HEART. ❪ new moon ❫²

By divinedutchess

1.2M 36K 10.7K

★ 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, ⋆。˚ 𝑨 𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑹𝒀 𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑹𝑬 𝑨 𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 𝑴𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑺 𝑨 𝑩𝑶𝒀 ━━━ ❝i'm sorry. ... More

˚ ͙۪۪̥◌┊𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓


66.6K 2K 531
By divinedutchess


  WHAT A STRANGE SENSATION INDEED. Normally, Bailey wasn't too keen on physical contact, in fact, she tried to avoid ever being that close with someone. Paul was a special circumstance. She never had someone touch her for this long before, she had never looked into someone's eyes so wholeheartedly. It was a mixture of curiosity and something else, something precious, endearing yet unfamiliar that only he had the power to provoke. Bailey had almost forgotten about the initial reason for asking him to come over. She still had more things to examine, more things to look into. She needed to focus... focus... focus...

Other than their breathing and the synchronized beating of their hearts, it was utterly silent. 

Bailey's body began to move on its own. Just a bit—just a bit closer. What would happen if she moved a bit closer? Paul didn't move, he allowed it to happen. Slowly, gradually the gap between them grew smaller and smaller until Bailey's lips were just hovering mere millimetres over his own. Any small movement and they would touch...

"BAILEY, I GOT BUFFALO WINGS FOR DINNER SINCE BELLA'S OUT!" Charlie's voice travelled from downstairs and was followed by the front door slamming shut. 

Bailey and Paul jumped away from each other, hearts racing—though this time it was from shock. Truthfully, they had lost track of time. Despite this Bailey noted that Charlie was home earlier than usual. Had something happened or was it just a slow day? She half-heartedly questioned. There were more important things on her mind, like trying to figure out what was about to happen between her and Paul if Charlie hadn't interrupted.

"Should I go?" whispered Paul. 

Bailey's eyes drifted toward him. He was so far away from her now to the point that she could feel her body cooling down as a chilly breeze from outside was felt in the attic. She blinked almost confused by his question. Of course, he needed to go. If Charlie found him here he might go to jail for attempted murder—attempted because being a shifter Paul probably wouldn't die from being shot. 

There was a glimmer in his dark eyes, a glimmer of something Bailey couldn't quite identify. She placed her lips together and looked away from him. Logically, he needed to leave but did she want him to? No, not at all. Bailey wanted to explore this need feeling some more, this new sensation. That would have to be left for another day though. 

"You'll have to sneak out of Bella's window, this one's too small." Bailey motioned to the spherical small attic window. She didn't leave Paul a chance to respond, as she ceased his wrist and lead him out of the attic. 

They were on their way down the stairs, headed toward Bella's room when—"I got some salad too for Bella's sake. Y'know how she gets." Charlie had just come up the staircase leading to the ground lever. If he turned his head just forty-five degrees he would see Bailey frozen on the steps to the attic, holding onto Paul's arm. 

Paul looked at Bailey, then at Charlie Swan who was still in his police uniform... gun in his holster. He made an effort to make no sudden movements or noises as he cursed like a sailor in his mind. 

Luckily, Charlie went into the bathroom located on the opposite end of the hall. When his back was to them Paul and Bailey hurried into Bella's room, shutting the door quietly behind them before they were seen. 

"Why was that the scariest moment of my life?" Paul joked, holding onto his chest. Technically there was nothing he should have been afraid of, considering that Charlie was just a human man who just so happened to carry a gun (like most Americans). Despite Paul's wolf physiology that made him much stronger than the average human being, he knew very well that if he'd been caught by Chef Swan exiting his daughter's bedroom when Bailey was supposed to be home alone was not a good look. Besides, it probably wouldn't help Paul's chances at a future relationship with Charlie. He was going to be part of Bailey's life now... at least he hoped so. 

"You have to go now," said Bailey. She'd pulled open Bella's window and was motioning for Paul to get out. Charlie didn't see her soon he would grow suspicious. 

Paul made his way over to the window, standing directly in front of Bailey. The space between them was virtually non-existent. Bailey looked up at him with her eyes only, gazing overtop of her clear glasses. 

"I'll text you," Paul finally said, breaking the silence between them. 

Bailey merely nodded and Paul climbed out of the window. He was holding onto the window sill, with his feet firmly against the side of her house. Again, without thinking, Bailey's body moved on its own. She placed her hand atop Paul's causing him to look back at her with rounded eyes. She noted that his skin was awfully rough and deduced that it was probably from lengthy and numerous outdoor activities, including all those contact sports he told her a while back that he played. 

After fifteen seconds had gone by Bailey pulled away her hand and turned away, noticing that her face felt very warm and her heart was beating rapidly. 

"Bye." She whispered and walked out of Bella's room, shutting the door behind her and leaving everything as it once was. 

Paul dangled out of the window, confused as to what had just happened and nearly lost his grip for a brief second before he climbed down to a safe distance before jumping down to the ground and running off. 

He had in fact texted Bailey before she made it back to the attic. She looked down at her phone to see that the message was just a picture of him making a silly face. His cheeks were puffed out, lips puckered as he posed his head directly in front of the full moon. Bailey stared at the picture confusing. First, was this supposed to be some sort of pun because he was a wolf? And second, why was her heart still beating so quickly? 

Bailey set her phone aside after replying with a picture of the notes she'd written on her theories of werewolf physiology before picking up her laptop. She typed away in the search bar to get some answers: Why is my heart beating so fast randomly? 

Just as she hit the "enter" key she heard her name being called yet again by her father downstairs. Bailey quickly glimpsed through some of the top answers: Stress, exercise, or more rarely cardiovascular conditions and diseases. It was all rather unhelpful so Bailey shut her computer and walked downstairs for some wings. 

Unfortunately, Bailey's potential cardiovascular disease wasn't the only issue of the night. As when Bella came back from the movies she looked rather pale in the face, Jacob too. It would seem that a stomach bug was going around her friend group that had gotten to Mike in the middle of the film which caused him to leave for the bathroom for the rest of the movie. Jacob on the other hand was running a fever, and Bella didn't feel great herself. 

Bailey kept her distance from the pair of them not wanting to catch whatever virus they had festering in their bodies. But she looked at Jacob with a suspicious look in her eye. She watched as Charlie took both of their temperatures and overheard Jacob's. Bailey left the room and hurried back to the attic. She dove for her phone and quickly called Paul. 

"Aw, missing me already?" was the first thing that came out of his mouth. 

Bailey ignored his strange greeting. "Something's wrong with Jacob. He's running a fever, the same temperature as you. That isn't a coincidence considering his lineage." 

"Don't worry," the light tone in his voice was gone. It was so drastic that Bailey noticed it immediately. "Is he still in the house?" 

"No," Bailey told him as she heard Bella's truck engine starting up. "He's getting a drive back home now." 

"Just stay home, okay? I'll handle this." 

"Sure." Paul hung up soon thereafter and Bailey went back to her notes. 

If her guess was correct and Jacob was in the beginning stages of his transformation did that mean she had had yet another person to examine? She wondered curiously. There were still so many unknowns that she wanted to discover. Would Paul and Jacob's physical be nearly identical because they had a common ancestor? Could the same be said for all the members of the "La Push Gang"? Were there other shifters out there similar to them like how there were many different vampire covens? If Taha Aki hadn't stumbled on a wolf spirit and instead it as another animal could that mean that other spirit warrior tribes transformed into various different animals? 

Bailey looked up from her notebook when a few hours later she heard a howl in the distance.


⍣ ೋ

Bailey thought that Bella was acting erratically lately. Ever since the movies, Jacob hadn't called, even though he'd allegedly told her that he would. So, the first time Bella called it was Billy Black who answered and told her that Jacob was still in bed. Being nosy, Bella checked to make sure that Billy had taken him to a doctor. Billy said that he had, but, Bella later admitted to Bailey that she didn't believe him. She called the Blacks again, several times a day, for the next two days, but no one was ever there. 

"Give him time to rest, Bella," Bailey told her flatly when Bella complained. 

It wasn't exactly that Bailey liked lying to Bella. She didn't. After all, they had entered this world of the supernatural together, granted Bella had ventured in first and accidentally drew Bailey in with her. Now it was completely different. Bailey was used to knowing things that others didn't, however, this was a special case. Part of her thought of how if the roles were reversed would Bella tell her about the wolves? It was probable. 

But it wasn't Bailey's secret to share. Bella needed to figure it out for herself and Bailey couldn't help her. She'd promised Paul, who had assured her that Jacob was doing fine. Bailey had figured it out for herself and hopefully, Bella could do the same—soon because she was slowly losing it. Jacob was the only reason why she felt so normal these days but now that he was gone... 

On Saturday, Bella decided to go see him, invitation is damned. Bailey had gone with her part to keep Bella from breaking and entering and partly in hopes to see a glimpse of any wolves. But the little red house was empty. That frightened Bella—was Jacob so sick that he'd needed to go to the hospital? She and Bailey stopped by the hospital on the way back home, but the nurse at the front desk told Bella neither Jacob nor Billy had been in. 

"You don't find any of this suspicious?" Bella asked Bailey as they drove home. 

"No." Bailey looked out the window. She felt her stomach turn as soon as she'd spoken; she didn't like lying to Bella like this especially seeing how quickly she was declining. 

Bella made Charlie call Harry Clearwater as soon as he got home from work. She waited, anxious while Charlie chatted with his old friend; the conversation seemed to go on forever without Jacob even being mentioned. It seemed that Harry had been in the hospital... some kind of tests for his heart. 

Charlie's forehead got all pinched together, but Harry joked with him, blowing it off until Charlie was laughing again. Only then did Charlie ask about Jacob, and his side of the conversation began to consist of a lot of hmms and yeahs. 

Bailey looked up from her zoology book inspecting Bella. She was drumming her fingers against the counter beside their father until he put his hand over hers to stop her. 

Finally, Charlie hung up the phone and turned to his daughters. 

"Harry says there's been some trouble with the phone lines, and that's why you haven't been able to get through. Billy took Jake to the doctor down there, and it looks like he has mono. He's really tired, and Billy said no visitors," he reported. 

"No visitors?" Bella demanded in disbelief. 

"That's what was said," muttered Bailey as her eyes dropped back to the pages of her book. 

Charlie raised one eyebrow. "Now don't go making a pest of yourself, Bells. Billy knows what's best for Jake. He'll be up and around soon enough. Be patient." 

Bella didn't push it. Charlie was clearly too worried about Harry. That was clearly the more important issue—it wouldn't be right to bug him with her lesser concerns. Instead, she went upstairs, taking a confused Bailey with her. 

"Tell me everything you know about mono." 

Bailey looked at Bella and sighed. "Mononucleosis is a contagious disease. It is common among teenagers and young adults, especially college students. The virus that causes it is spread by saliva which is why mono is also called the kissing disease because it's typically spread through kissing. But you can also be exposed by sharing a glass or food utensils with someone who has mono. Symptoms can include extreme fatigue, fever, sore throat, head and body aches, swollen lymph nodes in the neck and armpits, rash, among other things." 

"The fever he definitely has but," Bella muttered to herself as if she'd forgotten that Bailey was in front of her. "No horrible sore throat, no exhaustion, no headaches." 

Bella furrowed her eyebrows angrily. Why did she feel so... so suspicious, like she didn't believe Billy's story? Why would Billy lie to Harry? Besides, Bella looked at Bailey who had gone back to reading her book. If something was really going on surely Bailey would be on top of it like she had in the past. Bella knew she was being silly, probably. She was just worried, and to be honest, afraid of not being allowed to see Jacob—that made her nervous. 

"How long does mono usually last?" Bella asked her sister. 

"Most people feel better in two to four weeks, but some people feel fatigued for several more weeks." 

"A month?" Bella's mouth fell open. Surely not. Billy wouldn't enforce the no-visitors thing that long. Of course not. Jake would go crazy stuck in bed that long without anyone to talk to. What was Billy afraid of, anyway? If it was transmitted through saliva all Jake had to do was avoid physical activity, there was no need for no visitors. 

Bailey kept in contact with Paul and explained to him what was happening with Bella along with her doubts about being able to keep the secret for very long. She knew that if things kept being so plainly suspicious then it would be more uncharacteristic of Bailey to continue pretending as if everything was fine. 

"It's my whole thing, Paul. I figure things out, I have to know things. I have to. Bella knows that." Bailey explained. "Besides, mono? Really? That's the best Billy could come up with?" 

"She'll get used to it. Everyone always does." Paul said, speaking from experience. "The longer you spent away from them, making excuses of not being able to hang they just stop trying. Bella's going to do the same." 

"No, she won't. Maybe if Edward was still around and she had him as a distraction from everything things are different. Bella's the type of person who needs others and recently she's attached herself to Jacob as her only..." Bailey paused, "lifeline. She won't give up. She'll persist." 

"She can't find out." 

"Why not? I found out—" 

"Yeah, but I was going to have to tell you eventually considering," Paul stopped suddenly and fell very quiet. 

"Considering what?" 

"N-nothing. Forget I said anything." 

A week. Bella had only decided to leave Billy a week before she got pushy; she thought a week was generous. At that time, part of her believe that Jacob wouldn't follow the rules that his father had set out. Every day when she got home from school Bella ran to the phone to check for messages. There never were any.

The dreams got worse again. Bailey spent the nights that week staring at her ceiling as Bella continuously woke up screaming and thrashing before Charlie calmed her down and got her to fall asleep again. She was starting to get dark circles under her eyes from it. 

On Saturday Bailey managed to get some sleep in that she missed during the week, probably because today was the day. It had finally been a week and so Bella was going to pester. Bailey woke up late that day and stretched her body as she had never stretched before. She wiped away the dry drool from the corner of her mouth and got ready. She made her way downstairs after brushing her teeth and showering to find that both Bella and Charlie were in the kitchen. 

"Billy says Jacob's feeling better. It wasn't mono. So that's good." Bella told Charlie. 

"Is he coming here, or are you going there?" Charlie asked absentmindedly as he started poking through the fridge. 

Bailey made her way past them to the cupboard to get a bowl for the cereal she was preparing to make. 

"Neither," Bella admitted. "He's going out with some other friends." 

The tone of her voice finally caught Charlie's attention. He looked at Bella with sudden alarm, his hands frozen around a package of cheese slices. 

"Isn't it a little early for lunch?" Bella asked as lightly as she could manage, trying to distract him. 

"No, I'm just packing something to take out to the river..." 

"Oh, fishing today?" 

"Well, Harry called... and it's not raining." He was creating a stack of food on the counter as he spoke. Suddenly he looked up again and realized something. "Say, did you want me to stay with you since Jake's out?" 

"That's okay, Dad," Bella said, working to sound indifferent. "The fish bite better when the weather's nice." 

He started at her, indecision clear on his face. He was worried, afraid to leave her alone with Bailey who probably wasn't equipped to handle the situation if Bella got "mopey" again. 

"Seriously, Dad. I think I'll call Jessica," Bella fibbed quickly. "We have a Calculus test to study for and I was gonna ask Bailey for some help." 

Bailey glanced at Bella, then at Charlie, then went into the fridge to grab the milk. 

"That's a good idea. You've been spending so much time with Jacob, your other friends are going to think you've forgotten them." 

Bella smiled and nodded as if she cared what her other friends thought. 

Charlie started to turn, but then spun back with a worried expression. "Hey, you'll study here or at Jess's, right?"

"Sure, where else?" 

Bailey placed a spoonful of cereal in her mouth as she watched Bella's responses. 

"Well, it's just that I want you to be careful to stay out of the woods. I told you before."

It took Bella a minute to understand, distracted as she was. "More bear trouble?" 

Charlie nodded, frowning. "We've got a missing hiker—the rangers found his camp early this morning, but no sign of him. There were some really big animal prints ... of course, those could have come later, smelling the food ... Anyway, they're setting traps for it now." 

"Traps?" Bailey exclaimed, worryingly. When she received a look from both Charlie and Bella she quickly added. "Um, it's just a bit unfair. It's bear territory, isn't it? Hikers and campers should be more careful."

"And you're an animal advocate now?" Charlie questioned curiously. 

"Well,... bears just so happens o be my favourite animal so, yes." 

"Then we'll try not to use lethal force or traps." 

"Thank you." Bailey nodded and went back to eating. 

Charlie, being in somewhat of a hurry, didn't wait for Bella to call Jessica so she didn't have to put on that charade. She knew through the motions of gathering her school books on the kitchen table to pack them in her bag; that was probably too much and if he hadn't been eager to hit the holes, it might have made him suspicious. 

Bella was so busy looking busy that the ferociously empty day ahead didn't really crash down on her until after she'd watched him drive away. It only took about two minutes of staring at the silent kitchen phone to decide that she wasn't staying home today. She considered her options. Bella wasn't going to call Jessica. As far as she could tell, Jessica had crossed over to the dark side. Bella could drive to La Push and get her motorcycle—an appealing thought but for one minor problem: who was going to drive her to the emergency room if she needed it afterward? 

Or... Bella already had the map and compass in the truck. She was pretty sure she understood the process well enough that she wouldn't get lost. 

"What are you thinking?" asked Bailey. She'd been watching Bella during this entire process utterly confused as to what was going on with her sister. 

Bella looked at her, eyes wide. "Um, if I tell you ... you can't tell Charlie." 

Bailey stared back at her and crossed her arms. "That all depends on what comes out of your mouth." 

Bella explained herself. She walked about the meadow she'd been searching for and how she had roped Jacob into helping her find it. The map, the lines they'd crossed off and the compass all in an attempt to find it. Now, she was planning to continue the search today. 

"Bella," Bailey shook her head. "Charlie just said not to go into the woods." 

"I won't get lost—"

"Yes, you will," Bailey stared at her stone-faced. After deliberating on the best course of action Bailey finally said, "I'll go with you." 

"You will?" Bella asked her, surprised. She was sure that Bailey was going to be against this and was already planning on snatching the phone away if Bailey tried to call Charlie. 

"You're definitely not going alone." 

A few minutes later they were on a dirt road that led to nowhere in particular. Bella had the windows rolled down as she drove as fast as was healthy for the truck—which wasn't very fast at all. Before they'd left Bailey had shot a text to Paul about Bella's idea and where they were headed. Someone needed to know their location just in case. 

Bailey enjoyed the wind against her face as she leaned out the window, her chin resting in her folded arms. It was cloudy, but almost dry—a very nice day, for Forks. 

Getting started took Bella longer than it would have taken Jacob. After she parked in the usual spot, she had to spend a good fifteen minutes studying the little needle on the compass face and the marking on the now worn map. 

Bailey watched her struggling to know fully well that she could have helped but decided against it in order to stall this little misadventure as long as possible. 

When Bella was reasonably certain that she was following the right line of the web, they set off into the woods. Bailey quickly scanned their surroundings and took in every detail of where they'd parked the truck for when Bella inevitably go lost and she needed to guide them back. 

The forest was full of life today, all the little creatures enjoying the momentary dryness. Somehow, though, even with the birds chirping and cawing, the insects buzzing noisily around their heads and the occasion scurry of the field mice through the shrubs, the forest seemed creepier today. 

Bailey couldn't shake the sense of unease growing stronger the deeper they got into the trees. Breathing started to get more difficult—she placed her hands together and rubbed circles with her thumb in an attempt to soothe nerves. There was so much happening that it pulled her attention in many different directions but she continued to rub circles, trying to focus. 

The rhythm of her and Bella's footsteps started to numb her mind. Her breathing evened out eventually. 

The sisters were moving efficiently and they had covered maybe four miles. And then, with an abruptness that disoriented Bella, she stepped through a low arch made by two vine maples—pushing past the chest-high ferns—into the meadow, Bailey following behind her. 

Bailey had never seen another clear to symmetrical. It was as perfectly round as if someone had intentionally created the flawless circle, tearing out the trees but leaving no evidence of that violence in the waving grass. To the east, she could hear the stream bubbling quietly. It was beautiful and serene. It was the wrong season for wildflowers; the ground was thick with tall grass that swayed in the light breeze like ripples across a lack. 

She looked at Bella. She couldn't place the look on her face nor did she understand why she wasn't jumping for joy. Wasn't this what she was searching for all this time? Why wasn't she happy to have found it at long last? 

The disappointment for Bella was nearly as instantaneous as the recognition. She sank down right where she was, kneeling there at the edge of the clear, beginning to gasp. What was the point of going any farther? Nothing lingered here. Nothing more than the memories that she could have called back whenever she wanted to if she was ever willing to endure the corresponding pain—the pain that had her now, had her hold. There was nothing special about this place without him. 

She wasn't exactly sure what she'd hoped for her, but the meadow was empty of atmosphere, empty of everything, just like everywhere else. Just like her nightmares. Bella swirled dizzily. 

Bailey watched her sister and this time her behaviour seemed very familiar. The feeling of being locked on one body, victim to whatever negative thoughts continuously washed over herself uncontrollably; it felt like drowning. It felt horrible and Bailey knew that. 

She bent down directly beside her sister and looked out at the meadow. She knew she couldn't bring attention to her behaviour not right now at least. It was better to drive the conversation elsewhere. 

"I might have a cardiovascular disease," said Bailey, moving her hair out of her face as the window blew. 

Bella's chocolate brown eyes looked at her young sisters. That was certainly one of getting someone's attention. 

"What are you talking about?" Bella asked, confused but mostly concerned. 

"I search up my symptoms." Bailey began to explain. "My heart just wouldn't slow down. It was beating so loudly that it felt like I could hear it in my chest so clearly. It was pumping all that blood to my face. I could feel it getting warmer." 

"I'm so confused. When did this start?" Bella was now fully invested. 

Bailey glanced at her. "Ever since I touched his hand." 

Bella blinked rapidly as she processed what Bailey had just said. Then her expression softened and she tilted her head to the side as she watched her younger sister. It was such a strange moment, seeing Bailey for what she was. This wasn't her nerdy, anti-social baby sister anymore. With those god-awful rectangular purple glasses, and so tiny that when she wandered into Bella's class all those years ago it looked like her backpack was heavier than her. That was back when Bailey had skipped grades for the first time. Bella actually smiled a bit at that memory. 

It was so surreal seeing how much Bailey had grown since then. She was sixteen, she was graduating this year with her. And now, she was so obviously crushing on some guy. 

Bella's smile widened as thoughts of him began to fade and were replaced with Bailey. 

"Okay, okay. I have to ask ... is it Mike?" 

Bailey's face contorted at will before her body physically gagged. Bella laughed at her reaction. It was nice filling this meadow with different memories... 

At precisely that moment, a figure stepped out from the tree to the north, some thirty paces away. Bella's smile disappeared and she and Bailey focused on the motionless figure, seeing utter stillness. Bella slowly got up from her knees and moved Bailey behind her. 

Bailey pushed up her glasses as recognition came over her; that man was no stray hiker. 

"Bella... that's—"

"Laurent!" Bella cried in surprised pleasure. It was an irrational response. She probably should have felt fear. Laurent had been one of James's coven when they'd first met. He hadn't been involved with the hunt that followed—but that was only because he was afraid; the sisters had been protected by a bigger coven than his own. It would have been different if that wasn't the case. He'd had no reservations, at the time, against making a meal of them. 

Of course, he must have changed, because he'd gone to Alaska to live with the other civilized coven then, the other family that refused to drink human blood for ethical reasons. The other family like... Bella couldn't let herself think of the name. 

She felt Bailey tug at her jacket and her mind snapped with reason. Yes, Fear made more sense. Fear of what Laurent would do now that he had them alone. Fear of how Bailey would react. Fear of how Bella was supposed to protect her now it was just the two of them. 

It was impossible how exactly the same Laurent looked. But it was very silly and human to expect some kind of change in the last year. But there was something... Bailey couldn't quite put her finger on it. 

"Bella and Bailey?" he asked, looking more astonished than either girl felt. 

"You remember?" said Bella. 

He grinned. "I didn't expect to see you girls here." He strolled toward them, his expression bemused. 

"Isn't it the other way around? We do live here. I thought you'd gone to Alaska." Bella was doing all the talking. 

He stopped about ten paces away, cocking his head to the side. His face was the most beautiful face Bella's seen in what felt like an eternity but Bailey could only spot what was unnatural about it; it was unrealistic and inhuman and it made her uneasy. 

"You're right," he agreed. "I did go to Alaska. Still, I didn't expect... When I found the Cullen place empty, I thought they'd moved on." 

"Oh." Bella bit her lip as the name set the raw edges of her wound throbbing. It took her a second to compose herself. Laurent waited with curious eyes. 

"They did move on," Bella finally managed to tell him. 

"Hmm," he murmured. "I'm surprised they left you, girls, behind. Weren't you sort of pets of theirs?" His eyes were innocent of any intended offence. 

Bailey looked at him offended. "I was not anyone's pet." 

"Hmm," he said, thoughtful again.

It was then that Bailey cursed herself to allow her fear to distract her. It was so blatantly obvious now, as she looked Laurent over again, more closely. She realized why he looked the same as before, too much of the same. The thought of Laurent staying with Tanya's family, being on a diet of animal blood, one would think he would have the same golden eyes as the Cullens. The same golden eyes all good vampires had.

Bella seemed to notice it then too, as she took an involuntary step back right in front of Bailey, dark red eyes followed the movement.  

"Do they visit often?" he asked, still casual, but his weight shifted toward them. 

"Now and again." Bella tried to make her voice light, and relaxed. "The time seems longer to me, I imagine. You know how they get distracted..." she started to babble. She had to work to shut herself up. 

"Hmm," he said again. "The house smelled like it had been vacant for a while..." 

"They moved locations. Close enough to keep an eye on things but far enough to not draw suspicion from the locals. Carlisle's doesn't appear to be aging and they've been in the community long enough," Bailey followed Bella's lead and lied. "We'll tell him you stopped by. He'll be sorry they missed your visit." 

Bella pretended to deliberate for a second. "But we probably shouldn't mention it to... Edward, I suppose—" she barely managed to say his name, and it twisted her expression on the way out, ruining her bluff "—he had such a temper... well, I'm sure you remember. He's still touchy about the whole James thing." Bella rolled her eyes and waved on hand dismissively like it was all ancient history, but there was an edge of hysteria to her voice. She wondered if he would recognize what it was. 

"Is he really?" Laurent asked pleasantly... skeptically. 

"Mm-hmm." Bella kept her reply short so that her voice wouldn't betray her panic. 

Laurent took a casual step to the side. Bailey didn't miss that the step brought him closer to them. She slid her hand into her pocket and felt her fingers wrap around her phone. She tried not to make her actions obvious as her eyes stayed focused on Laurent. 

"So how are things working out in Denali? Carlisle said you were staying with Tanya?" Bella's voice was too high. 

The question made him pause. "I like Tanya very much," he mused. "And her sister Irina even more... I've never stayed in one place for so long before, and I enjoy the advantages, the novelty of it. But, the restrictions are difficult... I'm surprised that any of them can keep it up for long." He smiled at Bella conspiratorially. "Sometimes I cheat." 

Bailey was thankful that Bella was blocking her view as she subtly brought her phone out of her pocket, just enough for her to see the top of the screen. She scrolled through her contact list quickly, thankfully there weren't many names. 

"Oh," Bella's foot started to ease back, but she froze as Laurent's red eyes flickered down to catch the movement. "Jasper has problems with that, too." 

Bailey found his name and quickly clicked it, before letting her phone slide back into her pocket, into obscurity. 

"Really?" Laurent seemed interested. "Is that why they left?" 

"No," Bella answered honestly. "Jasper is more careful at home." 

"Yes," Laurent agreed. "I am, too." 

The step forward he took now was quite deliberate. 

"Did Victoria ever find you?" Bella asked, breathless, desperate to distract him. It was the first question that popped into her head, and she regretted it as soon as the words were spoken. Victoria—who had hunted them (Bella and Bailey) with James, and then disappeared—was not someone I wanted to think of at this particular moment. 

But the question did stop him. 

"Yes," he said, hesitating on that step. "I actually came here as a favour to her." He made a face. "She won't be happy about this." 

"About what?" Bella asked eagerly, inviting him to continue. He was glaring into the trees, away from them. Bella took advantage of his diversion, taking a furtive step back with Bailey. 

He looked back at the girls and smiled—the expression made him look like a black-haired angel. 

"About me killing you," he answered in a seductive purr. 

Bailey clung to the back of Bella's jacket, hoping that their conversation could be heard from her pocket. 

"She wanted to save that part for herself," he went on blithely. "She's sort of... put out with you, Bailey." 

"Me?" Bailey breathed. 

He shook his head and chuckled. "I know, but you see it's only fair. James was her mate and you killed him. She thought it appropriate to kill your sister, Bella here, other than you—fair turnabout, a loved one for a loved one. She asked me to get the lay of the land for her, so to speak. I didn't imagine you would be so easy to get to." 

Laurent's weight shifted slightly, and the girls stumbled another step back.

He frowned. "I suppose she'll be angry, all the same." 

"Then why not wait for her?" Bella choked out. 

A mischievous grin rearranged his features. "Well, you've caught me at a bad time. I didn't come to this place on Victoria's mission—I was hunting. I'm quite thirsty, and you do smell... simply mouthwatering." 

Laurent looked at Bella with approval as if he meant it as a compliment. 

"He'll know it was you," Bella whispered. "You won't get away with this." 

"And why not?" Laurent's smile widened. He gazed around the small opening in the trees. "The scent will wash away with the next rain. No one will find your body—you'll simply go missing, like so many, many other humans. There's no reason for Edward to think of me if he cares enough to investigate. This is nothing personal, let me assure you. Just thirst." 

"It won't be Edward you'll have to worry about," said Bailey. "I can promise you that much. You're making a mistake." 

Laurent looked at her. Unlike her sister, Bailey didn't smell as appetizing, not mouthwatering—such an interesting aroma for a human, too earthy for his tastes. But blood still coursed through her veins so he wouldn't be too picky. 

"Look at it this way, Bailey. You girls are very lucky I was the one to find you." 

"We are?" Bella mouthed. Another faltering step back was taken. 

Laurent followed, lithe and graceful. 

"Yes," he assured. "I'll be very quick. You won't feel a thing, I promise. Oh, I'll lie to Victoria about that later naturally, just to placate her. But if you knew what she had planned for you, Bella..." He shook his head with a slow movement, almost as if in disgust. "I swear you'd be thanking me for this." 

Bella stared at her in horror, while Bailey was counting down the time. Any minute now... just a bit more time. 

He sniffed the breeze that blew thread of their hair in his direction. "Mouthwatering," he repeated inhaling deeply. 

Bailey felt her heart thumping, the heaviness of in her chest as her stomach twisted uncomfortably. Her breathing was uneven as time seemed to pass so slowly. She didn't want to die just yet. Not today, not like this and not now. She didn't want to die... she didn't want Bella to die... not here... not here. 

"Paul..." she whispered. Through tearful eyes, she watched as Lareunt paused in the act of inhaling and whipped his head abruptly to the left. She was too afraid to look away from him, to follow his glance. But she was relieved when he started to back from them. 

"I don't believe it," he said, his voice so low that it was almost unheard. 

Bailey and Bella both looked then, scanning the meadow, searching for the interruption that had extended their lives by a few seconds. At first, they say nothing but Laurent was retreating more quickly now, his eyes boring into the forest. 

Then they saw it; a huge black shape eased out of the trees, quiet as a shadow, and stalked deliberately toward the vampire. it was enormous—as tall as a horse, but thicker, much more muscular. The long muzzle grimaced, revealing a line of dagger-like incisors. A grisly snarl rolled out from between the teeth, rumbling across the clearing like a prolonged crack of thunder. 

The bear. But, it wasn't a bear at all. Still, from a distance, anyone would assume it was a bear. Only Bailey knew better. It padded silently through the grass a mere ten feet from where Bailey and Bella stood. She stared at the creature, the distinctly canine cast to the shape of it and the way it moved; who could've imagined a wolf could get so big? Another growl rumbled in its throat, and Bailey shuddered away from the sound. 

Laurent was backing toward the edge of the trees; he was so visibly afraid. His eyes were reasonably wide with terror as the mammoth wolf was not alone. Flanking it on either side, another two gigantic beasts prowled silently into the meadow. One was a deep gray, the other brown, neither not quite as tall as the first. 

Bailey watched. The gray wolf came through the trees only a few feet from her. She locked eyes with it and despite its size, and terrifying features... she felt at ease. The wolf's eyes were dark, nearly black, Bailey's favourite colour; they seemed to hold the magnitude of a black hole. Its deep eyes were too intelligent for a wild animal. It was him. She knew that it was, it had his eyes. He came just in time.

He looked at her for a while staring carefully, before it locked eyes with Laurent and snarled deeply. 

Before she could even react, two more wolves followed, lined up in a V, like geese flying south. Which meant that the rusty brown canine that shrugged through the brush last was close enough to touch. 

Bella gave an involuntary gasp and jumped back.

The wolf closest to them, the reddish brown one, turned its head slightly at the sound of Bella's gasp. Bailey looked at it, watching as Bella and it stared at one another. There was a familiarity to this wolf and Bailey suddenly thought of Jacob. Could it be?

Then another low growl from the leader caused the russet wolf to whip his head around, back toward Laurent. 

Laurent was staring at the pack of monster wolves with unconcealed shock and fear. If Bailey had blinked at the moment she would have missed it. Without warning, he spun and disappeared into the trees. He ran away. 

The wolves were after him in a second, sprinting across the open grass with a few powerful bounds, snarling and snapping so loudly that not only had Bailey her hands fly instinctively to cover her ears; Bella did the same.

The sound faded with surprising swiftness once they disappeared into the woods. And then they were alone again. 

⍣ ೋ

It didn't take them nearly as long to escape the trees as it did to find the meadow since Bailey was showing the way back that she had made sure to remember. After around half an hour or so there was a break in the trees ahead. The sisters came out onto the empty road a mile or so south of where Bella had left the truck. They jogged up the lane until they found it. By the time they'd pulled themselves into the truck, Bella was sobbing again. 

Bailey looked at her confused by her tears. 

Bella fiercely shoved both stiff locks before she dug her keys out of her pocket. The roar of the engine was comforting and sane and the truck soon drove toward the main highway. 

Bella was much calmer but still a mess when they got home. Charlie's cruiser was in the driveway; it was rather late. The sky was already dusky. 

"Girls?" Charlie asked when the front door slammed shut behind them and Bella hastily turned the locks. 

"Yeah, it's us." Bella's voice was unsteady. 

"Where have you been?" he thundered, appearing through the kitchen doorway with an ominous expression. 

Bailey glanced at Bella. Charlie had probably called the Stanleys. It would be better to stick to the truth. 

"We were hiking," she admitted. 

His eyes were tight. "What happened to going to Jessica's?" 

"I didn't feel like Calculus today." 

Charlie folded his arms across his chest. "I thought I asked you to stay out of the forest." 

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry, we won't do it again." Bella shuddered. 

Charlie seemed to really look at them for the first time. They'd spent time on the forest floor today; they must be a mess. 

"What happened?" Charlie demanded, he looked at Bailey. 

"Exhaustion." Bailey lied. "Lack of oxygen from the air thinning the further up we went." 

"We saw the bear." Bella tried to say calmly, but her voice was high and shaky. "It's not a bear, though—it's some kind of wolf. And there were five of them. A big black one, a reddish-brown one, a gray—" 

"Bears." Bailey shot a look at Bella. Why couldn't she have lied this time around? "Not wolves. And there weren't five. Maybe it just looked that way. A mother and her cubs, I think. Grizzly, no, black... yeah, black bears." 

Charlie's eyes grew round with horror. He stroked quickly toward them, he grabbed the top of Bella's arm and looked at Bailey, stroking her on the top of her head. 

"Are you two okay?"

Bailey's head bobbed in a nod. 

"Tell what happened." 

Bailey spoke before Bella could reveal more of the truth. "They didn't pay any attention to us. After they were gone we ran. Bella fell down a few times."  

He wrapped his arm around Bella and brought Bailey close to that her forehead rested against his chest. She grimaced but appreciated that he didn't go for a full hug like Bella. For a long moment, he didn't say anything. 

"Wolves," he murmured. 

"What?" Bailey looked up at him. Why the hell was he going back to wolves? 

"The rangers said the tracks were wrong for a bear—but wolves just don't get that big..." 

"These were huge," said Bella. 

"They could have been a crossbreed." Bailey came up with another excuse. "They didn't look quite right. But they were definitely bears." 

"How many did you say you saw?" 

"Five." Bella managed to say before Bailey could blurt out another lie. 

"They were headed southeast, toward Oregan." It wasn't much but at least she could lead them in the wrong direction. 

Charlie shook his head, frowning with anxiety. He finally spoke in a tone that allowed no argument. "No more hiking." 

"No problem," Bella promised fervently. 

Charlie called the station to report what his daughters had seen. 

"Are you hungry?" he asked them when he hung up the phone. 

"Just tried," Bella told him and turned for the stairs. 

Bailey rubbed her face and went to leave as well. 

"Hey," Charlie said, his voice suddenly suspicious again. "Didn't you say Jacob was gone for the day?" 

"That's what Billy said," Bella told him, confused by his question. 

He studied Bella's expression for a minute and seemed satisfied by what he saw there. 


"Why?" Bella demanded. It sounded like he was implying that she'd been lying to him this morning about something besides studying with Jessica. 

"Well, it's just that when I went to pick up Harry, I saw Jacob out in front of the store down there with some of his friends. I waved hi, but he... well, I guess I don't know if he saw him. I think maybe he was arguing with his friends. I looked strange, he was upset about something. And... different. It was like you can watch that kid growing! He gets bigger every time I see him." 

"Billy said Jake and his friends were going up to Port Angeles to see some movies. They were probably just waiting for someone to meet them." 

"Oh." Charlie nodded and headed for the kitchen. 

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