BTS Snapshots

By starrysparrows

644 44 109

A collection of imagines about your favorite Korean dorks 💜 cover done by the talented @feggienan More

~ The Carnival ~
Author Note
Namjoon (Prom Snapshot Pt. 1)
Jin (Prom Snapshot Pt. 1)
Hobi (Prom Snapshot Pt. 1)

The Spooks

86 6 35
By starrysparrows

Ava's feet stomp across the kitchen tiles as she grumbles, "I'm coming. I'm coming."

"Aiishh," she hisses as she opens the microwave door, silencing the obnoxious ringing.

Grabbing the bag of popcorn by the edge, she sets it onto the counter. As she stands on her tiptoes, she opens the wooden cupboard. Her eyes scanning about the different colored bowls neatly stacked inside. Picking out her favorite one, she pulls out a teal bowl painted with little susuwataries.

Tugging the bag open, she watches the steam seep out into the kitchen. The haze forming wispy clouds that swirl about before dispersing into thin air. A small smile tugs at her lips as she peeks inside the bag. Perfectly white, crisped kernels look up at her. Dumping the content into the bowl, she proudly makes her way into the living room.

She finds Jungkook sat on the couch, leaning forward with his arms propped onto his knees. With the remote practically dangling from his slender fingers, he lets out a dramatic sigh before ruffling his hair.  Pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek, he continues to scroll through the endless list of movies on Netflix.

"Sooo what are we going to watch tonight?" Ava asks, throwing some popcorn into her mouth as she plops down beside him.

Turning to face her, he flashes her a small smile as he falls back onto the couch. The frustration he was feeling moments before instantly disappearing as his eyes lay sight on the love of his life.

Casually slinging his left arm around her, his right hand grabs a handful of popcorn. In between chews he says, "I was thinking we could watch a horror movie in honor of it being halloween."

He redirects his gaze towards the tv screen as he finds the horror section.

Ava nearly chokes on her popcorn, forcefully gulping down the popped kernel. The ends clawing at her throat as if it was desperately trying to escape the clutches of her stomach. Just like Ava suddenly wanted to find a way out of this situation.

"Horror?" she meekly whispers.

"Yeah," he says, turning to face her. "Is that okay?"

"You know what," Ava says as she slowly places the popcorn bowl onto the table. Standing up she looks at the large, wooden clock hung on the wall behind the couch. Feigning a yawn she begins, "whooo I didn't realize how late it was." Stretching out her arms she continues. "I'm just going to go hit the hay. Sorry Guk we'll have to do this tomo—"

But before she could step over his legs to get to the hallway leading to her room, Jungkook grabs her by the waist, pulling her back down beside him.

"First off," he playfully scolds, sending shivers down Ava's spine, "don't give me that tired crap when two hours ago you were talking poor Yoongi hyung's ear off about how you were finally gonna watch your first horror movie this halloween."

Ava was about to correct him that it was the only way to make Yoongi stop calling her a chicken but decided to remain quiet; swallowing her protest as his eyes pinned her down. 

Taking in a deep breath, Jungkook leaves his hands securely wrapped around both of her arms in case of a second escape attempt before continuing. "Secondly, I wanted to spend this Halloween with you, not by myself."

Ava's heart can't help but wrench in pain.

"Uh, well. I mean. I guess since it's halloween we could—"

"Are you scared?" he mocks her, a cheeky smile spreading across his lips.

"Me? Scared?" Ava scoffs, "Ha, you wish," before slowly sinking further into the couch, regretting what was yet to come.

"Okay," he chuckles. "I'll make sure to pick the scariest movie then," he says, his eyes studying hers intently.

Biting her lip, she stubbornly replies,"y-you don't have to find the scariest movie. Just scary is fine too."

His eyes twinkle in amusement as he cocks up an eyebrow. "Okay. How about..." he pauses as he continues to scroll through the list of movies, the images becoming more terrifying than the ones before. 

Ava starts to look around the room, avoiding the screen.

"Ah! How about this one?" he says excitedly, pointing towards the screen.

"S-slender man?" Ava squints as she tries to read the title without looking at the overall image.

He turns to face her, the skin around his eyes crinkling as a wide bunny smile emerges. "I haven't watched it yet. "

Ava swallows hard before redirecting her gaze towards Jungkook. If that was something he really wanted to watch, she couldn't ruin his halloween just because she was scared. Sucking up her fear, she reluctantly agrees to his proposition.

"Yeaaahhh," Jungkook shouts, jumping up from the couch. "Let's get it, let's get it!" he cheers. "I'll go turn off the lights," he continues as he practically bounces over to the light switch.

"Yeah, let's turn off the lights too. As if the movie isn't scary enough," Ava mutters in annoyance as she quickly gets up to grab a soft, fluffy blanket stored in a small basket near the couch.

Curling up onto the sofa, Ava makes sure the soft blanket covers every bit of her body so that none of her limbs get left out in the open. She didn't want to risk being vulnerable to any sneak attacks during the duration of the film. Jungkook comes back and sits beside her, "You look like a burrito," he comments.

"Yah!" she slaps his chest.

Letting out a lighthearted chuckle, he adds, "a cute burrito," before affectionately placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Whatever," Ava playfully rolls her eyes as a fuzzy, warm sensation crawls onto her cheeks. Snuggling up into his chest, he drapes his arm over her back, his hand resting against her waist.

As soon as the opening starts, a loud clash from the orchestra makes Ava jump. Cursing her jittery state, she prays Jungkook didn't notice. But of course, he always seemed to catch her in her most vulnerable moments.

"The movie hasn't even started yet and you're already jumpy?" he teases, pulling her closer.

"Shut up," Ava huffs, adjusting her head onto his chest as she mentally prepared her palpitating heart for whatever else this movie was about to throw at her.

As the storyline progressed, Ava subtly began to pull the blanket higher and higher up her chest and once they were about twenty minutes into the film the blanket was practically resting underneath her eyes.

When she couldn't handle it any longer, she pulled the blanket entirely over her head. No longer caring if Jungkook never let her live this down. Oddly enough, he was silent. The only sound coming from the worried voices whispering back and forth from the tv. 

Ava slowly peeks her head out from beneath the blanket, expecting Jungkook to be smirking down at her. However, to her surprise, he was completely engrossed in the film. His eyes widening at the images flashing about the screen as his lips slowly parted in shock.

Momentarily forgetting why she was hiding underneath the blanket in the first place, Ava finds herself enjoying the time spent out of her little cocoon. Her eyes struggling to look away from his dazed state. 

Staring at his little freckles scattered about his lip, neck and nose she couldn't help but be reminded of how handsome her boyfriend truly was. The way his bangs fell over his eyes, the way his nose scrunched up when he was being playful, the way those cute little wrinkles formed around his eyes and near his mouth whenever he laughed or smiled. She even adored his dark brown, coconut shaped hair. Although whenever she had the chance, she'd tease him endlessly over it. The bowl like shape sending her into a constant fit of giggles. However, despite the funny form, his hair always looked unbelievably soft. 

Reaching out to trace her fingers against his cheek, an unexpected scream from the film makes Ava jump. Without a second thought, she crawls onto his lap, burying her face into the crook of his neck. The thought of touching the freckled constellation flying out the window. Jungkook, surprised at her sudden reaction looks down at her shaking figure as she tightly clutches onto his shirt. Her arms finding her way around his torso begging to be held and protected from the horrifying images behind her.

"I thought you said you weren't scared?" he asks, a playful smile adorning his lips.

Looking up at him, Ava pushes back the sudden tears stinging her eyes as she musters up all the courage she can. "I'm not...SCARED!" her voice hitches as another loud screech emits from the tv causing her to find comfort in his chest once again.

Jungkook chuckles to himself as he tightly wraps his strong arms around her. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he leans down, his soft lips brushing against her cheek.

"I'll protect you princess," he whispers. The unexpected deep tone of his voice sending Ava's stomach into a frenzy of butterflies as her already alarmingly, quick heart rate speeds up.

Turning off the tv, he whispers in a sweet tone. "Ava."

"Hmm," she responds, not bothering to look up, afraid to see her new nightmares within the dark shadows of the house.

"You need to let me turn on the lights," he says. 

Ava shakes her head, refusing to move. Jungkook lets out a sigh before picking her up with him as he slowly walks around the couch. One hand fumbling about the wall in search of the light switch as the other firmly grasped Ava wrapped around his waist. Flipping it on, the room is engulfed with a bright light. Ava lifts her head up, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as she gently loosens her grip on him. 

Sliding down to the ground, she takes a step back.

Placing her hands behind her back, she looks guiltily at the floor. Jungkook gently lifts her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze as he looks back and forth between her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I feel bad."

He tilts his head, his eyebrows furrowing together before his mouth forms an 'o' shape.

"If my princess isn't happy then neither am I," he smiles widely, his bunny teeth emerging for the second time that night.

"Jungkook," she whines, gently slapping his arm.

"Ow!" he mouths, before grabbing his bicep and playfully wincing in pain. 

"You know what I mean," she continues. "I wanted to make tonight special and I ruin—."

"Ah," he interrupts her, placing a finger on her lips. "Any time I hang out with you is special. No need to apologize."

"But you said--"

"We can do something else. It's okay." 

Catching on that Ava was not entirely convinced by his heartwarming words, he adds, "I promise." Holding out his pinky towards her, a warm smile tugs at his lips. Ava looks up into his eyes before focusing her attention on his finger. Intertwining their pinkies together, she slowly nods, finally giving in. 

Changing the topic he proposes, "Why don't we go get some candy?" 

A wide smile replaces the pout decorated on her lips from moments before. Holding out his hand to her, she gladly takes it. 

As they make their way into the kitchen, Ava catches from the corner of her eye a figure glimmering in the moonlight seeping in through the large window over the sink inside the dark room.

Ava hastily prods Jungkook with one hand while the other squeezes his other hand tighter. "I-it's s-slen," she quietly stammers.

Jungkook looks up to see what she's talking about, his eyes catching sight of the mysterious form. Protectively, he stands in front of her, one hand firmly placed out in front of him while the other holds Ava closely behind him. Just as he's about to tackle the slendy looking figure, the lights flicker on leaving a wide eyed Yoongi and a stunned Jungkook.

Jungkook looks at his frozen hyung, a bowl full of candy tightly clutched against his chest. Yoongi lets out a guilty smile as he slowly hides it behind his back. "Trick or treat," he chuckles nervously, flashing them a gummy smile.

"Yah! Hyung! You gave us a heart attack!" Jungkook huffs, crossing his arms.

Ava bites her lips, trying to keep the giggles from bursting outside of her chest. So she wasn't the only one who was scared.

Yoongi chuckles as he goes up to Jungkook, squeezing his cheeks. "Awe is our maknae scared?"

"No!" he lies, swatting his hand away.

"I told you I'd be back by ten," Yoongi remarks, pointing to the clock on the microwave.

"Oh. I forgot," he admits. Then realization suddenly sinks in as a disturbing thought suddenly crosses his mind. "Hyung, if you were in here," he pauses, a loud gulp emitting from his throat. "Who turned on the lights?"

At those words, Ava feels a sinking feeling form at the pit of her stomach as the three of them slowly direct their attention towards the light switch. As their eyes reach the source, they find a beaming Namjoon waving his fingers at them.

"Aiisshh hyung!" Jungkook says, placing his hand over his heart as Ava jumps back, her side colliding with the edge of the counter. Wincing in pain, she forces out a small smile at Namjoon as she tries to calm her pounding heart and throbbing hip .

"Awe our little maknaes are jumpy tonight," Namjoon laughs as he winks at Ava before messing up Jungkook's hair.

As Namjoon makes his way towards the pantry, Jungkook lets out an exasperated sigh. "You too, hyung?" he asks as he fixes his hair. "When did you get back?"

"About ten minutes ago," he replies as he looks back and forth between the two packages of ramen he now held in his hands.

"Really?" Jungkook asks in disbelief. Yoongi, using Namjoon as a distraction, silently sidesteps his way out of the kitchen, his bowl of candy tightly clutched within his right hand.

Namjoon nods as his eyes light up looking at the beef flavored packet. "You," he whispers before planting a kiss on the bag as he throws the chicken flavored pack back into the pantry.

Shaking his head, Jungkook pushes aside his confusion as he refocuses on his original task for entering the kitchen. "Okay, well we were just going to get some candy," he says as he opens up the pantry again. Looking for the bag of sweets, he ponders out loud, "where did it—"

"YOONGI HYUNG!" Jungkook yells as Yoongi grandpa runs toward his room, giggling aloud to himself. "Yah! You have to share!" he sprints after him.

Ava watches in amusement, eyebrows raised as she watches Jungkook charge after Yoongi.

"It might take a while before you get some candy," Namjoon says, pulling out a pot. "Care for some ramen while we wait?"

Ava lets out a soft giggle. "I would love that."

Author Rambles:

Hey my lovely beans! 

I'm sorry it's taken me SOOOO long to write. Christmas break just started and Ive been spending a lot of time with family and friends. 

Thank you for all the reads and for being so patience and supportive of my works. I can't believe we already have more than a hundred reads!! AAHHHH I NEVER EXPECTED ANYONE TO READ MY STUFF SO IT JUST MAKES ME A HAPPY BALL OF FEELS THAT YOU LOVELY SOULS TOOK THE TIME OUT OF YOUR DAY TO READ MY ONE SHOTS!!

I am so grateful for each and every one of you! Also feel free to comment! I love hearing your thoughts : )

I hope you all are having a wonderful day or night! I love you all so much!! Merry Christmas and I hope you all are enjoying the holidays or whatever you celebrate!!

Mari 💜

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