Unbelievably Inlove with You

By Code27xxx

40.8K 724 70

Im inlove with a woman who has a Blue Eyes More

Chapter 1:Beca's Sister
Chapter 2: Mitchell sisters
Chapter 3: Kiss
Chapter 4: Truth Or Dare
Chapter 5: Tattoo
Chapter 6: Jealous Beca
Chapter 7:Day 1
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9: Kidnapped
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Letter
Chapter 12:Officially Yours
Chapter 13:Finally!
Chapter 14:Love Quarrel
Chapter 15:Prank
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19:Dinner
Chapter 20: Robi and Aubrey
Chapter 21: Promises(Bechloe)
Chapter 22: Chloe vs Chylee
Chapter 23: Cheater
Chapter 24:Accident
Chapter 25: Devin
Chapter 27:Bechloe

Chapter 26

504 14 0
By Code27xxx

Beca's POV
We arrived the Bellas house yesterday at 4:21 in the afternoon.

We have enjoyed the Bond as well as me! I met Devin.

And today? I'm planning on something but first i need Chloe to be distracted by someone. So! i texted Chicago.

Well im not jealous to him anymore! We are good friends now. And He have a girlfriend already.

Chicago Agreed with my plan to distract her and within 10 minutes he will be here.

"Babe! Chicago Invited me to have coffee with him is that ok with you?"- Chloe asked me

"Yes babe of course. Chicago is a good friend and and and!! I trust you just be safe ok?"- i said

She smiled at me.

"Oh my baby!I love you!"- She said then kissed me to my forehead

"I love you more Babe!"- i said and hugged her so tight


I opened the door "Hey! Chicago!"- i greeted him

"Hi Beca!"-He gave me a hugged

Chloe Coughs" Hi Chicago! Get off to my Girlfriend"- Then she arc her right eyebrow.

Chicago and i laugh"Chicago! Take care of my girl ok?I trust you"- I said

He smiled at me"I will Beca"- He said then winks"Chlo! Lets go! i will introduced to you my girlfriend for the first time"- He said then smiled

"Babe! We better go now! I'll update you when we arrive . i love you"-And she gave me a sweet kiss

"Bye Babe and Chicago! Be safe guys!"- She wave and entered the car.

I closed the door and I saw Emily giving me a question mark stare .

"Whats the meaning this? You are allowing Chloe to be with her ex suitor?"-Stacie asked me with disbelief

"Well well! Ouch!"- Aubrey Hit me

"What the Hell!Beca! Why'd you Allowed her to be with Chicago!"- Aubrey yelled at me

"Will you please let me talk first duh!"- I yelled back

"First of all I trust Chicago .Second! He have a girlfriend and lastly! He helped me to distract her so that i can talk to you nerds"-  i said

"So what do you want to talk about? Faster Bumper and i has a date today!" Amy said

"Go now"- i said seriously

"But i can cancel it for you know im your bestfriend hehe"-I just rolled my eyes on what Amy said

"So whats this is all about?"-Robi asked

"Im planning to Propose to her"- I said

"Ohh Youre going to propose to her? When?"-Flo asked

"Tomorrow "- i answered

"Oh my god! Is that really really?"- Emily said excitedly

I nodded

"Ok Ok Guys! Im going to manage everything! It is all settled im the manager"- Amy said

"Lazy Fat Amy!"- Aubrey said the rolled her eyes. 

"So Im incharge to the Music and Lights"-Jessica said"Of course Ash will be with me"-she added

"Me! Im going to be your watch out Again!"- Lily said then smiled

"Im going to arrange the decoration and of course the place of your dinner date"-  Stacie said"Cynthia and Flo will be my partner"

"While you are busy on preparing and buying a ring tomorrow . I 'll do something ok?"-Robi said

"Me and Emily will be incharge to her make up and dress. "-Aubrey said

"Oraytsss!! Lets plan everything Operation! Make Chloe say yes!"- Cynthia  screamed

"Ahuuu!"- They shouted

Im really lucky to have them.

I gave them a smile and they give me a smile too of course.

Chloe's POV
When i got home the girls are acting really weird.

Beca is being Cold to me.

Until now they are acting so so weird.

"Beca Babe? Why they are acting so weird?"- i asked

"I dont know babe. "-She answered me shortly she put  her face to my shoulder then hugged me.

I love the way she's doing this. I feel so loved.

"Babyyy!!!! I love you so muchhhhhhh!"- She screamed and i was shocked

"Jeez! Shut up Beca!"- Stacie yelled at her

"Whatever Stacie! hahahayaya"- Beca Shouted

"Chloeeeeee!!"-My bestfriend screamed

"What Aubrey?!"- i asked

She is being Crazy again!

"Lets talk Sister In Law upstairs!"- Robi said then put her left hand to my Head

"Lets Go!"-Aubrey said

"Wait! Im going talk to my B..E... where is she?"-I asked

"She went out Why? "-Lily asked

"She did not tell me "-i answered seriously

."oh Poor Chloe"- Stacey Said then Chuckled

"shut up stacey!"- i blurted

She just gave me a chuckle.

That Beca Mitchell is giving me a high blood pressure ugh!

"Stop it Your saying it loud"- Aubrey said

"Its irritating you know! She went out without telling me! I hate it pssssh!'-  i hissed

and they keep on laughing at me.

"Oh come on Dear! She just went out doing some stuff like having fun with other hotties Ouch! Omg!"- Fat Amy Shouted with all pain.Because i hit her using my flying shoes towards her

"Beca will never do that! Patricia!Ok?"- I said

"why did you hit me!"- she asked

"Because youre so Annoying! "- i answered and just laugh at me

seriously these girls making me so ugh!!

"Hello? Yes? Yes? ok 8:30 what!? Ok ok?'- Robi said well shes talking someone to the call

" who is that ?"- i asked

"its Beca"- she answered and i gave her a cold stare"Chill my sister in law shes doing something important yah know. "- she assured me

"Make sure Little Mitchell or else i'll smash your face"- i said

she just laugh at me.

"im scared "- she said

"You should"- I said then walked out
8:00 Pm

and Beca is still not here. Im really mad right now!She did not texted me or texted anyone of us!

"Hello Beca? what? ok ok! yeah what ever"- Its Stacie

"Beale! Come with me in my room"- she said seriously"Dont ask anything or else i'll kill your future wife"- said

I arced my left eyebrow

"stop doing that!"- she said

She pulled me.We go to her room and Aubrey and Emily are waiting for me.

I gave them a confuse look. Like What the eff!

"Oh! The future Mitchell is here"- Emily said cheerfully"OMG im crying right now"- she said

"Stop acting weird legacy! hahaha Lets go fix her."- Aubrey said" She looks like an old woman having a menstrual achuchunes "- She added.

"What the hell is achuchuness?"- i asked

"I dont even know that too?by the way i need to go somewhere"- Stacie said then disappeared


I just shrugged.

"By the way where is your girlfriend?Is she with  her sister?"- i asked

"I don't know she just disappeared like a bubbles" She answered.

Beca's POV
Im totally nervous right now. Im going to propose you know its kinda ugh!

"Beca come on! Calm down! Jeez"- Stacie said

"Where is Robi?"- i asked

"She just go her friends house why?"- Robi managed to go to her friends house while im here rehearsing so hard.

"Beca chill! Dear everything will be perfect."- Flo said

"Yeah Little B! Chloe will say Yes. She loves you so much"- Cynthia said

"I hope so!"- i said then walked out

This is the night. I will propose to her as my wife.

I close my eyes and think on what we have been before. Pain, struggles and fights. I hope she will yes.

(A/N yow! readers im back sorry for not updating for a long long time. I'll make it up to you. iloveyou guys)

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