Where she is right - The stor...

By custor13

848 98 71

This is the story of Dís, sister of Thorin Oakenshield and daughter of a long royal line. Her fate interwoven... More

A few words ...


17 2 0
By custor13

The next day Dís was at Dwin's door at the appointed time and they set off for Dale together. On their way Dís told Dwin that she had talked to Bofur and he had confirmed Tauriel's story. Bofur said it would have looked very funny indeed to see the two side by side, but yes, Kíli was in love head over heels.

And Dwin told Dís about her brother's letter, their plans for the bond and the visit to the Iron Mountains. And she asked Dís whether she would be her witness at the ceremony.

"It's a little bold, I know. But I don't know anyone else here", she said with a smile.

"So you are still determined you want that roughneck?", the princess asked with a sigh.

"Yes, I am."

"All right then. I hope very much that it will turn out to be the right decision for you. Therefore I will gladly be your witness."

So they had a lot to talk about and the short way to Dale just flew by. Thorin wanted Dís to be escorted by at least six heavily armed guards but she had bargained him down to three. Nevertheless they caused quite a stir when they arrived. They strolled over the spacious markets. The merchants were also set up on customers from Erebor and Dwin could buy two everyday dresses and a coat in dwarf size for herself. They had fun buying cloth, lace, buttons, needles and threat for nightgowns and lingerie Dwin wanted to sew herself.

Dwin noticed that Dís looked around searchingly every once in a while.

"Maybe we should stop by the hospital's construction site", Dwin said casually.

Dís paused and looked at her piercingly.

"You should be careful not to be smarter than is good for you", she said but then added softly, "But where you're right, you're right."

On the way back Dís was silent and seemed lost in gloomy thoughts. Dwin wondered why, for she clearly had had the impression that the afternoon had developed quite according to the princess's wish. They had asked their way to the future hospital and actually met Bard there. He and Dís had talked long and lively, laughed a lot and obviously got along very well. Dwin sat next to them with her cup of tea and listened, more or less bored.

Bard had been really surprised when Dís introduced Dwin and told her story and his congratulations to her engagement truly seemed to come from his heart. Dwin liked him and it was just to obvious that Dís did too. Thus Dwin did not understand why the princess was so downcast then but she did not dare to ask outright.

She tried to take her mind off whatever she bothered and said with a sigh:

"Oh, my dear Leni. To the Iron Mountains and back you will take me but then I will have to sell you, I'm afraid."

Dís was torn out of her thoughts and looked up.

"Why? What is wrong with her? I thought you liked her. You will certainly not find such a beautiful pony again easily", she said disapprovingly.

"Yeah. It really hurts me too, but I don't really need a pony let alone such an expensive one. I don't know how much Dwalin earns and it will certainly be more than me in the beginning but to keep a pony we do not really need we sure can't afford. Don't you want to buy Leni? Then I'd know at least that she would be well taken care of."

To Dwin's surprise Dís laughed aloud.

"And he really let you believe that? That should earn him another twenty-five strokes! Dwin! Dwalin is one of the richest dwarves in Middle Earth. He could buy you a hundred white ponies. And as much gold, silver, gems and jewellery you would collapse under the sheer weight!"

Dwin was silent first.

Then asked, dismayed:

"Really? He never told me."

"He owns one-fourteenth of the treasure!"

"Mahal! And I still think about whether to buy the expensive soup meat. But I guess a leopard can't change its spots, I'm afraid", murmured Dwin.

Dís did not answer. During this conversation a thought has crossed her mind that suddenly opened a whole lot of new opportunities. She would have to double-check it but basically her claims were justified.

"Thank you, Dwin! Once again you have saved my day", she laughed and was all of a sudden in an excellent mood. But now Dwin was annoyed.

There was dispute of course.

Basically Thorin had no objection that his nephews' share of the treasure would go to Dís. But when he found out what she intended to do with it he had flatly forbidden it. One word led to another and in no time both faced each other in a furious, ear-splitting confrontation. Balin eventually dragged the princess out of Thorin's office while Dwalin, who was back to work that day and halfway back on his feet, held the king back there.

Balin took Dís home with him. He unlocked the door and called for Dwin.

"Fennel", Balin just said and groaned, when she came running.

"Bandages also?", Dwin asked.

"No. Not this time", Dís said, amused.

A little later they were sitting together with a cup of tea. Dwin was busy with her sewing and Dís watched her silently for a while, breathing deeply.

Balin spoke first:

"I am puzzled why you want to spend money on the hospital in Dale but you certainly have your reasons, as I know you. Give Thorin some time, Dís. He will have to accept it eventually."

"I know he will. But it is urgent and I wanted to get the worst part over with today", Dís said.

Balin shook his head, frowning and said seriously:

"Honestly, Dís. Someday you will go wrong with these intrigues and, Mahal have mercy on us, your passion will get you both killed!"

"Yes, yes, yes", Dís replied indifferent and took another sip of tea.

Then she asked:

"Did you ask around in that other matter?"

"Yes, but the affair is tricky. I can not proceed to obvious, otherwise we are overrun by advances from all over Middle Earth. And if he finds out that you are behind the whole thing we might as well forget about it. Here in Erebor at least there were no possible candidates. And even if we should find a suitable dwarrowdam how do you want to make Thorin court her? He told me quite clearly that he does not want to bind himself", Balin answered sceptically.

"Yes, he told me, too. But we should still be prepared. I hope that he will change his mind when he witnesses Dwalin's bond. Who knows. Actually it should gnaw on his cursed pride that even Dwalin has someone who keeps him warm at night. Oh, and Dwin... This is just between us. Not a word to Dwalin!", Dís ordered.

"Let me please out of that completely next time, will you? I do not like having secrets from Dwalin", Dwin frowned and bit off her thread.

"How is he anyway?", Dís asked.

Dwin looked up in surprise. This was the first time Dís inquired after the warrior since the morning of the prosecution.

"The wounds are healed so far. Oin was content that it was not inflamed much and let him go home. But it still is very painful. He just barely bears the clothes on his skin and sleeping on his back is still impossible too. I wish he would have stayed at home these days but he meant it would distract him to have something to do again", Dwin told her.

"And you two moved in here with Balin after all?", Dís asked next, looking around.

"Yes, and I am very glad about it. I went one day with Dwalin over to the barracks to show him the guard. You know. The one with the broken nose. And on that occasion we looked into his room there. But all of a sudden he realized that there was no kitchen and he asked, thanks Mahal, if I would mind living here together with Balin. And I did not mind of course. There is so much room and everything is so comfortable and beautiful. And I have Balin close by. Just in case I feel like a conversation that goes beyond "Yes", "No" and "Mmh"", she answered with a smile at Balin.

"And I feel just the same, dear", Balin agreed with a smirk.

"Oh, you two are to be envied!", Dís replied with a sigh.

They heard the front door open. Dwalin had come home. He swore under his breath and got rid of tunic and shirt in the hall immediately. The next moment he stood shirtless in the living room. He stopped short when he saw Dís but settled then next to Dwin on the sofa. Beads of sweat stood on his bald head and he was very pale. Dwin brought him a bowl of broth to drink and looked at him with pity and mild reproach, but said nothing.

Dwalin took a big gulp and growled at Dís:

"Now was that necessary?"

Dís snapped at him:

"I thought we would agree that you did deserve that! Fifty strokes would have been even more to my liking!"

"I don't mean the cane. The strokes I did deserve and I would have gladly taken fifty! That's one of the few things we really agree on. No. I mean this hole thing with the boys' share of gold. If you carry on like this Thorin will drop down dead with a heart attack."

Dís rolled her eyes.

"Dwalin, it is none of your business what I do with my gold, but listen: If the elves build winter quarters and the town hall in Dale we should not be miserly and build at least one official building in Dale, too. And I do not demand that Thorin takes care of that or pays one single coin. I will not spend my sons' gold for trinkets. I am going to do good with it in memory of them. I even consider buying the land next to the hospital too and do something for the children of Dale. I believe Fíli and Kíli would like that."

"And why don't you do something good in Erebor with it?", Dwalin muttered reproachfully.

"Because that is Thorin's damned duty and not mine! I will help the people who have lost everything through him!", she hissed and her eyes flashed dangerously.

Dwalin said nothing more. He rolled his head back and groaned.

"And now you can let yourself be pitied some more. Blame yourself if you already run about in your condition and have Thorin order you around!", Dís said viciously and stood up.

Balin accompanied her to the door.

He noticed how upset the princess was and said:

"You are always welcome here at any time day or night, Dís."

"Thank you. Maybe I refer to your offer one day. But now it is time for my next round against Thorin."

"Dís! Please don't! Not against each other! Do not do that to yourselves, please", Balin asked her, shaking his head.

The white haired dwarf suddenly looked old and tired.

Dís smiled sadly at him and pressed her forehead against his.

She slowly walked to the stairs and stood there for a while, undecided. Then she made her way down to the crypt and stayed the evening at the coffins of her sons. No one bothered her. She noticed suddenly that the name of Fíli's and Kíli's father, Kirin, was not engraved on the coffins.

The inscription read:

"Here lies Fíli. Son of Dís, daughter of Thráin, son of Thrór."

But in front of Dís name a little space was left. Perhaps Thorin had left it for her to choose. She hated the name of her former husband but should her sons lie here forever fatherless? She brooded about it but came to no conclusion. She had detested Kirin from the first moment on she saw him, his touch had disgusted her and the violence towards her she had feared. She had endured it for years in obedience to her father and her grandfather and for Fíli later. To him Kirin had always been a good father. That at least she could not deny. Kirin had loved Fíli. He had been so much alike himself with his reddish-blond hair. Maybe it was about time to make her peace with all that and to put their father's name on the coffins. She wondered what Tauriel would say if she ask her opinion. Before winter came she wanted to invite the elf and talk to her. There were so many questions she wanted to ask.

The cold of the unheated crypt finally crept into her very bones and she returned slowly to her chambers. She rang for Juntin, who informed her that Thorin had returned nearly two hours ago for the evening and had asked already three times for he. He had eaten alone in the meantime and was quite indignant.

"Tell him I was not hungry and want my peace if he asks again. And wake me the usual time tomorrow", she said curtly.

Juntin nodded, glanced at her worriedly, bowed and left.

The princess had still not figured out how Thorin entered her rooms without using the doors, so she did not bother to lock anything. She threw her clothes carelessly on a chair and walked naked into the bathroom. She watched herself a while thoughtfully in the large mirrors and went then up to the entrance of the basin and shallow, wide steps into the water. The very warm water burned unpleasantly on her icy feet at first and it took a moment to get accustomed to it. She saw her own reflection standing there in the water many times in the mirrors along the walls. The air was warm and her white skin stood out brightly on the dark green marble. On and on into the water she felt her way slowly and could finally plunge into the warmth. Stretched out on her back she floated on the water. She let her breath flow and closed her eyes.

Today she would not reject him. It was neither reasonable nor correct and tomorrow she would not be able to look herself in the eyes in the mirror. What had Balin said? Their passion would kill both of them one day? Probably at least Balin guessed how right he was. Again and again she had wanted to end it but her brother was the only one she had ever desired. And he assured her again and again that he felt the same. How much he loved her and longed for her love.

Perhaps there would be someone who freed her from this unwholesome feeling finally. But for that she needed Thorins permission for her project in Dale. And she had to find someone for him too. There simply had to be a dame out there whom he was at least fond of and who would give a child to him. A child that he would love as he had loved her sons. And maybe she could even find one who touched his innermost. Dís sighed. And waited.

Through her closed eyelids she suddenly perceived a change of light and dark. Despite the hot water around her a shiver ran through her body. She listened but let her eyes shut. She heard him gasp because of the hot water and a smile curled her lips. Just a minute ago the water had been completely still but now warm waves washed against her body. She forced herself not to open her eyes and enjoyed the blissful thrill not to know where he was and what he would do.

Her head bumped gently against something and it was not the hard edge of the basin. The next moment she felt his lips on hers. Familiarly hot yet strangely different. She opened her eyes. He stood in the waist-deep water behind her, her head swam against his belly and he leaned over and kissed her head first. His black hair hung around her face into the water. Full of fervour she returned his kisses. They kissed a long time until he moved her around so she stood on her feet in front of him in the water. She saw the huge, jagged scar on his right chest the first time and startled. Carefully she put her hands on the injury and looked up. Both sank for moments into the blue of the eyes of the other. Finally he lowered himself on his knees and buried his face between her heavy breasts, whispering her name. Then he fell backwards into the water and pulled her with him towards the shallow area of the basin. And she vowed once again, that this would definitely be the last time but that she would savour this very last time. To the last drop.

Once again.

Later they sat wrapped in thick towels on Dís's bed and brushed each other's damp hair. Thorin loved these intimate moments after lovemaking so much. He enjoyed the feel of her black curls and even more his sister's touch and firm brush strokes in his own hair. They chatted relaxed as they had not done in years as it felt and finally fell asleep arm in arm.

The next morning they awoke together and Thorin began to kiss her so tenderly that she did not have the heart to send him away. She closed her eyes and let him have his way, enjoying still half asleep his devotion and murmured endearments. He began to give her pleasure with his fingers until she impatiently took his hand, stuck his forefinger into her mouth and got on top of him. She led his erect shaft to her folds and lowered herself on it. Then she lay down on him, her head carefully on his chest, closed her legs and began moving herself gently, while she continued sucking, chewing and licking on his finger. Before long he thrust her from below. First slow and pleasurably becoming more and more demanding, hard and fast. He hardly seemed to feel her weight and moved powerfully beneath her. She loved to watch his face so caught and captivated by his arousal, his eyes tightly shut and to hear his suppressed moaning. Until she too closed her eyes and concentrated on her own fulfilment. Both came in rapid succession to a rich climax. He shouted her name, wrapped his arms around her and pressed her body to his until the waves subsided slowly.

He buried his fingers in her loose hair and gasped full of fervour:

"Dís! Oh, Dís! Mahal! I can not live without you! I love you so much!"

She kissed his shoulder, smiled indulgently, but said nothing and finally pulled away from him. He groaned disappointed.

"You love him inside me, brother", she said with a grin and ran her finger over his shaft.

"That too", he groaned and looked at her, still hurt.

An awkward silence followed.

"Do you take me down to the treasure later, Thorin? Only as far as you are able to. I want to know if the curse affects me also and how it feels for you", she changed the topic.

"If need be...", he replied angrily and stood up.

And so they went down after breakfast. On the next to last staircase Thorin was getting ever slower. He began to breathe heavily and rubbed his forehead.

"Wait, Dís. Not further! Look!", he said.

He let go of the handrail and showed Dís his hand. A thin trail of glittering gold dust covered his skin. He quickly wiped it off.

"And how does it feel? Does it hurt?", she asked sympathetically and touched his arm.

He trudged back to the next higher landing and leaned back against the wall.

"No pain. It is more as if your own will and mind melts. As if someone else takes over. Someone who distrusts you and everybody else, who wants to prevail, to hoard things and who is up to do evil. It is terrible. Do you feel anything?", he asked.

"No. Nothing", she answered honestly.

"Just be glad", he said gloomily.

"Go back, please Thorin! Do not torment yourself any longer! I'm sorry that I asked at all. I can go on alone."

The king nodded and slowly climbed back up the stairs, which they had just come down. His face was grey.

Dís watched him worried and asked:

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

He angrily looked down at her and asked offended:

"What do you want to do? Carry me?"

"If I have to", Dís answered and grinned.

Finally he grinned too and said:

"Be glad I don't have a spoon at hand to throw at you! Tell me afterwards of your impression, will you?"

Dís nodded.

Then she ran lightly down the steps and stepped out onto the stone arch above the treasure vault. Her breath came to a hold. She had Balin's descriptions in mind but what she saw surpassed all her expectations by far. Overwhelmed she went further down. She saw a troop of dwarves working on the opposite side and recognized Balin among them.

She set foot on the mountain of coins and valuables and made a few swaying steps. Then she breathed in deep and felt into herself. But nothing Thorin had described to her happened or stirred in her. Relieved she moved on carefully. Balin came to meet her and offered her a hand. Dís seized it gratefully and climbed up to him on a ledge above the hoard.

"It is truly unbelievable", she said still impressed and let her gaze wander over the sea of gold.

"Yes. Even for me every day anew", Balin murmured besides her.

"And does it influence you like it does Thorin?", he asked softly.

"No. Not at all so far", she replied.

"Well, thank Mahal!"

"Thorin could not even come down the stairs with me."

Balin sighed.

"I know. But by the way: Fíli and Kíli were not affected by it either", he said casually.

Dís smiled sadly.

"I will look around a little", she said with a wink and wanted to make her way down to the gold again.

But Balin stopped her and said quietly:

"If you plan to go to Thorin later, change your clothes first. In the beginning I went straight to him from here once and the gold dust on my clothes was already enough to bother him. But that should not be known by to many, of course."

Dís nodded and raised her hand to indicate she had understood. Then she strolled slowly through the hills and valleys of sliding coins. Here and there she stooped and picked up a jewel, a necklace or a vessel, looked at it and let it drop back. After a while she had seen enough and was sure that Thrór's gold sickness would not hit her. She waved to Balin once again and, after a last look back, she left the vault contentedly.


The fruit-giving month, Yavanniё, came to an end and it was concluded with the harvest festival in Dale. Pantries and cellars were well filled and no one would have to go hungry this winter. So the festival was celebrated very cheerful and with great confidence in the future. Dís was as Erebor's representative guest of honour at Bard's table.

Thorin had been delighted when his sister offered to take over this annoying official duty for him. He was hoping so much that this meant she settled into her new life in Erebor and enjoyed sharing his duties with him, for the good of Durin's folk. He could not have been more wrong. Because actually Dís planned the beginning of her leaving the Erebor today.

She wore a brand new robe in green-gold with exquisite embroidery tailored especially for this occasion. She renounced her usual heavy jewellery and only wore a delicate autumn wreath in her hair, like the women of the city. She looked adorable and that was what Bard told her. The festivities began with a service in the beautifully restored church and then they went to the market place where the travelling theatre had build up its stage. They gave a popular romantic comedy and all enjoyed themselves well, even Legolas, who represented the Woodland elves this year.

At a suitable opportunity Dís announced that the Erebor would take care of the further construction of the hospital and that an orphanage wing and a kindergarten was in the planning also. The bystanders applauded and on her walk with Bard about the decorated streets and places she was a welcomed guest everywhere. At dinner she sat between Bard and his daughter Tilda. It was clear to see how much the beard in Dís's face irritated the seven-year-old.

Dís smiled at her and said:

"Touch it!"

Tilda looked back at her frightened and hesitated a moment. But Dís nodded encouragingly and craned her chin towards her. Tilda's curiosity overcame her bashfulness finally and she stretched out her hand and gently stroked over Dís's black beard.

"Really soft!", she said amazed, "Not like father's."

"Yes, we dwarven ladies have quite soft beards", Dís confirmed with a wink.

Bard had watched them both amused and Dís asked quietly:

"Do you want to touch it too maybe?"

A spontaneous response seemed to be at the tip of his tongue.

But eventually he smiled, lowered his eyes and answered evasively:

"I would really love to but in the middle of the attention here, that would hardly be appropriate, I'm afraid. For the time being I must rely on your word, Princess Dís."

Dís laughed.

Between Dís and Tilda the ice was broken however and after dinner Tilda asked her to braid her hair newly, that had dissolved romping about, as if this was the most natural thing. Afterwards Tilda jumped up and ran back to her friends, waving back at Dís. And the princess looked after her with a wistful smile.

Next to Legolas, Bain and Sigrid a number of important city officials were sitting at the table too and Dís joined in the conversations self-confident and openly without imposing her opinion. Her wise and experienced views were generally received with nods and benevolence. Later the men and women at the table dissolved and during the afternoon there was dance, music, games and funfair on the streets and places. Sigrid joined a group of other youths and Legolas and Bain went together to compete in archery while Bard and Dís strolled around greeting people here and there and talked quietly. And when the music played for a dance in line Bard took her hand, smiled and gently pulled her over to join in.

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