The Butler and his Prince

By MysteryWerewolf14

79.3K 3.2K 220

(Completed) Adrian has been bullied for all 23 years of his life, but one day when his work peers want him go... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Prince
Chapter 2: A Day at the Castle
Chapter 3: Learning the Ropes
Chapter 4: Passed
Chapter 5: First Day
Chapter 6: Failed Attempt
Chapter 7: Other Man
Chapter 8: Calling Family
Chapter 9: Leaving the Castle
Chapter 10: What's on the disc?
Chapter 11: Invitation
Chapter 13: Party Time
Chapter 14: The Mastermind
Chapter 15: The Traitor Prince
Chapter 16: What Happen That Night?
Chapter 17: I Swear

Chapter 12: Threats

3.6K 165 4
By MysteryWerewolf14


"Why didn't you guys tell me about the Queen inviting my family to the party?" I question Erik as we are driving back to the castle. 

The street lights roll over his face as we drive down the road. It had gotten really late. I check my phone for the time, 12:34 A.M. I sigh to myself, Daniel is gonna kill me if he finds out about this. He has been really protective of me since I had gotten hurt trying to save him. I'm so lost in thought that I didn't even notice that Erik was trying to get my attention until he flicked my head.

"What the heck was that for?" I place a hand over my forehead, protecting it from any more attacks that he might want to try.

"I said that she wanted to surprise you, and what are you spacing out for? You were the one that asked me the question, why are you spacing out?" He looks at me with concern on his face. 

"I was just thinking that..." I sigh to myself, but continue, "Daniel is going to kill me if he sees me coming back this late." I look out the window, watching the scenery slowly change from many buildings and houses to fields and empty lots. 

"I have noticed that he has been acting a bit strange since the incident." Amelia chimes in, adding to the things that are running through my head about him. 

"If I didn't know him like I do I would say that he -" Erik cut's himself off as he goes off into his own world. I open my mouth to talk to him when the car comes to a stop and Amelia tells us that we're home. Erik changes his face back into the one that he uses for work and climbs out of the vehicle to help me, then they both go their separate ways to their rooms. I walk down the hall to my room glancing up to the clock in the hall. It reads 1:09 A.M. I sigh to myself with my eyes closed as I open the door to my room, I open my eyes again to the sight of the prince sitting at my desk doing work. His hazel eyes meet mine and I'm frozen in place. How long has he been waiting for me? I decide to voice my internal question,

"How long have you been waiting for your Highness?" I shift on my feet, my leg starting to bother me. He must have noticed my pain because he stood up and gestured for me to take a seat in the chair he was just sitting in. I pause for a second before going over to the chair. Then he finally answers me.

"I have been here since ten," he sets himself on the edge of my bed, "I thought that you would have been back by then. When I saw that you still had not come back I just decided to stay and wait." I feel guilty that he stayed up, waiting for me.

"Why did you? I could have just stayed the night with my parents and sister, and you would have never known til morning." I lean back into my chair, closing my eyes. Sleep is fighting hard to take over my body, but I fight it so I can hear the answer from Daniel. I end up losing the fight as sleep takes over my body, my mind drifting to dreamland. 


I wake up that morning in my bed, I'm under my covers but still in the same clothes as I was in yesterday. I think to myself, when did I get in bed? I don't think too much about it because I could have just been to sleep deprived to do anything other than just collapse on my bed. 

I stand up and slowly make my way to my dresser to grab some clothes then I head to the bathroom to take a shower. By the time I come back there is food waiting for me on my desk. I glace at the time to see that I only got a few hours of sleep, being as it's about 5:30 in the morning. I sit at the desk and begin to chew on some toast and begin to do some work that I needed to catch up on. At about 7 a maid comes by to pick up the breakfast tray and hands me a letter, saying that it was dropped in the mail pile really early this morning. I thank her as I take it and turn back to my work. 

I open the letter and the first thing that I see is that the words are cut out from magazines that are found all over the place. I thought that it was childish, then I read the words that it spelled out. As I read through the letter I get anxious about what could happen to me or the prince, the letter was threatening me to stay away from Daniel and to keep everything that we have on a professional level and not to go beyond that otherwise another attack like the one in the library would happen again. 

As I fold the letter back up and throw it away, I think about how I need to stay on my toes and that I need to watch everyone that the prince, and me, come into contact with. I sigh because with the prince's birthday coming up in a few weeks that's going to be difficult with all the people that are going to be sending things and coming to visit him.

I sigh to myself again. These next few weeks are going to be tough. 


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