Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Expl...

De gofishstories

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The exciting tale of the events leading up to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2. In the distant future, hope is nonex... Mai multe

Warnings and Credits
How It All Ended...
Chapter 1: Memories
Chapter 2: A Land of Darkness
Chapter 3: Partners
Chapter 4: The Secret Library
Chapter 5: The Dream
Chapter 6: Half-Truths
Chapter 8: Out of the Frying Pan

Chapter 7: The Exploration Team

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De gofishstories

Treecko's head bobbed side to side with the weight of the book. He had to hurry back and grab the translation before he was away from Sophia for too long and before anyone noticed he had returned alone. Mankey was Treecko's actual partner, but he had been itching to get away from that furball since they had been assigned to be together. Now that he and Sophia were partners, he couldn't let her down like Mankey had done many times to Treecko. Plus, Treecko wasn't sure she trusted him yet, so it was better for him to return swiftly.

Sure, their partnership had started off with Treecko threatening the girl, but Treecko realized that she meant him no harm. The whole gamble paid off in the end; everything could have gone far worse in retrospect. Sophia sounded like she was going to continue helping, and Treecko was in possession of the book. Only a few more steps and then Treecko could evolve into Grovyle. Then...

Then what?

Treecko didn't really have a reason for evolving other than getting stronger so he didn't die to the crooks that kept chasing him. He longed for the moment where he could sleep peacefully. It took Dialga knows how long for him to drift off with the paranoia and the fear constantly swirling inside of him.

The terrain became more familiar as Treecko continued his trek through the barren wastelands. The hills sloped down into a swamp with slouching trees and mossy waters. The thick layer of film on the water hid the paused streams that once flowed. There, in the center of the disgusting lake, was a tree with a gnarly trunk. Treecko bounded from rock to rock with off balanced leaps. He moved slowly to avoid dropping the book into the sludge. He landed next to the tree where a mud-covered rock that was draped in moss sat. Despite the camouflage, the blue and red hues of the rock still stuck out to Treecko's trained eyes.

Treecko approached the jagged rock, checked his surroundings for foreign entities, and knocked. He struck the stone once, waited, struck the stone twice in quick succession, waited for the same amount of time, then hit the rock one last time.

"You have a lot of nerve coming back here, Treecko," a muffled voice said. The rock heaved itself out of the moss then shuffled to the right to reveal a hole in the ground.

"Nice to see you too, Gigalith," Treecko replied. "How is it going? I'm doing good, thanks for asking. I'm here to see the guild."

"Whatever, it's your funeral," the rock-type muttered.

"Great talk," Treecko said. He looked down into the darkness below and jumped.

The grass-type landed clumsily with one hand being occupied by the book. He stumbled before inevitably falling to his knees. The book thudded down next to him.

The light above him eclipsed as Gigalith shifted back into place. The grumpy guardian of the gate groaned unintelligibly. With the light from the cloud covered sun fading, the lights further in the cave became a vibrant beacon pointing the way.

Peering down beyond the sheer drop provided Treecko with an all too familiar view. The dripping water from the lake above hung stagnant in the air, recalling its last moments before time stopped forever. Chunks of rock suspended in midair provided a spiraling staircase down to a clearing filled to the brim with colorful creatures milling around stands and makeshift huts.

Treecko leaped down from rock to rock. His mouth drooled due to the oversized book that he grasped between his jaws. His toothless gums ached, but he held on tight. He feared that if he dropped it into the marketplace below, he wouldn't find it again without paying for it with coins that he didn't have. Once he reached the ground below, he removed the book and carried it with both hands through the crowds.

Other than elderly Pokémon that had existed for centuries, everyone was rather small. The largest species were those that didn't have an evolution or those that were blessed with a long life that extended from when time flowed to the current reality. Some were given the blessing after time had stopped too, but it was a well-guarded mystery how they had managed that. A mystery Treecko would soon get to the bottom of. As for the rest of the motley group of Pokémon, most stood only a little taller than Treecko, who wasn't much taller than a tree stump himself.

Book tucked under his arm again, Treecko waded through the crowd. The alluring smells of sweet dishes and tangy sauces made from berries tempted Treecko's stomach. Unfortunately, he had no coins on him and had no way to afford the mouth-watering goods that other Pokémon sold.

"Rescue Team, coming through!" shouted a Pokémon.

Two eager Magby pushed into Pokémon as they ran past. The trailing one accidentally ran into Treecko at full force as their partner continued at full speed.

"Sorry, mister," he shouted to Treecko before continuing onto the ramp leading into the world above.

"Good luck," Treecko said wistfully after the rescuers. He couldn't help but smile at the eager pair of new adventurers.

As he continued walking through the crowd, the smells no longer urged his stomach to consume them. Instead, Treecko's senses faded to second place as his regretful memories take over. Mankey was a huge jerk, but Treecko felt bad for leaving him in the woods. After all, it was a harsh world out there. The stronghold he walked through now, despite it bursting with life, felt emptier and emptier every day. The Planet's Paralysis—the Pokémon term for what Sophia had called the After—had caused hardened hearts. If subjected to the wilderness for too long, Pokémon lost their minds.

Treecko pondered, Maybe it did the same to humans too. I can't believe someone would want to be an ally to Dialga on their own accord.

"Treecko!" someone shouted from further down the cave. The sudden acknowledgment of his presence caught him by surprise.

A hush fell over the crowd as all eyes turned to look at Treecko. He looked from face to face to try to find the source of the voice. Blank stares met his hesitant gaze. If he made one wrong move, he feared what would happen next.

Shit, Gigalith sold me out, Treecko realized as he scanned the crowd with quickly shifting eyes. There's no other way that she knows I'm here.

"Alright, I give up, Annette. Show yourself!" Treecko said as he placed his hands above his head. He let the book fall behind him and caught it with his tail. His eyes danced from shadow to shadow in search of the hidden threat.

A sharp kick to the side caught the unprepared grass-type off guard while he still tried to scan the crowd for the puppet. He hit the ground with a heavy thud before spinning around to defend against the next attack.

Instead of a fight, the sight he was met with was a squat, light-gray Banette eloquently reading a book. His book, to be more specific. The marionette that stood on its own accord occasionally swept her floppy head-tendril behind her. Her zippered mouth drew itself into a frown as she looked down at Treecko.

"Interesting, I didn't know you could read footprint runes," she said dryly. "Or is that why you came crawling back to us, you coward? You wanted us to translate your stolen book, huh?"

"Annette, you know I didn't steal it. I lost it to a group that attacked me. And I didn't steal it for personal gain. Honestly, I only want a simple passage translated in exchange for my work. The main reason I went and got it back from the humans was to make amends with you," Treecko said.

"Sure. Just like Mankey got clocked over the head by a random falling branch before crawling back to us. Or was that an accident too?" the Marionette Pokémon inquired as she ignored most of Treecko's confession.

Treecko gulped. His throat felt dry suddenly, and the fluttering feeling in his stomach became almost unbearable. "Mankey was trying to stop me in a violent way, and I simply took care of the problem in order to complete my mission."

"What mission? I don't remember assigning you one except for 'Meet up with the contact and bring the book back safely.' Look how that went. Treecko, I simply can't trust your methods," Annette said before turning back toward the heart of the cave with the book in hand.

"I was just trying to complete that mission. I messed up, I'll admit it, but I was going to make things right. Look, I brought it back! Mission accomplished!"

"You also alerted him to our presence," Annette reminded.

"How can you know that?" Treecko demanded to know. However, his voice cracks betrayed his confidence. Annette's suspicions confirmed his fears about the owner of the study's loyalty.

Treecko slipped past his fear to try to get the conversation moving in the right direction again. "You've said that about every risky thing I've ever done. How are we supposed to further our rescue operations if we never take risks?" he asked.

Annette's wandering eyes made Treecko aware of the growing crowd around them. The masses had doubled if not tripled in size since the beginning of their conversation. Most of them muttered incoherently, but the whispers that Treecko could make out favored him instead of Annette. Pokémon were not meant to be kept stewing underground, after all.

"We will continue this conversation in my office." She turned to stalk back to her quarters. However, before she got too far, she tossed the book back to Treecko.

"Thank you," Treecko said as he caught the book flawlessly.

"Don't thank me yet. You having that book is simply a means to an end if I think you're worthy. I will explain the details further in private."


The headquarters of the underground society was hidden deep in the crevices of the cave. Crystals sprang up around the entry to the makeshift building constructed with leaves, twigs, and mud. The beauty of the crystals contrasted nicely with the practicality of the guild's headquarters.

Annette's head-tail swished from side to side as she marched in front of Treecko. She had her hands clasped together neatly behind her back; her chin pointed up to let her red eyes look down on those around her. Treecko slumped along behind her with the book clutched close to his chest.

Two Zangoose stood guard outside of the entryway. Most Pokémon didn't wear clothing, but these two white mongooses wore helmets and bore blood red armor—the same color as the red patches in their fur. The zig-zag carved into the metal matched the colored pattern that was on their hidden fur. They snapped their clawed right hands to their foreheads in a salute as Annette and Treecko paraded by. Annette returned the motion in an equally as sharp fashion as she moved through the leaves that masqueraded as a door.

"Zigs, get Merlin for me. I need him in my office immediately," Annette commanded one of the Zangoose. "Zags, stay here and guard the door."

"Right away, ma'am!" the two said in unison before carrying out their assigned tasks.

As Treecko and Annette passed on-duty rescuers, Annette received more salutes and fearful glances. Treecko hated it. It made him remember when he first joined the guild. He cringed at the idea that he was once a suck up too.

"I see you've returned, milady," said a rich voice. Treecko turned toward the source to see the mustached Alakazam emerging from a darkened corridor. The yellow humanoid's built-in brown armor on his chest, knees, and wrists seemed to meld with the background behind him. His beady eyes peered down at Treecko. "And I see that you've finally completed your mission."

"Yes, I have, Merlin," Treecko said flatly. He kept his cool on the outside, but he shrunk inwardly at the psychic-type's jab.

"No chit chat, we have important matters to discuss," Annette snapped.

The Alakazam nodded, then motioned to Treecko to continue following Annette in front of him. Treecko felt insignificant between the two figures that towered over him; Merlin especially made the grass-type feel inferior. Troubled thoughts began to form that this meant he was in severe trouble. He had never talked to Merlin before, but he was well aware of the psychic-type's rank in Annette's inner circle. Treecko scratched the back of his neck, wiping away the sweat beads in the process. Thankfully, they soon came to a stop in front of another opening that was covered by leaves.

Merlin moved to the front of the group to open the way for Annette. She didn't break form as she stopped to wait for Merlin or as she continued forward again through the cleared doorway.

Treecko waited for Merlin's permission to enter the office. The yellow giant waved his arm gracefully in front of his body signaling that it was okay for Treecko to enter. Treecko ducked his head in an awkward half bow as he did so.

Annette vanished into the shadows only to appear behind her desk moments later. The dimly lit room provided plenty of space for her to slip in and out of the shadows. The ghost-type made shadow stepping seem effortless. "Alright, mission report," Annette demanded.

"You know what happened," Treecko began. "I got the book; I lost the book; I found the book. End mission report."

"Not good enough. How did you steal it back?" Annette questioned.

"I snuck around the human village and found it in their stronghold."

Annette sighed. "Alright, since you still refuse to provide any more details, I'll try a different approach. Treecko, do you know what Exploration Teams do for our guild?"

"I thought Exploration Teams were a relic of the past," Treecko said.

"Exploration Teams as you know them are," Annette confirmed. "The legends you were told as a kid of Pokémon duos and trios that only sought treasure are indeed a myth in these times. However, Explorers serve a different purpose now. Merlin, please explain."

"As you wish, milady." Merlin bowed his head. "Rescue Teams and Exploration Teams are two sides of the same coin. Rescue Teams rescue those that Pelipper and Golbat find in difficult situations. The teams receive orders and they go. However, that is assuming they know the area. Then, they carry out—"

"I know this, already. I was on a Rescue Team with Mankey. I am more interested in Explorers," Treecko interjected.

Merlin's left eye twitched, but he managed to continue in the same monotone voice. "They carry out the rescue, and their duties are done. Exploration Teams, on the other hand, are more freelance than Rescue Teams. They simply explore the area and record what they find in books, maps, and through oral retellings. However, they serve a second purpose. Exploration Teams also scout unknown areas for Rescue Teams.

"If a Rescue Team is called to an unknown dungeon or location, an Exploration Team will be sent ahead of the rescuers. They are given food and medicine to treat the Pokémon that are in danger while scouting for obstacles that might inhibit the Rescue Team. Then, they exit the dungeon and pass the information along to the Rescue Team. They are far more precise than rescuers."

"Alright, that makes sense, but how does this affect me and the book? I just need a translation for..." Treecko trailed off, hoping that no one heard his uncertainty.

"For your own personal gain? We know," Annette said. "For your information, an Exploration Team worked hard to find that book and pass it along to a trusted contact. That contact was who you and Mankey met with originally. You're disrespecting their hard work by refusing to explain how and why you got it back despite me specifically telling you to never think about that mission again. Treecko, do you even know what's in that book?"

"The key to evolution," Treecko said matter-of-factly.

"Yes. That, plus many other dangerous secrets. Secrets that we can't risk falling into the wrong hands again. Which is why you will not be part of this operation moving forward. I thought you could be, but you obviously have ulterior motives that interfere with mine. Thank you for completing your job, your work here is done. I will reinstate you and Mankey as a Rescue Team once he is out of the medical ward."

"That won't be necessary," Treecko insisted. "Thank you for the offer, Annette."

"It wasn't an offer. It was a command," Annette clarified with a sour tone in her voice. Her annoyingly long mouth pulled into a frown. "I know what you're thinking, and the answer is no. I won't let you two continue to work with this book after our conversation just now. I only explained all of this to you in order to satisfy your exhausting curiosity and to test you to see if you're prepared for a new mission. You're obviously not ready to deal with the sensitive information contained in that book."

Treecko smirked. It brought him pleasure that Annette had read him incorrectly. "Actually, that wasn't what I was going to ask. I want to join an Exploration Team."

Annette stared him down for a moment with narrowed eyes before bursting into laughter. "You and Mankey? An Exploration Team? Not a chance."

"No, not Mankey and I. I want to be a one-Pokémon Exploration Team," Treecko said.

It took all of Treecko's willpower to not be hurt by Annette's increasingly loud laughter. When she opened her red eyes again, Treecko could see tears forming. "Absolutely not. Exploration is difficult enough with two Pokémon. But with only one? That's nearly impossible. You won't have access to the proper resources either. Even if you could find a way to do it alone, I simply won't allow it."

"Actually, I do have access to resources. I made a friend that can help me. She can provide me with food and plenty of information to further our goal."

"You're joking?" Annette stopped laughing upon realizing how serious Treecko was. "You're not joking. Who could possibly want to help you? Did you meet a legendary and you're simply not telling me? I order you to tell me right now if that is the case."

"No, that's not it," Treecko said with pride in his voice.

"Merlin, scan his mind." Annette's tone dropped to become more serious again.

"No need, I'll happily tell you the truth. I've teamed up with a human. That's how I got the book back," Treecko confessed.

Annette stood there dumbfounded at what Treecko said. It took her a few moments in shocked silence before asking, "Is that true, Merlin?"

"It is," the psychic-type stated.

"You can't be serious." Annette turned back to Treecko as he spoke. Her eyes were wide, and her wispy horns stood on end. "If you are, then I can't let you leave. Humans are dangerous and evil. They were the ones that stole the book from you, or so you claim. And mean to tell me that you want to team up with one? That's treason, Treecko."

"I am well aware of that," Treecko answered. "I am well aware of all of that, but I still want to. This one is different. Accompany me to meet her and I will show you what I mean."

"Walk right into your little trap? No!" Annette said. "Guards, lock up this traitor!" she shouted toward the hallway.

"Please, Annette, let me do this," Treecko begged. He got down on his knees before the ghost-type as the two armored Zangoose charged in. "I don't even know what's in the book other than it tells the reader how to evolve. That's what the client told me when I met him. On my and Mankey's way back here, a strike team of Pokémon and humans attacked us to steal the book; they could shadow step like you. The human girl helped me infiltrate the humans' headquarters to get the book back. That's the truth!"

"Wait," Merlin commanded.

"If you're going to tell me that this little asshole is telling the truth, I don't want to hear it," Annette hissed.

"He is. Let's hear him out," Merlin suggested.

Annette said "Tsk," before waving off the guards. Her posture relaxed as her balled-up hands released. "This had better be good, or you're both in trouble."

Annette's adviser continued with no more than a nod to his superior. "Treecko, what are your true ambitions?"

"I just want to evolve so I can stop running from the evil that controls this land," Treecko said. "I want to be strong so I can fight back."

"Is that it? I see more," Merlin prompted.

"You better tell the whole truth, Treecko. You're in deep trouble as it stands," Annette threatened. "Don't pile more charges on top of what you've already confessed."

"I..." Treecko trailed off. He couldn't reveal everything he knew from Sophia. That was a surefire way to land in even more trouble. "I fear that the human girl is in trouble because of me. I just want to help her."

The air between Merlin and Treecko hung thick as the psychic-type's eyes peered deep into Treecko's thoughts. Treecko wanted to break eye contact many times, but something kept him in place as Merlin examined his heart.

"Her goals are dangerous. You must be careful if this is what you truly wish to do," Merlin warned.

"It is what I want to do," Treecko said.

The psychic-type nodded, then turned to Annette. "He has nothing else to hide. He is not working with the enemy." His tone tipped off that he knew there was more, but Merlin didn't prod.

"He might not be, but we don't know if the girl is," Annette pointed out.

"She's not. She is different than the rest of them," Treecko said.

"You're a fool for trusting her, but I don't see how I could keep you from going to her again without locking you up unjustly. Imprisoning you will raise too many questions from the population here." Annette turned around to grab the book from her desk. She flipped through a few pages and sighed. "I will allow you to evolve. Just know that evolving will produce the opposite effect of what you are seeking."

"What do you mean?"

"Evolving during the Planet's Paralysis means one of two things: you work with us or you work with Dialga. Either way, it will paint a target on your head for the other side to hunt. Are you sure you want that?"

Treecko paused before replying. He wanted to evolve for one reason and one reason only: he wanted to be able to fight back. The ghost-types and dark-types that made up the majority of fallen Pokémon had access to fire and poison moves that caused Treecko a world of hurt whenever he performed Rescue Team related activities. If Annette was correct, then evolving would provide an even worse time for Treecko. If she was telling the truth, then Treecko would become even more of a target than he already was.

"If you're hesitating this much, then you obviously don't want it. Forget that this conversation ever happened."

"I'll do it!" Treecko blurted out.

"Excuse me?" Annette asked.

"I want to evolve. I'll do it," Treecko said.

This time, Annette paused. Her jaw hung open, and she had to clench her zipper teeth together to keep up her front. "You're making a mistake."

"No, I'm not. This is what I want," Treecko admitted. "It scares me, but I want this more than anything. Especially now that I have someone I want to work with and protect."

"Fine," Annette snapped. She whipped herself around to grab books from a pile on her desk. "Merlin, translate these guides on evolution for Treecko. Include the portion from this one too," she commanded. She handed off Treecko's book to him.

Merlin bowed and left the room through the leaves behind Treecko. A quick glance over his shoulder informed Treecko that the guards were still there.

Annette continued, "If this girl is indeed trustworthy, and you are able to evolve, then I will allow you to form a special Exploration Team where you are an independent agent that teams up with this human. She and you will work together to translate, copy, steal, and whatever else you deem necessary to obtain information from the humans. I want to know what they are hiding."

"Yes, ma'am," Treecko said as he rose to his feet and bowed.

"Don't disappoint me again," Annette said. "This conversation is over." To solidify that fact, Annette turned around and paced over to her desk. She sat down behind it and began shuffling through papers.

Wordlessly, Treecko bowed into the corridor. There was more to this than Annette was letting on; secrets moved through the guild like water used to flow through riverbeds. Treecko was going to figure it out, and he knew that Sophia would be itching to assist. After all, this sort of thing seemed to be right up her alley.

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