Den of the snake -

By RavenUchiha512

59.8K 3.1K 1.2K

"I am the sole survivor of the once feared Uchiha clan, and I am burdened with great purpose. I have brought... More

1: Revolution
4:Prying Eyes
5:Slithering Snakes
13:A Crazy Little Thing
16:Accepting The Darkness
17:Embracing The Darkness
18:Mending Old Wounds
19:A Bargain To Be Made
20:Beyond The Thunder
21:Happy Days
22:A Day In The Life
24:Broken Bonds
25:United We Stand
26:Destroying The Lie
2 7 : Burying Ashes
2 8 : A New Dawn
2 9 : To Forever And Beyond

6:Majestic Flame Jutsu

2.1K 107 93
By RavenUchiha512

"S-Sasuke Uchiha".

After 4 long years, the 3 original members of the once famous Team 7, had reunited. The reunion brought back all the flooding memories, from the day they were selected to be in team 7, to their first mission in the hidden mist, the chunin exam, up till the day Sasuke Uchiha went rogue and left the village. And during the war, Team 7 was reunited again and it felt as if it would stay this way. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura, all side by side, but it wasn't the case, Team 7 was always bound to explode sooner or later.

And now they had met once again, this time, they had all grew. And everything else felt like it just faded away, in that moment only Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura remained. Sakura's eyes were fixed on the face of the love of her life, her eyes brimming with tears. No matter how much resolve she had to kill him, it was always lesser then the love she had in her heart for him.

"S-Sasuke-kun" Sakura's kunai escapes her hand as it falls on the ground, her tears falling down her face like rain. Naruto was feeling the same way, no matter how deep he fell, he was always going to be his best friend and even if Sasuke broke that bond, in Naruto's heart he would always be his true rival and his first friend in life.
Sasuke sat on top of his dark horse, dressed in a white and Blue Kimono, his red sharingan active, inspecting the faces of all his former friends, but his roaming gaze stops when it comes into contact with the Hyuga's pale skin.

The moment Hinata looks into Sasuke's hooded eyes staring right at her, she felt fear creeping in her eyes, intimidated by his powerful gaze as if it was commanding her to his will. She takes a step back unknowingly because of his intense gaze upon her.

"What the hell are you doing here you bastard" Naruto spits out in anger as he steps in front of Sakura after he notices her crying. Sasuke's gaze calmly turns over from Hinata to the man he fought his biggest fight with.

"I don't have to explain anything to you all...................Like I said before, I am here for her" Sasuke speaks with authority as he raises his finger and points it towards the Hyuga Princess. Naruto and Sakura's gaze follows where Sasuke is pointing and they are left equally as shocked when they realize he was pointing to Hinata.

"M-me" Hinata squeaks out in fear when she hears his statement. Her tiny voice gets stuck in her throat at just the sight of the cold-blooded Uchiha pointing towards her. She was wondering why he wanted her, she was sure that he didn't even know she existed. In all the time they spent in the academy, the two never interacted once or ever.

"Hinata? What does she have to do with this" Naruto asks as he turns back to Sasuke. Sasuke slowly let's out a sigh and closes his eyes as he slowly gets off his horse and stands on his two feet. Sasuke walks a few steps ahead and then opens his eyes looking straight at Naruto.

"I am not here to talk. Hand the Hyuga over to me willingly, I am not in the mood to spill any blood in the Sand tonight" Sasuke's tone didn't faze one bit, and anyone could tell that he wasn't bluffing. He meant every word he said, but Naruto wasn't going to just hand Hinata over without a fight.

"If you think we will just hand over a comrade to you then you're wrong. I'm not letting you put a single finger on her Sasuke" Naruto forms a fist as he tries to belabor his point. And for the first time in 4 years, Hinata feels like she was valued. Her eyes were shocked to hear Naruto so angered and hyper because of her. Sasuke was still holding back and just closed his eyes as he sighs a little after hearing Naruto's words.

"Sasuke-kun" Sakura's voice makes Sasuke open his eyes and turn his face towards. Locking eyes with the pinkette, he stays emotionless. Whereas Sakura tries her best to not cry again but it was difficult.

"Tell us why you are here for Hinata, what is your purpose with her" She asks in a much firmer voice then before, her green eyes locked onto his red sharingan. But before Sasuke can answer suddenly he feels the Sand moving from underneath his feet, because of the Sharingan and his speed, he manages to jump of the ground on time. Landing on top of a building he stares down at the ninjas before him. Suddenly Kakashi and Gaara along with Kankuro and Kiba and Shino, land next to Naruto, standing against Sasuke. Sasuke was outnumbered 1-10, all of them being elite class shinobi.

"Sasuke.........You have fallen to such depths that I believe killing you would be a kindness to the Sasuke Uchiha I once knew and taught" Kakashi says in an angered tone as he takes out a kunai and arms himself. Even after Kakashi's threat, Sasuke remains unfazed and not the least bit worried, he stares dead into Kakashi's eyes.

"Go ahead Kakashi. Make a move and see where that takes you" Sasuke's voice held power and destruction behind it, which was enough to even weigh Kakashi down. Seeing this Gaara, the Kazekage, steps forward.

"Uchiha Sasuke, you are trespassing in my village and if you do not leave, you will be forced to leave" Gaara says as he steps forward with his hands crossed over his chest, and sand slowly making its way out of the gourd on his back. Sasuke realizes that it's best to explain his demand in front of the Kazekage to make it less complicated.

"And I plan on leaving, but I'm not going alone, I'm taking Hinata Hyuga with me" Sasuke says with the same tone. And this time Kiba is the one who shouts back.

"What? Why the fuck do you want Hinata" Kiba barks out with his temper rising even more.

"What's the meaning of this Sasuke...what business do you have with her, she hasn't done anything to you" Kakashi adds as he hears Kiba. The area becomes quiet as everyone waits for Sasuke's answer. Sasuke's gaze slowly goes over to Hinata and he locks eyes with her.

"She is chosen to give birth to the next generation of the Uchiha Clan".

"E-Eh" and with those words, everyone's jaws were left hanging, their eyes shocked. It was hard to tell even for Kakashi and Naruto whether they were in a Genjutsu or reality. Their eyes were about to pop out of their eye sockets. But perhaps the person who felt the most impact was the one who those words were directed at. Hinata was confused and shocked, her emotions were running wild.

"What the hell did you just say" Kiba says gritting his teeth in anger, staring straight at Sasuke. Sasuke expected this reaction, he sat still with his body relaxed and calm.

"You want to capture give birth to the Uchiha" Sakura asks trying to make sure she wasn't hearing things. Meanwhile Naruto had gotten quiet, his head lowered and he was huffing slowly, the heat of his rage radiating from his body clearly.

"Yes. I am no mood to kill any of you so give her to me and I will be on my way back to the Leaf" Sasuke says nodding his head a little at he stares down at everyone.

"YOUR FUCKING CRAZIER THEN I THOUGHT IF YOU THINK WE'RE GOING TO HAND OVER HINATA-CHAN TO A MONSTER LIKE YOU" Suddenly a huge outburst from Kiba stole everyone's attention, he was beyond furious. Meanwhile Hinata's eyes were filling with tears as she saw all their actions and their words. They didn't even acknowledge her existence before, so why now.

"Pathetic" just a single word from Sasuke was enough to silence them all. He looked down at all the Sand ninjas with disgust in his eyes.

"You truly are vile beings. Acting so high and mighty. You act as if you treasure that girl. You act as if she is your comrade. As if she is your friend" Sasuke's cryptic words were enough to send shivers down everyone's spine, but among everyone else, Hinata's eyes were lowered and her tears fell, because even if she hated this situation, he was right. She slowly looks up and she notices Sasuke's dark and merciless gaze fixed onto her.

"When in reality, you couldn't care less if I killed her right here" Sasuke says each word clearly while staring into Hinata's eyes. She was shaking with fear and sorrow.

"What the hell does that mean" Kiba asks as he grits his teeth. Sasuke's gaze doesn't leave Hinata for a second.

"You may not know what I'm talking, but she does" Hinata was shocked as she heard his words, why did it feel like Sasuke knew what she had gone through, what she is going through. Why did it feel like he knew of her pain and suffering in this village.

"HINATA DOESN'T WANT TO GO WITH YOU AND WE ARE NOT LETTING YOU HAVE HER SASUKE, NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY" Naruto finally breaks his silence, as he opens his eyes revealing his Sage mode in effect. All the time he was quiet, he had been channeling natural energy from his surroundings. Sasuke took this as a sign of battle, soon after Naruto, everyone else also took their battle stances, and were ready to take on Sasuke. Sasuke let's out a sigh and summons a small shuriken from the summoning seals on his wrists.

"He's about to make his move. Everyone stay sharp, protect Hinata" Kakashi says, with his hand slowly channeling lightning. Hinata also attempts to take a defensive position, no matter what Sasuke said, she wasn't going to be taken against her will.

They were all staring intently at Sasuke. He brushes his hair with his hand to the side, revealing his Rinnegan spiraling in a dark purple shade. And then, he throws the shuriken in his hand in an upward direction, they all watch curiously as to what he is doing. Sasuke's gaze quickly goes over to Hinata and he locks his Rinnegan on her.

"Body flicker jutsu".

Suddenly, in an instant the shuriken in the air is replaced by Hinata, she is left defenseless and shocked as she feels herself getting teleported and the next moment her feet are in the sky. The shuriken falls without any sound on the exact spot where Hinata was standing, whereas Hinata feels herself falling, bracing herself for impact, she suddenly falls into a pair of arms.

"W-Wha--" She opens her eyes and her blood is left frozen when she realizes she is mere inches away from the Uchiha. He was carrying her in a bridal style, Hinata had never felt more fearful in her life, every part of her body was alerting her to the danger that was in close vicinity.

"What...........HINATA" Naruto shouts out when he sees how easily Sasuke managed to capture Hinata out of their grasp.

"Dammit. It's the Rinnegan. He substituted the shuriken with Hinata" Kakashi curses when he sees the Rinnegan's power in front of his eyes.

"LET HER GO YOU BASTARD" Kiba shouts, trying to get as loud as he could. Hinata slowly looks up and sees the blood red Sharingan staring into her eyes, twirling and spiraling.


And just then Sasuke places the Hyuga princess under a genjutsu that knocks her out completely. Her eyes completely shut and her body almost lifeless. Gintoki teleports right behind where Sasuke was standing and gets on his knee.

"Uchiha-Sama, your orders" He asks with his eyes on the ground. Sasuke turns around and gently places the sleeping princess on the ground before his ally, before turning back around.

"Take her back to the village and tell your forces to retreat. We got what we came here for" Sasuke says in a heavy and cold voice, his onyx eyes set on the Sand ninjas who were ready to kill him. Gintoki picks up Hinata with the utmost care and caution and turns around to leave before stopping once.

"What about you my lord" He asks in a faint voice, as if he had already sensed what Sasuke was going to say. Sasuke slowly walks to the edge of the tall building and begins to unsheath his sword.

"Go" Upon Sasuke's one word answer, Gintoki jumps off into the village with Hinata in his hands. Seeing this sight, Kiba and Naruto and Shino attempt to follow him but just as they do Sasuke makes a few hand signs in lightning quick speed.

"Fire Style : Majestic Flame jutsu".

Sasuke blows out an enormous ball of fire from his mouth, it was so huge that it was burning everything around it. Naruto and the others stop on the spot when they see the incoming ball of hell fire. But Gaara's sand quickly comes into play, he makes up a wall around all of them that protects them.

Slowly after a second, the flame dies out and Gaara's sand subsides, revealing Sasuke standing on the ground just a little away from them. Sakura was left frozen on her spot, her heart was full of fear because of what was about to happen.

'He really was about to kill us all, he's not holding back' Kakashi thinks to himself as he stares at his former prize student.

"Naruto, Sakura, this isn't the Sasuke you both know. He is an evil being and the only way to save him is to kill him, got it" Kakashi says to his students while keeping his eyes fixed forward. Naruto and Sakura realized that he was beyond the point of saving, and nod after hearing their sensei's words. Sakura's eyes were full of tears, seeing the sight she was in. All of them standing against him. He, staring at all of them like they were all strangers. She slowly steps forward, Kakashi and the others were surprised as to what she was about to do. Sakura walked forward leaving the others behind her, she stared at Sasuke.

"Sasuke-kun..............I'm begging you one last time. Please...........don't push us away, don't push me matter what you are going through.........let us help you..........don't do this...................I know you still care about us all, so don't throw away that bond" Sakura's heartfelt words were accompanied by her painful tears that she had held in for the longest time. Sasuke just watches her with a soulless look on his face.

"Sakura.................are you in pain" Sasuke asks in a monotone voice as he stares at the girl weeping before him. Naruto and the others were ready to attack if Sasuke made a move. Sakura just closes her eyes and nods.

"Yes" She speaks out and in the blink of an eye. Sasuke teleports over to her, with his sword placed against her neck, his mouth close to her ear, he whispers.

"Then allow me to put you out of your misery once and for all" Sasuke pulls his sword and brings it back with force in the direction of Sakura's throat, with his eyes devoid of any mercy or humanity, he strikes.

"SAKURA" At the last moment, Naruto jumps and with his kunai he stops the sword an inch before it makes contact with Sakura's skin. Naruto barely made it in time, his kunai clashing against Sasuke's sword while Sakura stood frozen and helpless. Never in her life had she felt fear like this, never before did she truly felt like she was about to die. She knew that if Naruto didn't stop him, Sasuke was going to kill her in cold blood.

"Oi, Sasuke. Have you gone mad. Sakura's your friend and teammate" Naruto asks as he tries to hold his own against Sasuke. Sasuke's stoic raven eyes remain firm and without any emotion.

"Bold of you to assume I'm your friend. I'm not your friend Naruto. I'm the man who drove you out the village. I'm the man who killed the fifth Hokage. I'm the man who imprisoned the tailed beasts to be my pets................and if you still consider me your friend after all I've done. Then, Naruto you are not just're a disappointment" each word Sasuke said felt like a knife to Naruto and Sakura.

Suddenly Shino and Kiba both leap into action and run from opposite directions to attack Sasuke, seeing that he was busy with Naruto, he was defenseless. Akamaru and Kiba were running head on at Sasuke, while Shino summoned his insects to infect Sasuke.

"Fang over Fang" Suddenly Kiba and Akamaru both transformed into two twisters coming straight at Sasuke from the left side.

"Your not walking out of this Sasuke" Naruto says to Sasuke when he noticed the attack coming for Sasuke. The heat of the battle was picking up gradually, everyone's sole attention was on Sasuke. He had managed to get the most powerful ninjas in the Sand to leave everything else behind and focus on him. Sasuke glances towards the incoming duo, and his Rinnegan flashes again.

"Almighty Push".

And an unstoppable force exalted from Sasuke's body blows away Naruto and Sakura, and Kiba and Akamaru suffer the same fate as they collide with the invisible wall put up by Sasuke. They go crashing into a wooden building, leaving the duo out of the battle.

"Sand Coffin" Suddenly the sand around Sasuke closes in on him in a fast speed, it was the Kazekage. He was stepping in the battle as well now, Sasuke, being quick on his feet started to repel the attack by running away from the sand as fast as he could. But just as he does he sees Sai's ink lion's running towards him at full force. Realizing that he couldn't go back because of Gaara's sand he kept running head on towards the lions.

"Chidori Blade".

Sasuke channels his lightning affinity into his sword, and using the Chidori blade he pierces the lions one by one, with ease. Suddenly a huge amount of Chakra catches Sasuke's attention, he looks to his side and he sees Lee.

"6th Gate of View. Open".

Lee opens the 6th gate and the his Chakra becomes so high that it becomes visible to everyone. Sasuke bites his tongue in anger upon seeing this. He knew Lee wasn't someone to be underestimated. Lee doesn't waste another second, and with accelerated speed and power beyond a normal human, he dashes towards Sasuke.

"Fire style : Pheo--".

Sasuke tries to use another fire style jutsu but Lee gets to him before he can make the hand signs. Sasuke gives up on ninjutsu and relies on Taijutsu as he takes out his sword. And with that the clash between the two starts. Their lightning quick speeds unable to be seen by the naked eye. They match fist to fist, kick to kick, and eye to eye.
But between the fight Sasuke realizes that Lee had the upper hand. He was striking more at every clash, his fists were causing more damage at every turn.

Suddenly between the fight in the blink of an eye Lee takes a step back and launches a ferocious attack.


Sasuke fails to move away in the nick of time, and the wind lion released by Lee hits Sasuke heads on. Kakashi watches in amazement, his rival's, Might Guy's, jutsu being used by Lee.
The attack hits Sasuke, causing a huge commotion in the area. Lee slowly takes deep breaths, reverting back to his original state, opening these gates took an extreme toll on his body that left his exhausted and out of energy. And the attack he used, Hirodora, it took alot out of him. Slowly the smoke disappears, Lee keeps his eye peeled out for any movement.

"Ah" Suddenly from inside the smoke, Lee locks eye contact with the red sharingan, trapping him in a genjutsu that rendered him paralyzed. His weakness was Genjutsu, since he couldn't tap into his Chakra affinity to release himself from the illusion. Lee fell to the ground unconscious, and slowly Sasuke rises from the smoke huffing. He didn't realize how much Lee suddenly pushed him.

"Super God Imitating Drawing".

Sasuke turns around and see two gigantic humanoids made of ink standing in front of Sai. The two immediately dash towards Sasuke to attack. Sasuke knew that the others could use this as a chance to attack so he quickly takes his blood from a small cut made on him by Lee and uses his summoning jutsu.

"Summoning Jutsu".

Suddenly a huge puff of smoke forms and as it clears the area is filled by the sounds of hisses. It was Aoda, Sasuke's loyal summoning snake, a gigantic purple snake and a powerful ally to Sasuke.

"Ssasuke-ssama, how may I assissst you" The snake hisses as he turns around to face Sasuke. Sasuke keeps his fixed on Gaara and Kakashi. They were the only two Sasuke knew could pose a threat.

"Take care of Sai and his drawings" Sasuke orders him and Aoda hisses before Slithering towards the humanoid figures made by Sai. The giants beasts all clash at once. Sasuke walks over to where Gaara and Kakashi were standing together.
The three stand in silence, waiting for the other one to make a move. And it isn't long before Kakashi does.

"Lightning Release : Lightning Beast Tracking Fang".

Suddenly, a wolf like beast made of Lightning escapes from Kakashi's hand and approaches Sasuke at light speed. Sasuke knew that it was too fast to just evade, he closes his eyes and as he opens them, the Sharingan twirls into it's evolved form. The Eternal Mankegyo. And just seconds before the Lightning beast hits Sasuke, Sasuke summons his most frightening jutsu.


The lightning beast hits Sasuke, but it's useless. As a purple skeletol figure starts to form around Sasuke, Kakashi watches in fear as he recognizes this technique. It was the Mangekyo's most powerful jutsu. The skeletol figure quickly takes on a more human look and in his hand forms a bow made of pure purple Chakra. It was the ultimate defense and the ultimate offense. The Susanoo begins to load the bow with a purple Chakra arrow that Sasuke was controlling. Kakashi knew what was coming. Suddenly Sasuke infuses the black flames of the Amaterasu into the bow.

"GAARA MOVE" Kakashi shouts as he and Gaara attempt to move away. But Sasuke releases his jutsu.

"Inferno Style : Susano'o flame control".

The Susanoo releases the Amaterasu arrow out of it's bow and luckily Kakashi and Gaara move out of the way of the attack. But it hits the buildings in the markets causing a huge explosion, a explosion of black flames. The black flames of Amaterasu stick themselves to everything in their reach and start to burn.

Sasuke looked at the fallen Shinobi before him. No matter how powerful they were, they were slaves to his power. The Susanoo was still active around him. The night had gotten brighter because of the fires he made in the village. The village was in flames.

Suddenly the sand under his feet grab ahold of his leg, and before he can counter it or maneuver out of it. The sand pulls him out of the armor of the Susano'o and throws him in the air. It was Gaara, manipulating the Sand in the village.


Sasuke looked over to a broken building and saw Naruto throwing his jutsu at him. He was in the air, he didn't have enough mobility to move out of it, and the Susano'o wasn't an option right now. A fallen Kakashi watches as the gigantic shuriken like rasengan approaches Sasuke. They were all sure that the jutsu was sure to connect this time. But just before it does, a strange thing happens. Sasuke puts his hand out towards the incoming jutsu, and before it hits him, it is sucked into his palm. The entire amount of Chakra is sucked into his palm like nothing.

He slowly lands back on the ground and sees the look of horror and terror on Naruto's face. Sasuke had just defeated the Sand's most powerful ninjas. They had all given up, and all layed broken and beat. Seeing this as the end of the fight, Sasuke jumps onto a tall building and looks down on Naruto.

"Come seek me once you are strong enough Naruto" Sasuke says in a loud and commanding voice staring right into Naruto's soul. Naruto remains quiet as he slowly falls on his knees because of how much Chakra he had exhausted. But then, Sasuke does the most horrific thing they could imagine.

"Planetory Devastation".

Slowly the clouds disperse and Naruto's eyes widen upon seeing the enormous meteorite slowly falling down out of the sky, all hope he had dying in an instant. It was the same Jutsu Madara used in the war against the allied Shinobi forces. Sasuke calmly opens a time space portal with his Rinnegan next to him and heads for it. He turns around and watches Naruto looking straight at his impending doom. He scoffs, disregarding any feelings or emotions, at seeing his old friends in despair.
And enters through the portal, with the portal closing behind him.

And from a very far distance, the Meteorite makes contact with the ground, shaking the earth down to it's core.

Ending the existence of the Hidden Sand and Naruto Uzumaki.

Well guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know that I'm not the best at fight scenes, so please try to look past it. I tried to make it as authentic as I could.

But anyway I hope u like the direction of the plot. So please vote for this story so more people could see it and support it as much as u can

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