at it, gesturing for me to open it. I pulled it open and tipped it upside down. A brand new Blackberry fell out in to my lap.

'Jay,' I gasped, 'you bought me a Blackberry?' He nodded.

'I was Jayne's idea originally to get you one for use on the tour for contact home and stuff. But I think it'd be a good idea for you to keep it.' I kissed his cheek,

'Hang on that's not everything.' He said, pulling a folded piece of paper out of his pocket, handing it to me. I unfolded it and looked at the picture printed on it. It was a picture of Neytiri in her lizard tank, but she wasn't alone,

'Jay, who's that?' I asked, pointing at the lizard next to her.

'That,' Jay replied, 'is your new lizard. He's named Jake, after Jake from Avatar, they go together as a pair, just like we do.' He said, hugging me, he lay back on my bed, pulling me down with him so I was lying with my head resting on his chest.

'So, how long have you had your belly button pierced?' He asked me, I giggled.

'A while,' I replied, closing my eyes and relaxing as one hand wrapped around my back and stroked my back gently, his other hand gently stroked my hair.

It wasn't until Mum called us for dinner that we finally moved. Jay sat up, gently holding my head. He kissed me lightly, his lips brushing against mine for the briefest of moments.

'Dinner,' he said, picking me up off the bed and walking me to the door. There he reached out his hand to me, I smiled, taking it. He interlocked our fingers, walking me downstairs. Reaching the kitchen he pulled out a chair for me to sit on, sitting me down in it then pushing me in, taking the chair directly next to me. He reached out his hand under the table, taking my hand, lacing his fingers through mine, and pulling it so that our hands rested in his lap. I looked at him, smiling; he smiled back his half smile, raising his other hand to under my chin. I knew what was coming next and swivelled my whole body to face him, he swivelled his too so that my knees rested between his, my left hand locked with his right, resting in his lap, his left hand under my chin, tilting my head up. He used this hand to gently pull my face to his, pressing his lips against mine, the hand he was holding mine with moved, resting on my waist instead, holding me in place there. I lifted both mine up so they were resting on his shoulders, and even though he was kissing me, I could feel his smile underneath my lips. Mum came in the room, I could smell the dinner on the plates that she was obviously carrying, she set them down on the table before wrenching the two of us apart.

'Not at the dinner table thank you.' She said, pushing my face back away from Jay's as he went to kiss me again.

'I hope you remembered Jay's a vegetarian Mum.' I said, looking at what we had for dinner.

'Of course I did, how could I forget? The lovely gentleman was here the entire day, moping about in your bedroom like a lost sheep.' Mum laughed, ruffling his hair as she went passed. I giggled as Jay ruffled my hair too,

'I was completely lost without you.' He said, beginning to eat, 'but her reaction was better than Max's Nan's.'

'Never mind dear.' We both laughed, I grinned at him and he leaned across and kissed my cheek.

'You get me.' He whispered, laughing, in my ear.

We sat up for ages that evening in the living room, watching TV. Well, I was watching TV, Jay was watching me. We were cuddled together, on the sofa, no lights on, just watching the Jeremy Kyle show. Jay had his arm wrapped around my shoulders, his other arm across his body holding my hand in his lap, gently rubbing circles on it with his thumb, I was leaning on his shoulder, my legs curled up beside me, my head resting on his shoulder, his arm around me keeping me warm. Neither of us cared about anything else at that moment. I was just beginning to fall asleep, wrapped in Jay's warmth, when he whispered in my ear,

'Hannah, I think it's time we got you to bed Missy.' He whispered, raising his hand to stroke my hair, I shook my head, burying my face in is shoulder. He laughed softly, scooping me up in to his arms, I wrapped my arms round his neck and clung on as he walked me to my room. The rocking motion of his body walking made me feel incredibly sleepy. He put me down on my bed and rooted around my drawers, finding some pyjama shorts and a stripy vest top. He threw them to me, and turned his back while I changed, the top was a bit short and left my stomach exposed. I shivered a bit before clambering in to bed. I lay, facing towards Jay as he pulled off his shirt and changed his jeans for tracksuit bottoms, he turned to face me and my breath caught in my throat. He grinned at me, is half smile, and I shuffled towards the wall, lifting the duvet so he could slide underneath. He crept over to the bed and slid under the covers, stretching out and pushing me against the wall, I flinched from the coldness of the wall, pushing myself back towards Jay. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in to his bare chest. I smiled as he pulled me right in close, sharing his body warmth with me, damn, where did this boy store all that heat? I was real cold, but Jay was real warm, it didn't make sense, but I wasn't complaining. It just meant I could sleep in his arms all night. I was just beginning to drift off in Jay's arms when my bedroom door banged open. Mum walked in,

'Jay, floor.' She said, pointing to a mattress laid out the other side of my bedroom floor.

'But mum…' I whined as Jay slid away from me.

'NO!' She said, her voice making it clear that her decision was final.

'Fine.' I sulked, rolling over to face the wall as Jay flopped on the mattress. I heard the door creak shut, then I felt the bed springs sink and a set of arms wrap around me.

'Jay you're guna get in trouble if Mum catches us.' I whispered as he kissed the back of my neck.

'I don't care.' He mumbled against my skin, 'you're worth it baby. Sleep well, busy day filming tomorrow. Then off on the tour.' I nodded, rolling over carefully in his arms so I was facing him. I kissed the hollow at the base of his throat s he whispered,

'I love you.' And drifted off to sleep in his arms once again.

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