Hello Hurricane {English Tran...

By zaara91

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(Domen Prevc x Daniel André Tande, Four Hills Tournament 2016/17) They are young, popular, celebrating one su... More

1. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day before qualification
2. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day before qualification
3. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of qualification
4. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day of qualification
5. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of qualification
6. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
7. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
8. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
9. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
10. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
11. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
12. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
13. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
14. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
15. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition
16. Peter / Anders - Garmisch-Partenkirchen- Day of competition
17. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition
18. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition
19. Domen - Innsbruck - Day off
20. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day off
21. Domen - Innsbruck - Day off
22. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day off
23. Domen - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
24. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
25. Domen - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
26. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
27. Domen - Innsbruck - Day of competition
28. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of competition
29. Domen - Bischofshofen
30. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
32. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
33. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
34. Peter / Anders - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
35. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
36. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
37. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
38. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of competition

31. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification

87 8 0
By zaara91

"You are going to be late again! Where have you been? I mean, how do you do that? We all arrive at the same hotel at the same time with the same car. Nevertheless, I'm already done and you haven't even started to pack ... ", shaking his head Anže looked at the chaos that Domen had just arranged in their room, because he was looking for his second wedge.

Goran wanted to be on the hill in just over an hour. The trial rounds were about to start and they all condemned to do interviews with various representatives of the press. But until then, after the exhausting training session an hour ago, they should still get the chance to fill their stomach with a snack specially prepared for them by the hotel.

"You've been a whiner in your previous life, aren't you?" Domen grunted as he rummaged in his garbage bag with the utmost concentration. By now he was halfway crept in, not only because he hoped for a better view, but also to hide his flushed cheeks. Because no one less than Daniel was responsible for the fact that he lagged miles behind his schedule again. "I know they have to be here somewhere," he mumbled to himself to keep his focus in here and now and not to drift back to the Norwegian.

"Better a whiner than a professional chaos," Anže replied unceremoniously and thoughtfully sat down with his cell phone in his hand on the bed.

For a little while only Domen's impatient crackle with the garbage bag was heard, who looking thoughtfully into the shallow depths of the darkness and losing himself without realizing it. At that time, Daniel had asked him if he dislike gays and he was taken by complete surprise. In the hotel corridor in Garmisch. With the garbage bag in his hand, it wasn't possible for him to stop stutter. But he had never believed Daniel completely. He had wanted to believe that he was asking because of a friend. And just dismissed his doubts. As he always had done, because it was easier. Safer for him to get stuck in a familiar way than to complete a dangerous obstacle course over something new. Jay and the Christmas man. It had looked so natural. So easy.

Anže threw his cell phone next to him and continued to watch Domen in his doing, who was cursing loudly and slowly lost his patience. With itself and the wedges. Without blinking an eye, he reached for the end of his garbage bag and let the contents trickle across the floor.

"Just to make it clear: You tidy that up later!" -

"Do you realize that you're unbearable today?" Domen asked as he rummaged through his pile. "Got you," he said in relief as he spotted his wedge in a tangle of his underpants, his laptop charging cable, and his toothpaste tube. Then he turned back to Anže. "Still lack of communication?"

"That would be nice," Anže snorted. "Honestly, no matter what the conditions are, if Goran beckons us, then we can trust that it's as safe as it gets, or not? I mean, we can't deal with that too. A short hesitation and boom- out of the game.

"And Iva disagrees?" -

"I quote: And if Goran beckons you on a skyscraper roof, then you would jump too, right?", Anže parrots his girlfriend. "Honestly, why do women have to be that complicated and make a big deal out of everything? Why did she have to decide to watch the competition yesterday of all days? "

"She'll be fine in a few days again," Domen murmured, and vanished into their bathroom, where his jump shoes were, when there was a knock on the door outside. Groaning, Anže approached the door. "If you knew," he shouted to Domen over his shoulders as he opened the door a crack.

"If anyone knew what?" Curiously Cene peered into their room, who had heard the last part of Anze's sentence.

"Iva," Anže replied eloquently, and Cene nodded understandingly as Domen returned from the bathroom with his jump shoes still dripping wet because he had just give them a shower. Goran hated it when their shoes were dirty. In general, he was very sensitive to their material and Domen knew, he had strained Goran's patience in recent days already plenty.

"Which pond did you pull them from?", Frowning, Cene pursued the trail of drops of water that Domen left across the room.

"Did anyone see the hair dryer?" Domen ignored his brother once more that day, put his wet shoes on the table and rummaged through the laundry pile on the chairs.

"Do you always have to mess things up?", Anže tore his underwear from Domen's hands to lay it on his bed. "Tomorrow I'll find no- Domen! You have dirty my shirts! ", Accusingly he held a T-shirt in the air, which he had just lifted from the ground.

Shrugging, Domen looked up. "It's only water. It'll dry. I'd rather worry about the wrinkles, "he retorted as his gaze fell on the hat rack. "And because of talking of order: I've guaranteed not hung that there", Domen grumbled and pointed at the hair dryer, which Anže had used yesterday evening.

"You're both not very tidy, "Cene interfered in their discussion.

Outraged Anže started to reply, but his voice was smothered in the booming noise of the hair dryer. Concentrated, Domen worked on drying his shoes and enjoyed the steady rushing sound. All morning he felt like a squirrel suffering from ADHD. All his senses were constantly on alert. Even Daniel's eyes, he felt on his skin. The tingling and burning. His heartbeat, pulsing through his body shaking everything.

It made him crazy. Daniel made him crazy. He liked Daniel. It didn't help to deny that for longer. How couldn't he not? He loved his gentle touches, his soft, melodious voice, the way his hands touched him.

"Your tea session seems to have been pretty hot yesterday," Cene yelled into the bathroom with a big grin leaning against the doorframe.

The hair-dryer dropped out of Domen's hands. Only at the very last moment he could prevented the collision with the tiled floor. Thereby he unintentionally pulled the cord out of the socket and the hair- dryer fell silent. Quite contrary to Domens pulse, which repeatedly ran marathon on that day.

"Anže is already gone," Cene said quickly because terrified look of his brother. "And he brings us something from the buffet. That means we have all the time in the world to talk. "

"Great," Domen replied monosyllabically. He had known that it would have consequences. In a last desperate attempt Domen started the hair dryer back on.

Cold as ice Cene unplugged the hair-dryer again while he settled himself home on the windowsill: "I suppose you got your answers yesterday."

"Will you leave me alone if I say yes?" Domen asked annoyed and ran out oft he room with his shoes, accompanied by Cene's cheer, causing his stomach ache. He was ... the time with Daniel was great. He loved it and at the same time this killed him piece by piece. To see how happy Daniel was: his smile, his lightheartedness and he knew he should feel the same way. And he did that too. Sometimes, when Daniel kissed him and he could forgot everything around him. But then it kept sneaking up to him. The reality. With all their doubts flitting through his brain, like fleeting shadows in the night. Gnawed at him. Reminding him of a horror movie.

"So you know, you could at least come out with a few details. Where I have struggled so much with you, "Cene put a theatrical hand to his forehead, sitting down on the chair next to Domen. "You have no idea how many nerves that cost me. Not to mention all the calming tablets. "

"There's nothing to talk about," Hissed Domen nervously as he packed his shoes in his backpack and looked around for his luggage straps, which had proven to be a real salvation to somehow hold his battered backpack together.

"Then I've just a vivid fantasy? The stealthy looks, the embarrassed smile you two exchanged ... Oh, and Daniel and you in the equipment room ... I could have sworn that there had been a wild smooching, as red as you came back ... but maybe I am wrong and you have just set up tea water which you had Slowly brought to boil and thoroughly test the taste "Cene winked at him meaningly and Domen wondered if the luggage straps might help him in an other way.

Stubbornly, Domen forced himself to ignore Cene. Tossed his wedges, which he had parked on the bed, on his backpack, which promptly dropped down. He didn't want to have this conversation. Because he knew where it would lead. Because yesterday, after he had slowly come down from his high adrenaline level, he himself had this conversation countless times. Without a result. He was the unsuspecting protagonist in his own life. And that feeling took away his breath.

"Now don't act like an oyster. It's no shame to b- "

"I'm not!" Snapped Domen and would have liked to bit his tongue the next moment. Damn, now Cene would only be quiet if he made sure Cene got to know the luggage belt from near.

"But Daniel and you-"

"What? That doesn't mean I'm gay, "Domen insisted stubbornly. He had tried to think about what that meant to him now. Because he felt so lost. Different. Branded. He thought of his own reaction to Daniel's confession in Garmisch. How he had left him. He couldn't be gay.

"Okay, then just bisexual", Cene flashed in a ranting tone.

"Cene! Would you stop it? Okay: I like Daniel. Only Daniel. That's why I'm neither gay nor bi ", Angrily, he threw a pair of socks at his brother, which Cene laughingly avoided. Why hadn't he found anything harder? A brick for example? "Damn it! Why is that important at all? It doesn't matter. I am what I am and not a stupid definition! " Helplessly Domen threw his hands in the air. At least he was trying to convince himself.

"But that's so ... unsatisfactory," Cene admitted.

"For whom? To you? I'm really sorry about that, "Domen replied dryly.

"That's right. I don't care. Insufferable you are one way or the other. But what does Daniel say about the whole thing? Or- I mean- What I want to say: I never thought he was into men. Where he is ... such a babe magnet, "Cene babbled nonsensically to himself.

"And how do you imagine someone who likes men? Someone who is gay? "Domen mumbled uncertainly. Cene didn't notice that his little brother had suddenly become quite quiet. Because he had seen and read too much last night that had robbed him of sleep and rest. Because he had to figure out what the whole thing means for his future.

"Not like Daniel, somehow. Maybe a little bit ... mmh ... Okay, no idea, " Helplessly, Cene looked at his younger brother, whose expression darkened because that answer would have been important and Cene wasn't useful. "But just for the record: Daniel is really gay? Was he always or ... did you convert him with your tender nature? "

That was something else that Domen didn't understand: Why Daniel had just fallen in love with him? Domen had no logical explanation for that. As well as for everything else. Why did everything have to be so complicated? Why wasn't he a bit more like Daniel? Who have got things straightened out with himself. Who simply enjoyed the moment and knew exactly who he was. "Daniel has seen how you treating me and then he became gay out of pity. At least one who has recognized my misery."

"Okay, stupid question. I can't believe it: you become slowly an adult. Daniel really fell in love with my little unbearable brother. "

Fine. Then they were already two, thought Domen sighing and was glad to the little peace that spread in the room, while Cene was dwell on his thoughts. Silently, Domen pulled his luggage straps around the backpack, which surely would look well on Cene. Lashed tight around his neck so he couldn't lose it. Or breathe.

Suddenly Cene jump to his feet and clapped his hands: "Hey! Maybe you're Pan? "

"And you Captain Hook, or what?" Domen growled irritably. He closed his eyes for a moment before tightening his zipper. He set his backpack on his shoulders, almost hitting Cene.

"Pansexual. Geez, what are you learning at school? "-

"Funny. I just wanted to ask you the same. I thought you study maths and physics, and not soul-plucking for beginners. "-

"Pansexual are people, who are attracted to all gender identities," Cene explained annoyed and looked questioningly at Domen: "And?"

"Conversation ended," Domen pushed past his brother, who obviously hadn't understood. That Domen was groping in the dark. And Cene just made it worse by forcing him to talk about it. By threwing around with technical terms, which sounded as exotic and sympathetic as venereal diseases. Pan! As if he had no other problems!

With the nerves at the end he tore open the door of his room and stormed through the corridors of the hotel. Unfortunately, Cene was difficult to get rid of. At the speed of light, he had shouldered his pack, grabbed his jacket, and hurried after Domen.

"Do you realize you're always drifting farther away when you're not talking to anyone?", Cene bubbled a brief moment later over his shoulder instructively.

"And? That's what continents have been doing for thousands of years and it doesn't bother anyone, " Domen snapped back as he turned around the corner at full speed, but unfortunately the straps of his backpack got caught on the branches of a palm tree. Dangerously the plant wobbled. Cursing, he freed his backpack while Cene stood laughing beside him.

"You know, your life is way too entertaining to let you escape far," Cene whispered amused as he helped Domen eradicate the leaf chaos on the ground.

"You're the only one who thinks like that ...", Domen muttered, staring into the foyer. Of course, they hadn't gone unnoticed. And while Domen encountered many amused glances, at least one person in the hall seemed to feel his behavior as an impertinence. Demonstratively Peter returned to his conversation with Jurij.

" Are you surprised? You should have execute Peter immediately yesterday, that would have been more humane" Cene said harshly and Domen couldn't even contradict.

One more thing he had messed up. And this time, really. He had a huge bad conscience for shouting at Peter. Peter had tried to repair their relationship. Peter had confided things to him which Domen had turned into destructive weapons. And he knew, this time he had gone not only steps but at least one universe too far. He had hit and sunk Peter. He had to make amends. Because it had been his fault. Because he didn't want to be like that, even if he didn't know exactly who he was. He simply hoped that there was a better version than this somewhere. And otherwise he maybe would end up as ash. He had been trying to apologize all morning, but Peter simply stonewalled every attempt.

"Should I offer it to him? Maybe then he'll talk to me again. Or at least yelling at me, "Domen mused softly to himself.

"Or, crazy idea, you just try the truth. I am sure that P- "-

"No! I- "-

"There you are finally. Here I have packed you some cuts. Goran should come any moment, then it goes off. I'm really looking forward to the competition tomorrow, "Anže shine with happiness over both cheeks.

"What happened to you?" Cene pronounced what Domen thought. Within less than half an hour from the deepest sleet to bright sunshine ... That was what he needed. Maybe for Peter the double doses.

"Iva. I persuaded her. She is going to watch it live. Tomorrow. She comes here. Tonight, "Anže announced proudly as his phone vibrated. Laughing, he read the message and wrote back. He ditched the two Prevc brothers and moved into a quieter corner of the lobby.

Domen stared sadly at his roommate. That's the way it should be. Carefree and full of ... pink clouds. But it simply wasn't. Maybe because...

Doubting, Domen made his way to the rest of the team, followed by his new, much too lively shadow. Almost immediately, Peter fell silent and shouldered his bag. He left wordlessly to the rest, who stared after the older Prevc, only to turn accusingly to Domen.

"I'll be right back," he hurried after Peter and caught him at the snack machine. Uncertain he watched Peter from a distance as he rummaged for coins in his jacket pocket and cursed to himself, because he found nothing.

"Here," Domen finally overcame himself and handed Peter a two-euro piece.

Peter hesitated for a moment before finally taking the money and putting it into the snack machine. Everyone knew about Peter's weakness for candy bars when his nerves were blank.

"Did you know that I only started to jump because of you?" Domen finally said uncertainly, not knowing where to start and how to bear the silence between them any longer. " I remember the first time- when you had to carry me along, because Mum had to work in the furniture store. You had take me along to the hill... That was great! You flew ... and it was ... I watched you train in your room and imitate the exercises secretly in mine. I've seen almost every competition with you, keeping my fingers crossed for you and then I trainied a bit harder to become as good as you at some point. To be in a competition with you someday. I wanted to be like you my whole childhood. "

" Well then you got off with a black eye, eh?" Peter replied bitterly, took his candy bar from the machine and wanted to turn away when Domen held him back.

"Pero, I'm sorry, okay? I- ... I was just not quite... myself yesterday, "Domen confessed after a moment's hesitation. "Okay, maybe there are some things, going through my mind. And training with the dumbbell alone wasn't really one of my best ideas. "

"What's wrong with you?" -

"I can't..." -

"Because of Daniel." That wasn't a question, but a statement. A statement dressed in sheer angry dissatisfaction.

" That's not ... my secret. I am not the one who is allowed to tell you something. Let's just say that the homicidal offense give me a harder fight than I wanted to admit. But that's up to me, not to Daniel. So it would be nice if you could stop staring at him like he is a dangerous criminal. He didn't deserve that. I'm the problem. Not Daniel, "Domen added, inexplicably feeling a little relieved. "Neither are you."

"I don't like it," Peter admitted frankly. "What if you talk to mom?" -

"Did you tell something?!", it slipped out of Domen's mouth in horror.

" I was close to do so to be honest. Or Pastor Humar? He is also bound by confidentiality, if that's so important to you, "Peter suggested with a dissatisfied undertone in his voice, but he actually meant it seriously.

" That's what I will do when I feel the need to recite Bible verses and pray thousands of Ave Marias," Domen said. They all had been brought up in strict Catholicism, but while Cene and himself had always made fun of Pastor Humar, Peter had absorbed every word. He even voluntary visit the mass on Sundays.

"Oh, come on. He isn't that bad. He is a good listener. Maybe he is able to help you, "Peter tried to encourage his brother.

"By telling me: God's ways are unfathomable? I can do that myself. Don't blame me, but you know, that is nothing for me, "Domen said decisively.

"Then not," Peter replied and threw the plastic paper of his now no longer present cereal bar in the bin.

"Listen, I'll meet you halfway. But you have to go the rest. I don't want us to bust heads any longer. I never wanted this. And ... I'm sorry for yesterday. For real. I needed a valve and you were ... just there. I should not even think like that- "-

"At least now I know what you think, right?", Peter crossed his arms bitterly.

"You mean, because you are always quiet about me?", Asked Domen, because Peter behaved so childishly and putting the blame only on him. "I'm never good enough for you! No matter what I do. You are guaranteed to find something you dislike. And if it's the shitty smiley socks I wear at the press conference. I apologized, Peter. I won't slip on my knees in front of you. I am not gonna do this as well. Either you accept it and make the best of the fact that your brother isn't as perfect as you would like to have him or you leave it. Your decision, "Domen slowly but surely lost patience and turned around annoyed as loud hectic murmurs echoed through the corridor. "I mean, do you know how frustrating that is?"

"And you mean for me it's different? I mean, how the hell do you get the idea that I'm perfect!? If I was perfect, then I certainly wouldn't have wreak my anger on you yesterday. If I was so perfect, then I would finally jump better and not constantly be jealous of my little brother. If-"

"Wait. Jealous? You? Of me? "Domen asked over the tumult from the lobby.

"It took me years to get to where I was last season. Years, Domen, and I have bust my ass. And I only needed a few months to fall. And now I'm stuck again. All the successes ... just Puff. Away. It's like I'm stuck in an even worse version of my past. Goran looks at me as helpless as he did years ago, because he always believed that I could do it, but I couldn't show it. And then it suddenly happened. I thought I never have to experience that again. And yesterday, as I asked Goran for the break ... This wasn't only helplessness, but also disappointment. I just want a break for a week! And then ... there are you? Just got into the World Cup and ... you win?! From zero to world class in a single competition? After you just started? And I know that I should be happy for you, okay? But it doesn't work. Not quite, " Peter burst out, while Domen's jaw dropped and he didn't know what to say. "As you can see, you're right. I am not perfect. Rather defective."

"What? No! I only have - I just wanted to get away from everything and then you'll burst in and- "

"BLOCKED IN?! What does that mean: accidentally blocked in? I'll accidently blocked you in ", Indignantly thundered the horrified voice of their coach through the corridor and attracted the full attention of the Prevc brothers. "Listen, we have to prepare for a competition. Can't you just make an announcement? Searching for the owner? Let the bus tow away for my sake! "

"Goran. We're too late, "Peter said worriedly, and without waiting for Domens reaction, he hurried down the hallway to the lobby.

There were things that would never change, thought Domen and followed his brother.

As inconspicuous as possible, the two slipped past Goran, who was about to bawl some man in a suit out, while Alex Stöckl stood by and nodded in agreement.

"You luck out!", Jernej muttered as he noticed Peter's questioning look: "A tour bus has blocked us in. Well, actually he blocked in the whole parking lot. Unfortunately, the bus driver disappeared without a trace, "he explained curtly.

"We're already on the lookout," The suit carrier, nervously standing in front of Goran, rubbing his handkerchief over his face. Apparently Goran made him sweat pretty much. Grinning, Domen let his eyes wander around the lobby. They weren't the only ones who watched Goran fascinated. A group of youths stood right next to them, who could barely hide their laughter behind their hands.

Some of the adult hotel guests watched the show or rather tragedy less amused, obviously disturbed in their rest. However, none of them dared to get up and ask Goran to control himself.

"For the fact that you are supposedly already on the search, you're a standing a bit too unmoved in front of me. Bus drivers don't end in smoke, "Goran rumbled on, while the manager became a little smaller with each word and repeatedly looking at Alex to help.

"Do you think he lets him in one piece?", It whispered unexpectedly in Domens ear. Hastily he turned around, only to look in incredibly captivating green eyes. Quickly, Domen turned his gaze in front of him again.

"Maybe," he whispered back shrugging, trying convulsively to pretend it was nothing special that Daniel was standing behind him, whispering things in his ear. He could feel Peter's suspicious glances at them, and he wanted nothing more than to bring a little distance between himself and Daniel. And then drowning himself in the shower for that thought, Domen thought bleakly, as next to him a cell phone vibrated and Anže began to type enthusiastically.

"I ... um ... yes ... that ... Susanne!", The suit carrier stuttered not without turning another round with his handkerchief over his face, when he saw a brunette young woman who came bustling from behind the reception. "Susanne," the suit carrier repeated, relieved to have found an excuse to distance himself from Goran and fled to his colleague at the counter. "Do we have any news?"

With a smile for the lobby, the young woman lowered her voice and began to update her boss. While Goran ran indignantly to the front desk, the lobby had been wrapped in a silence that easily could rivaled with every mourning hall.

"What? No way! ", The loud voice of Tom rang through the whole lobby. The rest of the Norwegians were entrancing the lobby and obviously they had no idea what was going on. Otherwise maybe everything would have been different. Then Tom wouldn't have stormed into the hall turning pirouettes and might not have exclaim "Look, I'm a great prima ballerina".

And as the hall burst into amused laughter, Domen automatically turned to Daniel to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, while Tom, surprised by the unplanned attention, froze and Alex screw up his face as though hoping that his alarm clock would ring at any moment.

After his moment of shock, the rogue grin returned to Tom's face and he insisted on doing a few more strange contortions and completed his performance with a deep kink and a hand kiss. "Thank you! Thank you! I'm overwhelmed, "he shouted into the room, causing even more cheering.

Domen clapped in amusement, leaning briefly on Daniel because everyone was focused on Tom. He enjoyed the feeling closeness as they looked each other in the eyes and laughed together. For a moment, the world revolved only around them. Until they were shot down in seconds from seventh heaven.

"Dude, how gay is that? I always thought ski jumpers would be cool. "

It was like ice water, spiked with tiny, sharp needles that pulled Domen back. Let him jerk around. Taking his breath away, he couldn't stop staring at the boy who was fooling around with his buddies. All of them nodded their agreement, complimenting him for his comment.

beatings, blackmail, abduction: gay couple reports persecution in Russia / homosexuals and transgender victims / «I was beaten because I'm gay» / Marriage for all is "Attack on Nature" / The blessings of God can be used for sinners, but not for the sin itself. Homosexuality is a sin. / If there were more and more homosexuals and homosexual culture would prevail, humankind would have to die out, so homosexuality harms.

He had read it. The whole night. He wasn't able to stop. His eyes had stuck on the lines. All the ugly things in this world. He felt lost. He felt wrong. Small and obscure. It was hard to breath in the cold. He wasn't like this.

"And I thought boys your age would be smarter somehow. Probably we both fooled ourselves, " Daniel tore Domen out of his vortex, coming a little bit closer so he could feel his warmth.

"That's true greatness. My firstborn will bear your name, " Tom said, grinning from ear to ear. Andreas, Halvor and Robert were watching the scene in fascination, too. Just like his own team.

It was fun. For them it was fun. Nobody cared about the small exchange. The boys turned back to their conversations. Like their teams. It felt surreal for Domen. He felt like someone had slapped him and he didn't know why. He wasn't gay. He couldn't be. But Daniel was. And while he was just able to look speechless, Daniel was the one who had reacted. It was surreal. Stunned, he buried his hands in his pockets. It was cold and he had to fight the urgent need to finally leave the lobby. He wasn't like that. Neither feminine nor weak, ill or a victim. But why did he feel like that then? Daniel wasn't like that. He knew that. Actually. He totally overreacted. That was stupid. He wasn't gay.

"Well, after we've clarified that Hilde would look good in a gras skirt as well: What about the bus driver who has blocked us in?" Reminded Goran grumpily of the actual problem while the suit carrier rediscovered his handkerchief in parallel.

"Yeah, er, we can't do anything more ... He could be every- ... I mean- Maybe ... um ... in the surrounding shops?" stuttered the manager nervously. "Oooor somewhere here? In the park. Chrm- ... Susanne, in which rooms are bus drivers accommodated? "

Right. He wasn't gay. It just make him feel low because ... Daniel. How did that have to be for him? Unobtrusively he stared at the Norwegian, who was still standing behind him. Met his penetrating gaze. Would it always be like this? Was it always like this for Daniel? He wanted to disappear. The truth was, he couldn't stand it any longer with the teenagers in the room. He didn't want Daniel to stay in a room with these idiots for longer. He had the urgent need to hide in his embrace. To run. To never come back. To forget.

"Goran!" Domen burst forth, catching everyone's attention. He breathed deeply. "Daniel and I can quickly traipse around the surrounding shops. A few of us traipse around the park and the rest the rooms. I mean ... uh ... maybe we have luck and together we're much faster and- "

"That's what I call a constructive suggestion," said Goran satisfight to Domen. Alex nodded too, while a loud whistle brought Domen's eardrum to burst to get attention. "Come here! Search party, " barked Goran through the hall, before he stared impatiently at Domen. "Why are you still standing here? Start searching!"

"Already gone," saluted Domen and hauled the blond Norwegian from the crowd. "Domen-", confused, Daniel wanted to ask what Domen was about to do.

"Soon." Unable to say another word, Domen ran outside. Peter's stare didn't bother him. He had to get out because he was suffocating in here.

Domen sucked cold air in his lungs. Meanwhile, the sun was disappeared and the sky was gray and cloudy. Domen turned to Daniel.Recognized and cursed the big windows of the lobby. He sought Daniels warm gaze, which was able to thawed him again and dispelled the cold, even though they were only facing each other. "Is everything okay with you?"

Surprised Daniel stopped, who was about to ask Domen the same question. "Yes sure. But you-"

"How do you bear that?" Domen interrupted Daniel, because he badly needed an answer. The front door of the hotel opened and closed behind them. He heard quick steps moving away until Daniel finally started to talk:

"What?" -

"This! Everything! How do you bear that? How can you stay cool? I mean, I would like to freak out, scream ... And you ... are just standing there, unimpressed and- "

"Found! Let's go, Domen! Bring your stuff to the car! Departure! ", Peter stormed suddenly through the door.

"In a few moments," Domen cried impatiently back, because Peter once again had the worst timing ever. Domen was that distracted that he didn't even recognized the bright red face of his brother.

He needed an answer. Now. From Daniel. Because he could manage to bring order to his chaos. Because otherwise he would suffocate therein.

"No, not in a few moments. Now! ", Peter jostled himself between Domen and Daniel, whom he didn't pay any attention and began to drag Domen away mercilessly while the front door spit out the rest of their teams.

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