
By lostinnyc

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"Love me or hate me, both are in my favour. If you love me I'll always be in your heart. And if you hate me I... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Q And A.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.

Chapter 24.

239 13 73
By lostinnyc

Protect [prə-ˈtekt]

(Verb) //  To keep someone from being harmed, lost, etc.

"Just be careful son, don't get hurt again." I just knew Kylie would never hurt me. She isn't Jenna for fuck sake.

"Why dad?" I said, looking at him, getting slightly pissed.

He chuckled softly at my  reaction, "Son, son, I don't know if you realize it.. But you bring Kylie in danger. What I wanna say is, there are a shit loads of bastards that want you dead. Right?" He said, I nodded my head. "And you having this very big interest in Kylie makes a nice target for these bastards-.." I interrupted him by continuing.

"If she gets hurt, I get hurt." I said through gritted teeth. How could I be this stupid, how have I never thought about this. I tried to hold in my temper, just when I got Kylie, I needed to take distance from her. To protect her.

I didn't want her to get hurt, Marcus is searching for her, I have problems with all the gangs all around England, the East, the West, the North and even the snobs, the South. I balled my hands into fists, I groaned loudly making my dad laugh. I thought about K getting hurt, I fast shut down the horrific images in my head.

After these nasty imaginations, I knew I would set Kylie free to keep her safe. 

Soon, Kylie and my Mum walked towards us. I fast excused myself, grabbing Kylie's hand. We both bid our Goodnight and went home. I ignored Kylie the whole ride, trying to think what I should be doing. I need to keep her safe, I need to keep her safe, I reminded myself. I walked out of the car without giving any attention to Kylie. I walked into the mansion and not long after I closed the door behind me my phone rang. I looked up at the caller ID: Unknown.

I left Kylie alone and made my way towards the balcony, "Styles." I said, I heard a disgusting chuckle from the other side.

"Who the fuck are you." I growled,

"Oh, Styles. Still didn't change a bit." I listened carefully, still confused. "You might think, who this is, but that doesn't matter. I thought you would love to be informed about the fact that we know about your little crush. That little crush you bought for 500,000 pounds cash, the crush that made you kill the precious Jenna."

My hands were shaking from anger, how the fuck did he know all of these?

"Kylie Ellis, Molto Bella Ragazza." (Kylie Ellis, Very Beautiful Girl.)

"Don't ever, dare to speak like that about someone who's mine." I growled, and again, the he laughed.

"Styles, don't see me as an enemy, but also not as a friend.. There are a lot of people watching your every step. You got attacked twice in LA, yet you could escape, but you run away, once, twice, but the third time.. They will catch you. Not only you, oh who am I kidding, not you, they want the Bella signora.

I let out a loud shout as he talked like that about her, my cheeks getting flushed as I slammed my phone on the floor making the device break into pieces.

I pulled at my hair in frustration and tried not to hurt myself. I breathed in slowly, in and out, I concentrated on the birds chirping, the car honks, the busy streets.

Goodbye Kylie.

* * *

*K's POV*

I giggled softly as I chatted with my mom on the phone, my eyes glued on Harry. He's been slightly off since we left his parents house. And also not long after we arrived he got a phone call, he left the room immediately and came back with a pale face. I didn't wanna question him about it when I saw he was too mad, I hated when he screamed at me.

He was now wandering around the room, looking up, tapping his fingers on each other.

I ended the phone call, laying it on the coffee table. When I realized H getting more frustrated and walked towards him. I took his large hand in mine and putted it on my waist as I laid my head on his chest. "What's wrong?" I breathed in his amazing cologne, I held him tight. But he didn't hug me back, so I held him tighter. 

Still nothing.

"Please, hold me in your arms." I whispered getting a bit scared. But all he did was tap my back and leave me standing alone in the middle of the big mansion.


The next days got even worse:

It was around 8PM, it was raining hard. I sat on the sofa watching the music videos on MTV. I hummed to the lyrics softly. Harry had left an hour, saying that he needed to figure out some 'issues'. I was scared that he would leave me, that he would get mad. 

I fast got up when I heard the door open, H's clothes were soaked. His eyes red and puffy, his hands injured.

"Oh Harry, what happened?." I said holding back the tears,

"Please get in, you're gonna get sick." I said. When he didn't move I took his hand in mine, but he didn't hold mine like I held his. I ignored the pain in my heart and pushed him towards his room. I took 2 big towels out of his wardrobe. 

I undressed him. My cheeks getting flushed but I didn't mind, Harry watched me with a Melancholy look. He was fully undressed, all bare in front of me. I wrapped his cold body with the black towel of his. It smelled like Harry. Harry, my favorite sense. I brushed his hair that got in his eyes, my lips parted open as I looked at him. My stomach hurt, my heart burned like someone poured toxic on it. But as much as twisted it sounds, I loved the feeling of it.

I leaned in closer, my hands on his waist, while his arms were on its place. It was like he refused himself to touch me, I leaned in closer, slowly, too slow. H's pink lips parted, his eyes watery, He closed his eyes as I breathed out on his lips. 

I held him tighter, Why are you like this, my dear? I asked myself. And then he did it, just when I wanted to wrap my soft lips around his, he turned his head. My lips parted in disbelieve, the boy who begged me to love him back turned his head to me. I tightened my grip on his waist, my eyes getting watery like his. 

"Please." I whispered. My voice giving away I was close to crying, "Harry, I'm begging you. Please, tell me what have I done?"


And with that I left him alone.


* * *

I opened my eyes, trying to adjust the sun light that blinded me. I thought about the past days since, everything happened after we went to Mr Styles house, he took his distance, he was cold.

He wasn't like my Harry. He acted like he was ready to leave me, let go of me. I felt a slight pain in my chest when I thought about Friday night, a week ago, when he refused to kiss me. I let out  a loud yawn, I stretched a bit and sat up. I fast refreshed myself and walked towards the kitchen filling in my mouth with food, I laughed lightly when I almost gagged from all the food in my mouth. I grabbed my phone and decided to update Nessie on what has happened.

"Hello, Nessie is speaking." Her soft voice said, I immediately felt the lump in my throat.

"Good morning Nessie, it's me Kylie." I whispered, trying not to cry. I fast continued, "I told Harry I love him." I said, whit a small smile on my face who disappeared immediately as I thought about how he started to act.

She screamed after I said that. "You owe me 50 bones Zayn!" I heard Nessie shout, and a loud laugh from Zayn. They bet on us?

Oh dear.

"So tell me." She said right after and I told her about everything. She let out a couple 'Aws'.

"But, Ness, I don't know what happened exactly.." I thought a bit, "I mean, since the day after we visited his parent Harry acts like he is ready to leave me in any minute. I thought, that, Oh God," I whined when I realized how dramatic I sounded, "I mean, he acts cold, and even refused my kiss. I thought that he really Loved me, I just feel like I love him more then he does Love me. Even though I don't show it like he does, I love him till dead." I said above a whisper.

After that I listened to Nessie's securing words, I thanked her multiple times as I ended the phone call. I then checked on Harry, he was still sleeping. His long black lashed laid on his soft cheeks, his cheeks lightly flushed, his hair laying on his forehead. His pink bottom lip in a slight pout as he breathed in deep and slow. I traced my finger over his bare chest, the cold metal of the necklace hit my small fingers, I touched the swallows, slowly running my hand over his nipple, then to his arm. To the ship, up to his collarbones, l touched the A tattoo, then the G. I went closer to his neck, drawing a line to his lips. I breathed out loudly, when I reached his lip. Just then I yelped when H took my finger in between his teeth.

"Don't" He said with a hoarse voice.

He shook his head lightly as he took me next to him. The warm blankets felt nice against my cold body. We looked at each other in silence, my head slightly tilt up as his was a bit down. He closed his eyes after a long stare and opened them right after.

"Do you really think that?" He asked seductively, trying to get a true answer from me. But I was confused. Think what?

"Think what?" I whispered, he scoffed and shook his head.

"Do you really think that you love me more then I love you?" He said calm.

I slowly brought my hand towards his, I didn't wanna answer that question. 

He looked down at our hands when I entwined them. H tried to get out of my grip but I held it tighter. He then looked up at me through his long lashes. His pale green eyes looking curious.

"Please." He whispered, leaning towards my face, his voice was like melting honey. His cold breath on my face. I blinked a couple times, forgetting how to breath. How does he do that? 

"Yes." I said, looking down. Harry breathed out loudly, "You're wrong." I looked up to meet his eyes.

"You don't know that." I whispered, but right after H fired back: "Why do you think that?" His green eyes were getting moist.

As I tried to search for words I saw him getting inpatient, frustrated because I didn't say anything. 

"Look, Harry," He shook his hand furiously for me to continue faster, "Since a week you've been avoiding me. Since the day we went to your parents house. I mean I hugged you, you didn't hug me back, I talked to you in attempt to have those late night conversations we always used to have but you only answered with 'Yes' and 'No'. You didn't even let me sleep in your bed, while that was all you always wanted. It's like you don't want me anymore. You refused to touch me, you refused my kiss. I just have the feeling you're trying to say Good Bye to me." I whispered, I mentally slapped myself for sounding like a Drama Queen.

"But I don't say Good Bye to you. I never will." I said, trying to make sense.

Harry sighed loudly, making me frown. "You don't get it do you?" He said, you little dip shit of course I don't get it, you never tell me any shit. 

"My dad smacked me in the face with the reality and brought me back to my senses." He laughed sarcastically.

"Love makes blind." His jaw clenched, "The whole damn UK wants me dead, how could I be so stupid?" He said frustrated, "Kylie, remember when I got this phone call?" I fast nodded my head remembering his pale face, "A fucking bastard told me that the other Gangs are working together to get me dead, they know about you and they want to hurt you, they wanna take you away from me. Because they know nothing will hurt me more then losing you." He shook his head like his sentences weren't good enough to explain how bad this situation is.

"I love you more then you love me, I care about you more then you care for me. Because, if saying Good Bye is the right thing to do, then I hurt myself to avoid hurting you, just to keep you safe."

I slightly got mad, "Don't you fucking think I would have done the same thing for you?" 

"You don't have to make that choice." I looked up, squeezing my jaw, trying not to cry. I've made a big mess. If I didn't fall for Harry, nothing of these things would have happened, If I didn't visit London, nothing would have happened. If I took Ness by the arm and walked us towards another street, nothing would have happened. If H wasn't a Gangster, he wouldn't have enemies and nothing would have happened.

"Don't let me go." I whispered, I've never sounded this desperate. "I know you'll keep me safe." Harry then took me by my hips, placing me on his stomach.

"I will do anything to keep you safe, but Kylie what if I can't? I wouldn't be able to live if you ever got hurt because of me." He swallowed visibly, "Just the thought of you being, quiet, pale, cold," He swallowed, "Dead.." A tear fell on his cheeks, he fast and furiously whipped it away with his palm. My heart clenched, I made him like this. It's all my fault. 

"The thought of seeing you never blush a dark shade of red because of me.." He whimpered, trying to sniffle back some sobs. His soft side is painful. "It would be unbearable for me." I felt my head hurting with his words, I took him firmly by his shoulders and pushed him against me. 

"Please, Harry don't let me go. Don't give up on me. If you're ready to fight for me, I will be ready to start a war for you." I whispered, swallowing the tears.

"I've hurt everybody and I'm about to hurt you. If I let you stay you're gonna drown with me." Harry said, No, no no. Don't leave me, please. 

I whimpered, looking at him desperately as I tried to blink away the tears. I didn't wanna cry, I didn't wanna hurt him anymore. I calmed myself down and looked at him, as my lips start to move.

"Then I'll learn to swim." 


(A/N: *Dramatically whips away tears* So hello there my ladies, shit is getting real huh? I'm sorry if everything seemed so rushed in this chapter, but it has a reason. So yeah, I really hope you like it omg I'm embarrassed, because it's shit I don't even know where I'm going with this Fan-fiction okay yeah. AND OMG SAM SMITH'S STAY WITH ME SONG IS ON THE SIDE SO YEAH 


PS: Do you guys want any smut in this fan-fiction, because I'm gonna write the next chapter based on your answer. By the way, like I'm not a smut writer but if you want them to get sexual, I'll try my best to write something down *blushes*



Q: My ladies, so I would love to hear your theories.. 

What do you think will happen with Hylie? + If you have turned 16 already and I mean turning 16 is a 'big deal' I mean, 'Sweet 16' and stuff so, what special thing did you do on that day?

A: I'm obviously saying nothing about what will happen with Hylie, haha and about my 16th birthday, I'm not even kidding, my parents bought me a pair of sock and cake, but they ate it without me. I love them aw.

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