The Best Life Ever

By Madi1429

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About a girl who meets the band R5. She falls in love with two of the band mates and becomes best friends wit... More

Jade Elizabeth Ashwood
Last Day of School
First Day of Summer
Best Birthday Present Ever
Hanging Out With Them
Love Triangle
Girls Day
Horrible News
Date With Each
Finding My Brothers and His Friends
Date with My New Boyfriend
Trying to Escape
Hanging Out
Tour News
Realizing My Mistakes
A Day With My Brothers
Another Needed Girls Day With An Interaction
First Tour Stop
Last Tour Stop
Getting a Record Deal
Another Relationship Happens
Double Date
Another Brother?
My Boyfriend and I
Alex's Birthday
First Original Tour
Coming Back From Tour
Christmas and Ross' Birthday
New Year
Wedding Planning
First Album
Dress Shopping
Makayla Meets Everyone
Rydel's First Boyfriend
Cake Testing
Visiting My Grandma
Wedding Day
Family is Small, Yet Growing
New House
Another Engagement
Their Wedding Day
Another Couple in the Family
One Year
Girls Day with Some News
Finally Get to go Home
Another Baby to the Family
Few Years Later
Family Reunion

Thanksgiving Day Fiasco

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By Madi1429

A couple months later, it's Thanksgiving. I have been pretty busy with birthdays, recording, etc. Today I'm having the Lynch's over for Thanksgiving, so I'm busy making the meal. Alex, Devin, Luke and Will are playing football outside, so I don't have any help. It's fine because I don't want any of my brothers messing up on the foods and stuff.

It was around noon and everything was done, so I decided to go take a shower and get ready before the Lynch's come over. I woke up at 5 a.m. to start making the food and I haven't even changed out of my pajamas. I went upstairs and took a quick shower and got dressed.

I was walking into the kitchen and saw Devin, Alex and Luke all around something laying on the couch, "What's going on?" I asked them.

"Will got hurt badly." Alex looked up.

"What happened to him." I ran over and pushed all of my brothers out of the way.

"The football got caught in the tree and Will wanted to climb up and get it. His foot slipped and he fell out of the tree." Devin explained.

"WHY DIDN'T ONE OF YOU CATCH HIM!!!" now I was mad.

"We didn't get there in time." Luke said.

"Weren't you guys watching him climb up the tree?!?!?!" I asked.

"No." they all looked to the ground.

"Okay, I'm going to take him the emergency room, you guys get ready for the Lynch's to come over. If they come over before we're back, tell them what happened.

I picked Will up and took him out to my car. We drove the then emergency room and got into a room as soon as we got there.

"So what happened?" the doctor asked me.

I told him the story about how my brothers were playing football and the football got stuck in the tree. So on.

Devin's P.O.V.

'Why wasn't I watching him. I should have be watching him, making sure he didn't fall. I feel like an idiot.' I thought to myself as Alex, Luke, and I were getting the place clean for our guests.

Alex's P.O.V.

'Why wasn't I watching Will. I feel so stupid. Jade is so mad at all of us. We should have been more careful.' I thought to myself as Devin, Luke and I were cleaning the place up for the Lynch's.

Luke's P.O.V

'Why wasn't I watching my little brother. I feel so stupid. I hope he is going to be okay. Why didn't I help him. I'm such an idiot.' I thought to myself as Devin, Alex and I were cleaning the house for when our guests come.

Jade's P.O.V.

Will was okay, we had him x-rayed and all he has in two broken ribs, a broken leg and a small concussion. I'm so glad my littlest brother is ok , but I'm really mad at my other brothers. They should have watched him. They should have caught him when he fell.

Will and I got home and I didn't see the Lynch's van yet, so we got back before they showed up. I helped Will walk in. I We were coming in when I heard yelling. Will and I hobbled into the living room and we saw Devin, Alex and Luke yelling at each other. It sounded like they were yelling about what happened to Will.

"GUYS. GUYS. HEY WE'RE HOME!!!" I yelled over them. They all looked at us.

"Omy gosh Will..."

"Are you okay..."

"I'm so sorry...." Luke, Devin and Alex all said at once.

"Guys, Will has two broken ribs, a broken leg and a small concussion. Quiet down." I told them.

"Okay." they all said.

Before any of us could say anything else, the doorbell rang. I opened it and all of the Lynch's were standing there.

"Happy Thanksgiving, come in." I said. They all said happy thanksgiving back and we went into the living room.

"What happened to you?" Ryland asked Will.

"We were playing football earlier and the football got stuck in the tree. Will decided he would climb up and grab it. He fell and now he has two broken ribs, a broken leg and a small concussion." Devin told them.

"Ouch, sorry little buddy." Riker said.

"Ehh, it's fine." Will said.

"Okay, well should we all eat and then play games or something?" I asked everyone. I got a lot of 'yeahs',' and 'I'm starvings' and we went into the dining room and started eating.

After we ate, we went outside and everyone besides Stormie, Mark and Will all played some sort of sports game. Rocky, Devin, Ross and Alex all played basketball. Then Riker, Rydel, Ryland, Luke and I all played football.

My team won for football and it was just Rydel and I. I kind of had a feeling that the boys were going easy on us, but I didn't care because we won. Rydel and I did a little victory dance and everyone was watching.

"Lets go play board games!!!" I exclaimed. We all went inside and played a bunch of games; Apples-to-Apples, Gestures, Catch Phrase (all from R5 TV Episode 5), etc.

It was around 8:00 o'clock, when the Lynch's left. They would be back tomorrow because it's Luke's birthday tomorrow. After they left, I cleaned up and all of my brothers went to bed. I went up to my room and got into my pajamas and then fell asleep.

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