7 Bullies In Love *BOOK1* |CO...

By Yhopee200

943K 31.7K 11.7K

7 bullies becomes your destiny... Ft. GOT7️⃣ Read and enjoy this "BTS FF" ;)❤️ More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
•Chapter 35•
•Chapter 36•
•Chapter 37•
•Chapter 38•
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 33

16.3K 575 323
By Yhopee200

Guy1: He have us!

~We turn to the sound and we see five guys approaching us~

Man: *Scoff* And who are you?

Guy2: Ughh we're not that popular..

All five: Shut up!

~The man laughs~

Man: So you guys wanna die instead of him?

Guy3: You better take your dirty hands off him right now or It'll get bad!

Man: Let's see what can you little things do

~The guy in the front gave me a wink as I raise up my feet and with all my force hit the man's torso and he fall on the ground~

~The five guy joined me and the men were on the ground less than a minute~

~The guy knelt down to the man and grabbed his hair~

Guy1: We can do worse than that buddy

~He harshly let go of the man's hair and then the five turn to me~

Taehyung: Thanks guys

Guy1: No peoblem, by the way, We are from YG school, and we are BIGBANG, I am GD

Guy2: Seungri

Guy3: Top

Guy4: Taeyang

Guy5: Daesung

Taehyung: Oh you guys are the ones we competed with on last year's basket ball competition with SM school?

GD: Sure is, and you guys won ofcourse

Taehyung: Yeah

~Then my phone rang~

Taehyung: Oh umm I gotta go, once again thank you guys

GD: No problem man

Taehyung: Alright bye

GD: Bye!

~I went inside the car and left~

GD: Prey..


*On the phone*

Namjoon: Hey! Taehyung! Are you okay?

~I sigh~

Taehyung: Y-yeah. I'll be home now

Namjoon: Okay

*Hung up*

~On the ride, I kept thinking about what the man said about Y/n and it made me super frustraited~

Taehyung: UGH DAMN IT!

~Eunj's POV~

~I am sitting on the couch working on my phone when I hear little bangs on the door making me startle~

???: Why is this not fucking opening?!

Eunji: Ohh god..

???: Idiot, get of the way

~I get up and back up while more bangs are there~

Eunji: Should I wake up Y/n?. Ughh think stupid think!

???: Did Taehyung just lock it before going out?

???: I don't think so, Y/n is inside

???: Did that idiot really left Y/n alone?! That asshole!

???: That's it! Back up everyone, I'll break it!

Eunji: Oh fuck no! Who are they?! Should I call Taehyung??

~I quickly and shakily try to open my phone but~

Eunji: Ughh low battery!..

~I look around and pick up a metal thing on the ground, going by the side of the door~

???: 1... 2.... 3!!!!!

~With a big push, the door got opened and I immediately hit the mental thing on the guy's head multiple times~


~From behind someone grabes my mouth and someone else grab the metal from my hands~

~I close my eyes and keep trying to get out of the guy's grip~

???: Shhh shhh silence!

~I open my eyes and look at them as I see the boys BTS around me shocked and Jungkook on the ground unconcious~

Jin: Good now?

~I nod and he put his hand away from my mouth as I finally breathe in relief~

Jimin: What are you doing here?

Eunji: Taehyung told me to come here and watch over Y/n while he went to look for you guys

Yoongi: Where's Y/n??

Eunji: She's sleeping

~The boys goes in the livingroom and rest their bodies on the couch sighing in tiredness as Jin pull Jungkook there too~

~I join them and quietly sit on the single couch as I smelled a fleshy scent from them and can see blood on their clothes~

Eunji: W-w-why you guys are painted with b-blood?!

Yoongi: Long story

Jin: Hey Jungkook, you alive? ..Jeon Jungkook!?

~Jungkook slowly blinks his eyes and then fully open them~

Jungkook: O-ouch.. hyung don't touch my head, it hurts..

Jhope: Jungkook really has an unlucky day, wait did a girl really won over him?

~Everyone chuckles as Jungkook looks angry~

Jungkook: Although I am stronger than you all

~He turns his head and look at me with a narrowing eyes as I giggle a bit~

Eunji: Sorry..

~We heard the door's handle moving as we turn to it and see Taehyung coming in~

Taehyung: Y/n! Is Y/n okay?? Oh. ..Boys

Jimin: Taehyung! Wait.. What about Y/n?

Taehyung: JY! That freak!

Namjoon: Talk clearly!

~Taehyung explained everything and they explained everything to me~

Eunji: W-wait, you mean Y/n's father??


Jungkook: *whispering* Just shut up and watch your mouth girl!

Eunji: Fine fine!

Yoongi: Yes her father, and we need to save her from him

Eunji: Save?! Weren't you guys the ones who always hurted her?

~The boys expression went fierce as they kept taking glances at each other~

Jungkook: This is not your buisness

Eunji: Excuse me?! This is my best friend you guys are playing with, understood?!

Namjoon: We're not playing with her!

Eunji: Then what is it??

Namjoon: .. Look you won't understand this, first we just need to help Y/n as also her mother will be back any day now

Eunji: What about school?

Jimin: What do you mean school?? This GOT7 will fucking find her, they ran away and now theyr so eager to find her

Jin: Look Eunji. You need to help us in this if you want to help your best friend

Eunji: Ofcourse!

Yoongi: Great so whatever happens, she must never go back to her home

Eunji: Because of her father?

Yoongi: Bingo, JY is a criminal and as Taehyung said he wants her daughter back but we're not gonna let that, ever

Eunji: I just wanna ask. Why you guys are suddenly helping her?

Namjoon: Like said, it's a long story and like.. it's about to go in.. another path of thinking about her.

~The boys immediately looked at Namjoon as I was only confused~

Jhope: Yah Kim Namjoon, we all agreed to this way and you will NEVER be able to break it! GOT IT?!

~Jhope said in an angry expression~

Taehyung: Lower your voice idiot!

~Jhope rolled his eyes and left the livingroom~

Namjoon: Your such an asshole!!

Yoongi: Shhhh not time for a fight so shut you fucking mouth!

~Namjoon also left the livingroom as now I was so confused~

"What did he say that they all disagree about it?"

~Yoongi sighed and rested his head on his palms and he turned to me~

Yoongi: You can go home now Eunji.

Eunji: W-wait what? Home? You mean to leave Y/n here alone?! No, Never!

Yoongi: Ughh god.. someone deal with her

Jimin: Nothings gonna happen to Y/n, you just go home now!

Eunii: Can't you understand?? No means No!

~Jin got up, grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the door~

Eunji: Hey!!

Jin: Look, you need to trust us, nothing's gonna happen to Y/n okay? Tommorow morning you can come here so early

Eunji: But-

Jin: No buts, now I'm gonna tell you this, Do not ever tell this place to anyone! Because if you do, It'll get so bad and no Y/n can save you from it! Understood?

~I roll my eyes and pull away my wrist from his grip~

Eunji: Fine! But one thing happen to Y/n!, I won't bother calling the police

~He scoffed as if it was a great joke~

Jin: You don't dare to

Eunji: I really would

~He rolled his eyes in annoyance~

Jin: Ughh fine, just go home, your mommy must be worried about you BYE

~He slammed the door on my face as I became very angry~

Eunji: JERK!

~I left and went home~

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