Falling For The Bad Boy (A Ka...

By kfnye98

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Kyungsoo and Jongin are two different people who come from two different backgrounds. But when their paths cr... More

Twenty-Second (Bonus Chapter)


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By kfnye98


Everything that happened that night was a blur to me and I couldn't really remember anything. I just remember leaving with Lay and then waking up in the hospital with Kyungsoo at my side, which was not a bad sight in any way. Given that I was in a hospital, it wasn't difficult to conclude that the deal hadn't gone down as smoothly as planned.

I could tell by the way everyone acted around me that they knew I most likely didn't have much time left. I couldn't remember the last time I had an emotional or deep conversation with Chanyeol, but he was suddenly thanking me for being there for him. Sehun started thanking me as well, though I thought I had a lot more to thank him for. Even Baekhyun apologized for misjudging me, something I never thought I would live to hear him say. But there is a certain guilty burden that comes with death and I couldn't blame them for trying to reduce some of that while they still could.

Kyungsoo was the worst. He came to see me every day and apologized over and over again. By that point, I had already forgiven him, so I think that was his way of trying to forgive himself. I knew it would take a lot longer for him to get there, though. The living would always feel guilty when it came to the dead, whether it be because of something they said or did, something they didn't say or do, or the simple lack of time.

On the other hand, I didn't feel bad. Sure, there were things I wanted to do, but I didn't think my life had been all that bad, at least not as awful as it could have been. I didn't luck out in the parent department, but I had made a few decent friends, experienced what it was like to fall in love, and lived long enough to make sure Taeyoung would be okay. When you don't grow up with much, you don't expect much, so I was happy to have what I was given. 

Kyungsoo was visiting with Taeyoung that last day.

"Have you been keeping up with your bedtime stories?" I asked her as she sat across from me on the bed.

"Yep, Sehunnie has been reading to me every night. But he doesn't do it as good as you do," she replied. I laughed a little and adjusted myself to be more comfortable.

"Well, I know it's not night yet, but how about I read one now?" I said. She just smiled widely.

"I'm glad you asked because I just happened to bring it with me," she said. I chuckled, knowing that was no coincidence. She pulled the book out of her backpack.

"Alrighty, which one shall it be today?" I asked.

"Hmmm," she hummed in thought, roaming through the pages of the book. Spinning the book around so I could see it, she pointed to her favorite Hazel and Twig story. "This one."

"How many times have we read this one?" I asked, leaning forward as much as I could and pulling the book closer.

"A lot," she replied, adjusting her position so she could be more comfortable.

"Here we go," I said, smiling faintly when I saw her eyes light up in excitement. "Hazel and her little sister, Twig, were sitting on a rock in the meadow. Hazel was making a wildflower chain. Twig was unmaking the wildflower chain..." 


I finished reading about ten minutes later, but then she asked me to read it one more time, so I did. "Was it the same as all the other times we read it?" I asked, closing the book after our third read-through.

"No, it was better," she said and I just smiled at her. Sehun came back into the room from eating lunch with Kyungsoo not long after.

"Hey, how you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm trying," I replied with a simple nod and earning one back.

"You ready to go so Kai and Kyungsoo can have some alone time," he asked Taeyoung after exhaling. Taeyoung looked at me and seemed to hesitate for a moment, like she was trying to remember what I looked like. Then, she moved closer to me and hugged me.

"You're the best big brother I could have asked for," she whispered softly. "You don't have to worry about me anymore. I'll be okay."

I did my best to hold back tears, but I couldn't prevent my eyes from becoming glossy. "I know you will be," I said, returning her hug tightly. "I love you."

If it was even possible, she hugged me tighter. "I love you." Our hug last another few seconds before she pulled back, her eyes slightly wet, too. She carefully climbed off the bed with Sehun's help. 

"I guess we'll be seeing you around then," Sehun said. I just hummed and nodded. He waved briefly, then took hold of her hand and they left. I watched them walk away, seeing Taeyoung give me one last wave before the door shut. I turned my attention to Kyungsoo who just smiled a little.

"Don't you even look at me like that," he said as he walked over to the chair next to my bed and sat down.

I chuckled. "Like what?"

"Like you're gonna say goodbye." His voice sounded sad, but he was still trying to keep the smile on his face. I exhaled and reached for his hand, laying my fingers in between his.

"I always ask myself why it is I fell in love with you," I said, connecting my eyes with his. He just looked right back at me. "And every time, I come up with this long list of qualities I like about you or nice things you've done for me, but then I throw it away because I don't think to question the reason to love you. I just do." He just blinked, trying to restrain from crying anymore. 

I inhaled and could feel my heart getting weaker. My eyelids were becoming heavier.

"Remember that day I told you I trust you to take care of Taeyoung if anything happened to me?" I asked suddenly, blinking to keep them open for a few moments longer.

"Yeah, I do," he said as he sniffled, his voice slightly shaky.

"Good 'cause I still trust you," I replied. Kyungsoo smiled and stood up, kissing me softly on the lips. "I love you and most importantly, I forgive you," I added, my words triggering a couple of tears to fall from his eyes.

"What am I going to do with you if you keep making me fall in love you?" he said as he squeezed my hand tighter.

"I guess you'll just have to love me forever," I said in as strong of a voice as I could manage.

Kyungsoo kissed me again, his lips filled with every word he said and wanted to say. I remember seeing his smile before I closed my eyes, before I couldn't keep them open anymore. Then, after one last breath, I slept.


I'm willing to bet some of you were hoping that I'd make Jongin not die when I went through and edited this lol. No, he still did, so I'm still sorry about that TT

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