Dragon Masters ~Book 2 of Dra...

By SweetDeevil

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Based 3 years after the first book, Jadeena and her friends have been traveling the viking world making incre... More

Chapter 1 Finally back home
Chapter 2 Problems Already?
Chapter 4 Looks like I really am on my own
Chapter 5 Daggers and Alvin
Chapter 6 Injuries
Chapter 7 Life without Jade
Chapter 8 Weak and Helpless
Chapter 9 The story
Chapter 10 Welcome Back
Chapter 11 What is She?
Chapter 12 The truth all Comes out
Chapter 13 Childhood friends
Chapter 14 Missing Vol 1
Chapter 15 A new Evil has Risen
Chapter 16 Missing vol 2
Chapter 17 Back home
Chapter 18 Recovery
Chapter 19 Stable Injuries
Chapter 20 Side effects
Chapter 21 What really happened?
Chapter 22 Finding Answers
Chapter 23 losing hope
Chapter 24 Finally Answers
Chapter 25 Secrets
Chapter 26 Confession
Chapter 27 Friend Time
Chapter 28 Stolen
Chapter 29 Saving my best friend
Chapter 30 It's Now up to Fate

Chapter 3 Why doesn't anyone trust me?

57 5 2
By SweetDeevil


I fluttered my eyes open to the light that shone into my eyes. I looked around and saw I was in my bedroom, I also saw Hiccup standing looking out the window waiting for me to wake up.

I then heard the door get opened and the girls all walked in.

"Is she awake yet?"

"Yes she is" I mumbled and all their heads shot towards me

"You ok?" Lisa asked in a mother tone as I sat up

"Yeah, what exactly happened?" I asked still a little light headed.

"You fainted honey" Katelyn said handing me a mug of yak milk

"Yeah I know that but why?" I asked nodding thank you then taking a sip from the mug

"We're not sure yet" Hiccup answered walking over to me.

"Oh Astrid was looking from you Hiccup by the way" Shannon said quickly

"Really? Cause I don't want leave Jade here if something's wrong" He said concerned

"I'm fine Hiccup really if you need to do something you can go" I said

He looked at me worriedly for a second before finally giving in and leaving.

"Does he still not know?" LIsa asked after Hiccup left

"Know but I think that's why I fainted my so called gift is causing me problems" I said slowly putting my feet on the ground and standing up.

"He's going to find out eventually, but in the mean time we just have to lay low" Lisa said as I put my mug down on the desk beside the bed

"Well in that mean time we need to find out what that dragon wants from me" I said and the girls all gave me the 'were you even listening?' look.

"What?" I questioned

"Jade, laying low means trying to not draw attention to us and I'm pretty sure that would draw attention to us" Shannon whisper-yelled


"No but's about it we are laying low and that's that" Shannon cut me off with a mothering tone

Gods I hated it when she did that, I even more hated it when the other agreed with her.

"Fine but I am not going to be able to get it off my mind" I said stubbornly.

"That's ok but just.."

"Lay Low, I got it" I interrupted her.

"Right well I'm going to go look for Sunlux and spend some time with her" I announced and left the room.

If you think I am just going to let that dragon thing from this morning slide you are sadly mistaken, there is no way I am just going to forget about it if it's a threat to Sunlake and my friends.

I walked down stairs and out the house to go and look for Sunlux.


I was in the forest chilling out with Sunlux against a tree while think of what I was going to do about that dragon, I know it was just a dragon and yes it spoke to me but all other dragon scan talk to me to but there was something but this dragons that gave me the chills.

"Oh Sunlux what do we do?" I asked and she lifted her head off the ground.

'I don't know, I think you should do what your heart is telling you' She said in my head before laying her head back down on the floor

"But I don't know what my heart is telling me, I think its telling me to find out what is going on" I said resting against her stomach and sighed.

'well I'll support you no matter what you choose but just don't try and get yourself killed' She told me nudging my hand.

"I won't don't worry" I answered patting her head.

'Why haven't you followed me yet? Are you a coward or a warrior?' A voice ran through my head, It sounded similar to the voice of the dragon that surprised me earlier.

"Sunlux did you hear that?" I asked standing up.

'Hear what?' She asked looking at me

'Your dragon cannot save you, you know you belong with us' The voice ran through my head again.

"That" I said getting worked up again

'No sorry Jade I can't hear anything'

"We have to go back and warn the girls, I think that its that dragon that attacked us earlier, I think he's out to get me" I said mounting Sunlux.

We took off and headed back towards the village.


"Girls we have a serious problem..."

I said as I ran inside and was greeted by all the girls, Hiccup, Astrid and their daughter who was asleep in Astrid's arms.

"Where have you been?" Shannon asked like an angry mother scolding her child

"I told you, I was with Sunlux but right now we have bigger problems so can I talk to you 3 outside? Please?" I asked seriously not even glancing over at Hiccup and Astrid.

"Fine" Shannon said before signaling the rest of the girls out the door.

We all walked outside and I shut the door behind me.

"Right back to what I was about to say, that dragon that we saw earlier it turns out that he is trying to make contact with me and not nice contact" I ranted

"Ok I don't know what's gotten into you but I thought we agreed that we were going to lay low. I don't know about you but it seems to me that we just drew a huge amount to attention to ourselves when you said that you wanted to talk to us alone" Shannon said placing her hands on her hips

"What so we are still just going to let this slide? What if this dragon is after me?" I said losing my cool.

"That's ridiculous we have never had a dragon haunt us in all the years we have been dragon trainers"

"You know what forget it I'll just figure this out on my own" I said just as Hiccup came outside and saw me and Shannon arguing.

"What's going on?" He asked calming but concerned after seeing how pissed off I was.

"It doesn't matter" I said turning around and walking off.

"Where are you going missy?" Lisa piped up and said.

"To prove you all wrong" I shouted before running with Sunlux towards the forest.


I threw my dagger at a tree in distress and anger. I grabbed my dagger out the tree and flipped before throwing at again, this time at a tree that was right next to the tree Sunlux was resting by.

I jumped in fright and glared at me.

"Sorry girl I just wish that the girls could cut me a little slack, they're lucky they don't have a connection with dragons and it doesn't cause them problems"

'I'm sure they are just as stressed about all this as you are, sure they don't know what you're going through but they are trying to deal with other things such as keeping your brother from knowing about your secret' Sunlux explained in my head while walking over to me.

"I know, I know but Shannon could at least have a little more understand of what I'm going through" I said sitting down against a tree and started re-braiding my hair since it was getting messy.

"Jade?" I heard a voice ask

I turned around and Katelyn came out from behind one of the trees.

"Hi sweetie what are you doing here?" I asked as she walked over to me.

"Looking for you I have never seen you storm off like that before, are you ok?"

"Yeah I guess I am just stressed that Shannon won't help me and she doesn't understand what I'm going through" I said going and sitting on a rock after finishing braiding my hair back into it's normal fish-tail style

"Well for what it's worth I believe you, I also thought there was something weird going on with that dragon when it attacked you" She said sitting down on the rock next to mine.


"Hiccup's worried about you, he said he has never seen you lose your cool like that"

"He doesn't know does he?" I asked suddenly worried if they had told him about my gift.

"No we haven't told him anything don't worry and we are going to make sure he doesn't find out" She said

"Come on I think we should get back" I said hopping off the rock and instructing Sunlux to walk with us back to the village.

I guess what was really running through my mind was if I was really going to have to go after this dragon on my own or if the girls would decided to help me.


Yay!! chapter 3 done, what do you think of Jadeena's gift and the problem she is facing.

Let me know what you guys would like her to do about her dragon problem

Please also Vote, Comment and follow

Luv ya guys

Tia 💕💕💕

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