Pray For Me (Erik Killmonger)

By baldheadeddemon

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Erik adores his boyfriend more than life itself. After all, who's going to kiss all his scars and pray for hi... More

Chapter One: Happy
Chapter Two: Hoodies
Chapter Three: Sick
Chapter Four: Sorry
Chapter Five: Cheat
Chapter Six: Forgive
Chapter Seven: Promise
Chapter Eight: Nerve
Chapter Nine: Rut
Chapter Ten: Planning
Chapter Eleven: Mate
Chapter Twelve: Heat
Chapter Thirteen: Still Down?
Chapter Fourteen: Angels
Chapter Fifteen: Punish
Chapter Sixteen: Surprise
Chapter Eighteen: Raise Hell
Chapter Nineteen: Cub
Chapter Twenty: Prayer

Chapter Seventeen: Ex's & Oh's

1K 28 12
By baldheadeddemon

Erik is 16 weeks pregnant. If he was compared to a human woman, he looks like he's at least 27 weeks. Damn the demon hormones. He rubs his stomach as he looks at the screen before him. He had begun to develop boobs and had gone bra shopping with Celine in the demon realm. It was an interesting experience. Right now, he's wearing some kind of sports bra and he's grateful for it cause as Celine warned, his newly developing breasts had begun discharging milk. Asrani had noticed it first when they were watching TV one night and noticed the wet spot. Erik was so embarrassed he locked himself in the nursery for an hour. He was lured out with food. 

Speaking of nursery, Lucifer had gifted the couple with a new house, close to them and to work. It's a townhouse he had renovated for the couple. It has three floors, not including the basement. On the first floor, it's the living room, kitchen and dining room. The second floor has a guest bedroom, a study, and a full bathroom. The third floor has the master bedroom which has a walk-in closet, a large bathroom with a tub and shower, the nursery with its own bathroom, and another bedroom which they had made into a library/sitting room. 

"How are you doing?" Maria asks and Erik looks up. 

"I'm good. Just finishing with this file--"

"I wasn't talking about the file Erik. I'm talking about the little one."

"Oh," Erik blushes. "I'm fine."

"Has he or she started kicking?"

"Yes but the cub is pretty calm. Gets really active when Asrani is near."

She smiles.

"My sister said that when she was pregnant with her daughter, anytime her husband spoke, she would kick. She is daddy's little girl."

Erik smiles as he stands.

"I need the bathroom and some lotion. These damn stretch marks."

Maria chuckles as Erik walks to the bathroom. He had thought he would have received many stares and comments but the men and women at SHIELD were quite accepting and excited for him. Guess after working with Aliens, humans with inhuman powers, and meetings gods, his pregnancy was nothing surprising.

"Mr. Stevens!"

"Hello Peter."

"Do you need help?"

"No. I'm just going to the bathroom."

"Mr. Rogers just went in there."

"Normally that would deter me but your godbrother just pushed on my bladder."

Peter giggles as Erik enters the bathroom and goes to a urinal, ignoring  Steve. He pees and wipes himself before flushing. He washes his hand before pushing his locs out his face. 

"It's rude to stare," Erik snapped.

"My apologies. I...I have never seen a pregnant man."

"Well, now you are."

Erik dries his hands before opening the door and walks out. 

"Hey, Erik," T'Challa says as he walks over. "How's the cub?"

"Good. Oh." He stops and T'Challa looks with concerns. "He just kicked. Guess he got excited."

"He's kicking?"

"Yeah. Want to feel?"

T'Challa nods and Erik takes his hand, pressing it to his stomach. They wait patiently until T'Challa speaks.

"I guess he doesn't--oh. Oh."

The baby kicks twice and Erik chuckles as T'Challa stares in awe.

"Guess he likes Uncle T'Challa's voice too."

T'Challa blushes as he moves his hand and walks with Erik.

"How's the nursery coming along?"

"Great. We pretty much got everything off the registry. You guys are really excited."

"I mean, one of our own is pregnant. Oh, my mother sent a gift. I'll drop it off later if that's okay."

"Yeah. It's fine."

"Great. I have to get back to work. See you later Erik. Bye little one."

Erik smiles as he walks back to his post. He runs into Asrani.

"Hello my love."

Erik smiles as he kisses Asrani who gently rubs his stomach.

"Hello my cub."

The baby kicks and they chuckle.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I went to the bathroom. Steve was staring."

"You'd think with all the shit he's seen and done in his life this wouldn't be surprising."

Erik snorts.

"Well, you know how white men are."


Erik chuckles as Asrani kisses his forehead again.

"I left lunch at your post."


"Lamb curry with rice and naan bread. Made sure they gave you extra green sauce for the bread and samosas."

"I love you."

"I know you do. I will see you later."

"Okay. Thank you."

"You're welcome." 

They kiss one more time as Erik returns to work.
"You have overtime?"

Asrani looks at Erik and nods.

"Sadly. Stupid reports. Rogers didn't complete them so now I have to."

"I can stay."

"No. Go home. You're tired."

Erik pouts and Asrani smiles as he stands, hugging his pregnant mate. He rubs his stomach and Erik smiles at the soft kisses pressed to his cheek.

"You can ask T'Challa or Sam to take you home. They should still be here."

"Sam went on a date with Bucky."

"Oh, word? It's about time."

"I thought Bucky was going to get with Steve."

"Even the Winter Soldier knows Captain America is a bastard."

Erik giggles.

"Well...ask T'Challa then."

"I'll be fine. T'Challa has something for the baby from his mom."

"Probably some expensive traditional baby carrier. Who knows. I swear the gifts from your aunt is amazing."

T'Challa and Erik had discovered they were cousins and of course, Erik went to Wakanda to meet the rest of his family. Asrani tagged along and befriended M'Baku and Okoye. Shuri loved them and Ramonda was happy to see that N'Jobu had left a son. And if they weren't already happy to see him, they were overjoyed to hear he was pregnant.

"It probably is. I'll text when I get home."

"No. Call. I may want to stay on FaceTime with you."

"Works for me. Kiss."

They share a sweet kiss before Erik leaves, calling for T'Challa.
Asrani smiles as he watches Erik soak in the bathtub. 

"I's so weird having breast. Can you believe I'm a C?"

"I thought you were a D."

"If I was a D, I'd start pumping right now."

Asrani chuckles as he finishes another report. 

"How many are left?"

"Two. I'll be home soon."

Erik smiles.

"Good. The cub is a bit restless. You demon cubs are strong."

Asrani chuckles as he begins to type. Erik listens to the typing and it soothes him, his drooping close. Asrani looks over and smiles. Erik is sleeping, soft snores leaving him. He looks beautiful with that glowing skin that resulted from the pregnancy. The call suddenly ends and Asrani frowns. He calls back but Erik doesn't answer. He frowns.

Meanwhile, the man looks at the sleeping man. He feels the anger bubble in him. He should be the one pregnant with Asrani's child. He shakes the man who jumps before glaring at him. He gasps at the knife to his neck.

"You fight me and I'll pull that child from you."

Erik swallows as he nods. 

"Out the tub."

Erik obeys and climbs out. He's handed a towel and he dries off. He finally catches a glimpse of the man's face and growls.



"Asrani is going to kill you."

Gabriel ignores his commit.

"Dress. Quickly."

"I'm moving as fast as I can you dick. I'm pregnant."

Gabriel glares at him as Erik pulls on his clothes. His coat is thrown to him.

"Come on."

Erik obeys. He slips his ring off, leaving it next to his phone as he is rushed out the house. He is pushed into a black SUV. He looks at the driver and stares.

"Steve? What are you doing?"

"Hey Erik."

"Why are you here?"

"I got you Erik," Gabriel says. "Now do your part."

"I will."

Steve gets out as Gabriel takes the driver seat. Erik is about to leave the car because he refuses to be doing this shit when a big man appears next to him.

"That's Matthew Erik. Don't make him hurt you or your cub."

Erik swallows as Gabriel pulls off.
"Erik? Erik!" Asrani enters the house and frowns at the darkness. Once Erik ended the call he quickly made his way home. He looks at the little table by the door and sees Erik's ring and phone. Erik never leaves home without them.

"N'Jadaka? N'Jadaka!"

He moves upstairs, senses on high alert. He smells the scent of Erik and of an unknown person in the bedroom. He walks to the nursery and stops. Sitting in the rocking chair is Steve.

"Why are you here?"

Steve looks at him and stands.

"You're looking for Erik."

"What did you do to my mate?"

"I know where he is. I can take you."

Asrani's eyes narrow.

"For what price?"


Asrani's eyes flash blood red, like his father's. There is one fact about Asrani that only his parents know. Not even Erik does. Asrani's eyes turn four colours. Black eyes are normal or his fighting eyes. Burgundy means he is tapping into his demonic powers. Gold is the sign of being in Rut or in the presence of his mate and cub. The last colour is blood red. It is a sign that Asrani is the prince of Hell and a sign that someone will die. Unlike Lucifer who is either black or blood red eyes, Asrani rarely goes blood red. 

"Fine. Take me to him."

Steve nods as he leads the way. Asrani mumbles a quick spell, summoning a pitch black butterfly. He whispers to it softly, so soft that Steve cannot hear him. The butterfly flies out the window as Asrani follows after Steve.

Erik shivers as he sits in the abandoned mansion. His eyes are gold as his powers try to keep him warm. Erik can't use much of his abilities because he is pregnant and could risk hurting the cub. Dr. Gold had told him that after he used a spell to throw up a shield and ended up puking blood. If he could, Erik would've already killed his way out. 

"Are you cold?" Matthew asks.


He steps away, leaving Erik with two large men he didn't even bother paying attention to their names. Matthew returns with a grey blanket and hands it to Erik. He wraps himself in it. 

"He's coming," Gabriel says, entering the room. "Remember: we are not trying to kill him. We want to cleanse him."


Gabriel looks at Erik.

"Cleanse Asrani of the demon blood. Make him an angel."

Erik stares in shock.

"No. NO! You can't!"

He stands before bending over as the cub kicks rather hard. 

"Sit. You don't want to hurt your cub," Gabriel sneers and Erik begins to cry. He hates not being able to beat the shit out of Gabriel. He hugs his stomach as he sobs. 
Asrani feels the sadness from the connection he and Erik has. He tries to comfort him but it is no use. The sadness increases and Asrani looks at Steve.

"Where are we going?"

"Where Erik is."

"Don't play with me, Steve."

"I'm not. We are almost there."

Asrani glares at him as he sits. He watches as the abandoned mansion comes into view and he senses something is off. He murmurs to another black butterfly and it flies off as Steve parks. He climbs out and looks at Steve.

"Lead the way."

Steve walks up the stairs, Asrani following him. 
Lucifer and Celine notice the black butterflies on the window and Celine opens the window, letting them in. They go off one by one.

Erik is missing. I am going with Steve Rogers.

We have left Manhattan.

Erik is panicking.


Lucifer and Celine look at each other as Lucifer's eyes go blood red and Celine's turn gold. Lucifer does a quick spell, summoning some of his men as Celine moves a painting to reveal a hidden safe. She murmurs something and it opens as she pulls out three items. The first is a gold pendant with the pentagram carved in it with the goats head. The second is a black rod with the symbol of Lucifer carved in it. The last is a rod with the winged serpent carved on one side and Baphomet on the other. She finally pulls out a black bladed sword with a gold handel.

Lucifer looks at her.

"Let's go get my baby back."

They disappear.

Erik turns and licks his lips, shaking his head.

"No! No! Stop."

Asrani stops about three feet from Erik.


"It's a trap."


"It's a trap!"

Asrani is suddenly grabbed and before he can unleash his powers a silver cross is held to his chest and he howls. Gabriel steps into the light.

"Take him, Steve."

Steve grabs Erik and begins to pull him away. Erik hisses and slashes his hand with is claws. His eyes are gold and he is using the little of his powers he can use to keep him away.

"Erik! Stop! No."

"Don't touch me!" He growls at Steve, snapping at him with elongated fangs. 

Gabriel murmurs softly as he begins to chant. Asrani growls before letting out a pained whimper making Erik look over.


He had never heard Asrani hiss in pain and he becomes scared.

"Stop fighting it Asrani. Let me cleanse you. And then we can be together."

"I...I rather die before...before being with you."

"I wouldn't allow that. I'll cleanse you and then we can mate."

"Go suck your God's dick," he hisses before he's backhanded by Matthew. Erik is held back by Steve.

"No! Don't hurt him!"

Gabriel begins to chant again before pressing another silver object to Asrani's forehead. 

" gone from this man. Cleanse him in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost."

At the moment Asrani lets out an inhuman howl, his parents appear.

"Stop them!" Gabriel orders. He catches Asrani's body as more people that Erik assumes are angels appear. Steve begins to pull him away. 

"We have to go!"

"We aren't going anywhere!" Erik growls as punches Steve in the throat.  "Asrani!" 

Asrani shakes as Lucifer and Celine fight with the men.


He looks up as Celine throws him the rod with the two carvings.

"Use it!"


"Use it!" She cuts a man down. "Use it."

Erik stares at it before running over to Gabriel and knocking him over the head with it. Lucifer blinks.

"That's not how--" He punches another man in the throat. "Oh fuck it."

Erik is about to touch the silver when Asrani grabs his hand.

"" He says in a soft shaky voice. 

"Asrani," Erik whispers. "Please...Don't go. Don't die."

Asrani holds his hand up, covered in black blood. It shakes as he touches Erik's cheek.

"I....I...I love you."

"I love you, too Asrani. Open your eyes. No No No No! Asrani!"

Lucifer and Celine look over at Erik who is sobbing over Asrani who has stopped moving. 

"Asrani," Celine says, eyes going wide.

"Son," Lucifer whispers. "Son!"

Erik is grabbed by Steve who pulls him after him. "We have to go!"

"No! Asrani!"

Celine rushes to Asrani.

"Asrani! No, no, no! No!" She screams.

"ASRANI!" Erik screams before he's pulled out the mansion by Steve who pushes him into the SUV. He Sobs. 

"Asrani...wake up...your mate needs you," Lucifer says. 

Asrani's lifeless eyes stare up at the ceiling. In his anger and heartbreak, Lucifer howls, causing a storm to form outside. 

"Asrani...Wake Up," Celine whispers. "Wake up. Baby please."

"You!" Lucifer growls as Gabriel's eyes widen. He goes to run but he's grabbed by Lucifer. "I will skin you alive and throw you in the deepest, hottest pit of hell!"

Celine grows angry.

"WAKE UP!" She yells as she slams Asrani in the chest, her hands glowing gold as she uses powers she didn't even know she still had and shocks her son's body. 

Asrani takes a large gasp of breath as his eyes go wide and turn pure black before swirls of burgundy, gold, and blood-red appear in them. He grabs his mother's hands as he sits up. She stares in shock as he grabs the rod with the two carvings. Gabriel stares before wiggling out of Lucifer's grasps and jumps out a nearby window. 

Asrani stares at his father.

"You know what to do."

Asrani disappears as Lucifer helps his wife up.

"Pray for him for hell is about to rain on him."

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