The Reign Of Vause

By Rach-xo

80.1K 855 107

Sequel to Vauseman: Forever and Always. As PoPi has reached global success, the Vauses have come back from th... More

Vegas calls
I miss you already
I hate long distance
Night of loneliness
When Piper broke my heart
Business dinner with Wyner
Viper in Vegas
Vegas. Day 3
Spending time with Polly and Finn
Last day in Vegas
Coming back to New York for a weekend
Alex is due back
Oh fuck you
Get over here
The next morning
What the fuck?!
Oh dear God
Fine line.
Was it something I said?
Cheer up babe
Love and luck is all about perspective
In your arms
The Vauses and the Blooms-to-be
Penny for your thoughts
The One That Got Away- An Alex Flashback
I have an idea
PoPi before Christmas
After the 4th July party
Things to sort out
Phone calls
Piper's Christmas present
Christmas shopping with Nicky
Why not?
Christmas Eve morning
Holy shit dude
Piper, meet Diane. Christmas Eve flashback
Packing for Connecticut
An awkward dinner
The pork chop story
I just love my family
Piper before I met her
Midnight snack and chat
Getting ready for my wedding-Piper's flashback
Piper's nightmare
Christmas morning
Snowball fight
Alex's yoga and Christmas dinner
Tickle war
Piper Vause? MRS Piper Vause?
Alex's gift to Piper
Wedding flashback
Christmas theme park
Piper's book
Rio flashback
Alex's Surprise
Larry said what?!
Vauseman crash the Varry wedding
The closet
Wait, Alex! No!
Round two
Unwanted intruders
A piece of Alex's mind
Landing in Paris
Turn bad memories to good ones
Piper's flashback of Diane's funeral
Refresh our memory babe?
The pastry restaurant
Big baby
Strip poker
New Year's
Club flashback
Nightly stealing
Duvet stealer
My Piper
Bar flashback
The Vauses become aunts
Speaking of new things
Alex dating Piper- A flashback
Familiar faces
Drowning my sorrows
I'm sorry babe
Wedding dress store - Piper's flashback
Is that Mrs Vause?
We're going where?!
Piper's fantasy
Cal's favourite cocktail?
Dreams and nightmares

I have something to tell you

1.4K 23 80
By Rach-xo

(Piper's POV)

Alex had gone back to sleep with a huge grin and the knowledge that real Alex was indeed better in bed. She wanted to prove that any little fantasy that I conjured up in my mind, she'd see through and even top it. Which she did. I however, was still awake. I had tried to go back to sleep but ended up tossing and turning and trying to avoid waking Alex again, I'd already woken her twice, a third time wouldn't be fair.
I had suddenly developed stomach cramps and felt nauseous. I had tried everything to help soothe the pain, I had tried curling up in a ball, I had tried rubbing it, I tried lying flat on it and even going out to our balcony in the hope the fresh night air would help me but nothing was working. It got to the point where I had to run to our ensuite so I slid out of bed and tiptoed there quickly, thankfully avoiding waking Alex. I quietly shut the door behind me and knelt at the toilet, heaving my dinner back up. Alex and I had shrimp for dinner so I figured it was probably some bad shrimp so flushed the toilet, washed my face and got back into bed but the stomach cramps came back 10 minutes later.
I looked at the digital clock on my nightstand. It was 5:30AM. I'd had around 4 hours of sleep. Great.
My tummy was churning and felt like a rollercoaster was doing flips and loops in it so I slid out of bed again and ran to the ensuite for a second time, again throwing up. It was starting to hurt and burn my throat now since there was nothing left in my system other than the bitter bile.
When I was finally done, I flushed the toilet again, washed my face then put the toilet lid down and sat on it, putting my head in my hands in a futile attempt to make me feel better.
Surely food poisoning would only make you throw up once to get the toxins out of your system right? Unless it was bad food poisoning I guess. Then it hit me. Alex and I had visited the IVF clinic again today, well I guess yesterday, since it was almost 6 in the morning. Was I pregnant?! Could I have morning sickness so soon? I quietly snuck back into our bedroom and grabbed a handful of pregnancy tests that Alex and I had bought in the drug store back in New York before flying here. I tested all of them, trying not to throw up again in the process and waited what felt like a lifetime for the results.
I had tested seven pregnancy tests since seven was my lucky number. Two had turned out negative and five had turned out positive.
Oh my God.
I guess my hormones were to blame for my nightmare and dream happening in quick succession.
I needed to tell Alex.
Like right now.
I got up from the toilet, grabbed the five positive pregnancy tests with the two negative ones to show her the odds and went back into our bedroom to a sleeping Alex.
I hated waking her, especially for a third time when the first time, she'd been worried, but this needed to happen.
"Alex." I hissed since my hands were full of pregnancy tests. She didn't stir.
"Al!" I whispered again. But again, she didn't wake up.
I rolled my eyes and moved to her side of the bed and kissed her, knowing this would wake her up. She smiled and returned the kiss, her eyes fluttering open.
"You want round two already Pipes?" She asked me groggily and stretched.
"Which one?" I asked her happily.
She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion,
I grinned,
"Mini you."
Her confusion grew deeper.
"Seriously Pipes, what are you talking about?" She asked, reaching for her glasses on her nightstand and putting them on, checking her clock.
"Babe, it's 5:54AM, what's wrong?" She asked as she adjusted her glasses on her face to see me better.
I inhaled as my smile went from ear to ear.
"Alex. I'm pregnant."
I looked at her face, trying to gauge a reaction. Her expression went from tired to shocked to ecstatic as she too grew a grin that went from ear to ear as I showed her the pregnancy tests. Tears of what I hoped were joy filled her eyes then she pulled me down on top of her, kissing me and never once did either of us come up for air. We were too happy. A part of me also knew that this would only make Alex even more protective of me now that I was carrying our child, our mini her but I didn't care. I had the love of my life and now I had the beginnings of a family with her.
Alex finally broke it, crying and smiling at me.
"I love you so fucking much Piper Elizabeth Chapman Vause you know that?"
I giggled, crying too.
"I know and I love you too Alex Pearl Vause. So fucking much." She smiled and kissed me again before breaking it quickly again.
"Oh and we both love you too mini me." She cooed at my tummy and kissed it then went back to deeply and lovingly kissing me.
The Vauses were on their way to being a family.

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