Wild Child [Fairy Tail Next G...

By parkjiminswings

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Wild Child


558 26 11
By parkjiminswings

have you packed yet?

aw someone missed me
you got smth to say?

sksksk nothing

girl i know what that means
u never start our convos with "hey"
unless it's smth

i just remembered my little crush
on you know who


that's a super old joke
you're a dad

ofc i know who
it's jer

for some reason, it came back to
the thought, not the feeling

you wanna get rid of it then?

a bit

or is it bc YOU actually want smth
to happen to it?

like he would ever see me that way

you blind

im rational
like my mom
most of the times
if i hadnt had dad's dna

u can come over ;)

am grounded

and yet they're letting u go to
the beach with the three of us

dont remind them
they miss your parents
this could be my chance to escape
the punishment

see u then


Nashi had made sure to pack up immediately that night, so when tomorrow comes and Gale and his parents arrive early, Lucy and Natsu won't be able to say no to her. Maybe postpone her being grounded.

Soon enough, she had it all planned out: told Gale to come by with his parents around breakfast time to get out of their place. And they did, like theh talked about.

"Lev! Gaj! It's so good to see you guys again." Lucy pulled them in one-by-one for their hugs. Natsu went along with it as the other couple did, too.

"Gale kept telling us to get here for some reason." Levy squinted her eyes suspiciously at her son.

"And here we thought he wanted to get some alone time in his condo." Gajeel added, placing an arm on his wife's shoulder.

"Aw, hi, Nashi!" Levy went and pulled Nashi into a hug, kissing her on the cheek. "You've grown into a fine young lady. What am I saying? I sound like my mom. You are gorgeous. You got your dad's hair color and your beautiful eyes from your mom. Oh, you know, the usual combo."

"It's nice to see you again, but Gale and I have to go!" As much as they both wanted to escape, Natsu halted her by calling her out.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Uhm, breakfast?"

"No. That you're grounded?"

Levy and Gajeel looked at their daughter in confusion. "Why, what happened?"

"Nashi slept over at Jeremy's place again, after she broke up with her boyfriend." Levy and Gajeel, once again, were confused.

"I mean, it's Jeremy." Levy contradicted.

"Erza and Jellal's son. You know, our friends." Gajeel added.

"Still, it's embarrassing to let her keep coming there without permission, right?" Lucy looked back at Natsu, who seemed to be in doubt, too.

"I think you should go let her have fun with our son and the others. Wouldn't you agree?" Levy winked Nashi's way, siding with her. "Besides, they're in college now. They're mature adults."

Nashi knew how soft her mom's spot was for Levy, being her best friend and all. She'd have no reason to say no to her.

"Alright, fine. You can go."

"Aw, great!" Nashi went and hugged her mom and dad. "You won't regret this!"

"Go have fun." Natsu smiles before letting Gale take Nashi's hand all the way to his motorcycle.


"You have no idea how badly I wanted to get out of there. I'm so glad you and your family came by as early as I told you to." Nashi plopped herself on Gale's bed, playing with the ends of her long, pink hair.

Gale put down her luggage beside it, dropping next to her. "So, what's the deal with your crush on Jeremy?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows playfully at her.

"Can we not talk about that? I'm confused enough as I am.." Nashi pouted, feeling guilty for her 'feelings'. "Maybe it was nighttime and I was feeling a little sad over my breakup."

"Maybe. But-"

"But nothing." Nashi got up to her feet again, placing her hands on her waist, shaking her head at the messy sight. "How could you live in this pigsty?"

Gale's underwear drawer was widely open, his clothes hung everywhere, even on the doorknob to his room, his shoes weren't even positioned next to their pair.

"Help me pack up for the trip, okay? Stop bugging me like my mom."

"I'm not your mom." Nashi interjected as she opened one of his empty luggages and chose which of his clothes fit him for the trip.

"Bow should be at Jeremy's by now. I'll go give them a call." Gale went and picked up his phone to do just that, leaving the chore to Nashi.

"Oh, sure, like I'm his girlfriend."

"Hey. Is Bow there? Already? As expected." Gale took a quick glance at Nashi before returning to their conversation. "Yeah, she's helping me pack. We'll be there in five minutes and then it's off to Fairy Spring." Fairy Spring. The name of the resort they plan on staying at for a whole week. "Okay, great. Bye."

Gale, like the kind of man he is, simply sat on top of his table and was texting someone else to his delight. Nashi managed to finish packing, lurking through his room to find something interesting.

"Say, what do you plan on taking in college again?"

"I think I'm going with computer programming. I want to invent games."

"Yeah. You do that."

This trip should be fun. Right? Help them take their mind off things and forget they have nagging parents waiting for them to come home. Maybe find someone to go out with, Nashi hopes.

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