By lunamintheu

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In which Jungwoo will run away whenever Yukhei tries to approach him. More



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By lunamintheu


The rain outside were falling hard from the dark cloud and all can Jungwoo do is to watch them through his window. He couldn't enjoy the fireworks display last night because all he could think of is his depressed boyfriend.

His granny is dead. Jungwoo couldn't imagine how sad Yukhei is. For sure, he's extremely sad because first of all, his granny is the most special and precious one for him. She became his parents when his real parents didn't pay attention on him. She's the one who's always there for him. Yukhei must be feeling grateful on her. And now, she's gone, Jungwoo felt really bad.

How he wishes he was there to hug and comfort him. He couldn't do anything because he's not in Hong Kong. Jungwoo wanted to do something for him. But how? Calling him is not good for the mean time because his boyfriend is probably busy in the funeral, he shouldn't disturb them.

"What should I do?" He asked himself while watching the rain fall outside.

"What do you mean? Are you feeling bored?" Ten suddenly asked too. He almost forgot that he wasn't alone.

Jungwoo glances Ten and sigh.

The fact that his boyfriend is struggling at Hong Kong but he couldn't do anything to make him feel better is a sad thing. Jungwoo wanted to do something.

"I feel sorry for Yukhei. It's really sad to lose someone you love. Especially in his issue. It's been so long since he parted from his grandmother. He didn't spend so much time with her. I know how it feels." He pouted and walk closer to Ten who's reading Mede Shireru Yoru No Junjou, one of his manga books. His books were scattered on his bed and Ten seems enjoy reading.

"We all do. Don't worry, everything will be okay." Ten smiled then Jungwoo sat beside him. "What's that? I don't remember having that kind of genre in my books collection." Jungwoo then glances every single book on his bed. "Yaoi? Did I buy this?"

"Who else did? I think they are all good. Can I borrow?"

"Where did you get this?"

"At the box over there!" The shorter pointed the box on his study table. "They seemed new books and you haven't read them yet."

Oh, that box. The box that Johnny gave when he helped him clean his room. He forgot about that box already.

What the heck is he thinking?

Jungwoo glance Ten again then swallowed. He shouldn't know about this or else, he'll get upset. It's a lot of Yaoi books, he also remembers when Taeyong told him about Johnny spent his monthly allowance just to buy manga books for his birthday, and that manga were all Yaoi genre.

Really? Johnny Seo? What's with you at that time? Jungwoo thought and laughing inside.

"Damn it. This is fucking crazy!" Ten chuckled suddenly while reading. "Yah, read this too. It's fun."

"I can't have some fun because Yukhei is struggling. That's unfair." Jungwoo sigh and then lay down. He couldn't help not to think of Yukhei. He really can't, it's disturbing him so much.

"Oh, okay then." The shorter shrugged and keeps reading again.

Jungwoo started to think again. Since his precious granny is dead, for sure Yukhei is depressed and he needs someone who will comfort him aside from his family. Who knows what really happened? What if he hasn't talking with them until now and he went straight to the hospital?

Apparently, Olivia is the one who's there for him and he will comfort Yukhei. Jungwoo didn't trust Olivia because he didn't know her well. How can he trust her? Then what? She will seduce him, and Yukhei will fall for her again and then, they will kiss? "Fuck, no. That's not going to happen." He muttered, Ten take a glimpse of him before reading again.

It's possible. Olivia, that girl is not normal. She might steal Yukhei at any cost, so he needs to do something.

But how?

"If you're really worried that much then why don't you go to Hong Kong and see him?" Ten spoke suddenly, still eyes on the book. That's why, Jungwoo eyed him and gets up.

"Huh? You mean, literally?"

"Hell, yes bitch! If I were in the same shoes with you, I will do the same because I can't trust that girl who keeps tailing your man." Ten looks at him finally then hold him on his both shoulders. "You wanted to be there for him, right?" He asked then Jungwoo nodded. "You wanted to feel him better, well dear if you really love you'll do anything for him, to make him happy."

"That's right. I love him very much." Jungwoo nodded again and pressed his lips into a thin line.

"Honey, words are not enough to prove your love. Do you get what I mean?"

Jungwoo bit his lower lip then, glance the picture of him and Yukhei together on his side table. He took it and stared lovingly.

He's right. All the time, Yukhei is the one who often do something for him, for their relationship. This time, he should do something too. He would love to cross the ocean just to see him.

Okay. This is it.

"I need my passport." Jungwoo smirked.

"You're what?" His mother asked him.

"I'm going to Hong Kong. Allow me to, please? My boyfriend needs me. Mommy please." Jungwoo cried while pulling his mother's arm softly just to let him go and give him his passport.

"But sweetie, you haven't been in Hong Kong. You didn't know the environment there, what if you encounter a criminal there and something bad happens to you?" His mother. She's talking with his son with a very soft voice because Jungwoo is still a baby for her even though he has someone he calls baby now. It wouldn't change the fact that he's still a baby in their eyes.

"Don't worry about me mom. Please. Please. Just let me go." Jungwoo pouted.

"Why don't you just wait him here? It's dangerous to travel all by yourself."

"I couldn't wait longer. He's lonely there. I know he must face this challenge by himself, but I wanted to be there too to support and cheer him up. I know how it feels when one of your loved ones left and gone forever. I want to help him lessen the pain he's feeling right now. Please mom, I'm begging."

Jungwoo started to tear up. It's just, he really wanted to fly away from Korea and go to Hong Kong right now if he can. He's determined to do all the things he could just to see him. He can also not listen to his mom if he needs to.

"Can you just listen to me? I'm just thinking about you." Mrs. Kim caressed her son's face and wiped those tears.

"I know you're worried about me, but I'm worried too mom. I can't stop this feeling and there's no way to. I'm sorry if I always made you feel worry, but I can make it this time." Jungwoo then took his mom's hands and held them tight.

"Please trust me. I will make sure to go there safe." A tear fell from his eyes again. "You understand how I feel right? So please, let me help him."

Mrs. Kim could only sigh and pulled Jungwoo for a warm hug that his mother could only provide. "You silly. Promise me to take care of yourself and be safe. You're our only child that's why I'm like this. But it seems that, I can't really stop you now."

Jungwoo smiled then returned the hug. "I promise."


"Eh? Really?" Doyoung stood up after Jungwoo announced that he'll going to leave tonight to Hong Kong. "Did your mom let you go just like that?" He added.

Jungwoo shook his head. "Of course not. I begged. You know her." 

"Will you be okay by yourself? I can let Jaehyun go with you if you want." Taeyong suggested while caressing his boyfriend's hair because Jaehyun is laying on the couch and his lap was his pillow.

"No, I'm fine hyung. Don't worry." Jungwoo shook his head and smile.

"Hey, let Jungwoo do this alone. If he really wanted to see Yukhei that much then, we should support him follow his boyfriend." Ten stated while smirking. Feeling proud of Jungwoo.

Oh, Jungwoo is thankful because Ten suggested this. Why not to follow Yukhei there? Seriously, he didn't think about it. It's a good idea.

"It's not that we don't support him. I can feel his mom for worrying. You know Jungwoo right? And how dumb that kid is. What if he lost his way?" Doyoung then shook his head.

"Wow, Dons. I'm not that dumb! I'll prove it to you!" Jungwoo pointed him and Doyoung clicked his tongue.

"Yeah. Whatever." He gave up.

Right now, he felt excited to go to Hong Kong and follow Yukhei. He asked Kun for Yukhei's address and all he must do now is prepare for later and how he should surprise Yukhei. Jungwoo misses him so much. He couldn't wait anymore.

Hours have passed, it's time for Jungwoo to leave Korea now. His parents and friends send him off at the airport. Truth to be told, he's getting nervous too, but he can't let his mother notice it, so he keeps smiling while saying goodbye. Being alone is not Jungwoo's thing but he believes that he can get through this. He doesn't want to bother any of his friends because Jungwoo want to do this alone.

"Hey, call me if you need help." Kun suggested and ruffle his hair.

"Sure." He smiled again. "So, I'm going now. Wish me luck." He winked then waved his hand then started walking.

This is it. You can do this Jungwoo. You should.

It's his first time, that's why he can't help but to feel anxious. But still, it won't stop his decision.

"Everything will be okay."

As soon as Jungwoo entered the plane, he looked around before sitting. It's amazes him to do something like this once in his lifetime though it's nerve wrecking.

"I'll just sleep." Jungwoo mumbled then took his earphone from his bag. He will going to listen a random songs while waiting for the plane to land at Hong Kong.

Jungwoo tried to sleep. But, his excitement to see Yukhei is keeping him awake in the whole ride, that's why he didn't bother to sleep now and just watched a movie on his phone.

"Hi." Jungwoo glance the one who greeted him. It's a girl, sitting beside him.

"M-Me?" Jungwoo, then pointed himself, unsure.

"Yes. Uh, sorry for interrupting you. I'm just really bored." She smiled awkwardly.

"No, it's okay." Jungwoo exited on watching then looks at her again and smiled too. This girl looks nice nice anyway.

Jungwoo thought, maybe it's not bad to make friends too.

"Really? Thanks. I'm Yuqi by the way. You are?" The girl then offered her hand for a handshake.

"Jungwoo." He smiled then take her hand. "You're going to Hong Kong alone?" Jungwoo added and she nodded. "Mm. I have to go alone and I need to. You?"

"I'm alone too. I'll follow my boyfriend there and stay beside him until he gets better."

"Oh, you have one? Wow, that's really sweet of you. I just met you but I'm not suprised I mean, look. You're beautiful." Yuqi smiled then scanned his face, she looks happy huh.

"Eh, thanks. You're pretty too."

"Yes. We are." They chuckled. "Anyway, is your boyfriend sick?"

"Uh, no. His grandmother passed away and he's really sad about it. So, I'll go to see him since I couldn't stay still too."

Yuqi's eyes widened. "Oh? Is this a coincidence? I'll go to Hong Kong too because our granny passed away too." Yuqi poited him.


"Mm!" She nodded. "Look, this is the address." Yuqi took her phone out and showed Jungwoo the address where she'll go. His eyes widened too, because they have the same address. He showed it to Yuqi too.

"I can't believe it. How did it happen? We're going to the same place. What's your boyfriend's name?"

"Yukhei. Wong Yukhei."

Yuqi clasped his hand then pointed Jungwoo again. "Eh! It's Xuxi, right? Oh my god. I know him. He's my cousin. Wow, nice to meet you Jungwoo-ssi." Yuqi's eyes still widened, she couldn't believe what's happening right now. It feels so unreal. "That stupid has a taste huh. How did you two met?" She asked confusedly.

That question made Jungwoo smiled but a little bit of embarrassed. "Ah, should I tell you?"

"Of course you should. Come on, tell me please?" Yuqi then pouted and made a puppy eye, so Jungwoo had no choice but to tell their story.

The whole ride was fun, thanks to Yuqi. She's really nice and it felt good to be with her. You wouldn't get shy because she talks a lot. Just like Yukhei.

They're really blood-related. It's nice.

They were together since both of them were going to the same place. Jungwoo enjoyed her company. She also told him a story about Yukhei when they're still young. She even mentioned how close Yukhei to their granny.

"Were you all not upset because your granny loves Yukhei more than you?" He asked confusedly.

"At first, we're jealous. We want her attention too of course, Xuxi is not her only grandson. But since Xuxi's parents did not give him such a thing, we understand. After all, she loves us too."

The two were walking at the street because the funeral is nearby. Jungwoo is starting to get nervous but excited at the same time. Finally, he's going to see Yukhei.

"Ahh, I see."

"Oh, we're here. Make your heart gets ready to see its better-half." Yuqi winked at him before entering the place. Jungwoo followed her queitly behind.

"Ma, it's Yuqi." Someone pointed her, maybe her cousin. He looks younger.

"Oh, hi auntie." Yuqi smiled and hugged her the woman in front of them.

"You're already here. Wow. You looked pretty." The woman caressed her hair. "I always did." Yuqi joked and giggled and then, the woman glance Jungwoo. "Who?"

"Ahh, Jungwoo. This is auntie Chereen, Xuxi's mother. Auntie, this is Jungwoo." Yuqi introduced. After hearing that, Jungwoo bowed his head very low before looking at the woman again.

My, she's his lover's mom. No wonder, they have the same eyes.

"Your boyfriend?" She asked calmly.

"No, not mine." Yuqi shook his head. "Where's Xuxi?"

Jungwoo's heartbeat fastened after hearing his boyfriend's name.

"Where else? There, beside mother. Talk to him, he hasn't eating anything since that day." The woman sigh. "He's not even listening to me. We haven't talk yet."

"What?" Jungwoo is the one who reacted but quickly apologized. But the woman said it's okay. They welcomed Jungwoo with a heart-warming smile even though, they're sad.

"H-Here's the flowers. I'm sending my deep condolence to your family." Jungwoo then handed the white flower to the woman with his shy hands and she smiled.

"Thank you. We will be okay soon."

Why hasn't he eating? He'll get sick if he didn't. "Aish, Yukhei."

"Come inside."

Jungwoo nodded and gets inside quickly.

There, he saw his boyfriend's figure and he doesn't look well. It seemed that he often cries because his eyes were swollen.

His heart ached when he saw him while drawing closer.

Seems Yukhei noticed his presence and quickly looks at him with widened eyes. "J-Jungwoo?"

A tear fell from the paler's eye then quickly pulled Yukhei who seemed froze to his place for a hug.

Yukhei couldn't explain what he feels right now. "Is that really y-you?"

"Mm. It's me, I came here for you." Jungwoo sobbed. "How are you?"

Yukhei held the older's shoulder then loose from his hugs and eyed him. "W-Why you," He bit his lip then because he can't continue what he was going to say then, pulled Jungwoo and went outside.

"Baby I-" Jungwoo couldn't continue cause a pair of lips was crashing his own right now, and he quickly return the kiss and closed his eyes. He can feel the longing feeling of each other between the kiss.

Oh how they fucking missed each other. It feels so unreal knowing the fact that they are together again right now. They longed for each other, text and calls are not satisfying at all.

The kiss didn't last long and they are now looking at each other.

"It's real. You're really here. At first, I thought I'm hallucinating." Yukhei said then caressed Jungwoo's cheek.

"I will do anything for you." Jungwoo smiled, and so Yukhei.

"You don't have to come here. You know? You can just wait me there." He softly said, still touching Jungwoo's cheek.

"I can't do anything when you're struggling here. I can't just ignore that. I'm having fun there but you're lonely here. It's disturbing." Jungwoo stated. "I wanted to come here. I would like to cross the ocean just to see you."

"My god." Yukhei chuckled then hugged the older again. "You didn't know how you made me happy right now." He whisper on his ears.

"I'm glad, I did." Jungwoo then returned the hug.


"I heard you haven't talk to them yet." Jungwoo then eyed Yukhei. Both are eating their meals now after Jungwoo persuade Yukhei to eat and he easily did that. He evwn scold him for not eating for the past days.

"How did you know?"

"I met your mom. Yuqi introduced me to her."

"Yuqi? You know her?" Yukhei asked then look at him.

"Mm. We met at the plane and we just happened to be friends. I think it's amazing. So tell me, why haven't you talk with them?"

He sigh and dropped his chopstick. "I can't, face them properly. But I can't also deny the fact that I really miss them so much." Yukhei said in disappointment. "I'm afraid."

Jungwoo quickly took his hand and held it tight. "Don't worry. I will stay with you until you made up with them. You know, you don't have to be afraid of them because they are your family. Your mother is worried when I saw her earlier." Jungwoo flashed a smile so that Yukhei would feel the sincerety inside him. "I want you to be happy. I will be with you, I promise."

"But, I just-"

"Your granny will be really happy if you made up with them. She can leave peacefully since she doesn't have to worry anymore."

A tear fell from Yukhei's eye, that's why Jungwoo sat beside him and made the younger rest on his shoulder.

Yukhei cried. He cried hard in his arms, just like a baby. Seeing him like this made his heart hurt too.

"It's okay. Everything will be okay."

Starting that day, Jungwoo didn't leave beside Yukhei. He still there and always cheer him up. Yuqi also told Yukhei's mom about Jungwoo. Well except for their relationship. She wanted to tell Yukhei about that by himself but seems, they don't have to do that coz his parents noticed. Sometimes, Yuqi and Jungwoo were talking some random things. They became closer as the time goes by while Yukhei is catching some sleep.

"You know Olivia?" Jungwoo asked.

"Oh, that bitch? Well of course. I still don't have an idea why Xuxi fell for her. She's no good, I'm telling you and she hates me for being close to him. Like what the heck? Of course we are close because we're cousins! She's not on her right mind." Yuqi rolled her eyes then rest on the wall.

"But, seems like Yukhei's parents trust her enough to made her come to Korea for him."

"Bitch please. They didn't do that. She came there because she wanted to. She's the one who made a mistake why they broke up and auntie and uncle hate her for that. Even though they didn't focus on Xuxi, they still have an eye to watch him. Actually, they didn't know that Olivia went to Korea."


"Hell yeah. She wanted to get Xuxi back and make them trust her but sorry for her. She ain't good. But good in lying. If auntie would send someone to get Xuxi, then she'll send his brother to do that. Why would they let Olivia for that? She's not a family member."

"That bitch. I knew it!"

"But you don't have to worry. She won't bother Xuxi from now on. My mother told me that they scold and talked to her."

"She's really annoying."

"I know right!"

They talked for about an hour about some random things there.It's fun to talk with her unlike that Olivia girl. He knew it! Something about her is fishy in the first place. But he also wanted to thank her for making him realize that he's not the only one in Yukhei's life. There's his famiy too, waiting for him. 

Right then, Yukhei woke up and Yuqi have to leave coz her mother is calling her to welcome the visitors outside.

The day of the burial has come. Yukhei didn't talk at all, he has a poker face for the whole time and Jungwoo is starting to get worry again so he went beside him and hold his hand. But he received no response. He just simply glance him for a short period of time before returning his gaze into the jar of his ganny's ash.

Everyone are shedding tears. But not Yukhei.

Yuqi is crying hard too while holding their granny's picture.

"Ge, we need to go." Yukhei's brother said. He didn't respond but he stood up and leave with Jungwoo.

Aren't he really planning to talk to him?  Jungwoo thought then stopped coming along with Yukhei. Seemed that guy didn't notice that Jungwoo stopped following him.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked the boy but he just sigh and shook his head. "I don't know why he's so mad at me. I'm trying my best to have a brotherly talk with him since he came back but he's avoiding me." The boy explained, that's why Jungwoo patted his head.

"Believe me, he missed all of you. I know it's hard but can you understand him for a bit? I know I don't have the right to tell you this but, he's hurting too and he loves you all. Well, I just heard his story from Olivia and Yuqi. But I also know that it's not your fault why your parents kicked him out."

Jungwoo bit his lip. The fuck he's saying? Are they close enough to talk to Yukhei's brother just like this? He's not siding with Yukhei, he just wanted them to understand him for now because all these things happened.

"I'm willing to wait." He chuckled. "You're his boyfriend right?" 

Jungwoo rubbed his nape. How did he know? Did Yuqi told him?  "How did you know?" He asked embarrassed.

"It's obvious. Thank you Jungwoo-ge."

"For what?"

"For loving my bro. My name is Xiaobin, nice to meet you." he smiled, so Jungwoo smiled too. "Let's go."

They headed outside, Jungwoo quickly went beside Yukhei.


Jungwoo didn't move an inch away from his boyfriend. Until now, he still not saying anything and maintaninh his poker face.

What is this? Why isn't he crying? He should because it will hurt him more.

Right after the burial, people leave the place one by one until Jungwoo and Yukhei left there, staring at his granny's grave with her beautiful picture on it.

On Jungwoo's peripheral view, he saw Yukhei's parents approching with Xiaobin. They must be planning to talk with Yukhei so, he better get lost.

"Baby." Jungwoo reached for his lover's hand and squeezed it. "I want you to be happy. Please, don't be afraid to face them. They love you, you just have to listen." He said then slowly lean closer to the other and kissed on his forehead.


"You can do it. I'll just watch you afar. You have to make up with them in front of your granny." Jungwoo then ruffle his hair before leaving the place slowly. He met her eyes and eventually smiled.

Jungwoo went somewhere, not really far from them. Just enough to watch them talk. He can't hear anything so, it's better this way. They need privacy, it's between their family.

Apparently, Yukhei found where he was. That's why Jungwoo gave him a smile and muttered, "Fighting."

They look so beautiful. How Jungwoo hope that hopefully, Yukhei will forgive them. Until the end of the day, if everyone left you behind, our family is the one who stay our side to support and comfort us. No matter how we try to run away from them, we still end up running back to them. Why? Because they're your family.

After several minutes, his mother hugs Yukhei and so his father too. Xiaobin was smiling at them too while Jungwoo can feel that his lover is crying again.

He oftens cry these days.

"They made up. Finally." Jungwoo muttered while smiling.


Jungwoo will spend two more days in Hong Kong because Yukhei's family wanted to get closer to him again. They did many things together, along with Jungwoo. Yukhei's family knew about his relationship with Yukhei accepted him wholeheartedly. They were thankful that he came to their life and they really like Jungwoo. He's adorable.

"Can I go with gege? I want to study in Korea too. Who knows? I can meet someone there like Jungwoo-gege." Xiaobin said while eating some steamed buns that his father bought for them.


"I want a soft partner too Ma, and he needs someone to be with in his unit and I can cook for him. I'm updated in his sns too. Did you see his instagram? He's very cool."

"Hey Xiaobin, are you stalking me?"

"Yeah! Is that wrong? I'm your fan. Seems that both Asian girls like you. You're very famous."

"But, you'll never find someone like Jungwoo. He's one of a kind." Yukhei stucked his tongue out, that's why Xiaobin pouted. But they chuckled.

Yukhei's mom is always cooking for them, this time he takes care of Yukhei a lot because she didn't do it in the past. Xiaobin didn't mind it though. He can cook foods too for his bro but he can't win over their mother. He said, even though Yukhei is living overseas, it didn't change the fact that he is his favorite and will be his best friend forever despite of hating him. But they're okay now. It's just a bit awkward for them at first but Xiaobin hugged him tight first and cried.

They said, boys don't cry.

Yes they do, they are humans too and will always have a soft but big heart for the ones they love no matter how they hate them. That's a part of life.

"Hey." Yukhei pulled Jungwoo on its waist and hugged him.

"Hmm?" Jungwoo then glance him and met the younger's pair of lips on him.

"I love you." Yukhei whispered.

"I love you more. You did great, I bet your granny is really happy that finally, you're okay with your fam now." Jungwoo smiled then ruffled his boyfriend's hair and they giggled.

"I can feel that, and if you didn't help me, I'm still lonely at this time."

"I just want you to be happy, you know?"

Yukhei bit his lip and kissed Jungwooon his forehead. "You know what? I'm really glad that I found someone like you, my Jungwoo. No matter how hard we're going through, don't expect that I'll let you go. Thank you for coming to my life." Yukhei said then lift Jungwoo up to his arms. The other wrapped his legs around Yukhei's waist and made Jungwoo's back lean on the wall.

Yukhei stared his beautiful lover lovingly before slowly lean forward and kiss him passionately.

"Ge! Father needs you right now! Oh man! I'm sorry!" Xiaobin suddenly open the door but quickly closed and leave the room when he saw the couple doing something.

"Fuck Xiaobin." Yukhei muttered.

"Pa! Gege is busy! Can you just let me do that? We can't disturb him!"

"He's busy? Then come here, you should help me for this. What is he doing?"

"Just, this and that. With Jungwoo gege!"

"Oh, is that so? Come here now!"

Jungwoo lowered his head coz embarrassment is starting to fill his body. Yukhei noticed it and chuckled. They're still on their position. "Look at me." He said then lift Jungwoo's face by holding his chin. "It's okay." Then kissed Jungwoo again. "Prepare yourself. I will kiss you all day." Yukhei licked his lips then walked to the door to lock it, still carrying Jungwoo on his arms. Then made it to the bed and lay Jungwoo down before crashing his lips.

They did it again.


After spending his time with his family finally, both Jungwoo and Yukhei are going back to Korea now. Yuqi will stay one more day to Hong Kong before going back to Korea.

They have to go back now because tomorrow is their teacher's marriage and they have to attend.

Though, it's hard to say goodbye to your family, Yukhei have to do it and promised that he'll visit again. Every Christmas, New Years, birthdays or reunions. He's coming back to Korea, without thorn in his heart.

Right after they arrived, the couple went straight to Jungwoo's house to drop him off and say hello to his parents. They're really happy to see them again. Their friends were there too without Johnny. They were friends with him outside the school. Maybe, he's at the wedding hall to practice. Remember, he's the one who will sing on Ms. Im's wedding.

Mrs. Kim told Yukhei to stay in their house and rest there. Of course, he won't say no since he don't want to separate to Jungwoo. He's craving for his presence even more though theu were always together.

It's just, after making up with his family, his love for Jungwoo became deeper as the time goes by.  He made him realize that he's nothing without his family. It's been so long since they fought and he was afraid to face them. If Jungwoo wasn't there, maybe he still carrying his heart heavily.

"I will never let you go. Thank you for everything baby. I love you so much." Yukhei wisphered to the sleeping Jungwoo on his arms and kissed his forehead.

Today is the day, Mrs. Im's wedding day. The boys were sitting on the two tables while watching their beautiful teacher walk on the aisle. Everyone look amazed by her goddess beauty though, some of them were disappoonted because their crush is getting married today with the love of his life Lee Seunggi.

They were clapping their hands slowly and couldn't keep smiling.

"Wah, Miss Im is really beautiful." Jungwoo muttered. That's why Yukhei leaned forward and wisphered something. "You're beautiful too. If you see what I am seeing everyday." He said. It made Jungwoo's cheek reddened and it's very visible.

"Yah, what are you saying?" Jungwoo asked softly and seemed out of focus because of what his boyfriend just said.

"About how breathtaking your beauty is. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Oh my god, shut the fuck up you two. You make me cringe Wong Yukhei." Doyoung spoke then point them.

"The fuck is your problem? Isn't Taeil hyung praising you like that?" Ten asked him.

"He doesn't have a chance too coz Doyoung is the one who keeps telling how handsome Taeil hyung is. Right Dons?" Jaehyun answered while chuckling.

"I'm not! Stop lying you pig!"

"I'm sexy. What are you talking about?"

"You're still a pig!"

"And you're a rabbit. A fucking rabbit with big stupid teeth." Taeyong said, glaring at him that's why Jaehyun ruffle his hair.

"Have you seen a rabbit with same size of teeth? Are you fool?" Doyoung replied and Winwin chuckled because of that.

"You little-"

Taeyong couldn't continue when Hansol cut them off by making a gesture to shut up because the ceremony is getting started. Yes, Hansol and Yuta were with them now coz the couple were invited too to the marriage.

"Is it because of Yukhei and Jungwoo."

"No it is. You're just nosy about things around you." Ten rolled his eyes.

Jungwoo's cheeks still blushing that's why he cupped his face to hide them.

"You know what, someday you will walk on that aisle too and I was there in front, waiting for you." Yukhei wisphered into the older's ear and both of them smiled then he took Jungwoo's hand and held it.

"I know, we will be there too. Soon."






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let's run away...
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ft. NCT's Jaehyun "π™Έπš πš˜πš—πš•πš’ πšπš‘πšŽπš’ πš”πš—πšŽπš ... πš πš‘πšŠπš 𝚠𝚎 πš πšŽπš›πšŽ πš›πšŽπšŠπš•πš•πš’ πšπš˜πš’πš—πš πš‹πšŽπš‘πš’πš—πš πšπš‘πšŽ πšŒπšŠπš–πšŽπš›πšŠπšœ," 𝙄𝙙𝙀𝙑 𝙖...
75.9K 3.6K 25
lucas left jungwoo but he won't leave again. luwoo started: 190907 ended: 191027
169K 13.2K 70
In which, Doyoung is a sender and Jaehyun is one of the admins. [for twitter users, use #dojaenctconfessions for feedbacks! ill retweet it]