Hybird | Sasuke x Reader

Oleh kthxbye1313

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You're a hybrid of a Hyuga and an Uchiha with both Byakugan and Sharingan present and ready for your use. Th... Lebih Banyak

💥Author's Note💥
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
💥Author's Note💥
🎄Christmas Side Special🎄

Chapter 3

651 9 1
Oleh kthxbye1313

~~~Author's Note~~~

Hello again!! Just wanted to say I don't own Naruto or the plot or characters of anything I put in the media. Anyway, the media doesn't have thing to do with the chapter but it looks pretty cute doesn't it? I can 100% see them doing this ^⍵^

~~~Back to the Story!~~~

•~•Sasuke's POV•~•


I've been in this place all of 5 minutes and I've already been stabbed. Honestly I don't know what I was expecting from this. Maybe that the person wouldn't be where I was supposed to look. That would have been nice anyway. I'm getting careless apparently so that means another lecture from Itachi when we get back.

'This is gonna suck"

Turns out the person is a girl. I don't know who she is but she's got some speed I'll give her that. She manages to get away from Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi Sensei just to create some shadow clones all going in different directions. They each pick a clone to chase but once they set out more clones go to chase them as well.

'And this is why you never split up on a mission'

Then I see her walking out from behind the lump of metal. So she must really know what she's doing then if she can get all of them to go chasing some clones. I push myself off the wall I've been leaning on. It's not that the wound is killing me it just really fucking hurt. Probably doesn't help that it's the same place I got stabbed in less than a month ago. I start making my way over to her which isn't really that far. She turns around to face me and her eyes widen slightly but then she tenses up. I see her grip her kunai so I reach for mine. I'm about to make a run at her when I hear some yelling.

"SASUKE WATCH OUT THEY'RE ALL CHASING US!!!!" I hear an unmistakable voice scream. Ah yes the blonde idiot who continues to run in my general direction while screaming about how they're going to 'get him'. I really hope he realizes they're clones so he can get rid of them rather easily if he tries. In my moment of distraction the girl launches herself at me and disarms me in moments. I glance up as she has me pinned under her body.

I get a good look at her face for the first time. She has beautiful eyes, one gray and one light green. Almost like green tea ice cream, my favorite. Her long (h/c) hangs around her face and it looks very soft. It's pulled back mostly but a braid hangs over her shoulder more than the rest does. It has dried blood in it but other than that it looks flawless. Noticing all this then remembering the positions I feel a slight blush creep onto my face. Before I can register what's happened she has my limbs trapped under some sort of chakra enforced earth covering and I can't move. Her clones disappear then Saukra, Naruto, and Kakashi Sensei make their way over. She stands in a defensive position but I can see her shaking. She looks scared and I don't know why. She could easily kill me and probably take out Sakura and Naruto as well if she wanted. Kakashi is another story but it's definitely a possibility.

"Don't come any c-closer!" She says but her voice cracks on the last word and I can see her start to shake more. Her eyes are darting around and I can hear her breath starting to become heavier. The earth hold me in place seems to tighten slightly.

'Emotional ties? Probably.'

Naruto starts to run forward but before he can get too close she throws the kunai at his feet and it explodes forcing him to jump backwards.

"I-I said don't c-come any closer!" She's shaking more now. The earth around me tightens even more and it's starting to get a little hard to breathe. I don't know why I didn't notice it sooner but her kunai kunai have some extra metal on them and it looks like she carves things on them too. It seems like a strange idea but after seeing it in action it makes a lot of sense. Why waste chakra on a defensive long range attack when you can just throw a kunai that will explode when the opponent doesn't expect it to.

No one is moving forward now, even Kakashi seems shocked and maybe even a little impressed by what she's done.

"Are you from this village? Are you the one who destroyed it?" Kakashi asks the girl. Who just narrows her eyes at him. She doesn't have another kunai in her hand but she still looks just as threatening.

"Shut up."

"Why did you de-"

"I SAID SHUT UP!!" She yells making the hand signs to a jutsu then shoves her hand out palm first towards Kakashi and he's blasted away by a powerful surge of wind and it doesn't look like he would land anywhere very close by either. The earth squeezes me hard then relaxes a little. I look back at the girl and she's rubbing the side of her head like performing that jutsu is causing her pain which it very well might be with how much chakra she's already used.

"Are you okay?" Sakura asks.

'What is she doing? This girl just leveled an entire village on her own, has me immobilized, and blew Kakashi to kingdom come like it was nothing!'

The girl looks at Sakura and her eyes widen slightly. She shakes her head and resumes her defensive position. Sakura puts down her kunai and looks at her with a worried expression on her face.

'What the hell does she think she's doing?'

"I'm not going to hurt you I promise. You don't look like you're alright and I just want to make sure you're feeling okay. Please just let me help you. You don't have to be scared anymore." Sakura says in a gentle voice with a small smile.

'There is no way in hell that's gonna wo-'

My thoughts are cut off my the girl dropping her stance and crumbling to her knees with her head in her hands. Sakura quickly goes over to her and kneels down next to her and I feel the earth around me loosen a bit more. I still can't get free all the way but its easier to breathe now.

'How the hell did that work?'

•~•Your POV•~•

"I'm not going to hurt you I promise. You don't look like you're alright and I just want to make sure you're feeling okay. Please just let me help you. You don't have to be scared anymore." Says the girl with the pink hair.

You don't have to be scared any more.

I've never been told I don't have to be scared. I've always been told to stay on edge, that anything could happen, that I wasn't ever going to be safe from the moment I was born.

You don't have to be scared any more.

I can't keep it up any more. I fall to my knees and clutch my head in my hands. All the words of the past come rushing back to me all at once.

You're in danger.

Don't ever slow down.

You're not safe here.

You're a danger to yourself, you can't be safe.

Never let your guard down, someone is always out to get you.

Stay afraid, it'll keep you alive.

Relax and someone will get killed because of you.

The last one. The last one led to destruction of everyone in the village. I relaxed for a few minutes to be with my little butterfly and I didn't notice what was coming until it was too late. I want the world to stop. I want everything to stop moving for just one minute so I can breathe easily if only for a moment.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I flinch jerking my head up to look the girl in the eyes. Her green eyes are calming and all the sudden I feel the dam in my mind break wide open. The tears start streaming down my face and I can't make them stop. She reaches out to me once again and once more I flinch and shy away from her touch. I wipe the tears from my face and they stop.

I look up and see her, she looks confused and worried. The same look my Naiomi used to give me when I would come back form the woods if I was covered in cuts and bruises. I can't take it and I begin to sob again as I curl into myself. I feel the girl reach out once more and touch me lightly. I tense up again and I'm about to pull away when Dorama speaks to me.

'She just wants to help you Breezy, let her.'

I let her this time. She sees I'm not pulling away and gently puts her arms around me. She doesn't say anything, she just holds me and rubs circles on my back. She seems so nice, I've never had anyone tell me I can let my guard down for a little. Even Naiomi told me to keep an eye out every once and awhile. Maybe she really will be different form the rest.

I hear a cough and my head shoots up as I prepare to defend myself. Then I just notice it's the boy I trapped in earth.

'Do you think I should let him go?'

'I think so. You know that putting your chakra in the earth only makes it constrict with your emotions. I'm surprised he hasn't choked to death yet.'

I make a quick hand sign and release the chakra in the earth. "Sorry, you'll be able to move now." I apologize to the boy. I look back to the green eyed girl and thank her as I stand up and prepare to leave.

"Why are you leaving?" Asks the blonde boy. He moves in front of me as if to stop he. We both know I can get around him if I want to but that doesn't stop him from trying to block me on my way out.

"My home is gone." I answer simply and he looks at me sadly.

"We were supposed to find out what happened here and if we found the person I guess we were supposed to kill them but I don't think I want to have to kill you." He says looking me in the eye.

"You won't be able to kill me." I say taking a few steps forward, challenging him to stop me.

"Do you want to come with us? I won't let anything happen to you if you come with us. I promise." The girl with the pink hair says and I turn back to look at her as she walks towards me. She extends her hand to me and says "I'm Sakura, it's nice to meet you."

I hesitate not sure if his is a trap or not.

'I think she's being sincere. Plus if she isn't you can crush her and keep running.'

I reach to shake her hand and I answer her "My name is (y/n). Who are the others?" My eyes sweep over the others, daring them to make a move.

"Oh! Well (y/n) is this Naruto and that's Sasuke!" She says pointing first to the blonde then to the boy I stuck in the earth.

I sense a new presence behind me. "And I'm Kakas-" I whirl around to punch the figure behind me and he narrowly avoids it. "Sakura can you please explain that I'm not going to hurt her. I would rather not die before I can finish my book." He says looking at Sakura. "I'm Kakashi, just so you know."

"He's right. He won't hurt you." Says the blonde boy, Naruto I think. "So what's with you? Destroy your village for fun or were you provoked?" he continues.

"Provoked." I answer. "Might have gotten too.... explosive in the process." I gesture at the area around us.

"Did they know a fire style jutsu?" Asks Sasuke. He pulls the shard of glass and looks from it to me. "Also, why did you use glass? You have kunai from what I can see, so why use glass?"

"Yes they knew fire style. And glass is easy to melt into the body and cause more harm if you know what you're doing." I explain.

'I thought you said leaf village ninja were smart.'

'These ones are still young, give them time.'

"Ah so she's a smart one. Maybe we can replace you with her, eh Naruto?" The older ninja said.

"HEY WHAT NO WAY!!" Naruto yelled. Did he really believe that? Oh my that's actually sad.

"Oh calm down Naruto she's not gonna take your place." Sakura told him laughing a little.

"So are you coming back with us? Like I promised I'll try to make sure nothing happens." Sakura asks once more. She looks at me with big green eyes and I really want to say yes but I'm still not 100% sure if I should or not.

"Well I can guarantee nothing is going to happen to you so just come on." Says the boy I think was called Sasuke. I narrow my eyes at him and he he continues with a single word, "Please?"

"... fine. Maybe I'll stick around a little but no promises." I say after a moment of thought.

'As long as they don't know what I am yet it'll be okay, right?'

'You'll be fine Breezy. You will have to tell them eventually if you stay you know.'

'I know, I just don't want to do it yet.'

"Yay! A new friend! Maybe she can join our team! What do you think Kakashi Sensei?" Naruto asks jumping up and down.

"Maybe Naruto. If she wants then maybe it could work out." Kakashi answers and Naruto and Sakura jump in joy. Again. Sasuke on the other hand just smiles, it's small but it's kinda cute actually.

"Are we going or am I gonna find my own way?" I ask getting a little annoyed. They said we were going and I agreed to come along so isn't it time to go? Plus it's getting dark and the people that tend to come here when it's dark aren't exactly nice, especially to me. I scowl a little and I can have to force myself to keep my eyes normal.

"You remind me on this story I heard about some ninja that's out there." Kakashi says suddenly. My eyes widen slightly and I have to remind myself there's no way he could know it's me yet.

'Calm down you don't even know if it's you he's talking about.'

"Oh are you talking about 'The Hybrid from Hell' Kakashi Sensei?" Naruto asks.

'oh fuck.'

"How could (y/n) remind you of that story? The hybrid killed everyone they came across. We only know about them because someone saw it from the distance. Plus, the only thing considered similar between the two is that they both have two different eye colors."

".....Never mind Naruto you're right. Plus, the hybrid is said to have unmeasurable abilities and even as smart as (y/n) here seems to be doesn't make her as crafty as this 'Hybrid' killer." Kakashi answers after a moment. He gives a a glance and I feel like he's already figured me out, he just isn't sure what to do.

'Calm down he can't know yet. No way.'

"Let's go you guys the smell is starting to hurt my head." Sasuke says and begins to walk off. We all quickly join him and they begin to tell me about the village hidden in the leaves.

~~~Author's Note~~~

Thanks for reading this chapter! Please let me know what you think, it just means a lot that you guys as actually reading this so thank you!

kthxbyeout 🤟

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