Irondad: Redeemed

By UnactiveHoe

58K 1.5K 1.4K

Peter Parker was just a simple boy. A simple boy who was bitten by a radioactive spider. A simple boy who swi... More

Cast list
The fall of PeterParker
The voices
Shopping and surprises
Mr America
The truth
The god's
The funeral
The Birthday shock
We will go home
121 day's
The big push
Sleepy Pete+
Field Trip+
Your Late+


2.2K 76 38
By UnactiveHoe

**Swearing and sad**

Peters POV

Waking up I looked around noticing that Mr Stark wasn't in the room no more.

"Hey, Friday what time is it?" Turning to the ceiling to talk to the A.I I smiled slightly.

"It is 7:44 Pm baby spider" Thanking her I jumped up out of the bed and padded over to the common room waving at the Avengers I plopped down between Mr Stark and Mr Rogers.

"How are you feeling Pete" Smiling at Mr Rogers I nodded at him.

"I'm fine"

"You going out on patrol tonight kid or?." Oh shit, I completely forgot about that, standing up I ran to my room shouting back at Mr Stark.

"I'm going now!" As I quickly changed into my Spiderman suit I ran back into the common room but as I went to speak up I spotted the balcony thinking of a prank. I walked over to the balcony doors and opened them looking over at the high drop.

"Peter what are you doing-" Before Mr Stark could finish his sentence I flung myself over the high drop letting out a fake scream but before I could fully drop I stuck onto the side.

"PETER!!" Multiple heads looked over the balcony making me laugh as they suddenly saw me.

"Peter Benjamin Parker you get up here right this instant" Shaking my head while laughing I lost my grip making me widen my eyes as I grabbed on with both hands.

"Sorry guys, sorry Mr Stark but got to go on patrol I'll be home for, let's see, two maybe?" With that, I flipped backwards letting myself free fall for a bit before I caught myself with a web.

Time skip

(Also, wade is 17 Peter is 16)

It just turned twelve when I heard footsteps behind me, quickly standing up a put my hands up ready to attack the person.

"Woah, calm down baby boy just me I'm not going to hurt you" Deadpool. Great another annoying voice joining me tonight. Sighing as I sat back down, I looked to my right to see Deadpool sit down next to me.

"What do you want Pool?" I could hear the annoyance in my voice, but I didn't really care.

"I just wanted to say hi to my favourite spider that's all" Looking back at him I spoke up with a confused look, well a confused look under the mask.

"Hey, Pool can I ask you a question?"

"You just did"

"Well can I ask two more?"

"You just did- never mind go on then" Laughing I looked down messing with my hands.

"Why do you kill people?" It was quiet for a while until he spoke up.

"They do bad things really bad things and they deserved to be punished, I would never kill an innocent"

"But you could just put them in jail" He looked at me making me feel... weird?

"What's the point in that? they don't deserve to live"

"Well when you kill people you are ending their life instantly but putting them in jail is making them suffer for years and years"

"I never thought of it like that..." He put his head in his hands and sighed.

"How do I be like you Spidey... your life is perfect" I scoffed making him look at me.

"My life isn't perfect Pool I just act like it is if anything, it's messed up"

"How so?" Hugging my knees close to me I looked ahead then to Deadpool.

"Everyone I love dies My Parents, my uncle ... and then my aunt. I have no one left and the thought hurts, sure I have people around me who care for me but they're not my real family you know? Sometimes I wonder if I deserve to be here..." I whispered the last part trying not to cry.

"Hey, don't say that Spidey, of course, you deserve to be here, your life may be messed up but you have people that are there for you, just because they are not your real family doesn't mean they can't become one." Smiling at him I nodded and stared ahead.

"Thank you..."

"No problem Spidey" Hearing him shift I turned to look at him and spoke up.

"So, you really want to change?" Nodding quickly, I could see him smile.

"Yeah, I want to start doing what's right, but the thing is I don't know how"

"Well ill help you but we need to sort a few things out" Standing up with Deadpool following I pointed at his guns and swords

"First, we need to get rid of these but not forever just while your training, second, we need days and times to meet up and when we do you will come out patrolling with me, no killing"

"Wow Spidey you sure like being bossy" I smiled and shook my head.

"Meet here tomorrow at 6 don't be late" With that I shot a web-swinging of on it towards the tower. Landing back in the living area I was surprised everyone was sat there, pulling off my mask slowly I walked in the middle in front of everyone.

"Um, everything ok?" They all snapped their heads at me obviously not seeing me come in, how is that even possible?

"Oh, we just wanted to wait for you to see if you were ok" Mr Stark patted the spot next to him and I sat down as the others walked off.

"Just tell me the truth, Mr Stark I can tell your lying" He looked down then back at me with a nervous look in his eyes.

"Kid, child service came said you had to go with them legally I couldn't keep you unless..." Watching him stop his sentence as he cleared his throat I started to become nervous too.

"Unless what? I'm going back aren't I, it's ok Mr Stark" Quickly shaking his head he spoke up.

"No Pete I wouldn't do that to you but the only way I could keep you is if I become your legal guardian or if I adopt you. I told them I'll talk to you about it." Looking down in thought I started to think.

"I like the last choice..." My voice barely came out as a whisper, but I knew Mr Stark could hear me.

"Really? are you sure kid I would love to, but this is up to you" Smiling up at him I nodded.

"I want to" He smiled at me while ruffling my hair.

"Then its settled, Friday get the adoptions paper please."


I'm just going to stop putting things here....

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