Percy Jackson and The Sands O...

By TheChildrenOfTheGods

176K 4.3K 1.7K

In a fit of rage, Kronos curses Percy before he disappears. The curse, forever tied to Percy, will send him t... More

Authors Note
| Chapter 1 || Where I Become A Soldier |
| Chapter 2 || Training Sucks |
| Chapter 3 || Lucky or Unlucky? |
| Chapter 4 || Kidnapped (Saved?) From War |
| Chapter 5 || The Hot God of Fire |
| Chapter 7 || It's My Quest, Too |
| Chapter 8 || Battle and Honour |
| Chapter 9 || The Final Fight |
| Chapter 10 || The Garden of Gold |
| Chapter 11 | To The Hunters |
| Chapter 12 | Consequences |
| Chapter 13 | The Modest Lady |
| Chapter 14 || Men Suck! |
| Chapter 15 || Hello, My Name is No-Body |
| Chapter 16 || Hell Hath No Fury Like a Titan King Slapped Across the Face |
| Chapter 17 || Zeus is Kind of a Rude Brat (with a Baby Face) |
| Chapter 18 || The Unknown |
| Epilogue |
Information Regarding a Sequel

| Chapter 6 || It's Like Seeing Quadruple |

9K 217 233
By TheChildrenOfTheGods

Hello, Readers! We're trying to bring this story back, as well! Sorry that it's a bit late this morning, but I just had to finish up some last minute things. It's really long, so I hope you like it!

We really hope this is coming back for good this time, and we'll be working together more often now to get these chapters to you.



| Chapter 6 |

| It's Like Seeing Quadruple |

Waking up after that felt like being reborn. Now, I don't remember what it was like being born in the first place, but I'm guessing that - from how sciency people explain what it's like - this was exactly it.

Everything was bright, like, too bright, and I squinted, crying out in a long groan to tell someone to turn it off. I felt cold, too, as if I'd been wrapped in a warm embrace, a blanket of comforting arms, only to have it ripped away from me by the hands of Boreus himself. But what I really couldn't stand was the noise. It was so loud, music and talking and the stomping of feet were everywhere; I couldn't stand it! It only made me groan louder, my own voice rising in my ears until it drowned out the world. I heard just a single note and it was from my own vocal cords. It was nice.

When I finally managed to open my eyes, and the world didn't seem too cold or loud, my senses were immediately filled with gold. Gold walls, gold trim, gold countertops, gold window frames. There was even a gold tint in the glass! That was the clue that told me I wasn't dead. Apollo's palace was the only palace that could be so flamboyant. Besides, this level of flashy gold clashed with Hades' curtains, so that was out of the question.

Next question: how was I not dead? My previous memories were slowly coming back, and if I wasn't mistaken, I should be dead. Right? I was stabbed, bleeding out everywhere. The world faded from me - it really felt like I was dying. Had I just passed out? But if so, why would Apollo save me? Perhaps I should have a talk with Hades sometime. Or, maybe even Thanatos, or the Fates, considering they would be more directly involved in my death.

I would've chuckled to myself if it didn't burn my insides, because I must've made someone up here happy, or perhaps just angry at some point. How else could anyone explain my crazy luck? Or... misfortune? Considering my dismal existence of never-ending pain. That's okay, though! I'm fine! Totally fine! I'd prefer life over standing in Hades' realm for millennia. Now that would be a dismal existence!

Looking up from my thoughts, I saw that Apollo must've walked into the room at some point, because he was standing at the end of my bed with a clipboard, just staring at me. Curiosity reigned his features, spoiling the brilliant smile he usually wore with a look of confusion.

"What?" I snapped. I forgot completely about being polite, because... well, I'm not really sure. It must've been some combination of my own jumbled brains and his impolite staring and maybe even a little bit of my annoyance at his over-the-top decorating. If he was offended, he certainly didn't show it.

"Well, it's just curious how you appeared just in time to stop a marching army," he said offhandedly.

"I'm not a spy is that's what you think," I growled out, hissing as pain overtook my right side. Gods! Why did it still hurt? I guess even Apollo had his limits as the god of healing.

He smiled down at me, all white teeth and dimples. I guess he's also the god of truth, so maybe he believed that I wasn't lying. That's good. I wouldn't know what to do if they continued thinking I was a spy or something. I almost laughed at the thought. Me working for the giants? Please! I scoffed.

"Great news," Apollo said, "Then I guess once you're all healed we can send you off to the camp for demigods that we have. It's still in the early stages, but I'm sure you'll fit right in. Son of Poseidon, right?" Apollo smirked as I nodded. "Good. You sure look like one, but he insists that he has no idea who you are. He's never seen you before, but says he'll take you under his wing anyway."

I nodded again. That's good. At least I'd have a place to settle in and get a hold of the new era I was just dropped in on. Maybe in this one, it wouldn't be such a crazy idea to tell them about my curse; maybe they could even help me to understand it.

I might also be able to learn some tips and tricks while I'm here. Theseus would probably hold a good conversation. And I'd finally have some siblings, too! Tyson's great, really, but I've always wondered what it would be like to have real, demigod brothers and sisters. People with my powers, all working together to master them, together.

And Orion - blasted brother of mine - might be a total jerk, but he's sure good at archery, and maybe he'll give me some tips on how not to suck at it.

"Sure, Lord Apollo," I replied, remembering to add in the 'lord' part this time. "Send me to camp."


Seconds later, I appeared in a white room. The walls were drapes of white sheets, and the floors were wood. Around me, a still army of cots dressed in white linens stood. No one was there, but I did see a few bodies across the way from me - sleeping people. There was a distinct stench of medicinal herbs, which quickly brought me to the conclusion that I was in the camp's infirmary.

I tried to stand, but once again found my side burning. I stopped, fearing that I'd pull my stitches if I tried any more. I still couldn't believe that I let than giant get in such a lucky shot. I should've been it. I mean, how could I have left myself open like that?

Even though I was healing - quite quickly in fact, because Apollo had the foresight to soak my feet in salt water for an extra boost - I couldn't stop the battle from replaying in my mind. The images were flashing like an old video, so clear that they almost blocked out my vision, but just enough that I didn't notice when several people came in. One pushed aside one of the many curtains that hung along the walls, which must've been the door because when I finally looked up, it was because of a cough. Someone had cleared their throat.

My jaw nearly dropped, but I refrained, knowing that I had to keep up appearances. Mentally, I patted myself on the back for holding my reaction, because standing in front of me were seven people who looked very familiar, even though I'd only seen them in history books. I couldn't trust my memory at this point though, so I decided to ask, just to make sure.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I tried to sound polite, but my voice was still strained. Everything was strained. Even breathing.

"As we understand it, you're our newest brother," said the oldest one. "I'm Theseus. That one there is Orion-" he pointed to the tall one in the back with an elegant-looking longbow "-and those two are Agenor and Neleus. We're all children of Poseidon, here to train under Chiron."

The other two - one with outlandishly curly hair and the other had his long and drawn back into a thick braid.

With a secret smile, I nodded, reaching out to shake each of their hands. There were statues of these men in my father's palace - in his main hall. They were different than I remember, but I guess that's because the statues had become home to bright, living coral and tiny little fish. They are looked similar to me - that was our father's influence, no doubt - but unlike me, they had perfectly bronzed skin and were the epitome of Greek perfection. I was a bit paler and much more American in my nose and jawline.

"Nice you meet you all," I said, quite honestly in fact, because I'd never known any half-blood siblings before and really wanted to get off on the right foot with these four. "I'm..." I stopped. Should I say my name? These four all lived before the original Perseus, so it wouldn't be an issue, but would my name be? What if I said my name, and then whenever Zeus came around to sire the original Perseus, would he even be named that? Then... if he wasn't named Perseus, would I even be named that? Would it create a time paradox? I could say my name in the war because probably no one would remember me, but here, in a camp with so many of the famous Greek heroes of legend, it was almost certain that I'd get my likeness sculpted at some point, and it might even alter the course of history.

I looked up. The four of them seemed to be waiting.

"...Percival, but call me Percy."

Theseus grinned. "Nice to meet you, Percy!" He shook my hand again, rather vigorously. "I guess we'll sea you around, then Percy. Heal up!"

As they left, I was startled by Theseus' pun. They had those, even now? And Theseus used them? Oh gods, this just got a whole lot more interesting.

It was a few days before I was fully healed, but by the time I was, Theseus offered to let me join their sparring practice, which I wholeheartedly agreed to. Who wouldn't want to spar with heroes of legend? Of course, I didn't tell him that; they probably weren't famous for whatever they were famous for yet.

I headed to the arena, knowing where it is thanks to the tour that Chiron - young Chiron! - happily gave me as a new student of his. I was wearing Greek robes, which were a little itchy and strange to get used to - as I'd never worn them before except in that dream I'd had in that Lamborghini a few years ago... or what it thousands of years in the future? Argh! Time travel isn't really what its all chalked up to be, at least in some things.

When I got there, my brothers were waiting.

"Hey there, Percy!" Neleus called. His voice was a bit gruff, despite him being a similar age to me, but I guess that's to be expected; he's way buffer than me. Like, he could easily be the quarterback on a football team.

"You want to spar?" Theseus asked.

I nodded.


We got into position, just about to fight when I realized my biggest problem. I couldn't use Riptide. For the same reason as me saying my name, I couldn't bring out my sword. I mean, it would probably change into a smaller shape that would fit the time period, but I couldn't use it. Everyone knows Hercules' sword. If I suddenly had an exact double, things would get weird.

"Can I borrow a sword?" I asked awkwardly.

The four of them looked a little confused but complied. "Don't you have your own, though?" Neleus asked as he handed me a sword. "You fought the giant with it, yeah?"

I shrugged. "It's broken. I had to switch to a water sword about halfway through." It was a white lie, to be sure, but a good one. At least... I hoped it would fool them.

It did.

After the duel - which I lost, but oh well - I'd slipped up that I didn't ever use a bow, and Orion had all but dragged me over to the archery range to show me how to do it. "All you need to know is how to stand. Then the rest falls into place," he declared.

"Not even Artemis could show me how to shoot straight, Orion, I swear," I protested, but he was having none of it.

"No brother of mine will not know how to shoot a bow. At least hit the target, and we'll be done here."

I groaned, but took the bow anyway, and got into the position that Chiron had shown me all those years ago. Orion inspected me, judgingly, but didn't say anything. He walked all the way around me before getting into position behind me and saying, "Draw an arrow and place it on the string, but don't pull back."

I did as he asked.

With even more silence, he watched, then told me to draw back and fire.

The arrow shot - straight and true - all the way over the target and into the trees behind. I hung my head in shame as the others, watching from the sidelines, all hollered with laughter. Orion was the only one who stayed silent.

"Go and fetch it," he said after a minute of silence. "Then come back here and I'll show you what you're doing wrong. We'll fix your stance, then your posture, then your shooting."

"Shooting comes last?" I asked, pausing in my stride.

He nodded. "Shooting always comes last."

I shrugged and took off running into the forest to collect the arrow. It took a bit of searching, but thankfully, so many arrows had been shot into the woods that they knew to paint them brightly as to find them more easily. On my way back, I thought of my siblings. I knew Theseus was a great hero, and Agenon and Neleus were pretty cool, but I was most concerned about Orion.

He was in the myths as an excellent archer, sure, but he was also said to be a womanizer and a terrible person after what he did to that girl. I wanted to give him a chance, as he is my brother, and I couldn't punish him for something he had yet to do. That would be unfair, not only to him but to myself as well. What if, in treating him like an outsider, I caused his actions? I'd seen a lot of movies on time travel in my youth, but most of them handled it differently, so how could I know if my past self had already travelled this plane, or if I'm the first and could change everything for better or for worse. Did I already exist in these timelines, or not?

When I was back at the archery range, I got back into my shooting position like Orion asked, and then let myself be nudged back and forth.

"Your position is standard, and pretty good compared to most, but it doesn't always work for everyone. Some people need to have a completely different position of their feet and arms to even be able to shoot straight," he explained. He nudged my foot back a bit and held my arms straight, making a line from my shoulder directly at the target.

Once he was done fiddling, he told me to get comfortable, stand straighter, and wait. I had to get used to this position, just so that if I moved, I'd be able to get back into it. I couldn't have him come to fix my stance every time I shot an arrow, now could I?

After a while, I thought I was ready, and drew an arrow. I took a few seconds, but eventually got back into the same position Orion put me in, and drew the arrow back, letting his calloused hands guide my arm back - straight, not at an angle - and then, he let go.

With one eye on the target and the other closed, I let go of the string. And... it whistled out into the forest again. With a sigh, I fetched it again, and again, and again. Three more tries and I still couldn't hit the target, but I was getting better, Orion was slowly adjusting my stance every time, and I was a fast learner, though I admit a few times, I slipped back into an older position before he pointed it out.

I was starting to get tired, but forced myself to stay awake, eyes probably bloodshot and crossed from staring at a target all day. My other brothers were still sitting on the side, watching with amusement in their eyes. How was this not old yet?

In my head, I told myself that this was the last time I'd shoot today, even if Orion insisted I keep going until I hit the target. I let go of the string.


My eyes both shot open wide in disbelief. I was suddenly wide awake. I hit the target! The outermost ring, but I still hit it! My jaw hung wide open for a split second before I leapt into the air and danced in celebration.

My joy was short-lived, however, as just at that moment, Chiron cantered over to us. "The Lady Hera has been kidnapped!" he announced. "Everyone to the meeting hall. We must send out a quest."

We quickly followed him, and soon joined about six dozen other demigods in a large hall, not dissimilar to the dining pavilion back home. Once everyone was present, Chiron brought forth a young girl - probably the oracle if my memory of tradition stood. I was proven correct as she opened her mouth and spewed forth the familiar green smoke, speaking in a serpentine voice.

A hero walks, not of this time

Goes forth without reason nor rhyme

His true purpose here is not yet known

But he cannot make this journey alone

To the queen, he goes, to free her from chains

Cannot succeed until he faces his bane

Theseus immediately volunteered to take the quest. His daring spirit spurred him forth, despite the dangers that lie ahead. For me, hearing the words was like having ice water dumped over my head. This quest was for me, yet again. I almost sighed, if not for the people around me. I knew I had to volunteer, but this time, I wouldn't be left behind. Without telling my body to do so, I shot up as well, volunteering to go.

Orion laughed wholeheartedly. "Brother, you've just learned to shoot an arrow. While I admire your enthusiasm, I doubt you could bring anything to this quest that Theseus can't already. Some gods have children with separate skill sets, but two sons of Poseidon with the same skills cannot go on the same quest."

With that, Orion volunteered as an archer, as well as another hero whom I didn't know the name of. I grumbled lowly. It was my quest - that much seemed clear to me - but I couldn't really tell them that. How would I even word it? "Oh, hey, I'm actually a demigod from the future, when Kronos escapes again and I defeated him, and I released Typhoon from a volcano by accident, and I defeated Hyperion, and so on and so forth." No.

Well, if they wouldn't let me go, I'd just have to sneak out again. It seemed pretty easy, especially after the last time. There were no harpies here to eat me for being out after hours so how hard could it be?


Word Count: 3155

Posted: Saturday, December 29th, 2018



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