Scars ˚✧˳✧ Remus Lupin

By rainyylovegood

417K 12.6K 5.9K

The markings scattered his back, interlocking and over-layering to weave a tapestry of anguish and indescriba... More

twenty one
twenty two
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twenty four
twenty five
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thirty one
thirty two
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thirty five

thirty three

5.4K 166 61
By rainyylovegood

2:06 pm, 31st august, 1978

"Just fold your collar down! Merlin!" Harper's mother exclaimed as she wrestled against her daughter's fidgeting to make her look more presentable. 
Harper rolled her eyes defiantly, "If you just told me what was going on then maybe I would cooperate."

"However did you raise such a disobedient child?" Jane tutted, her arms folded tightly as she pursed her lips into a thin line.

"We all know who's to blame for that." Red muttered from the corner of the living room, just loud enough for Harper to hear. The girl winced at his words, her fingers instinctively reaching for the ring that used to sit on her finger but was no longer there.

"Quentin will be here any moment. That boy won't be running late today." Jane almost let a smile creep through as she tapped at the watch on her wrist.
Almost as if on cue, there was a sudden knock at the door. Everyone fell silent and a wave of chills flooded Harper's insides. She was uneasy, but unsure yet as to why.

It was a familiar feeling that deeply unnerved her. Harper was growing used to feeling on edge all of the time and it infuriated the girl that she couldn't place her finger on what was causing it.
She knew she had an enormous decision to make. Although it broke her heart to even entertain the idea, she had been leaning away from her family.

Harper felt truly at home in Remus' company. When she woke in the mornings she would be excited to see him again and spend more time together. She'd never come close to those feelings with her family.
If leaving her family would help keep Remus safe, Harper would sacrifice it no matter the emotional toll it took on her.

"Quentin! It's been far too long." Red chuckled, standing up from his seat to pull his son into a tight embrace.
Jane grinned up at the man, "We're so glad you're going through with this. You're making us proud."

Red stood back and Harper lay eyes on her uncle. He was slightly shorted than her grandfather, but with the same broad build. Quentin had similar sharp features to Elizabeth Brooke, with the same perfectly styled dark hair. He wore thin metal glasses balanced on the bridge of his nose so he had to lift his head to peer through them at people, creating the impression he was constantly looking down at everyone.

"Harper." Quentin greeted with a smug look, "stepping forward slightly and holding out his hand. Tentatively, the teenager stepped forward and gripped him, slowly shaking his hand but keeping her gaze fixed on the floor at her feet.

"It's been a while." Elizabeth stepped out from behind her daughter with a huge grin on her face, "I almost missed you."

Chuckling slightly, Quentin dropped Harper's hand and turned to her, "Sister." he smiled at her, "How come you're being so overly friendly?"

"Oh shut up." She let out a rare laugh and pulled her brother into a tight embrace.

Harper fidgeted with her fingers, awkwardly watching the exchange. She had only met her uncle on a few rare occasions and it was even rarer to see him interacting with her mother. Although never daring to actually ask, Harper had always assumed they simply didn't get along.

Perhaps something was off.

"Merlin's beard." Red gasped suddenly, looking up from his watch and rapping on it, "He should be here any moment."

"Hurry along then." Jane started ushering Harper along, "Into the dining room you go."

Her head was spinning. This was all moving far too fast. She hated not knowing what was going on. She hated being kept in the dark. It was practically cruel.

"Please, for Merlin's sake, tell me what is going on." Harper tugged at her mother's sleeve, desperate to relieve herself of the tense energy in her heart.

"Just promise me, Harper..." Elizabeth turned her body to face Harper fully, and lowered her voice as the door to the dining room closed, separating them from the others, "I'm being serious. Promise me you'll be quiet. Don't show any emotion."

Elizabeth crouched slightly, holding her hands tightly on her daughter's shoulders, "Be brave. I know you can."

And with that Elizabeth straightened herself out, dusting off her blouse, before turning her back and pushing open the door to the dining room. After a second's hesitation, frozen on the spot, Harper dashed after her.

The dining room had a tall ceiling, littered with small, flickering amber lights. The walls were an old, peeling cream colour covered in numerous dusty old paintings. Old oak floorboards creaked beneath their feet as they all lined up down one wall.

She hated this room, but could never put her finger on why. It was always cold in there, and Harper would feel like she didn't belong in the room, despite it being in her home.
As a young child she was always too scared to even enter the room unless they were entertaining family for the night.

Harper's head was racing at a million miles a minute, her breath shortening and her palms beginning to sweat. Nevertheless, she was choosing to follow her mother's example for once. Silent. No emotions. Brave.


Black fog filled the room, sending Harper jumping back and hitting her back against the wall. The wind was almost knocked out of her body as the darkness faded. Suddenly, Elizabeth reaches across and gripped her daughter's arm, squeezing it gently to send a rare sign of emotional comfort to her daughter.

"Oh no..." Harper gasped, her hands pressed against the wall behind her, willing herself to move further back and away from the sight that now filled her gaze.

"My Lord..." Quentin Brooke stepped forward slowly, placing his arms behind his back and bowing slightly. He remained in this bent over position as the Dark Lord slowly turned, revealing his face to the rest of the room.

"Quentin Brooke, my boy." The dark wizard spoke softly, his wand gripped gently in his hand as he waved it about. His dark piercing eyes fell on the family members behind, momentarily pausing on Harper.

The young girl felt a pit growing in her stomach and sick rising in her throat.
He could so easily kill her then and there and nobody would or could do anything about it.

"My Lord, it's my pleasure." Quentin stood upright slowly, extending his arm and delicately pulling up his sleeve to reveal his bare forearm.

"Thank... You..." He hissed slowly in response before extending his own hand to sharply grip Quentin's arm, digging his nails into the milky flesh.

Then he raised his wand.

Harper involuntarily raised a hand to cover her mouth, and dug the nails of her other hand into her skin. Her vision went spotty and her head dizzy. She was at risk of fainting as the light flashed before her and Quentin screamed in agony.

"Maybe you can be this brave, someday." Jane whispered to her granddaughter.

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