Seeing Red: Book 1 Of The Mor...

CJ_Brown_Pen tarafından

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**Mature Readers Only ( 18+ )** Book 1 of the Moretti series- Remi Bennett grew up with her mother an a handf... Daha Fazla

From CJ
Ch. 1- Remi
Ch 2- Micah
Ch 3- Remi
Ch 4- Micah
Ch 5- Remi
Ch 6- Micah
Ch 7- Remi
Ch 8- Micah
Ch 9- Remi
Ch 10- Micah
Ch 11- Remi
Ch 12- Micah
Ch 13- Remi
Ch 15- Remi
Ch 16- Remi
Ch 17- Micah
Ch 18 - Remi
Ch 19 - Micah
Ch 20 - Remi
Ch 21- Micah
Ch 22- Remi
Ch 23 - Micah
Ch 24 - Remi
Bonus Material - Alternate section to Ch 17.

Ch 14- Micah

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CJ_Brown_Pen tarafından

It had been two weeks since I'd opened up to Remi about everything. There was still a lot she didn't know about and I was okay keeping it that way. My uncle was still in charge of the majority of the business but was slowly relinquishing control and responsibilities to me. 

Eva neutralized the immediate threat to our family by turning the hit around. With luck being on our side, a hit was put on the original contractee. Turns out a family, out of New York, was upset at us for cutting in, one too many times, on their human trafficking plans. 

Nero and Luca were usually the ones who got word from allied families and other associates. They took action to stop them by intersecting trucks and shipping containers. Between my clubs and a few of the hotels that my family owned, we provided safe havens for those who were willing to accept the help. They were given safe, secure jobs and their families were taken care of.

Plans had been approved and construction had started at the club. Including Remi in some of the decisions, she helped pick out light fixtures for the bars and some of the accented designs. She also connected me to a local artist that I commissioned to paint two wall murals for the main area and two medium paintings for the bathrooms.

Between my place and hers, we had spent our free time together. The only time apart was when she was working or when I had meetings. She took advantage of her time away from me and would plan outings with her friends while I was busy.

Visiting a local restaurant to host the fundraiser, was the first of many things on our need to-do list. We had researched and narrowed it down to five. At first, Remi didn't want anything showy but when Giovanni heard that she was holding a dinner, and he insisted on paying for all costs. No matter how much she fought him on it, he wasn't budging no matter how much she threatened to take off on Thursdays. 

"Eventually, bella, you're not going to work there. It is something I will accept in time, but you denying me the privilege of helping you put this together, I will not. I am not taking no for an answer." Giovanni had told her on his last dinner. Turning to me he had said, "Take care of it. All of it, on me."

I knew better than to go against his word. Remi made a good effort to try to tone it down, but it was futile. 

Seated close to the kitchen of the brewery, I could see her face light up as she scanned their menu. She mentioned how burgers were her mom's comfort food. Reminded her of growing up and grilling with family. This was going to be an easy sell. 

"The prices are affordable and the bar is fully stocked. This is a good spot. What are your thoughts?" Speaking over my menu, she gave me a deadpan look before she slapped her menu down.

"The burgers are almost $20! That is affordable to you?" Waving her hand and closing her eyes, "You know what? Never mind, I don't want to know. I don't know Micah. It's nice, but it seems like too much."

"Well we are here now, may as well have lunch." 

The server came with our drinks and I placed an order for an appetizer sampler and one of their famous dips. With an arched brow, Remi looked shocked. 

"What?" I questioned.

"Seriously? I'm not hungry."

"We should get an idea of what their food is like, especially if we're going to use them as our venue."

"It's too expensive." She sighed and ran her hands down the sides of her face. 

"You do realize Giovanni doesn't care. This is for you. For your mom. He wants you to be happy. Also," I paused, gauging what her reaction would be. "He is using his contacts. Reaching out to people who may be interested in donating."

The grunt and exaggerated sigh as she slumped into the booth, told me she was done fighting him. I'd never met someone who fought my uncle this much. No wonder he liked her.

The food was perfect. Simple but flavorful. The fried apps weren't overly greasy. Putting together a menu in my head of our favorites.

When her burgers came, she made noises that should only be heard in private. 

"Good, baby girl?" I asked, taking in the sight before me. She had her eyes closed and was slowly chewing her bite.

"So fucking good!" Mouth still partially full, eyes still closed. 

"That's it then." Saying into my plate.

She didn't have to ask, she knew what I meant. We settled up and booked the venue for two weeks out. 

Taking her hand in mine, we walked along the shops together. Chatting about her schedule over the next week and about the dinner to honor her mom. 

"I want all the money to go to the hospital. The money should go towards furthering their research or getting new equipment." She stopped, pulling my hand back to her. "I fucking hate cancer."

Her voice shook as she focused her gaze on the ground. Dropping her hand, I wrapped her in my arms. I should have known better. It was more than the anxiety of planning this dinner. Next week marked the one year anniversary of her mother's passing. One year of being without her parent. One year without that support. 

I knew the feeling. Holding her, resting my chin against the top of her head as people bustled by us. 

It had been years since my mom had died, but the first year was the worst. I had the support from family, but not being able to call her and without her insight and opinions, I had felt lost. 

"I feel like such an idiot. I'm so sorry Remi," I said into her hair. Her tear-streaked face looked up at me in confusion.

"What? Why?" Her beautiful eyes had changed into a Caribbean blue as tears continued to slip loose.

"I was so focused on making this dinner a success, I didn't stop to think how hard this must be for you." Brushing my hand over her hair and tightening my hold on her, I said, "I'm so sorry, baby girl."

"Can you just take me home? Can we be done with this for today?" Sniffling into my chest, I was beginning to feel like an ass.

"Of course." It was all I could manage. My intention was to move. Take her to the car and get her home, but she didn't move. If anything, her grip on my back got tighter. "Babe?"

"Not yet," she said. Her voice was clearer but still soft. Resting my chin on her head, again, I would give her all the time she needed. She took a shaky breath and slipped her hand over her face, wiping away the tears.

"Just let me know. I'll take you wherever you want to go. Do you want me to call Shay?"

She shook her head, "I think I just want a quiet afternoon. Plus, she has to work the dinner shift." I followed her movements to the car. Opening the door for her, she slid her hand over mine. "Thank you, Micah."

"Always," I said as she smiled meekly. As she climbed into the front seat, I realized that this beautiful woman had been changing me. 

Being a gentleman hadn't ever been an issue for me. My mother and uncle had taught me that at a early age. I respected women, even the ones I had only spent one night with. This thing with Remi was different, though. 

The ride back to her apartment was quiet. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing. Resting my hand on her thigh, it seemed to be all she needed. 

Thinking back to what she said, she wanted a quiet afternoon, so I wouldn't push us staying together. Planning things I could do instead of spending the time with her. As I pulled up to the front of her building, she broke the silence.

"Aren't you going to come up?" 

"You want me to walk you up? I can."

"You don't want to stay?"

"Babe, I feel like I've stressed you out more than I've helped, today." Turning in my seat to look at her. "You wanted a quiet after all this." Finishing my statement by talking with my hands and suddenly feeling guilty. 

Feeling like this was my fault. Letting Giovanni foot the bill and push me to make sure that Remi got everything she wanted. Problem was, what she wanted was something small. Simple. What Giovanni wanted was bigger and more extravagant. 

"Hey," her voice was soft and sweet, melting away my worry and my guilt with her fingertips pushing up my chin. "I just want to relax and have a quiet afternoon. I never said I didn't want you to stay. Honestly, your bare chest, my bed, and cuddles are all I can think about. I want to forget that we are planning a big... whatever it's turning into."

"Do you want me to take care of it?" 

"The dinner thing? Oh my gosh, would you? I really don't want anything huge or gaudy. She was simple. Our home was simple. She would have wanted the money to towards something worthwhile, not food and entertainment to host big wigs to give money to the right place." She sighed and closed her eyes. Glancing up at me to continue, but I didn't let her. Placing a finger against her lips, I stopped her.

"I've got you. I'll handle it."

"You sure?" Her brows furrowed as she asked me.

"Always. Consider it done." Kissing her knuckles, it was settled. I would take the reigns and bring her vision front and center. 

Parking the car, we made our way up to her apartment. She chose a movie and we snuggled up on the couch. She had made it halfway through before she passed out against my shoulder. 

I made a few calls and started finishing up the plans. I'd called Giovanni once I left her. He wouldn't be happy, but he would have to get over it. I wasn't about to muck this up for her. 

Lifting her from the couch, it was easy for me to take her to her bedroom, tuck her in, and slip back out into her living room. She would be pissed if I left without letting her know, so I made use of the time and texted Shay. 

I only knew a handful of Remi's friends and the ones that I did know were scattered from here to Florida. Shay happily agreed to help with invites and promised to keep the fact we were talking, a secret.

The next person was Lexi. It would be a perfect time to call. She would probably just be getting home from the gym and it was too early for her to be at the club. The phone rang three times before she picked up.

"Micah, everything ok?"

"Everything's fine, I was hoping I could get your help on something."

"Of course, what's up?"


"What about her? You didn't fuck shit up, did you? I told you I'd cut your fuc-" I cut her off before she had any thoughts to rip me a new one.

"Lex, I promise, she is fine!"

"Um, okay... What the fuck do you need help with then? Come on Micah, I don't have all afternoon."  I could hear her doorbell ring in the background.

"I was hoping you and Kenzi could come back in about two weeks. I'll pay for your trip."

"Hey handsome, go on up. I'll be right there, just finishing my call." Her voice was muffled like she was covering the phone until her attention was back on me. "Okay, what is in two weeks?"

"We are hosting a dinner in memory of Remi's mom. I know she'd love it if you guys were here."

"Shit! Has it been a year already? I'll make sure Kenzi and I are there. Did you call her uncle?"

"I haven't. I don't have his number."

"Shit... Fuck.. You're not making this a huge ordeal are you? She will hate you if you do. She isn't like us. She likes low key things, nothing fancy."

"No, no big ordeal. Simple was requested."

"Wait, are you planning this for her? You're terrible at organizing low key events."

"Hey, I'm not that bad! Plus, I have Shay helping."

"Oh thank God! Shay will make it happen. As for her uncle, check her phone. His name is Connor, I think. Or Clark.. I'm pretty sure it's Connor though."

Picking up Remi's phone, I found it quickly. Connor Bennett. "Got it. I'll give him a call. Thank you Alexis."

"You good? Send me the rest of the  information, call Nero and let him know we need those days off, and we'll be there."

"On it. Bye Lex."

"Bye." Her voice drifted away from the microphone, "Did you bring your toys..." Her voice cut off as I ended the call. 

Shaking my head, I could only imagine who her guest was or what she was about to get into. Lexi was a live wire with blunt honesty that was refreshing. Although I appreciated it, not everyone did. She always told the truth and it usually got her in trouble. She would say that her filter was broken. Sometimes it worked, but most of the time it didn't.

As I entered Connor's number into my phone as I heard her walk into the bathroom. Slipping my phone into my pocket, I went to check on her.

"Hey baby girl. How are you feeling?" I asked as I leaned against the door frame.

"Tired. I didn't want to get up, but I know if I slept, I won't sleep tonight." Her voice was rough and still sleepy. 

Coming up behind her, I pressed her into the counter as she splashed water on her face. Running my hands up her back, causing her to brace herself with her hands and push back into me. 

She turned the water off, letting out a moan into her towel as she dried her face.

"I can stop," saying it with a grin. I paused my massage of her shoulders long enough for her to shake her head profusely. "When did you take your bra off?" 

"After you put me in bed. It was uncomfortable." She mumbled as she let her head droop.

"You're tight, baby girl. Not in a good way either." That earned me a laugh followed by a moan. "Do you still have Wednesday off?"


"And Tuesday night?"

"I work open to late afternoon on Tuesday, but yes. I have the evening off on Tuesday. Why?"

"I'm making you an appointment. Take a friend. My treat." Continuing to work my fingers into her shoulder, she stiffened and looked up at me in the mirror.

"What? An appointment? For what?" She looked so confused and curious, it squeezed my heart. I gave her a tight-lipped smile as I watched her react to my hands.

"Nails. Massage. Whatever you want." 

Without much of a warning, she forced herself away from the counter and turned into me. Wrapping her arms around my middle, as she buried her face in my neck.

"How did I get so lucky? You treat me like a queen!"

"You deserve it. I'm the one who is lucky. Do you realize what you've taken on? I've opened my life to you and you've accepted it. Accepted me and my crazy family," I said into her temple and giving her a sweet and lingering kiss into her hairline. "It can be dangerous to be tied to my family and yet you haven't run off screaming."

"You make me so happy. I'm going to see if Shay can come with me. Gina has been acting weird." She gave me a quick kiss and disappeared into the living room to find her phone. I had put it back on her coffee table, where she had left it. 

When I joined her she was chatting happily on her phone. Hearing her say words like 'spoiled,' 'lucky,' and more. It made me know I was doing things right. Watching her, I was filled with so many emotions. The one that made my heart synch was foreign to me, but I welcomed it.

She was the first woman I actually wanted to spend all my money on. I wanted to pamper and spoil her because it made me feel good. Call me greedy, but I loved the feeling I got when she was happy. I didn't care what it did to me, I wanted her to have it all.

As she finished her call she turned and held my gaze. Talking into her phone she held my gaze, "Bring a change and we'll leave when I get off... Okay... I'm so excited! See you tomorrow... Love ya!" Turning to me, she said, "You sure about this?"

"Why wouldn't I be? Is she able to come with you?" I asked even though I'd already figured out the parts of the conversation I couldn't hear. 

"She and I work similar schedules this entire week. She opens Tuesday with me, but we should be cut pretty close to each other. Either way, it works out."

"Perfect." Stalking over to her. I had to hold her, my hands craved to feel her soft skin. Sliding my hand along her cheek, she closed her eyes and pressed into me. "One more fucking month. You do realize this is torturous?"

"I don't know what I was thinking." She said softly.

"You weren't."

"Nope, I was overthinking." She smiled up at me. 

I couldn't wait any longer, pulling her into me, I closed my mouth over hers. I savored the taste of her. she was sweet and tempting. The best dessert I could fathom. She moaned as she opened her mouth to mine and letting my tongue slide along hers. Her fingers climbed up my chest, feeling the pricks of her nails as she dug into my flesh.

"Fuck Remi. I don't think straight when I'm with you." My head swirled like it was full of clouds. She laughed into my mouth as she pulled my lower lip into her hot mouth. Closing my eyes, the prickles that started in my mouth quickly found my dick. The ache she was creating was drugging me and causing me to lose my damn mind.  

"I want you," she said, but I couldn't process what was happening. She was at my crotch in seconds, pulling my belt free, and freeing the tension. 

"If this is how you thank me for a spa day with your friend, baby, I need to treat you more off-" my words disappeared with the wet hot heat of her velvet mouth. 

Her hands worked in tandem with her skilled mouth. Swirling her tongue around my tip, causing my vision to blur. I wasn't going to last long if she kept it up. Gathering her hair in my fist, I used her to ground myself. I watched as she sunk to my hilt. Hitting the back of her throat as she constricted around me. Gagging as her gorgeous eyes met mine as a stray tear ran down her cheek.  

"Fuck baby! You're going to make me explode." Pulling her head back and forth to better fuck her mouth. She gripped her nails into my thigh and released me from her mouth.

"That's kind of the point," she said with amusement in her eyes. 

Gripping me in her hand she toyed with my shaft as her tongue danced across my sensitive skin. 

"I want to taste you. Come for me, Micah," whispering against my thigh.

"Yeah?" The smirk playing on my lips quickly faded as I felt the pressure building. "Fuck baby girl." I groaned. Tapping her shoulder to warn her as my mouth stopped functioning. 

Engulfing me, she sucked hard as I erupted. My legs went weak and my vision went white as I was shredded with pleasure. I barely remember bracing myself against the wall, but my arm was outstretched. When my sight cleared she was grinning up at me, licking her lips. 

This woman was my undoing and my glue all in one.


A/N: Thanks for reading! I'm sorry it took me so long to post another chapter. Micah seems harder to write and their dry spell makes it harder for me to write because I love my smut!

As always, please vote, comment, and share to show me some love!

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