The Black Rose Alchemist - Ed...

De PandemoniumsKey

910 34 14

Alexandra Mustang, the adopted daughter of Roy Mustang, is a gifted Alchemist. At 10-years-old, Alex was kidn... Mais

Prologue p.1 - Finding Life
Prologue p2. - Fighting for Life
1. Child in Ishval
2. Little Blue Bear
3. A Good Day
4. Free Love for the Military
5. One is All, All is One
6. Gone
8 - The Elric's Transmutation
9. Fullmetal Alchemist
10. Don't Forget
12. The Victim of Alchemy

11. Transmutation

49 3 0
De PandemoniumsKey

Year 1913

(AN: And look who's back)

Alex POV

"I fucking told you to do it!" Martin the man who made me call him master screamed holding the gun towards me clicking a bullet into the chamber.

I was laying on the ground bloodied and surrounded by jars full of different substances and chalk. Everything in those jars was the ingredients of the human body. Though there wasn't much, I could smell the putrid smell of sulphur and lime mixture in the room.

"Transmute my brother back!" He said slamming his fist down firing off the round in his chamber. I scream covering my head in my hands though I knew it was pointless. If he fired at my head, the bullet wouldn't stop at my hands.

"BRING HIM BACK!" He screamed again. This time he intentionally let off a shot near my head. I flinched at the rock that spits up and hit my cheek. "I'll fucking kill you if you don't!"

Marcus had died a month ago from his illness and though it was all his brother's fault, he blamed me for being the one trapped in the basement. 

(AN: Warning, this is a very sensitive part coming up. I will let you know when it is over.)

Marcus was plowing through my hungry body with a twisted glee on his face, the coughing fits had only made him a lot harsher when he pushed in. 

At that point, I had learned to hold still and take it because I much rathered one alone than both at the same time. I was too small even after they had stretched my walls out.  

He thrust once more and spilled his load inside me as usual. He said his goal was to keep me beautiful as long as possible and that meant many failed pregnancies. They often died from the abuse I was put through on a daily bases. 

He coughed again before finally pulling away and frowned. Coughing once more, I felt droplets of something land on my body. It was warm. Daring to move and touched it, I removed my fingers from my pale skin and noticed the red tinge on my fingers. 

He was coughing up blood, finally, he was going to die and I would have one less to worry about. 

He grunted coughing again and a sinister sneer pulled my lips upwards. I began to laugh as he choked up his own blood. He finally flopped forward and became still. 

He was dead and I would sit there for hours until his brother got home laughing so hard I was coughing myself.  


I nodded if I valued anything left of my worthless life. If I wanted any chance to get back to my dad, I would do this. Four years of complete hell, I was not wasting this opportunity. If I could escape, I would. 

I crawl over to the jars. I had memorized what was needed for the human body long ago and began pouring ingredients into the steel basin saying them as I went.

He was reading the list off as I worked away. I added the 4L of water last and immediately it made all the ingredients in the basin, it was soupy and thick.

Once all that was done, I drew the transmutation circle and slammed my hands into the circle. I knew it would go wrong, I was powerful, but I've heard all too many times that people who attempted it never came back.

The blue sparks soon turned red and little black hands began to reach for me tearing at my legs and my arms to pull me away from this earth.

I remained calm, I lived most of my life in happiness, I was fine going now. As much as I wanted to live and see my dad again, I had a feeling it would never happen.

I opened my eyes and found myself within a large white expanse of nothing and a large stone gate before me. I stepped towards it, but a voice stopped me.

"You are not the first to be so eager for the knowledge beyond your gate," I turn around seeing a white figure with a black haze around it.

"Who are you? What's going on here? My gate?" I asked the humanoid thing before me.

"Who am I? One name you might have for me is The World, or you might call me The Universe, or perhaps God, or perhaps the Truth. I am all and I am one, so of course, this also means that I am you," its voice said as it spoke. "You committed the sin of Human transmutation and you must pay the consequences. For being forced, I will not take your life."

I blinked, "What do you mean, not take my life? What did you mean earlier by 'my gate?' "

Before I could get more questions out, the gate opened and the tiny black hands stretched out again to pull me inside.

I calmly allowed them to pull me through image after image as my head was forcefully shoved with knowledge.

It hurt so bad but I didn't scream. I've been through much worse pain.

Once the hands drop me back off in front of my gate, I feel as though I know everything about alchemy. I didn't dare ask for more.

"Now you see what you mean by your gate," it asks and I nod. "Equivalent exchange, I gave you something, now I get something in return."

You felt pain growing through your brain, lower pelvis, arm and leg. Now I screamed. I've never felt a pain like this before.

"Goodbye now," I woke up with the searing pain. I cried out again and looked at the horrific creature that should be Marcus.

I waited for Martins screams of anger but when I struggled to look around all that was left were his clothing in a heap.

The Truth helped me. He gave me freedom.

I began to drag myself away from the cold, dark and damp basement that I was held captive in for the past 4 years. It was really hard considering I was fighting the wave of tiredness threatening to let me go to sleep from the blood loss. 

I was missing up to my knee on my right leg and my entire left arm. 

Once out the door, I pulled myself onto the streets, I had fallen down the flight of concert stairs and twisted my only arm to an unnatural angle, into the darkness of the deserted town.

Great, no one was here. I was going to die of blood loss before I was found. The sky was darker than I remembered it to be and threatened to dump rain on me.

I was going to die in the ran, alone and cold and in the rain. 

I lay on the cold pavement to weak now to struggle any further. A voice rang through the night, a laugh. I turned towards the noise. It was a familiar face walking on the opposite end of the street. He was illuminated by a small street lamp. 

"H-Hughs..." I whispered. He didn't hear me. "M-Maes H-h-Hughs!" I whimpered out again. It still didn't work. He was getting further away. In a last-ditch effort, I summoned all the strength I had left. 

"MAES!!!!" He turned in my direction. He and the other man in blue began to shout as they got closer, recognition flooded to his face, "Alexandra?" 

I nodded before the blood loss took a hold of me and I passed out. I wasn't going to die alone. I would die with a friendly face at my side. 

Maes POV

He couldn't believe the sight before him. There laying on the ground was the child they had been searching for, for the past 4 years. The girl that had first stolen his best friends heart and the one that broke it. 

She lay bleeding and naked on the streets, missing two of her limps in what looked like a case of human transmutation. 

An ambulance finally came and carted her away to Eastern command to get fixed up. They too knew that she lost her limbs to alchemy's greatest taboo. 

He called Riza, he wanted to let her know, wanted it to be a surprise. He doubted they would come should he have said it was Roys, daughter. 

So many cruel pranks had been played on him by previous members of the military that ended up fired for doing it. 

He called her, "We have a victim of alchemy coming to the military hospital. We need Roy's expertise to see if they need to be charged with a crime or not." 

"Okay, Hughs, I will let him know. Call again when you get here," she said and he nodded.

"You got it, though I am going to tell you, once they get here, you are going to want to be quick, we don't know how long they have left in their life," he said quietly. He hated to think of it. 

He heard a groaned and saw she had woken up now that she was being cleaned up.  A scratchy looking fabric was placed over her body to hide it. 

They said their goodbyes over the phone and he turned his gaze onto the now older girl. 

"Hang in there Alex."


Hey there, as you can see, Alex is finally back. Now, will it get better for her or worse? Now that she has been found by Hughs, will she be able to lead a normal life again, or will it all change?

There are many questions to be answered and I will be getting to them soon. The important question I feel is... when will she get introduced to the Elric brother?

Soon my friends soon.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it was a very dark chapter, but I promise that maybe there will be some lighter moments again. 

Love you all,


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