Saved By Your Love

By niwritez

23K 906 788

It's 1987. Michael Jackson is shattered by the marriage of Diana Ross, isolated by fame, and finding it hard... More

1. Full of Surprises
2. In Search of a Friend
3. Who the Hell Are You?
4. Get Even
5. It's Stopped Raining
6. Price of Fame
7. Live It Up
8. Wishing and Waiting
9. Listen to Your Heart
10. Life Ain't Promised
11. Mixing Friendship with Feelings
12. The Date from Hell
13. Love Is a Complicated Thing
14. Every Step Every Way
15. Be Mine
16. Breaking Point
17. One Hell of a Party
18. Move on and Let Go
19. Carried Away
21. A False Picture
22. Talk This Through

20. I Want You

1.3K 31 30
By niwritez

This chapter contains sexual scenes. Reader discretion is advised.

Sunday 26th July 1987

Sheri's POV

"Was the movie really that boring?" breathed Michael, in between kisses on my lips. He leaned over me while we lay on my bed together.

I bit my lip and straight-up admitted it, "it wasn't as good as this."

It was at least eleven at night, Joy was asleep. It was just the two of us, accompanied by the subtle light of the bedside lamp. As much as I had a blast going out, nothing beat spending close, quality time with Michael at my bed. We were half talking, half getting up to other things. There wasn't anywhere else I wanted to be and nothing else I wanted to do. He was my idea of a good time.

I ran my hands through his curls as he deepened the kiss and positioned his body right on top mine. His tasted me with his tongue and I gave him the access he was after. I gently took his lower lip between my teeth and he smiled. The only thing that made it hard to focus on him was the typical heat of a summer night—so hot even Satan was sweating.

I butted in, "you mind if I get changed into something a little more comfortable?"

"No, not at all," he said, and rolled off me.

"Be right back," I enticed, before disappearing into my bathroom.

I returned two minutes later, outta my jeans and into a baby blue slip dress with my curly hair free. I gave Michael the chance to look at me. He didn't say anything, but his thoughts were written on his face; his eyes scanned my body up and down in a heated gaze, followed by a little rise in the corners of his lips. I joined him back on the bed, where we lay on our sides, facing each other.

"You look good," he complimented. I smiled and captured his lips in a kiss. Before I could do it again, he interrupted, "Sheri,"

His face was still so close, so close that his breath danced on my skin.


He paused and asked, "can I tell you something?"

I spoke on his lips, "can it wait?"

Suddenly, he became silent as a stone and he bowed his head. Whatever it was must've really been bugging him.

This time, I questioned him, "Michael? What's up?"

He shook his head once as if he wanted me to forget that he even asked and his guard went up. "Nothing. I-It's nothing."

"I don't think it's nothing," I urged.

"No, really," he insisted. "It's okay."

"You got something on your mind, you can tell me."

"I know," he said, leaving it at that. I'll get it outta him later.

It was my turn to interrupt, "well, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

I asked him as if I tore a bandage off a wound.

"Do you love me?"

He dodged my question by repeating it like a smart-ass, "do you love me?"

I playfully rolled my eyes, "I asked you first, Michael."

He surely failed to control emotions, since he blushed hard, his cheeks blossomed bright red, "I...y-yes..."

My heart thudded in my chest.

"Yes, what?"

"You know what..."

Not good enough. "I wanna hear you say it."

He took both my hands in his and held my gaze, a mix of and honesty and seriousness in his eyes. He got real with me. "Sheri, with an 'i', Ann Carter," and then he said it, "I love you."

I never heard anything sound so damn beautiful before. Three little words, but they had a wealth of meaning behind them, more than all the riches in the world. The moment they left his lips, my life changed forever.

"Prove it..." I whispered in his ear, "Make love to me."

"Right now?"

"Right now."

He cleared his throat. "Um, Sheri, the thing is, I um..."

I waited for him to spit it out.

"Come on, Michael," I said, "ain't you tired of waiting?"

"Well, yeah..."

"Same here. So what's the problem?"

The response he gave me was questionable. "It's just...are you certain about this?"

As if you don't know the answer to that already. I chuckled, "I've been more than certain for a while now."

His hesitation pushed on. He fidgeted with his fingers and rubbed his nose once. He couldn't meet my eye. This don't make no damn sense.

"Michael," I quietly said, and he glanced up at me, "I want you."

He licked his lips and ceased blinking. "Y-you do?"

I leaned my face towards him, starting the first of physical contact between us, lightly touching my nose on his. "So fucking bad. I wanna give my all to you."

And the spell had been cast.

I kissed him, slowly and carefully at first, testing to see how far I could go with him. He was the one who picked up the pace and he eased me to lie on my back before settling his body over mine.

"I want you too," he whispered, plain fact.

He swept his nose along the side of my neck, making me gasp. Then he pressed his lips there and I felt him smile on my skin, as my breathing got more erratic with each one. His soft lips all over my neck made my skin heat up and my temperature rocket. I lifted my chin up to offer more of myself to him, with no choice but to try and suppress my moans. His hand roamed across my chest, down my stomach, over my thighs where I felt his hard-on against me, covering so much area with every swift movement. But I needed him to speed things up a bit. I reached down to grab his hand and place it in between my legs. I let him do the rest. He cupped me and started to slowly rub me there. I quietly hummed my approval and felt everything in me tighten. And it was torture. He was taking his damn time, forcing me to submit to his slow pace when I was desperate to have him.

"You like that?" he asked, as his fingers kept working.

I couldn't even speak, but it was pretty obvious. He had me so worked up. I hoped he wouldn't put a stop to everything midway and leave me with that halted-sneeze feeling.

"You're sure?" I asked.

He murmured sweet nothings in between his hot kisses, "I'm sure. I wanna feel you...and make love to you...and hold you when we're done. I want you, girl."

He uncovered this secret, seductive side of him and I loved it. I always knew he had many different dimensions; the performer, the prankster, and the most popular one being this shy, reserved person that I was so used to. At the right time and place, Michael had a lotta sexual energy and he knew how to use it. That that something was ignited in him. And, man, did it burn bright.

It was getting really warm underneath him and I needed a breath. With my hands on his chest, I gave a light push and turned him onto his back. Now the one in control, I sat atop him with my legs on either side, flipped my hair away and let my lips go to town on his neck, resting them on his pulse for a second, which was racing as hard and fast as mine. I breathed in his citrus scent as the heat literally radiated off of him. His skin was hot to the touch; I couldn't help but gently bite him, causing him to inhale sharply through his teeth-not outta pain, but outta pleasure.

I reached down to his crotch and felt his hardness through his pants and got a feel for his length. From previous experiences with him, I knew he was above average. But this time we were actually gonna have sex and I was anxious yet eager.

"Someone's excited..." I mumbled in his ear.

"You see what you've done to me?" his light laughter faded into sweet sighs as he encouraged me to keep stroking him.

"I'm just getting started," I teased—but that was a promise.

I threw my slip off, dropped it to the floor, and let him see my undressed body. His eyes widened and darkened with lust, quickly wandering all over me as if he didn't know where to look first. His stare didn't make me antsy; he made me feel like he was looking at something so delicious that he'd wanna devour.

"My God, look at you..." he said in a soft voice, barely above a whisper. He reached out to caress my small breasts with those large hands of his. His touch made my face flame hot...I bit my lip to stop myself from crying out.

"You like what you see?"

He shook his head and corrected me, "I love it. God took the time to make you so beautiful, Sheri."

I kissed him again and my fingers worked the top button of his red shirt. My mouth damn near watered in anticipation of finally seeing what he looked like under his clothes. But his hand came swiftly over mine, halting mine as soon as I undid the button, revealing the neckline of his white t-shirt.


I lifted myself up off him and we exchanged glances. But I couldn't read his dark gaze. Now, what...? While I was mostly bared to him, he was still keeping something to himself.

He visibly swallowed and he stuttered, "Um, I-I don't know how to tell you this. But I um...I have..."

I reluctantly replied, "Michael, take a deep breath. What's up?"

He really didn't have no words to say. He silently lifted up both of the layers he was wearing up to his waist and gave me permission to look.

But at what?

I stole a peek at his toned midsection. "Okay...? You have abs and I don't. Nice."

He chuckled, but avoided eye contact with me, "no, look closer."

At a second glance, there were different colored patches covering his front and arms, some paler in certain places, but it looked like it was spreading. It was confusing as hell, but fascinating as hell at the same time.

"What is this?" As if it matters.

He let out a heavy sigh. His voice was toneless. "This is why I couldn't, all those other times."

So this is what stopped him? "Michael, I don't-"

"I'm getting lighter and I can't stop it."

Wrong as it was, I couldn't tear my gaze off what I saw. I never even heard of anything like that, it was freaking crazy, but it didn't look all that bad to me.

"I don't understand," I said.

"I don't either," he faltered over his words, "no matter what do, I just...i-it's this thing I have and..."

"Hey, hey," I hushed him. "You don't gotta explain."

"But I didn't...I didn't want you to see it." He pulled his clothes back down and hid again.

"I get why," I consoled, "but I've seen it now."


I shrugged. "And it don't mean nothing to me."

"It doesn't?"

"Not a single thing. Do you really think there's anything about you that I wouldn't like or make me stop wanting you?"

He didn't reply, but the look in his eyes told me that he did. He turned his face away to cloud his emotions.

I leaned down over him again and placed my hand on his cheek, guiding his eyes to meet mine. "Michael, listen to me. You don't have to hide this from me. You're so much more than whatever this is. I swear, it ain't a big deal. Not to me, anyway. I don't see you any different 'cause of it."

"You mean it?"

"Damn right I do. You're still the kindest, most talented, fun-loving, outta-this-world, total clown that I've ever met," I said, and his low spirits were quickly lifted; he smiled. "And you are so, so sexy."

That comment always embarrassed him. I pecked at his neck and he giggled as if he was my lips tickled him. Michael's insecurity was charming, to say the least.

"Can I?" I asked.

He took a deep breath and then allowed me, nodding his head once and silently telling me that he trusted me. I loosened his second button, then the third, and kept going till there were none left. He freed his arms from the sleeves. I waited for him to show me the rest, to prove to me that he was everything I thought he was. He moved fast as if to stop himself from changing his mind later when he lifted his t-shirt up and over his head. He shifted his weight to toss both clothes to the floor and waited for my reaction. I released a sigh, straight-up stunned at the sight of him. The years of dancing he'd done were written all over his body; his slim, slender frame broadened at his shoulders and narrowed at his waist, more fat-free than water. I reached out to touch his bare chest for the first time, putting my hand flat on his small pecs, feeling his heartbeat racing wild. Moving my gaze downwards, I smiled when I noticed he was an outie. Lord, I can't believe you hid this from me for so long. Plus, the discoloured patches here and there weren't stark white compared to the rest of his skin, just paler. But I could see why it made him self-conscious. He caught me staring and his uneasiness shifted into a knowing grin. Now that he was a little more comfortable, I dared to touch the light areas on his chest.

"Ouch!" He winced, scaring the shit outta me.

Then he laughed.

"Michael!" I exclaimed, and let out a harsh breath of relief. "You have gotta stop doing that!"

"I'm sorry," he continued to have his wicked fun, his laughter soon blending with my own.

"I swear, there ain't a thing I'd change about you. You're perfect the way you are," I told him, leaning down to kiss him gently at first, but with growing urgency when he responded.

Pretty soon we got back into it. My entire universe became nothing but touching and kissing and biting. Michael's hands roamed my sides, my back, hell, even my arms, sparking electric shocks on my skin. He paid attention to every part of me. I left a path of kisses starting from his neck, down to his waist, giving the light patches some extra love. With his belt and pants off and on the floor with the rest of our clothes, I waited for him to give me the all-clear before giving the old sayonara to his boxers too.

"Don't be shy," I said, but he pressed his lips together as if to smother a smile. "Come on, Michael, I'm gonna see it one day," I reasoned.

Yeah, a birthday suit ain't the easiest outfit to wear, but I'd already seen the rest of him so what difference would it make? Maybe he remembered what I told him earlier, about how perfect he was to me or how I didn't care about his skin, but he did a 360 and hooked his thumbs onto the hem of boxers before he slowly lowered them himself. Now he wasn't wearing a single thing.

My eyes refused to look away. Holy shit. But my thoughts faded into damn all when I took a hold of his length and felt him get bigger in my grasp. I kept his heated gaze and slowly stroked him to turn him on again since he kinda killed the mood back there. Well, it worked. His breathing got heavier, his eyes closed in the heat of the moment. I lowered my head and brought my lips down onto him slowly. He let out a quiet exhale as I began pleasuring him.

"Sheri..." he mumbled, clearly unable to say much.

"How does that feel?" I asked, giving my mouth a break to use my hands.

"So good..." he softly moaned, convincing me it was the sexiest sound I ever heard.

I responded by putting my lips around him again, this time taking more of him into my mouth, moving my hand up and down the rest of his shaft. His arms got tense and he gripped the sheets, taking God's name in vain over and over again. My insides melted into the liquid fire at the sight of my man becoming undone at my very touch. I kept teasing him with my tongue till he asked me to stop.

All he could manage was a brief warning, "Sheri, I'm..."

I released him and Michael flipped me over, positioning himself between my legs. I raised my hips to help him pull my panties down and get rid of the last thing in his way. We both got under the covers and pulled them past our waists even in the heat of the summer night. We were in for a sweat-storm. He met me with another fiery kiss, building up the anticipation.

"Michael," I sighed, "I can't hold on anymore. I want you. I need you."

"I need you too," he whispered, as he lowered his body and slowly pressed himself against me. My breath hitched.

He stopped and asked me, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just...been a while," I said, and then pointed out the obvious. "And you're huge. There's that too."

He blushed before trying again, "I'll be gentle."

Michael placed his hands flat on the bed, on either side of my chest and he slowly entered, pushing more of himself into me with caution. I winced at first; I wasn't used to his size, but the minute he started to make love to me, the little stings of pain disappeared and turned into total pleasure. He finally gave me what I'd been wanting for so long and, man, it was worth the wait. Pure ecstasy. His warm breath hit my neck in a sort of rhythm, perfectly in tune with his strokes. With my hand on the back of his neck, I eased his head down so we could kiss, feeling his needs, his passion, his emotions and most of all, the love inside of him. My hands snuck up into his hair and I pulled out his hair tie, letting his long curls fall loose so I could lose my fingers in his soft locks. His moans were so low even I could hardly hear 'em, but they let me know it was good for him too. I wrapped my legs around his waist and it was sweet, but he was going too slow—not that either of us was in a rush to get to the finish line.

"Michael...faster..." I quietly requested.

He listened and picked up the pace, and I moaned in satisfaction, putting my arms around his neck, holding on to him tight, letting my moans sound in his ear. For the very first time in my life, I forgot about everything else. It was just us two, taking each other higher as he cemented his place in my heart.

"You feel so good Michael, fuck..."

He kissed me again, leaving our foreheads touching and our eyes locked straight after. Something came over me, I don't know what, but I couldn't keep the damn words trapped in me anymore.

"I love you too."

He smiled. In bed, he was the quiet type, I figured. The only time he said anything was to let me know...


"I want you inside me."

Well, he wasn't kidding. His climax followed probably only a few minutes after. He let out his loudest moan of the night, and I felt his seed release in me. The energy was probably sucked outta him since he flopped on top of me and his breaths were harsh against my neck. His words were stifled to a murmur but his confusion was obvious.

"Sheri," he hesitantly thrust once. "Should I...?"

I closed my eyes, trying to concentrate. "Keep going. I'm nearly there."

It's a good thing Michael was so patient. Let's just say that it took me longer than average to come... I arched my back against him in hopes it'd make him go deeper. I tried fantasising. It got to the point I actually groaned outta total frustration 'cause the big O just wasn't happening. I opened my eyes again. Should I just fake it?

Before I could, Michael reached down and gave a helping hand. Literally.

"I'll take you there," he promised, as he pressed kisses down the side of my neck.

His fingers stimulated the most sensitive part of me in a way that was just right. We engaged in another scorching kiss. By now it was so hot that it felt like the room was starting to burn up. Michael continued to push me over the edge and after some delay, I completely lost control of myself in every possible way: physically, emotionally and mentally. We reached the highest, hottest temperature and an explosion erupted within my body; a wave of intense pleasure washed over me. I never felt so good in my entire life.

As we lay there, the only sound after that was my heavy breathing, which calmed as the minutes passed. I was kinda stunned by just how much I needed him. It was obvious my feelings for him were beyond attraction. What I felt for him was so much more. It was love. And it was real. These were all the things I tried to block out, things I didn't wanna admit for so long. Being in love with someone again was like being at war with myself. But Michael was different. So instead of fearing it, I learned how to embrace it.

Michael turned onto his back and the cool air finally set on my bare skin. I rested my head on his chest with his arm around me and listened to his heartbeat.

He broke the silence. "Sheri?"


"Did you mean what you said?"

"All four words," I lifted myself up with my elbows on his chest and looked at him. "But it's more than that. I'm in love with you."

"I..." he chuckled, "I, um, I never thought I'd hear you say that, honestly."

I couldn't tell if he was joking. "Well, apart from myself, the only other person I was lying to was you."

I let myself get briefly distracted by the curls that fell over his shoulder, somehow getting entangled in my fingers. When I glanced back up at him, he was a million miles away.

"I should've told you sooner," he said as if he was reading his mind out loud. "How I feel, I mean. I should've told you that night when you down."

Oh yeah. About that. "No, don't blame yourself. I mean, I thought that it could be true. That's why I asked you earlier on. I wanted to know if it was for real..." I confessed. "Well, now I know."

We smiled at each other, just long enough to know that we felt happy and safe when we were together. I rested my head back down on the space between his shoulder and neck, liking the tickle of his soft curls brushing on my cheek. He pulled the sheets up to cover us and he entwined his hand with mine.

Almost forgot. "And thanks for your help back there..."

"Help? Oh, you mean..."


"I'm glad we got there in the end."

I sighed and closed my eyes, so content that I didn't wanna engage in any type of task for years. "I second that." It can't be like that every time we have sex. Even his patience will run thin at some point. How am I gonna tell him that the pills fuck with my orgasms?

The sound of Michael's soft voice interrupted my gloomy outlook. "So, are you gonna tell me where you learned all that?"

"Is that your way of saying you liked it?"

"Yes," he admitted with a chuckle. "You know, I've wanted this for a while, what we have...and the type of honesty and understanding from someone who wants me for me."

I smiled to myself, "I don't see you the way everyone else does. I see you for who you really are. And you ain't gotta worry about that ever changing."

"Sheri, I don't want you to be afraid to love me," he said, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

I was glad he couldn't see my face; it would've betrayed my guilt.

"I know that the last time didn't work out, but that doesn't mean that it never will."

"I trust you, Michael."

And that was all I needed to say before we both drifted off into sleep.

Me again...
Well it's about time! I always get *super* nervous when writing these types of scenes and it takes a lot of courage to post them, but I hope it was to your liking.
What do you think Michael was going to tell Sheri, before they um, did the deed? — it will be revealed in the next chapter.
Please vote/comment!
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