Den of the snake -

By RavenUchiha512

59.8K 3.1K 1.2K

"I am the sole survivor of the once feared Uchiha clan, and I am burdened with great purpose. I have brought... More

1: Revolution
4:Prying Eyes
6:Majestic Flame Jutsu
13:A Crazy Little Thing
16:Accepting The Darkness
17:Embracing The Darkness
18:Mending Old Wounds
19:A Bargain To Be Made
20:Beyond The Thunder
21:Happy Days
22:A Day In The Life
24:Broken Bonds
25:United We Stand
26:Destroying The Lie
2 7 : Burying Ashes
2 8 : A New Dawn
2 9 : To Forever And Beyond

5:Slithering Snakes

2.1K 121 32
By RavenUchiha512

2 weeks have just passed by, and the Stoic Uchiha had spent those two weeks watching and studying Hinata Hyuga. His subjects were confused at his behavior, he was the type of man who was strict to his codes and rules, not wasting a single second, but here he was wasting hours upon hours, days upon days, staying inside his office, gaze fixed on his screens. He was learning about her, he had seen everything about her. He had seen her at her worst, he had seen her worst, he saw the things she did to her body, he saw the things she had done to her naked skin.

And everything about her tempted him, the moment he saw her cutting herself, it got his blood running more faster then any battle he had fought in his life. Just the sight of her being so mentally crushed to the point she wanted to inflict torture on herself was satisfying and pleasing, but what made him even more pleased was the thought of taking her even more over the edge, pushing her over the cliff, taking the last bit of sanity that she was hanging on by, away from her forever.

Sasuke also knew what this meant for him and his village. He already possessed the Sharingan and the Rinnegan, and now he was going to obtain the Byakugan, all three Ocular eyes in his grasp. Nobody would dare attempt to fight him, and all he needed to do was manipulate the girl who looked more like a broken porcelain doll.

And the blame as to why she was like this fell all on one person. Naruto Uzumaki. She would cry and rant about how he rejected her and casted her off , but Sasuke would just sit and listen to it all. Sasuke even began to find himself irritated whenever she would cry about the fact that nobody talked to her, nobody approached her, nobody treated her as a human being.

He tended to be more calm and cool in every aspect of his life, letting his brain take sensible choices and decisions instead of letting his emotions get the best of him, but for some reason he would feel his anger rising everytime she would cry about the way everyone in the village treated her.

The demon lying inside Sasuke's did pop up from time to time, raising thoughts like whether he should just destroy the Sand village and all of it's people for destroying the soul and spirit of someone as innocent and pure as Hinata Hyuga. But all those troubling thoughts would go away the moment he would think about the fact that she would soon be taken away from them all and brought into his shadow. And that day was coming much sooner then anyone thought.

Sasuke closes his eyes as he stands up from his seat and presses a button that rings a loud bell in the entire Hokage residence. Sasuke gets his cloak wears it over his clothes. And within seconds, the door opens and Gintoki walks inside. His eyes meet Sasuke's unrelenting and cold gaze.

"Your orders Uchiha-Sama" He asks obediently as he lowers his eyes. Sasuke speaks as he starts to walk past Gintoki.

"Ready the men, prepare them for a raid on the Hidden Sand Village" Sasuke says in a monotone voice, devoid of any emotion or mercy. And Gintoki's eyes go wide at hearing his order.

"My Lord, is today really a good day, shouldn't something like this be discussed  and thoroughly planned first" Gintoki says obviously scared and cautious, trying not to get on Sasuke's bad side. Whereas as Sasuke stops at the door and turns around to face his assistant.

"Prepare the horses and ready the men Gintoki, I will meet you all in 2 hours near the exit, we are going to take the Hyuga Heiress tonight".

Sasuke's cold and heavy voice intimidates Gintoki to his core, as well as his haunting red eye staring right through him. Gintoki knew better then to argue more, if Sasuke wanted this raid to be done today, then no power on earth was going to stop him.

And with that Sasuke turns around and walks out of his office, and quickly following in his footsteps was Gintoki who didn't waste a second just standing around and immediately acknowledged his order.

Today the unsuspecting people of the Hidden Sand were going to meet the man who ascended to Godhood. A God of death who was ready to take something that he needed in his life, and if anybody dared to stand in his way. Then he would not show any mercy, whether it be a man, woman or a child.

"Kakashi Sensei why did you call me" Naruto asked as he sat in the Kazekage office with Kakashi and the leader of the Sand Village, Gaara. An old friend and rival of Naruto, and like Naruto he used to be the Jinchuriki, his body home to the feared One-Tails.

After Sasuke took over the Leaf, Gaara invited Kakashi to be his right hand man in the Sand village and help him make wise decisions in directing the village. Gaara and Kakashi both joined together to make a very wise and calculating duo that were at the helm of the Sand village.

Now Kakashi had been discussing with Gaara, plans about trying to take back the Leaf from the Uchiha Tyrant.
And everything was in their favor but the only thing that was a hurdle was Sasuke. No matter what strategy they devised, at the end they would always realize that Sasuke's immense Chakra and vast pool of Jutsu's would render all their efforts useless in seconds. So for that reason Naruto was called today.

" is your training going these days" Kakashi asks Naruto in a grim tone as he turns to face him, with Gaara also staring right at him. Naruto's aura becomes a little down, after Sasuke and he fought, he had never gotten to the same level he was before. He trained as hard as he could but at the end it was never enough.

"Why are you asking me this Kakashi sensei" Naruto says as he lowers his eyes a little. Kakashi can tell that it was hard for Naruto to talk about this, because it brought back all the memories of the war, but this wasn't the time to just give up.

"Naruto. We are planning an assault on the Hidden leaf, against Sasuke.............and we want you to lead the charge" Gaara steps in the conversation and Naruto's eyes go a little wide at hearing his name, but quickly he breaks out into a small chuckle.

"You want to attack the Hidden leaf............that's funny" Naruto let's out a chuckle out of despair, Kakashi could tell how hopeless he was by his tone. Everyone was hurt after what happened but it was Naruto who was the most affected.

"We can't take over the Leaf again Gaara.............the Monster that is governing over the land of fire is not someone anyone of us can stand before, let alone defeat" Naruto's voice becomes laced with anger as he lowers his eyes, his rage building towards only one person. A person he no longer considered anything, not a brother, not a teammate, and not a friend.

To Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha was now his biggest enemy.

"Naruto, I know that you feel like it's hopeless but remember, your the one who taught me to never give up, to always believe in yourself......we can defeat Sasuke, if we work tog--" Gaara tries to change his mind, to get rid of his mindset, but suddenly Naruto becomes heated up and cuts him off by standing up.

"WE CAN'T DEFEAT HIM GAARA...................we just - - can't. He is too strong.........he possess the Sharingan, the Rinnegan and also the power of all 9 tailed beasts including Kurama..........even if we all stand against him together, we don't stand a chance..............don't make the mistake of fighting him, you would just be sacrificing the lives of innocent men and women, it's better to leave him alone....... And The leaf is dead Kakashi died the day he defeated me four years's time you started believing that, instead of giving yourself false hope" Naruto finishes, taking deep breaths trying to control his emotions as he turns around and leaves the room, closing the door behind with a powerful force.

Kakashi and Gaara sit there calmly in silence, to say they weren't surprised by Naruto's outburst would be a lie, but deep inside them they had a feeling this would happen. They had both experienced this, Gaara had the power of the one-tails and it was taken away from him, whereas Kakashi had the sharingan and it no longer manifested in Kakashi's eyes. The pain of losing something you once possessed was heavy and it took a brave heart to bear and move forward. And they both believed in Naruto fully, and they knew that he would get over this challenge and return to how he was.

"He'll be back. I know he will.......... Naruto has never let anyone down before and I have faith in him that he won't let us down this time" Kakashi speaks slowly as he watches his precious student in turmoil. Whereas Kakashi never let it on but everytime someone talked about Sasuke being evil and a tyrant, it hurt him deeply. Because no matter what he had done or what he had become, Kakashi always thought of him as his son and a valuable student.

Naruto walked through the sandy streets of the village, his hands in the pockets of his new orange jumpsuit. It had been quite awhile since he had gotten rid of his old Jumpsuit that his Jiraiya Sensei gifted him when they both trained together, he now kept it in his closet as a memory of his dear teacher. Naruto had also grown in these four years, he cut his hair to a much shorter length, his looks and body had also matured and became more fit. And after losing the power of the Kyubi, he had started working more on his Sage mode, honing his powers and techniques as best as he could.

Naruto could hear the praises of the people of the village around him. Even before the war he was considered a hero of the leaf, but after the war he was now regarded as a hero of the entire Ninja world. Everyone was a fan of Naruto Uzumaki, every kid wanted to be as cool as Naruto Uzumaki, and every girl wanted to be the girlfriend of Naruto Uzumaki. He was given gifts and candies everyday from everyday people. He gained the attraction of everyone around him. And everything would've been beautiful and complete, if only he hadn't let Sasuke trample over the Leaf village. The guilt of that day and that fight was inside him even after four years.

As Naruto is walking, a curious pinkette spots him alone and she immediately goes towards him. She had known him for so long, that she could tell what he was thinking by just looking at his face.

"Naruto" Naruto stops and turns around and sees his best friend and the love of his life, Sakura Haruno running towards him. She had grown much more beautiful in these past four years, her pink hair had grown longer and they gave her a fresh and exotic look, her fair skin was a beautiful sight and her body was craved by many men.

"Sakura-Chan.........what are you doing here" Naruto asks as he puts on a fake smile while talking to Sakura. Sakura immediately sees through his act and looks him in the eyes.

"Stop that really think you can fool me with that face" Sakura says bluntly as she puts her hands on her waist, staring right into Naruto's blue eyes. Naruto's smile immediately disappears as he hears those words.

"You know me so well Sakura-Chan...........sorry about that" Naruto says in a sad tone as he lowers his head and turns around and starts walking on the path he was walking before. Sakura immediately becomes concerned about him and starts walking with him.

"What's wrong Naruto, tell something wrong" Sakura asks as she places her hand on his back. And just her skin touching him brings him warmth and safety. With Sakura he feels like he can share anything in his heart and he does.

"Kakashi Sensei and gaara called me today...........They're planning an attack on Konoha and they want me to be at the forefront of it all" Naruto's word shocked Sakura as her eyes go wide, just as Naruto had suspected. He also knew that Sakura still held a soft spot for Sasuke Uchiha even after everything he had done and he knew that him fighting Sasuke again would damage Sakura mentally.

"Oh...............well, what are they planning" Sakura asks in a down tone as she turns her head forward and walks with Naruto.

"I'm not too sure about what exactly they are planning but from what I can guess..............They're hoping to launch a surprise attack on the village with the priority target being Sasuke" Naruto explains to Sakura, and hearing his name come up sends a jolt of bad memories through Sakura's heart. Every word he ever said, every action he ever took, they all come flooding back into her mind. Naruto noticed the sorrow on Sakura's face and immediately speaks up.

"But I refused............there is no poin--" Naruto is speaking but is cut off when Sakura speaks up, with her eyes lit with the fire of rage and anger.

"I want to go Naruto.........if Gaara is planning an attack to overthrow Sasuke then I want in as well.........." Sakura says with her voice full of anger, and not a single bit of remorse. Naruto is surprised to see a side like from Sakura, but for some reason her determination also acts as a motivator for Naruto, and suddenly in his heart he also agrees to Kakashi's plans.

"If this is what you want Sakura-Chan, then I'll follow you as well. We'll get our village back, and if that means I have to kill Sasuke..................then so be it" Naruto says with a tense look on his face, Sakura also looks at him and nods in agreement with his words. And right there and then, the two remaining members of the original team 7 decided to kill their former member to take back their beloved village.

Completely unaware that the lone bolt of thunder was already raging through the deserts, coming closer and closer to them by the seconds.

The sun had set, and darkness was taking over the warm skies of the Land of Wind and the Sand village. And like most other nights, the lonely Hinata Hyuga was out alone in a quiet part of the village that was surrounded by some small gardens and orchids. Flowers like the ones in Konoha were a rarity in the Sand Village, but the special flowers that grew under the conditions of the Sand village were also quiet beautiful and pretty.

She was sitting on a wooden bench, with her eyes set on a dying flower placed in a small pot before her, her white eyes devoid of any life, and her dry lips in a straight line. She was dressed in a beautiful white dress with that made the scars on her arms and legs visible. After Naruto saw her face, she became sure that he would tell everyone and they would start to avoid her even more, so there was no point in hiding her body anymore. She had already come to accept her as she was to others. A failure.

She watched as the wind blew the dried up dying flower, it looked like it hadn't been watered in weeks. And it was the only flower in the garden that seemed that way, all the other flowers were in full bloom and looked and smelled beautiful. It was like the owner completely forgot about it, and only payed attention to the other flowers, leaving it dry up and die on it's own. Slowly Hinata's teary eyes lift up towards the sky, and a silent whisper escapes her lips.

"I want to belong somewhere".

And the moment those words escaped her lips, her wish was immediately granted by an unknown force. Suddenly a man with silver hair dressed in a samurai uniform and a sheathed sword on his side, teleports right in front of Hinata catching her by surprise. Hinata is shocked to see this mysterious man and she quickly gets up and takes a step back.

"Lady Hinata" He says and Hinata is surprised to hear him say her name like he knows her.

"W-Who are you" She asks as she stutters a little while trying to sound strong. The man stays defenseless and never once touches his sword, he slowly gets on one knee before her.

"Please do not be afraid m'lady, my name is Gintoki and I am here on behalf of Uchiha-Sama and I am here to take you to him. Please come with me willingly otherwise I shall have to force you" Gintoki says in a polite manner, but his words only confuse Hinata even more. She had no idea who he was talking about, but she knew that he was here to take her and she was not going to let that happen. Hinata immediately activates her byakugan and ready's her gentle fist.

"I-I don't k-know who you are b-but I-I'm n-not going anywhere" Hinata says sounding firm and her feet planted in the ground. Gintoki let's out a small sigh when he hears her words. He slowly gets up and unsheathes his sword, as he pulls out his sword it glows in a bright silver shade. And his eyes lock onto Hinata as he gets into his fighting stance.

"Very well Lady Hinata. It is not my wish to hurt you but his orders cannot be denied. Prepare yourself" and with that the two get start to clash.

"Gaara" Gaara immediately looks up towards the door and he sees Naruto and Sakura walking inside his office with determined looks on their faces. Kakashi is also with Gaara going over some files regarding some refugees. But his attention is quickly caught by Naruto when he enters.

"What is it Naruto" Kakashi asks looking straight at Naruto who had a completely different look in his eyes as opposed to how he looked earlier in the morning. The two step inside and Naruto speaks up.

"We have decided to go through with your plan Kakashi fight back and take Konoha back from Sasuke" Naruto says in a loud voice as he makes a fist looking straight into Kakashi's eyes. Gaara wonders what changed, same as Kakashi but before they can ask anything more, Sakura speaks up.

"We can't just sit back and act as if our lives are good while that maniac rules over our home Sensei. We have to fight and take it back" Sakura speaks up with her voice full of power and determination. A small smile forms over Kakashi's face when he sees how fired up his two students were, he slowly gets up from his chair and goes toward them.

"Well then it's decided, we are tak--".


Suddenly Kakashi is cut off when a loud explosion goes off in the center of the village. Gaara immediately turns around and notices smoke and fire rising from different parts of the village, that were visible from the windows of his office. Just then the door opens, and Kankuro runs inside in panic.

"Gaara, it's the Uchiha's forces, we are under attack" Everyone is left shocked with their eyes wide when they hear the dire news. The Man they were planning to attack had just landed inside their home and they didn't even notice.

"Deploy every jonin level Shinobi and tell them to defend the village, and order all the chunin and genins to evacuate the civilians from the main village and get them to the safety shelters, if Sasuke is here then the village is not safe" Gaara orders with panic written all over his face. Kankuro immediately runs back out to implement the Kazekage's orders.

"Naruto, Saku--" As he turns to the two, he notices that they are already gone. His eyes go over to Kakashi who looks just as worried as him.

"Kakashi" Gaara says in a desperate tone filled with worry and concern for the village.

"Now is no time to be hopeless Kazekage, you are the leader of this village, the people are defending on you to protect them. So let's go" Kakashi says in a serious tone and the two elite ninjas immediately jump out of the window and into the fray.

"Please stop m'lady, I do not wish to hurt you anymore" Gintoki says as he stares at the winded and exhausted Hinata before him. Even with her Byakugan, she could not match upto the swordsmanship of Gintoki. He had sheathed his sword back and now stood with his hands behind his back.

Hinata knew that she wasn't going to win this fight, but she also wasn't going to allow herself to be taken.
But suddenly, more then a dozen other Samurai appear behind Gintoki with demon masks on their faces, they stand with their swords pointing towards Hinata.

'I have to retreat somehow' Hinata says to herself, and out of nowhere she uses a small sealing jutsu to summon a smoke bomb, the bomb explodes in their faces causing disarray and their vision becomes blurry and disoriented, using this to her advantage. Hinata jumps out of the garden and heads towards the main village, in hopes of finding Naruto and the others.

Just as she is running and jumping over roofs, she glances backward and her heart jumps in fear when she sees Gintoki chasing her with a terrifyingly serious look in his eyes. He was following her at a very fast speed and quickly gaining up on her.


Just then Hinata reaches the main market area that was surrounded by flames and smoke and she sees Naruto and Sakura along with Sai and Lee fighting hordes of Samurai. A small smile of hope forms on her face when she sees that at least she wasn't alone in this fight. She also jumps down and enters the fight. Naruto suddenly spots Hinata and he quickly goes to her.

"Hinata, what the hell happened to you, who did this to you" Naruto asks with a worried look on his face, and he wasn't talking about the wounds from her fight with Gintoki but the ones she made herself. The other former leaf ninjas also notice the cuts over Hinata. And before Hinata can speak up, Gintoki also jumps down and lands before them gaining the attention of Naruto.

"You. Did you do this to Hinata-Chan" Naruto asks pointing his finger at the quiet samurai with rage building inside him.

"Naruto Uzumaki. So you are the famed hero of the Hidden Leaf. I must say, it is an honour to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gintoki of the Hidden leaf and I am here to take back what belongs to Uchiha-Sama" Gintoki says as he bows a little with a grin on his face that intimidates Hinata. Whereas Naruto and Sakura are shocked to hear that he was here on Sasuke's behalf.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SASUKE. WHY IS HE ATTACKING THE HIDDEN SAND" Naruto barks out in anger as he feels his blood burning with anger. Same with Sakura who finishes off her enemies and stands next to Naruto with Hinata standing behind them, in their shadow. Gintoki remains calm and not the least bit fazed over Naruto's behavior.

"You do not need to worry about Uchiha-Sama, I am your opp--" Gintoki is speaking with a smug look on his face when suddenly Naruto dashes over to him instantaneously at such a fast speed that he never saw him coming and Naruto plants his face deep into Gintoki's jaw that sends him flying away.

"Tell me why Sasuke is attacking this village you bastard, before I kill you myself" Naruto spits out with his eyes darkened, a look that was scaring even Hinata. She had never seen Naruto like this and it was intimidating. Gintoki slowly drags his body off the ground with his nose completely broken and bloody, he smiles as he slowly points to the Hyuga behind Naruto.

"F----For her" Naruto and Sakura immediately turn around and they are shocked to see him pointing towards Hinata who was just as clueless as they were. It made no sense, it had to be a lie.

"But why the hell would Sasuke attack the Hidden Sand for Hinata" Sakura asks as she steps forward. Gintoki slowly drags his body and stands up, his face still aching with pain. Even if Naruto was no longer the Nine-tails jinchuriki he was still a powerhouse and much more powerful then an average ninja. And Gintoki had just learned that first hand. He is about to speak up when suddenly a cold and thunderous voice looms in the area.

"I have come here for Hinata Hyuga and if anyone wants to stop me, then be my guest".

Everyone stops in their tracks when they hear his voice. Naruto and Sakura's eyes go wide when they notice a man on a dark black horse slowly walking out of the smoke. As he leaves the smoke behind, he is seen wearing a luxurious white and blue kimono with the Uchiha fan integrated on the back and his sword placed on his side. He looked like a God at that moment, a God of death. His eyes had only grown more darker over these past four years. Hinata is left shocked to hear her name coming from his mouth and, Naruto and Sakura become speechless upon seeing their former team member after four years standing before their eyes.

"S-Sasuke Uchiha".

Please support my story guys and vote and comment, I really hope you are enjoying the story and the plot. Although I know I'm a little bad at this so please point out anything wrong in my grammar or writing and I'll correct it.

And with that said, I will see you on the next chapter. See ya

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