world war of steel (discontin...

DaltonStone7 द्वारा

73 1 0

taking place in a time with people, events, and places durring the times of world war 2, the Axis powers has... अधिक

Eclipse, arise!
The Unexpected Hero
The Change Of Tides
Retaking The Crown


12 0 0
DaltonStone7 द्वारा

After the four american machines are left in silence, they simply ATTEMPT to recover. But to their knowledge, two of the common units are mostly out of commision, and the American Maiden has suffered superfisial damage (damage on the outside) and minor interior damage. While the American pilots frantically make repairs to of the four machines, the large Italian machines were walking away and into the city.

“We need to stop them at all costs!!” yells the pilot of the American Maiden.

“But what was that ‘problem’ they ran into?!” yells out Sergent Ross.

“Let’s just get these machines running again!”
“Yes ma’am!” the three pilots yell out.

After a seemingly short minute, the American Maiden is ready to fight, although be it highly damaged. She quickly runs over to the two large machines, they haven’t gotten deep into the city, or atleast near the source of the explosion. The American Maiden grabs one of the two large Italian machines and tries to pull him back. She doesn’t do much besides stop the beast in its place.

“She going at it again?” laughs out the Italian pilot.

“I… i won’t let you get away!” the American Pilot yells out as if she suddenly got stronger.

“Hahaha!! HAHAHAHA!! YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP ME!?!” the Italian pilot laughs out as he effortlessly pushes away the American machine “you think you can stop me when you failed to do so the first time!?!?”

“Well you never fought me twice!” she yells out as she runs back to the machine.

Attempting to tackle the larger beast, the American Maiden rushes forward head first and slams into the beast. Doing little to nothing against him. Seeing this, she tries to pick up the beast but alas, she fails to do so. Laughing, the Italian giant back hands her away letting her crash into a building. She quickly looks behind her to check for any casualties, luckily, there were none. She got up quickly and was ready to fight again, but was quickly punched back into the ground by the giant.

“HAHAHAHAHA!!! Face it! The Axis won! And there is nothing else that can stop us! Not even YOU can defend yourself now! So called ‘last guardian of the Allied powers’ heck!! NOT EVEN AMERICA OR EVEN THE WESTERN COAST!!” the Italian machine laughed out his lungs as he playfully smacked the head of the American Maiden, which is also where the pilot is located “i hope you wore your seatbelt in there! You wouldn’t last long like this! HAHAHAHA!!”

“Agh! Luckily i am wearing my seatbelt… this is still giving me a lot of nausea! Ughh…” she attempts to grab the control sticks but is quickly trashed around in the same cockpit she’s in “AAHH!! I… i can’t regain control!”

After a few seconds pass, “GRILL STORM!!!” is yelled out as a large hurricane rushes down the street with bits of fire and robot parts entangled in it.

“What is that!?” yells out the second giant machine.

Three Italian machines are sent flying down the street, the three of them crash into the two giant machines, though they don’t do much but startle them.

“What is the meaning of this!? Where is this strong wind coming from!?” yells out the giant.

“Apologies! There is just this monster of a machine up the street, he destroyed one of our units with ease!”

“Make that three, our other two machines were completely torn apart in these winds”

“How can simple winds tear them apart!?”

“They were F8 tornado winds” the giant standing over the American Maides comments “you were lucky to survive that” he stands his machine and walks towards the source of the tornado “what American machine could EVER hope to hold such power?” he asks.

“It goes by the name ‘Eclipse mech’... there hasn’t been any announcement about this at all!”

“Eclipse mech?” the American Maiden asks “who or what built that?”

“Are you saying that not even you know about this!?”

“No… we know nothing about this”

“Then who IS this man? This...this MONSTER!?”

They all wait in silence as they hear metallic footsteps crash down on to the cement and asphalt. A blue visor breaks through the darkness of the night as he walks forward, his sheer size and height can easily make other machines around it seem small in comparison. Despite the beast’s height, its footsteps seem to be quieter, or atleast a higher pitch than other mecha the same size.

“Its… its huge!” calls out the American Maiden.

“It's nothing more than a super robot wannabe! Let me at him!!!” yells out the Italian giant as he runs forward with his battle axe drawn.

The large machine tackles the Eclipse mech, pushing it back slightly before it stops in its tracks. The Eclipse reaches over reaches over to the giant’s sides and almost effortlessly picks up the immovable beast over his head.

“WHAT POWER!!” yells out the Italian pilots.

“He picked up that behemoth!? HOW!?!” yells out the American Maiden.

“How the heck did this monster pick me up!?!?” the Italian pilot yells out as he is suspended above the Eclipse mech “my type of mech was built to be unstoppable!!”

“This… this is the power of my glorious creation!! THE ECLIPSE MECH IS UNSTOPPABLE!!” yells out the pilot of the Eclipse mech.

Having a mech only slightly shorter than him above his head, he effortlessly throws the beast back into the ocean letting it sink to the ocean floor. By swimming back to the surface, the Italian giant reaches shore unharmed, though heavily dazed.

“You monster! DIE IN A FIERY BLAZE OF A THOUSAND SUNS!!!!” the second Italian machine yells out as the optics glow with power “BLASTING BEAM!!” the same beams that destroyed the American machines earlier shot out and towards the Eclipse mech.

The Eclipse mech raised its arms to block the beams and he just stands there. Everyone else in the same area looks on in awe to see if the new machine is still alive, or atleast to see how long it will last in the hell like heat that he is facing head on.

“A thousand suns you say?” the pilot of the Eclipse mech calls out “this is nothing more than a nice tan in the our sun!!” he laughs.

“What!? He’s bluffing!! Isn’t he!?!”

The Eclipse mech puts down its arms to let the beam hit his chest “lets see how well you can fight fire with fire! CORE-EXPLOSION!!!!” the Eclipse cries out as a beam shoots out of his torso and almost pushes aside the enemies’ beam.

When the Eclipse’s beam reaches the Italian giant, it engulfs it and slowly melts the mechanical beast. The pilot yells in agony as he and his seemingly unstoppable machine melt into nothing more than a pile of molten metal. The core reactor in the machine explodes violently, sending pieces of molten metal flying everywhere.

“What… a… monster!!” calls out all the Italian machines.

“Who’s next…?” the Eclipse mech calls out.

“Uh… s-should we retreat?” one of the smaller Italian machines meekly says.

“Attention all units! You have the permission to fall back after my death” the giant machine calls out.

“B-but! We don’t need to lose any more people!!”

“At this point, with that much power exserted to destroy a type of machine like mine would surely leave a strength based machine weak and flimsy… at this point… either he doesn’t know his limits or he’s just bluffing”

“A-ah… i see… we will leave this up to you!!”

“I’ll win… i know i can”

The giant machine walks forward towards the Eclipse mech, where he stands tall and powerful. When the Italian reaches the Eclipse at greeting distance. They both bow as to show a start of a settled duel. They both take a step back and ready themselves in a fighting stance.

“How can the Eclipse win?” calls out the downed American pilot “If my American Maiden shot a beam like that, it would do nothing more than limp away… and it seems like both our machines are the same… focusing on physical strength over everything” she steps out of her cockpit to look closely at the two machines “or is there something else he can hide in that behemoth?”

The Italian giant throws the first punch towards the Eclipse’s face, this does little to nothing as the Eclipse returns the favor with his own punch towards the extended arm of the Italian mech, he effortlessly tears it off as he stumbles backwards. Surprised, the Italian giant regains his ground and fires his Blasting Beam, again, it does little to nothing as the beam itself just bounces off the Eclipse’s armor and hits a building to his left. The Eclipse walks forward swiftly and punches the Italian in his belly, the belly armor and insides are crippled beyond repair, and the Italian giant, now looks more shriveled than giant.

Although the now seemingly unstoppable Italian machine is now crippled beyond belief, he stands up and stumbles forward towards the Eclipse, he does nothing more but throw little punches that wouldn’t even hurt som gremlin. The Eclipse looks down and pushes the giant down to immobilize him.

“You’re beaten… we don’t need to let anymore lives be lost” the Eclipse calls out.

“Hahaha… no… YOU lose… all my men have successfully retreated and will now drop a tactical nuke to finish you all off!” the Italian giant yells back.

“Wait… WHAT!?” the Eclipse looks up and sees a fireball break through the atmosphere.

The American maiden stands up, with its cockpit still exposed “does your machine have any way to stop that thing!?” she calls out.

“Wait… i know you…” the Eclipse camly points towards the American Maiden’s pilot.

“What? Now isn’t the time!”

“Right right… now then-”

“Don’t bother! The Italian calls out “the outer casing is made out of metals stronger than steel!!” he laughs “not only is it unbreakable! It’s highly heat resistant!! So you won’t be breaking through it with any attacks!!” he laughs maniacally.

“Well dang… i suppose the outer casing is just to hold the bomb” the Eclipse casually responds.

“Can’t you do anything!?!?!” the American Maiden yells back.

“Well i’m not sure… Core-Explosion won’t reach that far… by the time it does it over for all of us anyways… Grill Storm isn’t cut out for long distances anyways… rocket punch isn’t made for lifting things… nor pushing… it would just ricochet off the sides... “ the Eclipse commentates.

“So is there nothing you can do!?” American Maiden Exclaims.

“Not that i can think off… say” the Eclipse turns to look at the American Maiden “now that we may all die here, tell me, what type of coffee do you mostly order/drink?”

“Is now really the time!?”

“Well i guess so… we can’t exactly run away from the blast radius”

“Ugh… i guess so… well then… i usually drink frappe”

“Ah so you’re that girl that goes to my shop after twelve every afternoon on a monday and wednesdays!”


“Well then now that that answer is cleared up” the Eclipse looks up at the falling bomb “i can finally think clearly without having any previous question cloud my thought process”

“Wait what? So you CAN do something about that nuke?” she shouts

“Yep, I just needed you to have some character development and a slight bit of filler”

“What the heck are you talking about!?!?”

After a few exchanges, the nuke finally explodes in the air, without harming anyone or anything. Everyone looks in awe as they see their personal, unplanned, firework show! The Eclipse stands tall and strong above everyone else as small pieces of harmless flames fall from the sky.

What happened here? Who is this unknown pilot!? Who is this seemingly legendary pilot!? What happened with the seemingly meaning and unstoppable bomb!? And HOW WILL THE AXIS AND THE ALLIES REACT TO THIS NEWCOMER IN THE BATTLE FIELD!?

Find out next time in “THE UNEXPECTED HERO”

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