Yandere Effect (Yandere One s...

By deadmeatstinky

17.5K 233 14

It's my way of venting, so I don't look critique. Please forgive any grammar mistakes. Be aware there is gore... More

Leo (Fire Emblem)
Yuma Mukami (Diabolik Lovers)
Diaval (Shall We Date Angel or Devil+)
Mejojo Von Garibaldi (black wolves saga)
Ichimatsu (Osomatsu-san)
Eliza (Skullgirls)
Kars (Jojo Bizarre Adventures: Battle Tendency)
Not and update but a P L E A

Cain Zeitgeist (Boyfriend to Death 2: Fresh Blood)

1.2K 15 1
By deadmeatstinky

Cain never believed in love. For all the centuries he has lived, he has never experinced such a terrible feeling. Of course, the male never gave any human or demon or fellow fallen angel a chance. He had always been driven by lust or wrath. He has never had time for such a time consuming activity. Seeing other mortal flaunt over one another seemed so pointless. They would die and be seperated, so why deal with the heart ache-whatever that is to mean.
However, he never expected himself to have the same feeling when he met you. At first, you were like every victim he picked, a nice face who fell for his tricks, as always. You two flirted at the bar, he gave you a drugged ice cream, and waited till you were fast asleep until he swept you away to play for a bit.
You acted like any other human, but there were a few slight differences. You were more than just a pretty face. You were pretty strong with a sharp tongue. It wasn't something Cain has not seen before, sadly. He predicted that within just a few days, he would be bored of you and would kill you soon or later. You didn't mean too much to him. You were a cute puzzle with a harder game setting. Though, like a puzzle, you had to get the little details before you got the big picture.
At first, it was just the darkness in you. It interested him, but it wasn't what drew him in completely.
As Cain played with you, he noticed small things. You were a picky eater. You played with your nails and hair. You bit you lip when you were nervous. You smelled like lemongrass. You enjoyed art and were skilled with painting. You cried easily when you were in pain, but your tongue would never settle with its sharp statements. You were better at punching than kicking. And, fuck, you were so good at kissing. When you first kissed, you tasted like apple juice and peach, something he didn't expect.
As time flew by, Cain's will to kill you became smaller and smaller with every second that passed by. Though you never truly him sympathy directly, you two would have those moments, even if you wouldn't notice them. You seemed to be getting closer and closer, and though you didn't realize it, Cain certainly did. He'd often watch you sleep in his bed. He would stare down at you, focusing on your features: your hair, your skin, the marks he made on you. He would stare and stare. As a fallen angel, sleep meant nothing to him anyways. And once, he even watched you until you woke up. And once, you clung onto his shirt while sleeping. And once, he pulled you into your arms, holding you until you shifted in your sleep, buring his face in the crook of your neck.
He wouldn't be like this if it were physical attraction. Sure, you were good looking, but it wasn't your body or face that pulled him in. You pulled him in. The little details, the cute quirks, and the strong will. That was what pulled him in. You...pulled him in. And certainly, you might feel the same way if he tried hard enough. He's never felt this love before, but surely, surely, he could mean something to you.
That's what he thought. That's what he hoped.
But things seemed to shift your last day together. Of course, Cain didn't know it would be your last day together; however, you did. While Cain had tortured and toyed with you, you got a hold of his phone and accidently made contact with his brother, Damien. The male agreed to help you, but he needed time. You agreed and waited. The problem was that you needed to survive long enough for Damien to come. But whether it was a stroke of luck or your persuasive survival skills, you managed and Damien came to your rescue. You took his hand, and when you left this hellhole you called home for the last few weeks, you didn't look back. You said one thing and left with Cain's brother.
"See you, you little dipshit."
The red-haired male did not know of your departure until he called for you. Usually, you would stick yourself in his room while he was off doing other things. Sometimes he would be in the living room or kitchen or at the balcony. Sure, you didn't isolate yourself there forever, but you did spend a good amount of time there. Cain had enough patience to allow you your time alone as long as it wasn't too long. Unnoticed to him that you have left, he considered that you have spent too long in that room.
He called for your name, but you didn't respond. He called again, and you didn't come. The fallen angel stood up and traveled to the room, only find your figure gone. He raised a brow and checked the bathroom. You were not there. He felt his heart suddenly drop. He checked all the other rooms, wondering if there was some place he missed or some place you had hidden. That's when he noticed his phone. He picked it up, seeing a few calls that have been exchanged with his brother. Though, there was a problem: He hadn't called his brother at all these last few weeks.
The pieces clicked together, but Cain wasn't any more satisfied. Out of rage, the male threw his celluar device across the room, forcing it against the wall. It didn't break, but it surely did crack badly. He just couldn't believe it. You left him! You left him with the help of his brother, of all people. He felt at a loss. There were so many things he wanted to say to you. He didn't expect you to leave him ever, not that there should have been a way to begin with. Sure, you wouldn't have warmed up to him immediately, not with some of the things he has done at least, but he was hoping you'd at least give him a chance as time passed by. Call it Stockholm syndrome, but at least it was there would be a chance for the two of you to meet a middle ground. But sadly, that wouldn't be.
At first, the angel tried to just push you away. He didn't need you. There were millions of people like you. He could find another if he looked. You were just a human. You were replaceable! He told this to himself so many times as the days passed, but this was simply lying to himself. He'd lay down, but stay awake, thinking that you were just in the bathroom. At any time, you would come out with wet hair and place yourself next to him, yet you would never come out, and he was left with what he missed about you, what he long for.
Though he knew where you truly were; it's just, getting there was impossible. The church Damien has taken you to was special. He wouldn't get in even if he tried. No one from his army could get in either. He would need to wait for you to come out, but he didn't know how long when that be. And even if you did leave, it would be a little while longer just to find you again. No...no that would take too long. He couldn't wait that long. He was barely making it by himself now.
He had to have you back now.
Cain grabbed his phone and called up his brother. To his luck, the blonde sibling picked up after a couple of rings.
"Cain...why am I not surprised? Usually you don't call me unless it's to talk about something disgusting."
Cain knew he was mocking him. He just knew it. "I would laugh at your sarcasm, but I'm afraid you have something of mine," the male replied, trying his best to stay calm. "I suggest you give it back immediately."
"Oh? Give 'it' back?" Damien repeated. "As far as I'm concerned, she's happy here, and sooner or later, she is going to be free from you." Cain frowned at this. He wasn't blind enough to push aside the fact that his brother was right. But the fallen angel wouldn't give in just yet.
"I suggest you be quiet," Cain hissed. "I chose her. You shouldn't get in the way. I'm going to have her back one way or another. I'm just trying to make it easier for you, so I won't kill you slowly."
"You know, you seem pretty fond of this girl. Usually, you wouldn't go this far for a 'toy,'" The blonde brother mocked. "What's different about this one?"
Cain didn't reply. He didn't want to. He didn't want to show his brother this new side of him just yet. But, he was just frustrated. Why did the priest have to make things so much harder for him? Cain placed his phone down, immediately leaving his cozy household. He needed to get you back. If that meant he would need to wait outside the church for centuries, so be it. If he was going to have you in his arms once again one way or another.
You stared at Damien as he took the call from Cain. .D stood next to you as the two of you exchanged curious glances before looking back at the blonde priest. When Damien hung up, he answered the questions you both had mentally asked.
"It was Cain. He's asking for you back...Well, asking is a bit of an understatement."
"Why is that?" You asked. It didn't seem like he had taken any sort of interest in you, not any you were aware of at least. The angel has mostly torutured you both physically and sexually. He couldn't possibily mistake that for anything else, could he?
"He said he chose you or something along those lines," Damien answered. He placed a curved finger on his chin as he looked down. "But what took me by surprised is that he called me, not to mention, so soon too. He's never truly taken interest in a human before, but here he is, so desperate as to call me to get you back."
You scoffed at this, and hit Damien's shoulder. "Don't pull that bullshit on me."
"No, I'm serious," he reinsured. "He's never really looked for a human when I save them. He just moves on. You must have made quite the impression."
You didn't reply. This was more than you needed to know. You would just have to stay in the church a little longer. But that was easier said than done. Just a few days in this building, and you felt like you'd be bored to death. You left all your things in your apartemnt, so you managed to entertain yourself by cleaning or cooking a bit. However,you were never too skiled at both and would end up just laying down on one of the pews while the two were gone. You had really hoped that Cain would forget you, and you both could move on with your lives.
You were pretty sure that without Damien and .D, you would have probably gone insane. Damien warned you not to go out for too long because of Cain. You have agreed, but you didn't expect for time here to go by so slowly. You would ask everyday if it was safe enough to go out, just for sunlight or maybe a for a drink, but Damien and.D always told you otherwise. You understood why they were so cautious. From what you heard, Cain was a dangerous individual. He had powers unspoken of and an army from Hell itself. If you told yourself this a few months ago that you would be hunted down by such an insane angel, you would have never believed yourself, but here you were, laying down on the floor, staring at the ceiling. You didn't really have anything else to do. You've laid down on your bed so much it began to shift to your body shape.
As you stared balnkly, Damien walked over and stood over you. His face was laced with concern. "Um...good afternoon, (y/n)..."
"Heya, Damien. How was your day today?"
"Um...good... Yours?"
"Oh, you know, same old, same old. I decided to stare at the wall a bunch. I have confirmed that the cracks in the left wall look like a dick..." You said blandly.
Damien sighed at your pathetic nature. He knew that this was no time to laugh at your dick jokes. It was nice to have you around, yes. You cooked, cleaned, and a great person to be around in general, but he could tell that keeping you locked up in here was no better than giving you back to Cain. He offered his hand to pick you up and you took it. "I'm going to go out tonight. There's a scientist I need to speak with, but you and .D should get a drink."
"Alright, I'll just get the usual champagne he buys," you groaned.
"No," he corrected. "I mean, really get a drink. I'm saying you two should go out tonight and go to an actual bar, right now!" Your eyes widened. You didn't expect for Damien to let you outside so easily.
"Wh-what?...But Cain-"
"-hasn't made a move, and I doubt he will today. At least two months have passed by. I think you two can make it through one night."
Your lively energy sudden reappared as you litereally bounched, you fist balled in excitement. "Yes!" You mused. "Oh, god, yes!" You turned your head to find .D already at the church double door. You rushed over to the dark-skinned male, excited to actually do something outside. The sun had already set, but you didn't mind. It was better than staring at the wooden walls forever like you have. "Fuck, I'm gonna get myself so fucking wasted," you chimed.
"Woah, woah, okay, calm down there," .D said, openning a door, but there was no way you could. You stepped out, feeling the warmed of the summer night wrap around you. You threw your arms out, skipping out the door and around the paved area. You couldn't wait to move your legs once more. You couldn't wait to see more than just wooden pews and the same old bedroom. You couldn't wait to get yourself wasted.
"So, what bar are we going to?" You asked, walking away even though you didn't know which way to go. .D took your shoulders and directed you to the left. You happily complied with his directions, just chipper to go somewhere.
"Just a local pub. They have some good food and a good selection of alcohol. Nothing too major, but still pretty good."
"Better than nothing," you smiled.
Like .D had said, the pub wasn't anything special the food and alcohol slection was good, but nothing over the top. You honestly liked it. You enjoyed having this time with him. The two of you had a casual conversation, something not uncommon, but there was a different air about it. It seemed more friendly, more relaxed, and more cheerful than when you were in the church. Maybe it was because you just got out a bit more. The chat continued until your elbow knocked down your glass, staining a bit of your pant leg.
"Ah shit, hold up, let me wash this off," you said, standing up for the bathroom. .D nodded and waited for you, ordering another drink as you walked away.
As you entered the women's restroom, you grabbed a couple of paper towels and patted your pant leg off. You checked yourself in the mirror, finally seeing the mess you had let your hair stay as. You cursed before getting you hand wet and running your finger over through your hair. You bent over, splashing some water on your face. Sure, you were excited to go out, but you should have at leasted checked yourself. You looked like a mess. Guess that's what you get when you stare at a ceiling for four hours straight.
As you raised your face back up, Cain's figure made itself clear behind your through the mirror. Your eyes widened as you turned around, hoping for it to be an illusion. As you stared back at the stalls, you saw nothing. You took a deep sigh of relief. God, your mind was just playing tricks.
"Something on your mind, pet?" A voice sounded next to you. Your head turned to see Cain on your left. You hollared and jumped back away from him, your hand pressed against the sink.
"Wh-wh-what the fuck? How did you find me?"
"I already knew where the church was," Cain simply explained. "I just needed to find out when my brother was going to take you out for a walk."
You glared at him. You didn't miss his dumb pet kink. "So what now, are you going to kill me or sweep me away to that red room of yours, cause if so, I prefer you just kill me. I don't have anything going out for me because of you anyways."
The fallen angel laughed, crossing his arms. "Oh, no no no," he mused. "I'm not going to take you against your will. I want you to come willingly-"
"I refuse," you said bluntly. Cain's soft gaze turned into a glare.
"I'm trying to make this easier for the both of us, (y/n)," he declared.
"I'm not buying it. I stayed with you, for who knows how long! You tortured me and hurt me in ways I didn't even know were possible! And you want me to come...willingly?" You stepped to him, grabbing his collar. He didn't move, only stared at you with an unreadable expression. "I don't know why you would ever think that I'd even consider coming with you, you asshole, you stupid mothf-"
You weren't able to finish your setence as you were suddenly pushed against the bathroom wall. Cain pressed his lips against yours as your eyes widened. His arms wrapped around your waist as your mind went in a frenzy. You could barely think, shocked, confused, and conflicted. The familar feeling of him pressing against you wasn't exactly uncomfotable. In fact, it was a good nostalgia. Without thought, you closed your eyes, wrapped your arms around his neck as you continued the kiss. You could feel Cain's hands travel up your body, pressing you tightly against his chest. You moved your hand to feel the angel's hair and ran your fingers through it as you muffled out a moan. Cain missed this. You sweet taste of peach and apple juice changed with a hint of alcohol, but he didn't mind. You still smelled like lemongrass and your embrace was so, so warm. The way you kissed him was like a drug. He kissed you over and over again, not wanting the moment to end. He knew you felt the same way. You didn't want to admit it, but he knew it. He just knew...
You passion continued until Cain moved his lips down to your jawline. It was then that you suddenly snapped out of your daze. You pushed him off violently as your rubbed your mouth. You felt so dumb to be played like that. You glanced at the angel to see a hint of disappointment that you had pulled away.
"I told you. It would be easier if you just came with me. I know what you can do. I can make you mine, and I can be yours." He pulled out a rose from his sleeve, where that came from, you weren't sure. He offered it to you with a soft smile, but the smile seemed more condescending than soft. Then again, you weren't sure if the fallen angel was even capable of a "soft smile."
You frown, heading for the door. "I'm not going, Cain. Good bye." You left the bathroom and came back to your chair with .D. Immediately as you sat down, you noticed a red rose on the counter top in front of you. You nudged the dark-skinned male and pointed at it.
"Where the fuck did that come from?" You spat as you pushed it aside. .D finished his drink before giving the flower a curious look. He picked it up, examining the fragile petals and thorny stem, but as he held it, he immediately let it go with a sharp "ow!" You looked at his thumb as a small bead of blood poked out of his thumb.
"Dumb flower," he muttered. "I'm not sure where it came from. Guess someone gave it to you while you were out and I wasn't looking."
You frowned, knowing who this was probably from.
"Let's go. I'm tired." You crossed your arms and headed for the exit. .D called out for you to wait as he paid for the drinks and chased after you.
"God damn, what is with you and leaving me behind?" He asked.
"I...Cain found me," you said, looking at him. The statement obviously took him by surprise. His eyes widened as he stopped walking for a moment.
"Hold on, what?...But you're still here...a-and you're not dead. What-why would he do that?"
"I dunno! You guys know the dude better than I do," you responded. "He was acting weird, telling me to come willingly and-"
"Well, that's not normal."
"Yeah, I know! I have only known the dude for a few weeks, and I already know that. Tell me something I don't know, .D!"
"He could be messing with you. Usually he leaves around black feather just to..." The male stopped having something catch his eye. "Fuck...!" He took your hand and rushed to the church. You didn't object you saw them too. As you left the pub, you saw it, a smal trail of black feathers, leading away from the pub and to your direction. Cain was messing with you again.
You weren't too far away from the church, but you feared that you wouldn't make it. And sadly, you were right. As the church came into view, so did Cain's tall figure. Black feathers were spread out as they blocked the entrance of the church. He was playing with the fragile petals of a rose. At his side was a sword, something you had not seen before, but you definitely feared it.
The two of you were abruplty stopped as something wrapped around your legs, holding you down to the ground. You both stared at the culprit, finding rose vines that bursted from the ground and holding onto the two of you. Its thorns dug into you, and though the damage was minimum, it sure hurt like Hell. The vines were slowly traveling up to your arms, holding them down, restricting you.
"I guess not everything can come so easily into place," Cain sighed. "You two really were stupid to go out while my brother was away. But I must thank you. I finally got my hands on what belongs to me, and that's what matters." He chuckled as a hand playfully brushed against you cheek. You growled and bit his hand as a response. He recoiled his hand and cradled it to sooth the pain. But his smile quickly regained. "Such a burst of fire as always, aren't we?" He asked.
"Oh, fuck you, Cain. I already said no!"
"I know, but I never said I wouldn't try to convince you, my dear." He pulled out the sword as he pointed it at .D. In response, the retrained male fought against the vines violently, but all was in vain. Cain threw aside his rose and brought his blade down on the other. You watched at the sword grazed over his arm. It wasn't anything major, but the blood poured out easily, nonetheless.
"Cain! Cain, stop, god dammit!" You screamed, fighting agaisnt the vines.
"You know, I left you alone with my brother and this disgusting being for so long. How do I know that they haven't touched you? Maybe I should kill this one first, take you with me and come back to finsih off my brother, just to make sure."
You fought against your restainst again as the male tortured his prey, cutting deeper and deeper into .D. You screamed and whined out Cain's names, trying to get him to stop. All the while, .D looked worse for wear. You didn't want this to happen. Both .D and Damien allowed you to live in their church for so long. They provided for you despite your complaints of being bored and even allowed you to go out despite the dangers. You didn't want .D to pay for your dumb mistakes. He didn't deserve it.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck," you hissed. "Cain! Cain, please, stop! I'll go with you! Is that what you want? I fucking go with you!"
Cain abrubtly stopped. He placed his sword down and gave you his attention. "My, I didn't hear that? Say that again?"
"I'll go with you. Just leave .D alone, and I'll go willingly. I'll do whatever messed up shit you want. You can kill me, torture me, whatever. Just leave .D and Damien out of this, okay?"
Cain glanced back at .D. His body was covered in deep cuts that he had inflicted. He was panting, trying to keep his footing, but it wouldn't last for long. THe fallen angel raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Immediately, the roses around your arms and legs returned into the ground and you were freed.
He motioned you over and you willingly came to him. "Ah, I knew you would come around. But, as I promised, I'll keep the pathetic welp alive. It will be worth it. However, you must promise this. You will never go with them ever again, agreed?'
You stared down at the floor, knowing that you were throwing your freedom away if you agreed. "...Okay...I promise." Cain smiled at your response, wrapping his arm around your waist. He let .D go, and immeditely, the male fell to the ground, cradling his wounds. You two were too occupied to pay any attention sadly. The angel began to kiss around your jawline, slowly moving down to you neck. You recongized the feeling and bit you lip. You didn't want this to happen in front of .D.
"You made the right choice, my dear..."
Suddenly, you were back at the red room, his red room. Cain pressed you against the bed as he continued to trail kisses around your neck and collarbone. You hissed as he bit down and sucked your skin, leaving small hickeys around your neck.
Cain loved this, having you back with him, and even more so, you came willingly. Your smell, your pretty face, your taste, your little quirks, your cute talents, and adorable voice, they were all his again. You were all his again. You gripped his suit as his hands roughly moves against your body. Oh, he hasn't touched you like this in so long. The angel yearned for this for so long. He imagined your reunion to be amazing, but having your taste back in his mouth felt even more so. He pressed his lips against yours and you didn't fight back, nor did you push him off violently. You just clung onto him as he did the same. He placed himself in between your legs as you were pulled at the edge of the bed. You knew where this was going. It wasn't the first time you've done this with the angel, but something felt different as you were giving in.
"Yes..." he murmured. "Give unto me, and I will show you a world beyond your own. I will give you power you could never image. I will you myself. Just love me, crave me, and I will do anything...anything for you."
You've never heard him say that before.
"...Cain." Was all you could murmur back as you left his lips again. You felt a wave of different emotions, different things as the red-haired male pulled you up and on top of him on the bed. You didn't fight. It's like nothing had ever happened before. It was like .D didn't matter or Damien or even your own suffer. It felt like it was just a bad nightmare as Cain continued to touch you. You accepted...
Cain moved, kissing your temple. "I'm going to make into something amazing. I'm going to make you mine forever."

I don't like this guy, but I really, really felt like writing about him. Man I feel like a dirty birdy!

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