A ghoul in Naruto!!

By lazyAergia

55.4K 1.4K 626

(Kakashi x ghoul! Reader x various) Rewrite is ongoing in another story so check that out! More

link to the rewrite


5.3K 147 164
By lazyAergia

    "Cut it out Naruto!" Sakura scolds Naruto from his obsessive checking of the hallways.

"Why are we the only team whose teacher hasn't showed up yet?" Naruto complains.

"Um, because he's not here yet?" You sarcastically say for the first time.

Everyone looks at you after hearing you talk for the first time.
You raise your eyebrows as if asking them, 'what?'

Sakura snaps out of her stupor when Naruto puts an eraser on top of the door and whips her head to Naruto's direction.

"Hey, what are you up to Naruto?" Sakura asks walking up to him.

"Heh heh heh, it's what he gets for making us wait!" Naruto jumps from the table he used to do his unholy prank.

Pfft, shorty.

"Grow up! I want no part of this." Sakura says putting her hands on her hips.

"Hmph, no way could a jounin fall for a trick like this." Uchiha brat 'hmphs'

"But what if he does fall for this trick?" You say absent mindedly checking your nails.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Sakura asks slightly glaring at you.

You glare back at her making her flinch.
You smirk at her reaction before going back to checking your nails and say,

"It's just a what if Sakura. It's not like I think he'll actually fall for it anyway. But wouldn't it be interesting and ironic if he actually did fall?"

Sakura opens her mouth to say something but you cut her off.

"IF Sakura, IF" You deadpan.

Your attention gets stolen by a gloved hand appearing on the side of the door frame and slides it open.
A jounin with a silver gravity defying hair appears and oh. He actually fell for it.
You look at him with mild interest with your left cheek resting on your hand.

Naruto laughs at him and Sakura sulks up to him and become the hoe she is and act innocent and shit.

"Hoe, if you're gonna have two faces at least make one of them pretty."

Sakura whips her head at you and glares despite knowing your a ghoul.

A brave one I see.

"Hmm, how shall I put this? Based on my first impression I'd have to say.." the silver haired jounin looks up with a closed eye and his hand cupping his chin as if thinking about something.

Everyone leans over in interest of his opinion even you. Although it was only slightly nobody would have seen you lean. Well, except a certain jounin.

His eyes glint in mischievousness after knowing he got your attention.

"..I hate you." 

Everyone deadpans at him we'll except you. You were pouting.

"Meet me in the roof." He says before proofing out to god knows where. Well except this time I guess your god? He's in the roof yep.

You nod at nothing in particular and proceed to the never ending torture of having to walk to the roof.
Sike! Just kidding you also poofed to the roof.

His eyes widened a fraction once he saw you poof right next to him.
It also surprised you. Sorta, when you appeared inches from his vest and walked back swiftly avoiding getting smooshed in his vest.

The rest got here-more like the Uchiha brat got here slightly panting and clearly surprised and frustrated to see you there before him.
You smirk at him smugly feeding your ego especially when he cursed under his breath.
Next, Naruto came here clearly panting and got frustrated to see Sasuke first before him not noticing you. And then Sakura. The snail.

"Now, why don't we introduce each other?"

"Like what?"

"Eh, you know the usual. Likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams for the future, stuff like that."
He nonchalantly shrugged.

"Then why don't you go first?" Naruto 'challenges' him with Sakura backing him up and Sasuke 'hn'ing? They look at you expectingly but just get a shrug from you.

"..my name's Kakashi Hatake. I'm the type of person who doesn't feel like talking about his likes or dislikes... I have a lot of hobbies.. and my ambition for the future... i haven't thought about.."

Everyone deadpans at him with you slightly annoyed at his introduction.
He has the guts to.. grr..

"We only learned his name.."

"Yeah no shit Sherlock." Oops, I didn't mean to say that out loud. I guess I just got too mad at this mothERFUCKIN TEACHER!!

Kakashi quickly diffuses the situation by telling Naruto to introduce himself before Sakura talked back to you or challenged you to a staring contest.

"My name's Naruto Uzumaki! What I like is instant ramen! What I even more like is the ichiraku ramen Iruka-Sensei treats me to! What I hate is the three minute wait after putting bowling water in cup noodles. My hobbies are prank and jokes and my dream is, to become a Hokage so the villagers will finally acknowledge my existence dattebayo!"

Guess were in the same shoes huh. Well, except that I don't care if they like me or not.


"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. There  are plenty of things I hate but I don't see that it matters, considering there aren't many things I like. I'm not gonna call it a dream because I will make it a reality. And that is to restore my clan and kill a certain somebody." Sasuke says in his emo voice.

"Ah, to fuck and kill huh." You say absent mindedly.

Everyone widens they're eye at your remark and blushes. Sakura looks at you with wide eyes beet red.
Kakashi looks away and holds a fist to cover his already covered mouth trying not to laugh.
And Naruto- "puhaHAHAHA!! That's your dream?? To fuck and kill?? Ahahaha!!"

Sasuke blushes a bit and glares at you all the while you smirk smugly at his embarrassed state.

Kakashi clears his throat and says, "next."

Sakura snaps out of it and introduces herself, "My name's Sakura Haruno, what I like is.. I mean WHO I like is.... what my hobby is...hehe...and my dream is to..squeal!!" Sakura squeals the rest of her sentences.

Huff, Sasuke obsessed slut.
You see Sasuke blush near Sakura during her- Wait what??
Oh wait, is Sasuke actually blushing??

You choke in your own spit and start slapping bellow your collarbone to take the spit out of wherever it got itself into and somehow breath properly.

"Uhh, are you ok?" Sakura asks holding a hand out your way.

"Nah I'm fine bubblegum." You raise a hand to stop her from touching you.
Sakura blushes a bit about your nickname and settle in her seat.

"Hey Sasuke, did I just see you-" You ask but got interrupted by Kakashi.

"And what do you dislike?"


You glare at your interruptor with him just raising and eyebrow.
You huff in annoyance and cross your arms around your breast and turned away.

"And last but not least."

"Sigh, my name is (y/n) (l/n). I like juicy meat, I dislike human food. For my hobbies, hmm... ah murder can't be a hobby now huh since I haven't done that in a while.. oh well. My dreams for the future.. i have none."

Everyone pales at your introduction and there was a long suffocating silence-Well, to them I guess until Kakashi spoke up and say,

"Well, all of you are unique. Formal training begins tomorrow."

"Yes sir! What will our duties be?? Our first shinobi mission!!" Naruto jumps up in his seat and does a salute. You deadpan at his behaviour and go back into looking at Kakashi's eyes. You found it quite fun trying to guess what he feels like in just an eye.
And it was very easy to find out what he was feeling tbh. The bitch's eye shows more emotions than Sasuke's whole body  could ever show lmao.

"Our first mission involves only the members of the cell."

"What is it? What!"

"Survival exercises."

Excuse me?! What the actual fuckery is this?! All that time in the academy just to have another one of those spongy ass fucking eXERCISE?!!!!!

You glare at him gritting your with the cement at the side of you slightly cracked from the pressure of your hand.
And of course this bitch avoids eye contact with you!
Oh, and if looks could kill he would have been dead already.

"Survival exercise?"

"But why would that be? We all had plenty of survival training back in the academy?"

Oh thank god Sakura! Thank you so fucking much for asking! If you wouldn't have asked I would have stayed quiet and glared at him the whole time.

"You'll have to survive against me. It wouldn't be your typical exercise."

"Nah, more like you'll have to survive against me." You mutter under your breath to which no thank you heaven, they heard.
The three supposedly Genin shiver at your remark and you notice Kakashi's shoulder tense.
You smirk a their despair and oh yes I feed unto others despair!! Muhaha!!

Naruto forced himself to talk and ask Kakashi,

"Well, what kind of practice will it be?"

Kakashi looks down with his arms crossed and laughs.

"What are you laughing about Kakashi-sensei?"

Aand, Sakura takes the words out of my mouth. Again.

"Oh it's nothing, it's just that if I told you you'd chicken out." Kakashi says nonchalantly.

Oh bitch try me I'll peck you to kingdom come.

"Chicken out? Why?"

Oh Naruto you genius!
-note the sarcasm-

"Out of the twenty seven members of your graduating class, only nine will be accepted
Genin. The other eighteen must go back for training. The test we are about to perform has a 66% rate of failure."

Oh hell nah. I can't go back to the academy. NOT THE FUCKING ACADEMY!!!

"Ahaha! Look your chickening out already!"

"You know, the way you said only nine was like saying you know we aren't gonna graduate." You glare at him standing up as of daring him to talk back.

"Or ten"

Dammit, I failed in intimidating him. Fuck.

I bet they're bleeding already. Come on give me a break.

"Anyway, we'll meet in the practise field in the morning where you're gonna take the test. Bring all of your ninja tools and weapons and don't eat breakfast unless you like vomiting. Thats all."

Ahaha sike, he's gonna be my breakfast in the morning! Oh wait that sounded wIERD-

"The details of your assignment are in this handout. Memorise it and don't be late!"

"Throw up! How hard is this exercise gonna be!!"

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