Uncover | Sebastian Stan

By StolenSoldier

511K 9K 711

Everyone has their secrets. Sometimes these can be dangerous, other times they're not. For these two, their s... More

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6.1K 124 8
By StolenSoldier

Fabian groans under his breath to himself, his new pain medication to help him sleep easier seems to still be in effect and making him groggy, rubbing his eyes and adjusting his beanie over his ears. Sebastian, himself and a couple of the cast are on their way to an "on location" place to film. Sebastian asked him to come with them since he's only ever seen them film at the main studios with green screens for a majority of the time so far.

A crew member is driving while the cast is in the back of the minivan with Fabian in the passenger seat. Sebastian is directly behind him with Robert, and in the last row of seats are Chris Evans and Elizabeth. They're part of a mini convoy with another minivan and a van carrying all the filming and sound equipment.

"Are you okay?"

Fabian turns his head slightly as Sebastian talks quietly to him, seeing the Romanian in the corner of his eye leaning forward. The older male places his hand on Fabian's bicep, rubbing circles with his thumb into the muscle.

The younger male nods slowly, "Just tired. I don't think the medication has worn off completely yet."

He sees Sebastian frown before the Romanian squeezes his arm gently. "Okay but let me know if you start to feel worse. You never know what side effects new medications can have on you."

"I know - stop worrying." Fabian waves off his husband's concern, having already heard that speech twice so far. He shuts out the chatter in the car as he hears Sebastian sit back in his seat, shutting his eyes and letting his thoughts drift for the moment, feeling the gentle rock of the vehicle as it hits uneven patches in the road.


Fabian sits on a bench on the sidewalk, looking around at the various crew members scuttling around to set everything up as they want it, fans dotted around the fenced-off perimeter watching the proceedings too and trying to get some of the casts' attention. This is only their first stop of the day, with another stop happening slightly later on to shoot scenes with some of the cast present that aren't needed for this part - for example, Elizabeth, Chris, Sebastian and Paul Bettany, who arrived with Benedict and Mark in the other minivan. In fact, the only one from their group actually needed for this round of filming at this particular location is Robert.

Sebastian, Chris and Elizabeth are across the road, chatting together with some of the crew and waving to fans occasionally. Whereas, Paul is off doing something or other; he did say but Fabian wasn't really paying attention at the time. He watches as they go through the filming process, leaning against the arm of the bench and holding his head up with his hand, staying quiet and hoping that this isn't going to take too long.

He opens his eyes, that he doesn't remember closing, when he hears a call of his name from where the fans are during what is apparently a break in filming to go over the footage. He looks over, spotting a couple of girls waving to him when they see that he heard them. He huffs in amusement, waving back with a tired smile, before pushing himself to sit up a bit better. He almost sighs in relief when he faintly hears the Russos asking to film short bits from different angles to get a couple different perspectives in the scene. That means that they'll be moving on to the next place soon.

He looks over when he sees Sebastian watching him out of the corner of his eye, straightening up on the bench and sending the Romanian a thumbs up. It's all an act to get the actor to stop worrying about him, though, he can tell that Sebastian is not entirely convinced. In all honesty, he's not feeling any better than he was on the journey here.

He makes his way to the minivan when he finally hears the call to wrap everything to move on to the next filming location. Only the ones needed for the scene they're filming today come with them this time, the others now free for the rest of the day. Fabian is nearly 100% sure that the only reason Sebastian asked him to come along with them was to get Fabian out of the house for a little while, to give the younger male a change of scenery.

Fabian gets to sit shotgun again since it's easier for him to get in and out of the van with his crutches. The last of the two filming locations is a farm that Sebastian has told him they use to film the Wakandan scenes. The driveway leading to the farm is not the bumpiest road Fabian has ever been on but it makes his head pulse, which he has to close his eyes to try and combat, and his stomach roll faintly, so it's safe to say that he is thankful when they finally stop, having reached their destination.

He hears them opening the backdoor and getting out before one of them opens his door for him. He takes a deep breath to try and calm to slight nausea, before carefully swinging his legs out of the vehicle and stabilising himself on the crutches before moving away from the vehicle, thanking the crew member that has been driving them around today since he's the one that opened the door for him. Fabian follows the group of actors as they make their way to the area that is apparently for them to film in, having to focus on not tripping somehow working as an effective distraction from the pesky nausea and fatigued feeling.


Fabian is sitting in the shade provided by the vehicles that the crew got permission to move closer to the filming area for better access to equipment, in fact, he's sitting in the open doorway of the equipment van. He sips at the bottle of water a crew member handed him earlier - he has a sneaking suspicion that Sebastian asked her to hand the beverage to him - and takes a few deep, careful breaths as the nauseous feeling from earlier starts to act up a little more. His headache has also begun to get worse over the last half hour or so, but his stubbornness to not give Sebastian the satisfaction of saying he was right about something is keeping him from saying anything, or even showing any kind of response to how he's feeling, in case the Romanian notices.

When the nausea doesn't abate and his self-employed breathing techniques do nothing to help, he leans forward with his head in his hands, finally giving in to everything and allowing himself to react accordingly to just how bad he feels. Fabian knows that they always have a medic on-site, no matter what they're filming, in case they're needed for any reason but he decides to hold off alerting anyone or even looking for the on-duty medic, praying that it'll just pass. He can hear them still filming from where he is so he knows that they're all, especially Sebastian, distracted enough to have not noticed his current predicament.

He coughs as his stomach chooses that moment to churn suddenly, spitting out the acidic saliva he can feel building up in his mouth, already knowing where this is heading at this rate.

He pushes himself up then, grabbing his crutches and carrying his drink at the same time to move well out of the way of where they are filming. The vehicles are parked not far from the edge of the field which is marked off by a treeline, which is exactly what Fabian heads for since it's definitely far enough away to not disturb filming. When he reaches it, he discards the crutches to one side, leaning against the closest tree, pressing his forehead against his arm, feeling the nausea building and waiting for the crescendo to arrive so he can get it over with. He pushes himself to stand up properly when he hears one of the directors calling Sebastian, swaying slightly as his headache reacts violently to the reintroduction to sunlight when he lifts his head to see what's happening with Seb, dizziness swirling his coordination and vision momentarily. He barely manages to catch himself against the tree before he feels someone grab him, swinging his free arm over their shoulders and supporting him with an arm around his back.

"Damn it, Fabian." He groans pitifully to himself as he recognises the voice of his husband. The director's shout to Sebastian suddenly making more sense to him as he realises that Seb must have seen him and rushed over. "You should have told me. Or told someone at least."

The Romanian supports him as he goes to walk Fabian back the way he came, probably to see the medic, though, Fabian can hear crew members calling to Sebastian. However, Fabian shakes his head, resisting the movement, before thinking better of that particular movement and dropping his head down as his stomach churns again.

"You need to see the medic. Now."

"Cred că medicul va trebui să aștepte, pentru că cred că voi fi bolnav." Fabian utters the Romanian easily, knowing that Sebastian will understand immediately.

Sebastian curses, looking over his shoulder and ushering someone over that Fabian recognises to be the medic when his husband starts talking in hushed tones to the guy. Fabian turns away slightly as he starts coughing again, feeling Sebastian rub his back subconsciously even though he's still talking to the medic. Fabian forces himself to straighten up again when the medic addresses him.

"Have you felt like this all day?"

"The tiredness, yes. Everything else, no." He gives short answers, taking deep breaths to try to combat the nausea enough to answer whatever else the medic may ask of him.

"Okay, I know you probably don't feel good but I'm going to need you to walk with me over to the tent." The medic explains as he grabs Fabian's crutches with one hand and slings the younger male's free arm over his shoulders so that Fabian is supported from both sides. "Keep taking deep breaths and I promise we'll be over there in no time."

Fabian nods slowly before carefully moving with them as they guide him back the way he came and towards the tent that the crew are using for shade and whatever else. Sebastian disappears briefly once they reach their destination but he's back in no time, Fabian literally only having time to sit down and have the medic start taking his temperature before the Romanian is back by his side.

"Can you give me a rundown of what you're feeling?" The guy asks once he's taken back the thermometer and taken note of the reading. "Take a moment if you need to."

Fabian gives him a weak smile at the consideration before listing off the ailments. "Drowsiness all day, and the nausea and headache started on the way here and gradually became more apparent as they got worse. I was a little dizzy out there just now but that goes away as long as I don't make any sudden movements." The medic nods along, taking note of everything he's said.

Fabian lets out a shaky breath once he finishes speaking, slouching forward with one arm wrapped around his stomach and the other braced against his knee, the deep breathing technique starting to not work again. He hears Sebastian crouch next to him, his hand coming to rest on Fabian's thigh as his thumb rubs circles against the material of Fabian's trousers.

"Still feel like you're going to-"

"Yes." Fabian cuts off his partner before he can finish his question.

Sebastian talks briefly to the medic guy before a plastic wastebasket is placed down in front of him, which he immediately makes a grab for and brings closer to his face just in case. Sebastian stays by his side but Fabian can hear him asking the medic about whether he's having some kind of reaction to the medication he took last night.

"It's possible but, unfortunately, I don't have enough medical knowledge about that kind of medication. My advice is to go straight to the hospital." The medic goes on for a moment longer, apologising for not being able to call an ambulance to where they are because of the drama it would cause, but Fabian tunes him out.

He coughs, gripping the wastebasket, as the acidic taste from earlier makes a reappearance and causes him to gag as his stomach rolls violently in response. That seems to tip the balance, as the nausea finally reaches the crescendo he's been expecting since walking away from the van earlier, making his throat feel raw and causing him to cough too once it abates for a second. Sebastian has moved his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing his thumb against his hairline as he waits it out with him, murmuring reassurances when Fabian briefly feels like he's choking.

The medic takes the basket away once the vomiting spell seems to be over, handing Fabian a cup of water and some tissues, which he makes full use of. By the time the medic turns back to them, Sebastian is kneeling up on his knees with Fabian resting sideways against his chest as he takes slow sips of the cool water.

"I'll let them know that you're rushing him to the hospital. The runner that brought you here will meet you at the van if you make your way over." The medic smiles kindly before leaving as Sebastian gets up and helps his husband up.

Fabian waves off the Romanian's fussing, for now, using his crutches to walk alongside Sebastian as they move towards the minivan they came in. Both of them get into the back, the crew member shutting the door before moving to the driver's seat and setting off, and Fabian notes with tired amusement that the guy doesn't even bat an eyelid at Sebastian's proximity to him or an unusual amount of worry to be just friends.

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