Weiss X Op Reader: Warming Up...

Bởi GavinChandler4

2.3K 48 13

Training every day since you were a child, parents dead ( Your a protagonist what do you expect). You learn t... Xem Thêm

Getting to beacon
I just want some sleep please
Just trying to get by.
destruction is all you created
ammending for sins
More Training?!

Date to past lie

262 6 4
Bởi GavinChandler4

your pov

You woke up looking at a ceiling. "What the heck happened to me?" You then realize that you are in the hospital. The memories of what happened start to come back quick and vividly. "Damn  it, am I still not strong enough?" You mutter under your breath. You sigh as you try to get up only to feel a weight on you. You look down and see Weiss sleeping ever so peacefully with her head on your lap. "Well, now this is a development that I don't mind." You start to slowly rub her head as she flutters her eyes open. "Yo Weiss, you worried about me or what?" 

"(y/n) your awake thank goodness. I thought you would never wake up." You see Weiss's eyes start to tear up.

"Whoa, hey I was not out that long, was I?" You start to get up only to wince in pain and get pushed back down by Weiss. 

"You've been out for a week (Y/n), of course I was worried." You start to see her blush. 

"You mean you have been here everyday after class just to check on him, Weiss." Blake says as you look over to see the rest of team RWBY as then you notice Weiss even more red than before.

"Weiss is for white, right? Your kinda taking Ruby's role as red right now Weiss. You okay, sick maybe." You say as you put your forehead on hers only to see her blushing even darker.

"Shut up you dunces!" Weiss screams while backing away to regain her composure. You then see the door open to reveal Ozpin. 

" Good morning Mr. (Y/N), good to see you awake. RWBY if you don't mind I would like to talk to (Y/N) in private." Ozpin says as you see Weiss slightly sad by this? 

"Hey Weiss, 5 okay for me to pick you up for that Date?" You say with a sly grin on your face.

"You dunce, hmph." She crosses her arms with a really dark blush on her face as she walks out the room with her team chasing after her. 

"Oh you got a date with (Y/N), I knew you liked him." You hear Yang taunting in the hallway

"Shut up,." You hear Weiss getting nagged by her entire team as their voices got quieter and quieter until they were gone.

"So, I don't suppose you are hear for a kind chat and just to give me my homework right?" You look to see him bring out a tv. The tv shows you fighting against Richmond. All you do is scoff.

"So you do know him Mr. (L/N)" Ozpin looks at you with a look that says he is not going to drop it. 

"sadly enough yeah, you know my families dead, he did it." Ozpin looked at you with a look of pity and sadness but also understanding. "But now there's something else I have against him." Ozpin raises his brow in interest.  "He killed Master Wei." Ozpin looks at you with total disbelief.

"Thank you for telling me more about him. For now rest. Tomorrow you will be in school. Here's your dorm key and your uniform is in there." He says while handing you a key.  

"Who's on my team?" You ask while looking at the keys.

"No one, you are a solo team since I don't want to get anyone else involved with Richmond." Ozpin Says while flicking to the part where you disappeared from Richmond. "Two semblances?" 

"Semblance manipulation, I like to call it but no. I just loop holed my way around and used all the elements making up my body and brought it elsewhere, like teleportation in a way." You say scratching the back of your head.

"Clever." Ozpin says as he walks out of the room. You continue to look at the screen only to notice Richmond looking at it now.

"Wait he never did that?" You only start to realize what's happening when he disappears. "Shit!!!" You yell as you dive out of your bed for it to be stabbed by none other than Richmond.

"Hey there twerp, miss me?" He says as he pulls his knife out of the bed.

"Hell yeah, so I can kick your..." You dive to the right to dodge a punch which blew a hole through the wall. Alarms started to sound. "You could at least let me finish." You tackle him through another wall just to hear him grunt. "Hurt yet."

"Not enough." He growls as he throws you through another wall which happened to led outside. It was only then that you realize that you are on the eighth story of the hospital. You grunt and teleport yourself onto the ground only to see Richmond gone. "See ya again soon twerp." You dodge to the right and grab a knife that was thrown at you. 

"Same trick won't work on me twice Richmond." You then noticed the knife start to glow. "Shoot its an explosion!" You freeze the knife to stop it and just sigh. "Maybe next time." As you start to walk to your room.

"What happened (y/n)!!!" You hear Oxpin yell as he and Glynda run up to you.

"Sorry, my mistake, I forgot to tell you l; don't ever watch Richmond on a TV otherwise he can show up to where he is being viewed." You say as you walk away from the entire scene just wanting to rest.

Mini time skip

You finally make it to your room after searching for a good half hour just to see that you walked past it three times. 'damn it' is all you can think as go inside and set up your room. 'wonder what time it is?' you think as you look at a clock to see 4:55. 'Oh crap I gotta pick up Weiss at 5!' You hastily use wind to fix up your hair and take a minute shower. You use heated wind to dry yourself and put on some black jeans and (f/c) shirt with a black hoodie. You run around only to realize that you have no idea where their dorm is just to see Ruby running through the halls. "Just my luck" You say as you run after her. You see her go into a room right next to yours. 'And it was right next to mine the entire time. 'Son of a, wait gotta get their, quick.' You knock on the door just to realize you do not have a gift for her. " Eh I'm good, make it on the fly.".

"Coming" You hear a cheerful voice call out, probably Ruby. A few seconds later Ruby opens the door and looks at you. She runs back in and yells " Weiss your boyfriends here!" You see Weiss in a bluish white outfit as she walks up to you.

"Ready to go ice angel?" You ask looking at her slightly annoyed face.

"Better then I thought my nickname would've been. Thought you would make it something a little more cheesy in the joke part." She says while grabbing you arm and starting to walk away.

"If I wanted that I would just call you Sweiss. Get it Swiss cheese." You say while looking at her slightly agravated face now.

"Dunce" Is all she says while looking away.

"Your pretty cute when your angry, maybe I should keep it up." You look at her to realize that she is just blushing and looking away so you two continue to head out. "Say what are we doing for this time out?"

Time skip to after the date

Location: hallways of beacon

After returning from the date Weiss just wouldn't get off your arm. " Hey Weiss not that I mind you hugging my arm and all but i told you that you shouldn't have watched that movie.

Flashback to the date

You and Weiss had just finished dinner and we're going to see a movie. "So Weiss what movie do you wanna watch?" You look to see Weiss looking through her options.

"This one." She points to a horror movie about clowns  "I have already seen all of the other movies but not this one and it looks interesting."

"You do know that is a horror movie right?" You say smiling still at her.

" No it's not, come on, let's go." She says while dragging you to the counter.

"Don't say I did not warn you." You say as you smile and just go along with it.

Flashback end

" Gotta say, feel sorry for the clown that we met on the way back home. Never expected you of all people to try and kill him Weiss." You just start laughing at her.

"Shut up you Dunce, he obviously was going to eat us like those clowns in the movies." You hear her yell to defend herself. You arrive at her dorm and started saying your goodbyes. You start to walk away just to hear Weiss scream and run and hug you from behind.

"Weiss is everything alright, I know you missed me but this is a bit much don't you think?" You say trying to get to your door.

"Shut up, l-l-look over there." She says clearly terrified as she points to JNPR all dressed as clowns laughing. Weiss notices this and gets really angry and storms off into her room.

"It's not nice to stalk people on their dates you guys know right?" You say looking at them as they all start to run away. You chuckle to yourself as you go to your room and just go to bed.

Dream pov

You were in your dream and saw you were in forever falls forest. You start to walk around a bit before stopping. "Whoever you are come out." You see Richmond step out from behind the tree and start to walk towards you. " What are you after Richmond?" You say as you make an earth chair for you to sit on and one for him.

"Oh if your asking this then you know I can enter peoples dreams to huh?" He says taking a seat.

"Yeah, You've done it for a while now so I figured it was actually you. So tell me, what are you after going after me?" You ask looking at Richmond to see if he would like or not.

"You" he says smiling while pointing at you.

"Sorry not into you Richmond." You say in a mocking manner.

"Here let me elaborate on what I mean, I want you to join me." He says with a sly grin on his face.

"Now why would I join the bastard that killed my family?" You say curious to what he had to say.

" Your memories have been blocked" he said completely shocking you. He was telling the truth, his heartbeat was the same and he did not stutter along with an assortment of other things he did not do.

"Prove it Richmond, if their blocked then one, who did it, and two, can you release the memories; I'm not comfortable not knowing some of my life." You say as he shifts slightly like he was ready to give a speech.

"One, your family did it after they did some pretty nasty stuff to you, me to so they can have you hate me. 2. I can and will release those memories if you truly want me to, but I have to warn you, these will change how you see me, yourself, your family, your master, and almost everyone on that team you became pretty good friends with. RWBY was it." He said actually not smirking for a change

"Yes i need to know the truth, if they all are hiding something from me then I need to know the truth Richmond whether I like you or not." You say looking at Richmond with unwilling eyes of determination.

"Okay then, meet me tommorow at 10am at your old house, there I shall do it. Then Afterwards we shall see  if you care to join me or not." Richmond says as he gets up and puts his hand out. You look at it and hesitantly shake his hand.

"Deal" you say as you and him walk away from each other as you start to wake up.

Your pov

You wake up and look at the clock 9:02. You get out of bed and get your combat gear on and start to walk down the halls. Team RWBY walks out their dorm just as you walk past it.

"Hey (y/n), did you..." They ask to only realize that you are gone. They all look at each other in disbelief and shock as they continue on with their day which now was to find you.


Location: (y/n) parents house

You walk up to see Richmond at the door looking at you. "Ready?" He says as he walks up to you.

"Yeah." You say as he puts his hand on your head and you black out.

2 years before parents death

You were excited because you and your older brother were going to hang out with his friend Richmond today. Richmond was 20 years old like your brother while you were only 5. You and your brother walk up and see Richmond walking towards you and your brother. "Hey how's it going (b/n), and look at the little champ." He said as he ruffled your hair. Richmond always treated you like a younger brother and you liked Richmond like your older brother. "Hey where did you get this scar from?" as he points at your check which has a slash across it.

"It was mom and dad again." Says your older brother. They just look at each other and at you again. "Don't worry little bro, I am here to protect you from them now, okay (y/n)?" Your brother says while crouching to look at you.
"Okay (b/n)" you say nodding.

"So (y/n) can you tell us what they have done to you while me and your brother were out?" Richmond ask with concern riddled through his voice.

" Mom and dad always call me a waste of time and space and that I was a mistake for liking you two. They say sometimes that they wish that I would just die so they did not have to deal with me. They would sometimes get angry at me and beat me up, that's how I got this gash today, mom was angry that I did not do the laundry and cut me with a knife and told me no food today. I wonder what I did to them, am I really just a mistake?" You say as you start to cry. Richmond just hugs you to confort you and repetitively says things like no you are not and things of the like.

"Damn bitches, I should talk to them when I go back with (y/n) Richmond." He nods and you all go out for ice cream, your favorite. You see some good friends. "Neo, Roman!" You yell out at a multi colored hair girl and a long red haired boy.

"Hey (y/n)" they both said as you and your "brothers" walk towards them. Neo hugs you and Roman looks at you and asks " what happened to your face bro?" After you explain to them they look beyond pissed but get over it quickly to relish the time to hang out with you. After a bit they leave and you, Richmond and you brother start walking towards your house until Richmond stops and says " sorry but this is where we part ways. I won't be back for a couple years but I will see you two in a couple years." You give him a hug and your brother and him also hug as he leaves. You and your brother finally get home and enter the house to see your father walk up to you two.

"(Y/n) go upstairs." You run upstairs and sit in your room to hear your mother, father and brother all yelling at each other. You decide to head downstairs to see the door open and Richmond's parents walk in. You  stay at the stairs not sure what to do but watch your brother argue for your sake only for your father to pull out a gun and shoot him right in the head. He notices Richmond's parents at the door and before they can say anything two knives go through their necks with your mother behind them. You run upstairs to scared to cry and just lay in your bed under your covers. After about a minute your mother and father enter the room.

"What did you hear (y/n)?" Your father ask.

"Nothing." You lie but you don't want to die. All you hear is good before you feel something hit the back of your head and you black out.

Timeskip 1 day later

You had been locked in the cellar and chained to a chair in the dark. You hear (f/n) and (m/n) talking to some people. You hear the door open and look to see a little black haired girl with red tips and a long yellow haired girl with a blonde adult male you could only presume to be their father.

"See this boy Ruby, Yang, you don't ever want to be with or like this boy. He is the worst of the worse and a failure." The adult male says.

"So what should we call him then?" Ruby asks.

"Outcast seems like it would work fine for someone like him Ruby." Yang says to her. The grown up spits at you and they all walk away. All you could do was look down and cry.

The next day you heard your family talking to a new group of people. An all black haired family walks in that all seem to be faunus. "See that Blake, this boy hear is the reason why things like the white fang, and faunus discrimination exist. These are the humans we should hate." The grown man says as the little girl known as Blake just stares at you.

"Faunus killer, nobody needs you here." Blake says as she walks away followed shortly by the other two. (F/n) walks in and looks at you and unchains you.

"Don't try to run away, I would say you should die but we need to show major families what the bottom or the lowest of the low is. And that is you." He says as he throws you a stale biscuit and a glass of water. You eat it and drink the water quickly as then your father chains you back up and walks away.

The next day a family of white haired people came in. You saw what was most likely the father and mother, and two sisters.

"When (f/n) said he had something bad to show us, I expected bad but this is ridiculously bad." The father says. "Daughters see this boy, he is the one in the world who never will have any friends, any money, power, and is the type of person you should not become." He continued saying.

"What a failure of a human, and I thought faunus were bad." The older sister says.

"I hate you and always will. I hope that you can be a criminal so I have a good reason to kill you." The younger sister says. This for some reason affects you the most as you start to cry. They all leave disgusted as your father enters the room with a knife. He slashed you across the chest and left. These kind of occurrence would happen every day for the next two years which left you with multiple scars on your stomach. Until one fateful day when both of your parents came in.

"Nobody likes you so we are just going to do everyone a favor and kill you." They had a sword now in their hands and just as they were about to kill you they dropped to the floor.

"Damn bastards desreve that for what they did to my mom, dad, and your own children." You look up to see Richmond with Neo and Roman. (F/n) groaned on the floor as he had a bullet wound in his stomach as (m/n) was already dead.

"Richmond, Neo, Roman?" You mutter out weakly to catch their attention.

"(Y/n)" your alive!?" They all yelled and got you out of the chair.

"Holy crap, you look like shit (y/n)" Roman says as he picks you up. Richmond just looks at (f/n) full of hatrad and shoots him straight through the head. They get you out of their as you explain everything that happened to you to them all. Neo just kept on hugging you, Roman looked disgusted, while Richmond was just angry that he was not their to help you. Eventually you arrive in the middle of forever falls just for a portal to appear. You all walk through it to end up in a dark realm. You see a tall white haired, red eyed woman.

"Hello (y/n), my name is salem and I have seen what you have been through. You want vengence on all of them don't you?" Her powerful voice emanated and all you did was nod. "Then I shall train you but you shall know me as master Wei so nobody can know who I am, and at the end I shall erase your memories until Richmond sees fit to restore them." You agree and after all the years you begun to see her as your mother and even became pretty good friends with Emerald, Mercury, Cinder, and even Tyrian had a soft side for you and as a good friend.

Timeskip 10 years

It was the day that your memories we're to be wiped. You readied yourself as you saw Salem/ Master Wei come up.

"When the time comes (y/n) return to me even stronger, and fight for me. I will give you a new sembelnce allowing control over the elements to use instead of your time manipulation." She says as she gets ready "Any last words (y/n)?"

"Yeah, I love you mother Salem and thank you for all you did for me, I can't wait to come back." You say as for the first time Salem saw you smile.

"I love you to... My child" she says as you close your eyes as she erases your memories.

Flashback end

You wake up and see Richmond looking at you. " Enough sleep sleeping beauty." He says and flashes a normal smile at you.

"Yeah,I think I'm good" you say as you get up and look at him.

"So ready to come back to us (y/n)?" Richmond says standing up.

"I need a day to think about it." You say as you teleport inside your dorm room. You look at the clock and it shows 10:43 pm. 'guess I should go to bed after deciding' you fall asleep with the last thought being I've decided.

When you wake up you grab your stuff and head out ready to leave only to see team RWBY coming towards you. "Where have you been we were looking everywhere for you (y/n)!" Weiss yells. You just look away and keep walking until Yang grabs your arm and holds you.

"Why aren't you talking to us?" She asked seeming angry as her eyes are flickering red. All of them seemed to want to know the answer so you gave it to them.

"I'm leaving" you say. "Wha..." Team RWBY was about to ask you until you interrupted them. "Because you all wouldn't want to talk to a 'Outcast' " you say looking into Yang and Ruby's eyes as they now look visably shook so you continued " or a 'Faunus Killer' " You say looking into her Blakes eyes. Blake was now also shook from what you said but now you look straight into Weiss's eyes and say " let me quote something you said, " I hope you become a criminal so I have a good reason to kill you," now that I have Weiss, you got your wish." You say as you release yourself from yang's grip and disappear into nothing.

Weiss pov

I looked at my entire team as we were all in shock of what just happened. "I can't believe I did not recognize him, how could I forget him." Ruby said as she dropped to the floor in disbelief, Blake and Yang soon followed I doing so to.

"It was the eyes, they were different like they are now, their dead." I said as I dropped to the ground and couldn't hold it in any longer and started crying,      ' I've done to much to the man I love' was all I could think. After about 5 minutes all I could say was "we need to tell Ozpin everything" everybody else just nodded their heads as we slowly walked our way to Ozpin's office.

Your pov

Location: parents house

You walk up to see Richmond stand up from the same spot he was in before. "You in?" He asked with a little bit of concern in his voice and on his face. You nod your head as you stand by him as he gets a large grin on his face. "Good to have you back bro." He says as a portal opens up he was about to walk in until you stop him.

"I got one more thing to do" You say as you walk up to the house and burn it. You just stand and watch it burn slowly but surely. "Alright I'm ready Richmond" You say as you two walk through the portal leaving a burning house with a Raven and a dusty old crow in disbelief.

Qrows pov

"I don't believe he is still alive, right Raven?" He says as Raven just nods while shocked.

Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to update, as makeup I decided to make a nice long chapter that plays with your heart and mind a little plot twist. This is 4350 words of me making it up to you so I hope you enjoyed. As always please leave comments, I do read and notice all of my notifications and hope you enjoyed.

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