The Fairy Files (on hold)

By funsized_book_worm

17.5K 325 256

A collection of Fairy Tail ship one shots, gay, straight and otherwise. (Restart of my other one shots bc the... More

Requests (currently closed)
Luvia- When Oceans Storm
Chendy- Cookie Trouble
Lucana- Pillow Talk
Fraxus- Feelin' Green
Sildarts- Your New Daddy
Logray- Past Temptations
Jerik- One Smooth Criminal
Meredy x Midnight- No Homo Intended
Stingue- Distractions
Canajane- Devil May Care
Lyoke- Ghostly Howls
Gratsu- Acing the Mission
Kinabra- Safeguard
Stingue- Tender in the Dark
Gratsu- Bailed
Erzajane- Festivities
Gajevy- a flower for thought
12 Days of Xmas: Day 1- Cobratsu
12 Days of Xmas: Day 2- Juvana
12 Days of Xmas: Day 3- Orfus
12 Days of Xmas: Day 4- Erzajane
12 Days of Xmas: Day 5- Jelray
12 Days of Xmas: Day 6- Milliagura
12 Days of Xmas: Day 7- Lyoke
12 Days of Xmas: Day 8- Chendy
12 Days of Xmas: Day 9- Laharanbolt
12 Days of Xmas: Day 11- Fraxus
12 Days of Xmas: Day 12- Luli
On Hold

12 Days of Xmas: Day 10- Yukinerva

411 9 0
By funsized_book_worm

Christmas is the time for family, and Minerva is introduced to Yukino's sister, Sorano, who doesn't like her at all.


On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Before she could lose her nerve, Yukino mashed her finger against the doorbell.


The chime sounded through the space, and Yukino waited nervously, shivering against the cold, and shifting her weight from foot to foot.

"Hey, look at me." A hand settled on Yukino's shoulders, and she forced herself to look up. Brown orbs met a green stare. Minerva reached a hand touch touch Yukino's face, thumb caressing her cheek, and she leaned into the comforting touch. "You can do this, Yukino. She already accepts knows your gay and still accepts you. Your going to survive this."

Yukino nodded. "I can do this." She repeated, squaring her shoulders and standing a little taller. The loving and steadfast support of her girlfriend helping to settle Yukino's nerves. 'How bad could one Christmas dinner be?'

"Yes you can." Minerva tucked a lock of white hair behind Yukino's ear, Minerva's olive colored eyes full of a warmth that was scarce during the winter season.

The door swung in, and Yukino jolted out of Minerva's touch, cheeks burning.

"Little sister!" Sorano beamed, and pulled Yukino into a bone crushing hug, the feathers around her sister's neck tickling Yukino's nose. The younger of the pair had to hold in a sneeze. "Merry Christmas!"

"Uh... Merry Christmas to you too...?" For a lack of anything else to do Yukino just patted her sister's back.

She looked over Sorano's shoulder at Minerva, who was standing off to the side and trying not to look awkward. Yukino's eyes pleaded for help as she mouthed. 'What should I do?'

Her girlfriend folded her arms, and raised her perfectly groomed brows, 'I don't know, I'm not exactly an expert on family. She's hugging you so that good, I guess?'

Sorano pulled away, and Yukino snapped her eyes back to her sister's face. Sorano looked her up and down, and Yukino stiffened, "Aww, you've grown so much little sister! The gorgeous Aguria genes are finally starting to show on you!"

Over Sorano's shoulder, Minerva raised an eyebrow, 'Was that an insult or a compliment?'

Yukino honestly didn't know, her sister had given her these kind of quips all her life, but it was hard to tell which way they veered. Yukino did what she always did, and just accepted the remark with a closed lipped smile.

Sorano turned around to see what Yukino was looking at, and her brown eyes narrowed, going cold as ice picks. Minerva smiled at her, wiggling her fingers in a small wave. Scratch smile, it was more like a smirk.

"Sorano... this is my girlfriend, Minerva. Minerva this is my sister Sorano." Yukino introduced them, eyes darting back and forth between the two women.

Minerva strode up to her sister, extending a silken gloved hand. "A pleasure."

Sorano shook the extended hand, her long nails digging in and knuckles flushing white, as if she was trying to crush Minerva's hand. "Oh no, the pleasure is all mine."

Minerva's eyes glowed, predator assessing prey. Sorano gazed right back, and Yukino quickly revised her assessment, predator assessing predator. A showdown. That's what this was. An apex predator showdown.

"Okay!" Yukino exclaimed, the sound so cheerful she inwardly cringed at the fakeness. "Now that we've done introductions, why don't we get out of this cold and go inside?"

"Yes," Sorano agreed, and finally tore her gaze from Minerva, spinning around. "Come inside my humble abode." She proclaimed and sashayed back inside. Minerva and Yukino followed, the walls were stark white, contrasted by the polished ebony wood trim. A giant chandelier hung from the ceiling, the crystals sparkling in the light of the giant studio windows, the gorgeous view of the city breathtaking.

Minerva leaned down, mumbling in Yukino's ear. "Humble, huh?" And Yukino hid her giggle in the collar of her coat.

Sorano glided over to the dining table and sat down in one of the plush chairs, her back to a grand painting depicting two angels on the wall behind her. "Let us eat!" She waved her hand at the silver plates of roasted ham, bread rolls, mashed potatoes, steamed green beans, and... Yukino gasped at what she saw on the final plate, hands going up to clap over her mouth.

"Yup." Sorano smiled, the most sincere Yukino had ever seen it, her sister's brown eyes glistened with what could've been longing, wistful for the past and the time she'd lost. "Grandfather's recipe, down to the dot."

On that plate laid a lightly browned apple cinnamon pound cake, drizzled in chocolate sauce, feathered with mint leaves, and dusted with powdered sugar.

Yukino couldn't believe it. "You remembered..."

"Of course I did." Sorano snipped, her nose in the air. "How could I forget with how often you talk about it."

Yukino heard Minerva cough behind her, but she paid it no mind. Sinking into the chair across from her sister, Minerva followed a beat after Yukino, selecting the unoccupied chair besides her. They were born to their parents but their grandfather was really the one who took care of them, he taught them everything they knew about the spirits in the stars.

"Your doing very well for yourself, Sorano." Minerva commented, expertly diverting conversation and giving Yukino time to recover from her memorabilia.

Sorano's eyes narrowed against the compliment, trying the gauge if there was a hidden insult behind it. "Well, I am very good at what I do."

Minerva picked at her nails, her gloves now off. "Catching criminals with Jellal and his merry band, it must pay well."

"We do work for the King of Fiore."

"What an honor." Minerva mused and Yukino grabbed her thigh, hissing under her breath to "be nice."

Minerva snorted, her eyes amused. 'If you wanted nice you should've brought someone else along.'

Yukino gave her a look and Minerva rolled her eyes, giving in, 'Okay I'll play nice, for you.'

'Thank you,' Yukino sighed in relief, and turned back to her sister, who'd been watching the silent exchange with thinned lips.

"So... is there anyone new in your life, big sister?" Yukino asked, trying to cover her ass.

"Oh plenty," Sorano's head swiveled to look right at Minerva, "but none I would deign to be in my little sister's presence." A pointed jab at Yukino's choice of significant other.

Whether Sorano wasn't on board with Yukino dating Minerva, or girls in general it was unclear. When Yukino had told her, Sorano said that she didn't care whether she liked girls or boys, and all that mattered was that they had to be 'worthy of her little sister.'

A test. That's what this whole thing was. Sorano was testing Minerva to see if she'd bite. By the look of Sorano's face she was hoping Minerva would, so she'd have permission to unleash hell.

Yukino grabbed her glass of white wine and took a sip of the burning alcohol, silently praying to the stars. 'Can I please have a normal Christmas this year? One with no ulterior motives. That would be lovely, thank you.' She knew it wouldn't happen, but a girl can dream.

"You must have high standards." Minerva commented dryly, not at all concerned on whether she met Sorano's standards or not. By the way Sorano's eyes narrowed she knew it to.

"Hmm, these mashed potatoes look good!" Yukino exclaimed and scooped a heap onto her plate. She shoved a spoon full of the potatoes into her mouth, and tried to smile without opening her mouth, shooting Sorano and Minerva a thumbs up.

They both paled at the sight, and Yukino didn't blame them, she probably looked like a chipmunk with rabies.

Yukino forced herself to swallow, nearly choking herself in the process. "Enough small talk," She said even though there was nothing small about the way Sorano and Minerva had been talking. Yukino spread her hands, gesturing at the expense of food laid out on the table. "Let's eat!"

Minerva and Sorano obeyed Yukino's request, and started to eat little bites of their food. The silence over the table was almost painful, each interrupting scrape of a fork or a knife made Yukino wince. Eventually the meal was finished and all that was left was the pound cake.

Sorano picked up the cake cutting knife, and let it hover over the thick circular cake as she asked; "Minerva? Would you like a slice? I know Yukino wants one. Dessert was always her favorite part of a meal."

Yukino squirmed in her seat, she hated it when people talked about her like she wasn't there. It was something her parents had excelled at. It seemed Sorano was continuing the tradition.

Minerva's hand reached under the table to squeeze Yukino's and the woman shuddered, squeezing back gratefully.

Minerva had always been able to read people, it came in handy when they accepted new members into Sabertooth. Sting had always said that he trusted 'Milady's instincts.' So far that trust had paid off, and Yukino knew how happy it made Minerva, knowing that her guild trusted her again.

"Sure. I'll take a slice." Minerva smiled, exposing her pearly white teeth. It was an animalistic gesture, a warning that said she could bite, so back off. Minerva certainly belonged among the tigers.

Sorano smiled right back, but her lips were thin pressed. She cut into the cake, a quick brutal slice that made Yukino jump.

The skill in which Sorano cut the cake, it was almost like she an expert hunter, skinning a deer. Yukino glanced at Minerva. Or skinning a tiger.

Sorano put the slice on Minerva's plate. It was a bit smaller than normal, but not so small that it would say Sorano was being ungenerous. Minerva raised an eyebrow at the small helping.

"Do you what more?" Sorano asked. "Because I can give you more, I just assumed a woman beautiful enough to attract my sister would be watching her weight."

"Sorano!" Yukino exclaimed, her cheeks burning with embarrassment at her sister's misbehaving.

"What? I was just being considerate."

"You were being rude."

"It's alright Yukino." Minerva put a hand on her arm and Yukino relaxed a bit, the touch soothing her. "It doesn't bother me. Thank you for being so considerate, Sorano."

Sorano wrinkled her nose, obviously not expecting to be thanked, even if sarcastically. "You're welcome, Minerva."

She continued cutting the cake, taking out another slice and setting it on her own ivory plate. Then Sorano turned to Yukino. "How big of a slice would you like?"

Yukino knew if she asked Sorano would give her the whole cake. Despite how much she loved her grandfather, and his memory, and his cake recipe. Her reply was for Minerva's sake. "I'll take one the same size as Minerva's."

Sorano's face fell, but then in a second the look was gone, replaced with her usual amused smile. Yukino questioned whether or not she'd imagined that look, because Sorano never broke her facade. Was she that upset about Yukino siding with Minerva?

"Here ya go. One slice of Grandfather's famous cake." Sorano set the slice down on Yukino's cake, and it was indeed the same size as Minerva's. "Enjoy."

The ate in silence, despite how they should've been raving over how scrumptious the cake was. The flesh of the cake was moist and melted in her mouth, little bits of apple accenting the cinnamon flavor. Added with the bitter chocolate drizzle, and the sweet powdered sugar, it was a perfect blend. A cake worthy of the heavens.

Yukino scraped her plate clean and when she looked up, so had Sorano and Minerva. Both looked a little more pleasant, anyone would after eating a piece of heaven.

Sorano clapped her hands together, the sound crisp, clear, and attention getting, effortlessly cutting through the tension. "Time for presents!"

She glided over to the silver Christmas tree. The ornaments on the branches all carrying the same winter wonderland theme, icy blue, snow white, and cookie cream. It was gorgeous, but it was a big difference from the chaotic Christmas tree of their childhood, when they'd hung all kind of mix matched ornaments, and only on the lower branches because they were too short to reach the top.

One thing, however, remained the same. Most people had a star on top the tree, but not the Aguria family. Every year they had an ornamental angel watching over them, and this year was no exception.

She distinctively remembered their mother's saying, about how angels created the stars as a pathway to heaven. Yukino glanced at her sister, the former wanted criminal. Back then she'd been known as Angel. Had anyone ever asked Sorano why she'd chosen that name? Or had they not cared enough to bother?

Sorano went straight for the presents under the tree, while Yukino and Minerva claimed their spots on the small, white, two seater couch.

"Here, open mine first." Sorano handed Yukino a beautifully wrapped box, about the size of her hand.

Yukino slowly unwrapped the box, the paper was so exquisite she didn't dare rip it. She opened the little black box and gasped. Inside was a choker made with a black satin ribbon, two silver chains hooking to the middle centerpiece that showcased a tear drop shaped sapphire.

"Sorano... it's- it's beautiful." The price would have been insane for a sapphire so fine. Sorano must've meant what she said about her job for the King paying well.

Sorano smiled, happy her gift was pleasing. Then she extended her open palm. "Let me put it on you."

Yukino handed her the choker and obediently turned around, letting Sorano place it around her throat. "Us Aguria woman must strive for perfection, and no accessory short of perfect is right for my little sis." Sorano latched the back pieces and stepped away. "You look breathtaking, Yuki."

Yukino felt her heart ache at the childhood nickname, the one thing she couldn't bare for anyone else to call her because of all the memories it brought washing over her.

Minerva had been the first person she had told about the affect the nickname had on her. After that Minerva had made sure none of their other guildmates ever called her it again, with snips about how lazy they were if they couldn't bother to use Yukino's full name. So it never happened again. Until now.

Minerva narrowed her eyes at Sorano and Yukino could tell Minerva was thinking about ulterior motives that would come with such an expensive gift, and whether Sorano knew about the effect the nickname had on Yukino.

Sorano obviously didn't, but Minerva just didn't understand the kindness of family. The understanding stripped from her by her father the moment he'd left her in those monster infested woods, all alone.

Yukino took Minerva's hand in hers and squeezed it. The silent message of 'it's alright, we're safe here,' transferring through the contact, 'no need to worry.'

Minerva squeezed back. Whether she agreed or not Yukino couldn't tell. However, the dark haired woman did seem more relaxed, the tension in her shoulders eased, but her eyes were sharp as ever. 'Guess I shouldn't hope for a miracle, even on Christmas.' Yukino thought with a bittersweet smile.

"You can open mine next." Minerva grabbed the giant bag she'd brought along, full of the couple's gifts. She handed the parcel to Yukino, the paper was brown and simple, making the color of the blue ribbon tied around it pop. They all had one thing in common, they all loved the color blue.

Yukino peeled off the wrapping paper, and saw swirling letters, a title. Her eyes went wide as she ripped through the paper, revealing what she hadn't dared to hope for. "I've been wanting this book forever!" Yukino exclaimed and turned to Minerva. "How did you know?"

Minerva smiled secretively. "Well, I know how much you and Lucy get along and knowing how much of a bookworm Lucy is I asked her. She told me all about this series you two were in love with and conveniently the next installment came out two weeks before Christmas." She winked at her girlfriend. "I'm a lucky woman."

"No, I'm the lucky one." Yukino protested with a good natured nudge and Minerva laughed softly.

"Wow," Sorano commented, her mouth dry. That single word changing the atmosphere of the room completely. "if you need help picking out a gift for Yukino you obviously don't know her well enough."

"At least I don't hide my insecurities behind flashing jewels." Minerva replied, sugary sweet. Her tone was relaxed yet cutting at the same time. Yukino suddenly understood the meaning of the expression; silver tongue.

Suddenly she wanted some alcohol for her own tongue that was definitely not silver, more like lead. Minerva was the one who was good with words. Yukino talked more through her actions; a hand squeeze, a hug, a shoulder bump, that's how she communicated best.

A battle of words was not something she wanted to get in the middle of, especially when it was between the two people she loved most in the world.

"Why don't you open my presents to you!" Yukino's painfully cheery voice cut through the stare down Minerva and Sorano had been engaged in. Yukino shoved two parcels into their hands, each the same size and shape, the only difference being candy cane wrapping paper for Sorano, and penguin wrapping paper for Minerva.

Sorano and Minerva swapped unsavory glances with each other then unwrapped their presents. It was different from what Yukino remembered from her childhood, when small meaty hands tore through to wrapping paper, eager for the prize.

The twin white boxes opened, inside each was a knitted beanie, a knitted scarf, and a pair of knitted gloves. The pieces were as identical as humanly possible, Yukino had made sure of that. The only difference was the shades of blue, Sorano's knitted accessories were a deep cobalt, almost the same color as a military coat. Minerva's were a lighter shade, the hue of a vast sky on a sunny day. The different colors contrasted in the same way the two women contrasted with each other.

"They're beautifully made Yukino." Her sister spoke first, her fingers rubbing over the yarn with care.

"Yes." Minerva nodded her agreement. "I can tell you worked really hard on these, the detail is exquisite."

Yukino had indeed worked very hard, slaving away into the night when Minerva was asleep or on a mission. She'd wanted it to be a complete surprise. Yukino might not have spent a lot of money, but you could tell her own gifts were from the heart. There was a strong sense of pride that came with making something with your own two hands, nothing someone else could create, something uniquely you. "I'm glad you both like them."

"Of course I do!" Sorano threw the scarf over her shoulders. "I will wear it every winter."

Minerva pulled on the gloves, flexing her fingers. She looked up at Yukino, her olive green eyes teasing as the corners of her red painted lips curled up. "I'll even wear it to bed."

Yukino giggled, but her face was burning. Why did Minerva have to say that in front of her sister?

"Excuse me?" Sorano rose from her chair, her eyes as sharp as needles. "What did you just say to her?"

'Oh no. Here we go.' Yukino eyed the glass of white wine she'd brought with her, would it be rude if she drank some right now?

"You know I wasn't speaking to you, right?" Minerva faked a frown, as if she was concerned, a mocking gesture paired with mocking words. "Did I hurt your feelings?"

Screw politeness, Yukino kicked back the glass, the alcohol a necessity that overrode her logical thoughts.

"Did you hurt my feelings?" Sorano repeated, seething, anger burning around her head like a halo.

"Sorry if I..." Minerva smirked, "...ruffled your feathers."

"Very funny. How long did it take you to come up with that?"

"Oh I just thought of it on the spot, like how I thought of what I said to Yukino. It didn't offend her, or bother her, she found it amusing. So I don't see how it's your problem."

"She's my sister."

"She's my girlfriend."

"Stop it! Both of you!" Yukino yelled, her cheeks flushed, and not just from the effects of the wine she'd been drinking. "I am no one's property. I am my own person. Ever since we got here both of you have been acting awful towards each other."

Sorano and Minerva hesitated, looking at each other and then at Yukino, who was visibly upset.

Yukino continued her speech, she was on a roll and she wasn't stopping until they heard what she had to say. "I get it that you are both protective of me. But this isn't a competition. I love you both and you both love me. There is no more or less factor. Now can you at least pretend to like each other!"

"Yukino..." Sorano stared at her with wide eyes, she looked like she'd just been gut punched.

"I'm sorry." Minerva apologized, and took Yukino's hand in hers. "I was here to support you, but all I did was make it worse. I'm so sorry, Yukino."

"I'm sorry too. I've been acting like a hellish bitch." Sorano put a hand on Yukino's shoulder, eyes more sincere than she'd ever seen them.

Yukino sniffed, eyes watering, but she refused to let herself cry. "It's okay."

"No it's not." Minerva and Sorano snapped in unison. They blinked, and looked at each other, surprised.

Yukino laughed. "Maybe you two are more alike then you first thought."

"Yeah, maybe." Sorano extended her hand to Minerva. "Truce?" The dark haired woman looked at her reproachfully, her trust was something that took a while to earn. Yukino knew that better than anyone. She'd had to break through many walls to get to the true Minerva. It was hard work, but it was worth it for this beautiful woman she loved.

Minerva glanced sideways at Yukino who smiled at her, then seeming to make a decision she took Sorano's hand and shook it. "Truce."

The handshake was over quickly. Despite the agreed upon truce neither woman wanted to hold the other's hand for very long.

Yukino didn't care. She shrieked with joy, and threw her arms around them, tackling them both in her killer bear hug. "Yay! From now on we're all gonna love each other."

Minerva and Sorano voiced their protests, claiming it was a temporary truce not a marriage alliance, but Yukino didn't care. She understood how much weight that handshake held. Although neither woman had wanted to shake hands they'd done it nonetheless. For her.

That handshake, that truce, it was Yukino's very own Christmas miracle.

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